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Fantasy Game Over (OPEN & Accepting!)

Satyr Mage



Location: Chordata

Coin: 10,000

Thoughts: I'LL SAVE YOU DOC! > Oh dat cool.

Weapons: Staff of the Forest, Glas Gaibhnenn's Gauntlet


A soft ding interrupted the Saytr's study of his own menu. A tab to the right of his inventory, which he had been scrolling through, labeled 'Messages' had a red circle with the number one in the center beside it. He moved his head to the side of his menu screen to shoot a curious look at The_Doctor before tapping his index finger onto the tab. The new screen that popped up before him looked similar to an email inbox, though instead of having +999 emails that Paxis would never check in his entire life, only a single message hung in his fresh looking inbox. Upon closer inspection Paxis realized that it wasn't a message at all, but an invitation sent by The_Doctor. He beamed at his companion, although his menu blocked her from his view. A few quick pokes was all it took to accept her party invitation, but instead of exiting out of his menu and bouncing around her in excitement, he wasn't sure if I was safe to hug her just yet, Paxis decided to check out his inventory one more time.

Instead of just looking at its contents Paxis decided to actually equip his weapons. Suddenly a leather gauntlet with a symbol on the top part appeared on his right hand. Occasionally a wisp of sparkles would circle around the gauntlet before disappearing into the palm of Paxis's hand. An extremely decorated staff appeared in his left hand and his fingers instinctively curled around the dark wood. The staff itself was about the same size as Paxis but the top was so intensely decorated that he had to hold it away from him. It felt a little awkward at first but the white legged Saytr was sure he'd get used to it. He finally closed the menu only to hear The_Doctor make some weird hissing sound, which didn't seem too weird to him since he accepted that, that was how she was communicating. However, when a void appeared beside her and the biggest, scariest, seemingly canine creature leaped out of it Paxis was left to only gape at the majestic yet extremely frightening wolf. Paxis became even more panicked when he saw it leap onto The_Doctor. He was about to shout out an attack when Paxis realized that The_Doctor was actually stroking the creature instead of fighting it or trying to defend herself. "Oh my good gosh..." Paxis's neon yellow eyes scrunched up as he smiled, exhaling a sigh of relief. "Okay, that is the coolest thing I have seen so far, but holy damn that scared me!"





HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Reyto & Paxis

Thoughts - To the mission board!


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 10,000

The_Doctor then pushed her puppy off of her, and stood up. Brushing herself off, she then gestured in the direction the waypoint was pointing. And without waiting for a response, she turned and was about to walk off when she paused. Glancing at her summon, she got an idea. Holding up her finger in a 'give me a minute' gesture. Then, The_Doctor walked over to

Viidost. Using her wings to propel herself, she flapped them quite hard as to hoist herself up onto his back. Gripping the ebony fur around his neck, she then directed him over to Paxis. Bending down, she offered her hand to help him up.


Sorry about the length, didn't want to bunny.

Satyr Mage



Location: Chordata

Coin: 10,000

Thoughts: Can't wait to buy my own pet :-')

Weapons: Staff of the Forest, Glas Gaibhnenn's Gauntlet


Paxis was about to set off on his new legs and feet, he still couldn't get over the fact that he had hooves, when Doc, he decided that The_Doctor was just too long of a name to say over and over again, held up a finger. Even he knew that this was the international gesture for 'one moment'. He immediately stopped walking towards their marker and turned to stare at her, his ;arge, outward pointing, white ears perking up in interest. Watching her release and flap her leathery wings excited him, and he wondered if she thought they were as cool as he did. He finally realized her intentions after she was half way onto her giant puppy's back. "That's so cool! He can act as a mount too!" Paxis bit his lip and looked upon them in amazement. 'This game keeps getting better and better!' He was about to turn back around and carry on in the direction of their waypoint when Doc extended a hand to him.

Paxis looked up at The_Doctor, doe eyed and (mostly) fake sniffling. He beamed up at her and pretended to wipe away an invisible tear. "Okay, you are my new best friend, one hundred percent, no doubt about it." He reached out and grasped her hand, enveloping it in his large palm and lengthy fingers. He had ridden horses a few times in the real world so the concept of swinging the opposite leg over wasn't a problem. Her wrapped an arm around Doc's torso just in case she decided to allow her summon to run, which Paxis imagined she would try for at least a little bit. "This is like Clifford the Big Red Dog's creepy looking cousin."





HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Paxis

Thoughts - ONWARD! > What to chose...what to chose....


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 10,000

As soon as the Satyr was mounted, Doc spurred her mount forward while genuinely laughing at his joke. Viidost then trotted for a second before breaking into a full on run. Weaving through the trickles of people lining the narrow streets, she let out a cry of joy. This was most likely her favorite thing so far, and if this was just the first few minutes, she was anticipating for what else was in store.

They passed various inns and taverns, watching most pass by with a blur. Then, there was a large hill ahead. Grinning, she glanced back at her friend before turning forward and chittered into Vid's gigantic ear. Giving a huff in response, he proceeded to lower his massive head and rush even faster at the dip. Then, once the reached the edge, he leaped off, Doc opening her wings causing them to glide for a short amount of time. Landing on the other side, his paws scuffling and kicking various tiles from the street before continuing on their treck.

Before long, they arrived at the quest board, Vid slowed to a stop before the mixture of ancient and new tech.


Sorry it was cut short, I got to get to bed.

Satyr Mage



Location: Chordata

Coin: 10,000

Thoughts: YOU'RE CRAZY > Hmmmm.

Weapons: Staff of the Forest, Glas Gaibhnenn's Gauntlet


It only took Doc a moment before kicking it into a higher gear and Paxis was grateful for the arm he held around her. Lucky for him, he managed to figure out how to sheath his staff, simply by sliding it diagonally across his back, before she began her freedom run. He was a bit worried that they were mowing down the townspeople in the street but it seemed as if they were programmed for this as well. Most of them rushed to the sides, trying their best to avoid the loping beast, while the devilish canine took it upon himself to move around the others that didn't quite get the message. He chuckled at how similar it was in the real world, in dangerous events there was always someone who didn't pay attention to their surroundings.

Sitting behind her did have some rather negative obstacles to face. Despite his height he found it a bit hard to look over his companion, mostly because of her classy top hat. The land on which they raced across was cut out of his line of sight unless it was at a distance. The only time he could see what was in front of him was when Doc leaned down to speak to her beast, and it sent a flutter through his heart. "Um, Doc? There's a-" Suddenly the beast jolted forward, running at an even higher degree. It didn't take a genius to figure out what his companion was planning, but it was too late to abandon ship now. The furry black dog leaped, his hind muscles tightening under Paxis's legs. Suddenly wings were in his face, black and leathery like a bat. Though she was mostly tilted forward her wings still grazed his fawn-like face. He pushed himself backwards until they finally landed and there was no more need for wings. "You're crazy! That was so cool, but really crazy!"

When they finally reached the quest board Paxis slid off of Clifford's cousin, gave him a thankful pat, and trotted over to it, his hooves clacking against the cobblestone flooring beneath him. "Which one should we do, Doc? Do you want to start with something easy or dive straight in to averagely difficult".





HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Paxis

Thoughts - How 'bout dis one?


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 9,990

Doc hopped off of Vid, her wings extending slightly to slow her decent. As soon as her boots made a dull thump on the tiled street, she turned to a nearby market stall. Purchasing a bucket worth about 10 gold, she then jogged over to a well, the crisp liquid glinting in the mid day light.

Once it was full, Doc carried the metal pale back over to Vid where he then drank his fill. As he was, she turned back and joined her satyr friend next to the board. Gesturing to the quests, she chirped seeing if they could do something mid range. Not to hot, not to cold. Then a loud puppy like yawn was heard followed by a thick thump as Vid settled one the ground for a quick nap.


Satyr Mage



Location: Chordata

Coin: 10,000

Thoughts: YOU'RE CRAZY > Hmmmm.

Weapons: Staff of the Forest, Glas Gaibhnenn's Gauntlet


Paxis reached towards the board and pointed at the only average difficulty quest posted. "I have no idea what you just said, but I have a gut feeling that you want to do something harder than," he squinted his eyes and read the two low difficult quest, "finding an orc's missing child or defeating a werewolf guy. I mean, personally the average quest doesn't seem so bad, it says it's an exploration quest, so we get to do some exploring!" Paxis tugged at his ears, studying the board. He was eager to explore more of this world, so he was really up for this quest. However, he didn't have a clue about the combat system, and he was sure not even the big puppy could protect them from several enemies. Paxis spun around on his hoof to turn and face Doc. "So who's staring this quest, you or me?"

Sorry it's so short, didn't want to bunny also I had no ideas
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HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Paxis

Thoughts - Alrighty, lets get started!


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 8,490

Utility - Metal Bucket, Bed Role

Consumable - 5 Heal Potions, 5 Manna Potions

Walking up to the board, she messed with the interface for a few moments. Pressing buttons and holding others until a confirmation screen appeared. Selecting the 'Accept Quest' option, the quest objected had been added to both of their H.U.Ds. Turning to Paxis, she gestured to the shops, letting out a few chirps in the form of a question. Most likely asking what they should buy to prepare for their journey. Walking over to the nearest one, the NPC standing at the counter casting a weary look at her morbid appearance before asking what she would like to purchase. Doc rubbed the chin of her leathery mask, thinking with her metaphorical beard before pointing to a few health and manna potions, a sleeping role, some rope, along with a saddle and bridle for Viidost. Paying the shopkeeper the total of 1,500 coins, Doc gave a wave in departure and went to go see her gigantic furry friend.

After urging Vid to stand up, he reluctantly stood, his lengthy tail wagging east to west and back again in a slow motion. Desummoning the bucket, the metallic utility being returned to her inventory, she then equipped him with the riding equipment. And after most straps were all snug to his bulky frame, he let out a huge sneeze in distant. Rolling her silvery eyes, Doc turned back to Paxis, the beak of her mask twisted into what could only be described as a grin. Giving him a few delighted clicks, sharp in pitch to the sensitive ear, she hoisted herself onto her steed, waiting for her Satyr friend to join her upon Viidost.

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Reyto ran a hand through his hair as he considered his options. He could go it alone and possibly screw it up again or follow these people on a quest and perhaps piss the hell out of them but possibly stay out of trouble. "Thanks." He replied in response to Paxis's kind words. They helped a bit but not very much. "I guess I'll join." He continued though he hadn't the slightest idea what a necromancer or mage was though archer no doubt referred to him. "Not much good or help for the technical stuff though." He warned as he watched the_doctor summon a very strange looking dog that his better thinking told him not to try and shoot. As much as it looked like a monster the_doctor had summoned it and his or her patience was probably paper thin from all his stupidity and her hissing. He tensed slightly when he saw the dog jump at her but relaxed when he didn't tear the doc apart. He smiled as he heard their other companion's excitement over the dog and followed them as they walked through the town. He could never really follow all of it so he best stay silent and try to comprehend all that he could. Last thing he needed was to tread on their toes any more than he might already have.

@RowdyPotato @StoneWolf18 (sorry for the super late reply)

Satyr Mage



Location: Chordata

With: The_Doctor (and Reyto I think...?)

Coin: 1,600

Thoughts: Weakkk >Aw cutie > I'm a shopaholic :(

Weapons: Staff of the Forest, Glas Gaibhnenn's Gauntlet

Items: 6 Heal potions, 6 Manna potions, Horn of Loyalty

Pet: Maby, a baby


"Oh yeah! Hold on, I want to stock up too!"
The sound of clomping and clattering echoed throughout the area, though the talk of the townspeople reduced the intensity of each hoofstep. Paxis stepped over to the nearest shopkeep and began browsing the items displayed. He gathered up six each of Heal and Manna potions, mostly because he was really clueless on how to attack or how strong his attacks would be against their enemies. He was about to turn away and head back to Doc when a sparking item caught his eye. "Oooh?" Paxis turned towards the shining item, the vials in his arms disappearing into his inventory. The item of interest was a horn made from a hollowed out bull horn. It was about the size of a banana and it's glossy body shone a pristine white. The mouth piece of the horn darkened into a chocolaty brown. The same dark color bordered the open part of the instrument and a golden ring encircled the widest part of the horn. A leather strap allowed the horn to be carried somewhat like a purse, though it looked like it would fit much more comfortably attached to the waist. A price tag beside it displayed a number that made the floppy eared boy cringe. '8,000? That's so much!'

"Excuse me, but what does this do?" asked the curious Saytr. The shopkeep's eyes twinkled in amusement, a detail that made Paxis swoon at how thorough the creators were. "This is the Horn of Loyalty, it summons a different beast for each master of the Horn that will aid them in their journey. But-" Paxis cut him off by purchasing the horn, already infatuated with the idea of having his own pet. The Horn was quite pricey, but Paxis was sure it would be worth it. He equipped the item, though the shopkeep kept trying to interrupt him to tell him a vital piece of information. "Sir, you must unders-"

Paxis blew into the horn, sending a sound much similar to fog horn to echo around the city and send NPC children scurrying back into their homes. Once Paxis ran out of breath he pulled back, red faced and breathing heavily. "Oh sheesh, my ears!" Paxis shook his head, trying to clear the ringing from his delicate ear drums. A gray sludge poured out of the horn in a powerful surge. Paxis tossed the horn away from him in disgust and jumped away from the strange goo. The horn continued to release a viscous gray liquid, but it was beginning to mold into a shape. "Oh my god, my beast! I bet it's going to be twelve feet tall with sharp razor fangs and a cool spike coming out of its back!" The horn's vomit of the strange substance halted, and the weirdly shaped goo began to tremble. "Here it comes!" whispered Paxis. Suddenly the goo became eerily still until a tiny hand poked out of the foot tall pile of goop. "Oh what?!" Paxis gasped, his brows furrowed in confusion as the tiny creature began to uncover itself. The goop fell from the fluffy gray creature like a floppy eggshell. When it fully pulled itself out of its womb of sludge it stared up at Paxis with big black, pupil less eyes. It was the size of a full grown chinchilla, and looked as fluffy as one too. "It's so small! That thing can't hurt a fly."

"Sir, I've been trying to tell you this, but you keep ignoring me! The Horn of Loyalty summons a creature that you will have to raise from a babe, therefore tying a bong between the beast and its caller. It will take a long time to grow to adult size, and will only do so if the beast and caller form a special bond. This rarely happens though, as many are impatient or cannot deal with the recklessness of a babe creature for long." Paxis huffed in irritation, but bent down near the creature and picked up the horn that birthed it. "Well then, I'm selling it," grumbled the Saytr as he held the horn out to the shopkeep. The trader made no move to grab the horn and instead carried on to explain another rule about the horn. "The Horn of Loyalty cannot be sold. Once blow it shall remain with its owner until they die." Paxis ran a hand down his face in frustration. After a long pause he looked back at the small creature, which was beginning to look quite sad. It's big floppy ears drooped low, and it's big eyes held dark blue tears in them. It's fur was beginning to dry, making it a bit fluffier and lighter in color than before. It's bushy tailed was held close to it's chest by chubby finger-paws.

Paxis's heart clenched in guilt as he looked upon the newborn creature that he was supposed to raise. 'I've never even had a pet before, much less a child. I don't know the first thing about this game or raising a creature, but look at it. It's so cute and helpless.' Paxis placed the horn back into his inventory and walked up to the tiny being. He bent down and grabbed it with both hands, holding it out from him quite awkwardly. He stared into it's eyes and it stared back, cooing softly. "Aw, you're not so bad, are yo- OW!" Paxis gaped at the creature that currently had painful grip on his wrist with it's little razor baby teeth. "Bad! Bad baby! Let go!" Paxis grabbed the creature by the scruff of the neck and yanked it off. Several tiny puncture holes were left as evidence of the attack. Blood beaded out of his wrist and his health went down by half a pip. "You devil spawn!" hissed Paxis, but not in real anger, just annoyance. The creature gazed at what he had done and cooed once more. It grabbed at Paxis's hand and managed to get a hold of it before Paxis could pull away. A dark blue tear dripped out of the creature's eye and onto the injury he caused. The liquid moved with a life of its own, instead of just rolling down Paxis's arm, it veered in its path and entered each puncture hole. The skin began closing very slowly, and the missing half a pip was regenerated.

"You can regenerate half a health pip with your tears? That's crazy cool! I guess that also means you're sorry, huh?" The Saytr smiled slightly as he gazed at his new baby. "I guess I better name you, huh? I don't even know what the heck you are, you're like a weird chinchilla-fox thing. How about...Stick? No that's weird. Fluffy? I can't believe I even suggested that." Paxis held the infant creature in a hug as he began walking towards The_Doctor. He had been out of her line of sight all this time, but she definitely wouldn't have missed the sound the horn created. "When I was a kid my neighbor always made me random pastries. She was super old but was probably the most energetic person I've ever seen in my life. We had to move away from that area and I never heard from her again, but I do remember her name. In her honor, I shall name you Maby (Maw-bee)". Maby wrapped his, or her, Paxis wasn't sure yet, tail around Paxis's arm as he spoke and cooed when Paxis named him. "Now, lets show you off to Doc, yeah?" a cheeky smile spread across his face as he trotted up to where his companion waited patiently. He noticed the Archer from earlier walking to them from a few ways behind The_Doctor. 'Better to join the party late than never.'

"Sorry it took so long Doc, I had a kid. Too bad you weren't there to deliver it." The Saytr chuckled at his own lame joke.

As he closed in on Doc, a harsh realization dawned upon him. "I only have 1,600 coins left! Oh nooooooooo!" Paxis groaned.

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HP - ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

MANA - ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮


Where - Chordata

With - Paxis & Reyto

Thoughts - You, my friend, are an idiot > THE FEELS > Gotta catch 'em all, eh?


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 8,490

Utility - Metal Bucket, Bed Role

Consumable - 5 Heal Potions, 5 Manna Potions

Doc saw Paxis messing with some horn and groaned. Did he ever thing to listen before waisting money on something. Though, the thing was adorable. It resembled a few week old fennec fox by the looks of it. (Heheheheh) Dismounting, she walked over to the poor child. Ignoring his joke she took the creature, holding it like you would a human baby. Cooing softly, she nuzzled what she could tell by his drinking in his sweet, milky scent was a him. His fur was soft and fluffy yet it's real color was concealed by its cocoon of grime. Looking to Viidost, Doc cocked her head in a 'pewase' manner. Huffing with displeasure, the gentle giant padded over. Setting the creature down, Vid bent his head and calmly started to wash him like a mother would a cub.

Once he was clean, his pelt was a light cream in color and even fluffier than before. His eyes now being in a correct light were a dark brown. Giving a yip, he used his small teeth to tug on a clump of fur that was on Vid's massive black paws. And instead of crushing the pipsqueak, he gave a deep, fatherly bark and nuzzled the kid.

Turning back to Paxis, she first gestured to the name bar that read 'Cub' still and gave a look that clearly read 'Please. Could you be a bit more creative than naming it wether or not you'll keep him.' Then, continued to pull up her guide book. Flipping through various pages until she found the word she was looking for. The page was irrelevant, but Doc held the book up to his face with her gloves finger on the word 'evolution'. Her mask now twisted to a smirk. And if she was correct, they might just have to play a bit of Pokèmon.

Then, Doc glanced behind her to see the archer lurking in the background. Giving a sigh, she lowered her book and opened up her menu. After inviting him to the party, she gestured for him to join them, beckoning him over.

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Satyr Mage



Location: Chordata

With: The_Doctor and Reyto

Coin: 1,600

Thoughts: Maby!> Psh I'm tough> I wanna be the very best...

Weapons: Staff of the Forest, Glas Gaibhnenn's Gauntlet

Items: 6 Heal potions, 6 Manna potions, Horn of Loyalty

Pet: Maby, a baby thing


"I'm not going to call my child 'Cub', Doc. I already named it. Its name is Maby, and Maby has healing tears! Sure they only heal half a pip right now, but I'm sure your powers will grow stronger in time!"
Paxis began speaking to the fluffy creature halfway through his sentence. Paxis reached down and picked up his new pet, which was as big as a bear cub, perhaps a bit smaller. Four horns poked out of its face and head, each symmetrical to its horizontal partner. It's cream colored fur began dimming again, returning to a sort of smokey gray with a blueish tint. "Oh that's freaky. That's real freaky". Maby didn't seem to think so though and instead began licking Paxis's snow white hair, trying to show him that everyone's fur changed colors when they got wet, which obviously wasn't true. Paxis's remained as white as a cloud on a sunny day, much to the surprise of Maby, who squawked in frustration and concluded that to make itself feel better it would bat at Paxis's ears. Paxis chuckled but did nothing to stop his pet. He did grab Maby's tail as a safety precaution though, and Maby wrapped its tail firmly around Paxis's wrist.

In the real world, when Paxis did actually watch TV, he usually found himself watching Animal Planet. A specific episode surfaces itself in Paxis's pool of memories. It was about monkeys and explained how they used their tails to wrap around branches or, ocassionally, as a third arm. It was called a prehensile tail, some animals can have a fully prehensile tail, others only have partial prehensile tails. Paxis wondered if Maby's tail was fully or partially prehensile. 'What if's' began popping like bubbles in the Saytr's head. What if Paxis got into a tight spot or had to lead a monster away to save his friends? He couldn't put Maby in danger, so if this creature's species was built for climbing trees he could just hide it in the nearest or largest tree around him.

Eventually Maby decided that Paxis's ears had had enough. It swiped a long, forked, purple and pink blotched tongue over its pink nose before rubbing and blinking its large eyes. It lowered itself off of Paxis's shoulder but kept a grip on the armor on his chest. Paxis curled his arm under Maby's lower half, which had been dangling in the air before he cupped and supported it. The ball of fluff curled its tail around itself and lolled off to sleep to the sound of Paxis's rhythmic heartbeat. He stared down at his new friend, his sunny colored eyes softening. A book being pushed into his face snapped him out of his trance. He hoped that Doc didn't see his softer than usual side. Paxis wasn't a hard or rough kind of guy, but he did want to keep at least some of his manliness. "Am I the only one thinking Pokemon?!" Yelled Paxis, but he lowered his voice for Maby's sake. "I wonder what Maby will look like when its full grown..."

"Hey Doc, what pronouns should I use for Maby? It's getting confusing calling it, 'it'".

Oopsy! I totally forgot about this- I meant to send a picture of what Maby looks like (just imagine more lifelike) in my first post!
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Nora 'HEXX' Nichijun





Repeater Crossbow, 5 000 Golden Coins, Sash of Bolts (x50), Curved Short-sword, Hi-Potion (x10), Mana Potion (x10), Antidote (x10), Spare crossbow parts (x5), Stick of explosives (x5)

Giving a firm nod, Hexx remarked: "The mayor it is then!" A few moments afterwards, Akumada suggested grabbing supplies and Hexx gave another nod in agreement, though she couldn't help but put on a slightly sour expression and murmuring: "Sure, sure ... but this better not be an excuse for you to go lone-wolf and dumping us behind." A scrutinizing glare was kept at Akumada until she had made her way to the market.

Hoping to do this as quick as possible, she simply tossed in money for what she assumed were health and mana potions for 2 000 gold . It took her time before she found something that truly interested her; an engineer. For an extra hefty 1 000 gold, she managed to get her hands on 5 sticks of explosives. Her excitement was shown by a smirk and humming after the purchase. Of course, throwing in another 2 000 gold for 10 antidotes and 5 spare parts for her crossbow, Hexx couldn't help but feel that she was spending a lot of money. Giving off a light shrug, she thought to herself: 'Better use it while I can, no? What is money for if not to spend it?' Whilst she wished to visit a shop that may harbor a few magical items or scrolls, she couldn't locate one in the local market, and therefore attempted to look for Akumada again.

Eventually, she strayed into him, giving an enthusiastic wave with her arm high up. "Yooo'h! Look at all this sweet stuff!" Through her menu, she gave a short show of her inventory to Akumada. "So, you wanna' go do the quest now? I'd hate to feel we're falling behind other beta-testers, y'know!" A light chuckle escaped the back of her throat. "I can't wait to see how the combat system goes." Teasingly and coyly, she added; "Let's just hope you can live up to all the steam coming out your ears." Giggling lowly to herself, she ended the interaction with a low sigh. "Come on then, let's get moving towards Calista."

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Apollo huffed, crossing her arms in an indignant and vaguely snobbish manner. "As if! I'm not a sheltered little rich kid!" She answered, voice a slightly petulant wine. Her vehement claim was completely belied by her slightly childish foot stomp and faint blush. Realizing that she was acting completely out of line, she sheepishly cleared her throat and shuffled around. "Anyways. Let's just... Get back to the quest, yeah?"

Pulling up her inventory, Apollo "summoned" her secondary weapon, having forgotten to equip it a while back. The blade crystallized with a strap along her upper thigh -honestly, she still couldn't get used to the amazing graphics- and she pulled it out, scrutinizing the small but wickedly sharp blade, giving it a few experiment flips in her hand, the metal humming as it sliced through air. "Huh. That does limit some things, doesn't it?" She murmured, twirling the blade a few more times before sheathing it. "I guess that makes sense; would be kind of strange, having a long range class yet acting like a rogue. Maybe they programmed it like that so the classes wouldn't mix." Her interest was suddenly piqued at the mention of magic. "Oh? Magic is new. This is the first time I've heard of an MMORPG actually bestowing magic on classes other than mages or necromancers. I wonder what determines your magic. Maybe your race?" She thought back to the seemingly innocuous detail. Maybe the option was there to decide your magical affinity; otherwise, it seemed like a pretty useless augment that the programming team would have been better off leaving out. All of her questions were answered moments later by Akumada, who seemed to be a walking encyclopedia when it came to this game. "Wow, that's pretty interesting... Let me check." Pulling up her manual, she perished the list until she landed on the class Demigod. "Oh, hey! That's interesting. The Demigod race apparently has the capacity to learn... Element mulling magic. Hm." She cut her rambling short, however, when Akumada commented on their limited time.

Following Hexx's example, Apollo also pulled up the quest log, giving it a quick once-over to familiarize herself with the quest again. "Well, at least it'll be an interesting first quest." She mused, shrugging. It wasn't like the animals or creatures would actually be dangerous; they would be plenty realistic though, and that was one thing she was a bit worried about. "And the mayor sounds like a good start. I'll see you all back here in a bit." She gave a slight bow, before turning and going her separate way as the other two did as well.

- - - - -

Apollo returned a little late, despite having bought pretty light. She had bought three mega potions and five of the other health potions, along with two mana potions just in case. Despite the fact that she packed light, she was quite thorough in her exploration and shopping spree. She had also accrued 5 whetstones and three antidotes, each of varying size or effect. She bought a bit of grease for armour, deposited 500 gold in a bank to collect interest, and bought a bit of food, jus in case their stamina or energy or whatever was used in this world would ever diminish. All in all, this had cost her around 3000 gold. Her biggest splurge, however, was on flaming arrows. They were made out of some sort of metal that was prone to spark uncontrollably when struck against something hard, creating a heat and flame-like effect. The person selling them to her had told her that she had a chance of setting the arrow alight no matter what the climate or temperature. It boosted her damage somewhat and had some nice damaging effects, and the general aesthetic was also something that Apollo fancied; after all, she had to try and live up to her namesake. Jogging back over to her two waiting party members, Apollo gave a short bow in apology. "Sorry, everyone. I got held up making a few purchases. Shall we go?" She said, smiling apologetically.



-Quiver of Arrows(x36)(equipped)


-Flaming Arrows(x20)(equipped)


-Mega Potions(x3)

-Mana potions(x2)



-Armour/Metal Grease(x2)(Pot form)

-4250 Gold



@ShyEra @Kishune
Reyto raised an eyebrow when Paxis blew into a horn that had his ears ringing. He muttered angrily under his breath as he walked towards them. "If he ruins any one of my all important senses I'll shoot him even if it's against whatever damn rules there are in this game." A small smile lit his face when he saw that he had been invited into the party. "Guess there's no backing out for anyone of us now if I screw it all up." He said quietly to himself finding the banter between Paxis and his new pet rather amusing though the name he had chosen for it was awfully weird. Regardless, that expensive purchase by Paxis meant that Reyto was now the only one left without a pet. Paxis had his chinchilla beast? And the Doc had a dog like beast. For a moment the thought of following Paxis's example and buying a beast crossed his mind but it was quickly diminished by what he had heard the shopkeeper say about the little beast and its fellows. He definitely had patience but he was probably too dull and dim witted to do a proper job. While Paxis might have a chance at making sure it was money well spent, in his case it would probably be a waste. A huge one. For now the weapons he had were good enough. He was better off if he stuck to what he knew and not waste time and money on what he didn't. Still, the idea of having a pet like his two companions was tempting and definitely useful but while he might possess the patience to deal with one, any beast he tried to lay claim to as his pet might be the same and be able to tolerate him. In fact, if he landed with a pet far smarter than him, it would probably be a good idea to reverse the roles. Reyto sighed as he watched Paxis and registered his excitement. Cashing out the majority of his money on a pet was something he would definitely avoid but perhaps he could somehow tame a wild beast like the one Doc had and make it his pet. No cost incurred on his part and if all he had to do to tame one was defeat it using archery and not his brains then it wouldn't be a bad idea. Reyto's eyes lit up and he broke into a grin at the thought. 'So you can come up with a good idea once in a while. Not bad stupid brain of mine.' All that was left was to hit the forest or wherever the beasts were located and find one that caught his eye. At least he would have his choice of pet and he wouldn't have to deal with training it from scratch.


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Demon Warrior




Where: Market -> Outside city gates.

With: Alone -> Hexx & Apollo

Thoughts: inteeresting (cute) pet -> What's that over there...?

As Akumada walked around the market place he noticed a Satyr character. ‘Oh, so they do have a form change like that for playable characters? I was hoping Demon race had such a thing.’ He thought as he watched the Satyr look at the horn as the shopkeeper explained but the guy didn’t seem to be listening. The satyr then blew the horn before the Shopkeeper could finish explaining. When he blew into it Akumada covered his ears as the awful sound rung around the market. ‘Ah, couldn’t they make a summoning horn a different sound?’ He thought when it stopped. He looked at the Satyr as he seemed to get his hopes up. ‘To get a summon so easily in the beginning? There has to be a catch…’ He thought as he crossed his arms watching the events roll on. The sludge coming from the horn soon stopped and a tiny hand emerged from it and soon a small creature formed. ‘It’s not a summon…It’s a pet.’ Akumada thought with some amusement, mostly to the satyr’s reaction to it. The Shopkeeper then got his attention and explained thoroughly and as it said he wanted to sell it the Shopkeeper said it was basically bond to him. The satyr then went and picked it up, awkwardly I may add, and ended up getting bitten as a result. Akumada sighed and continued his look around the market. He walked up to the Shopkeeper first and asked about the horn. He was told that was his only one and the item was rare to come by itself. He looked back at the creature as the satyr as he went up to two more players; an archer and Necromancer. “All long ranged fighters huh…I wonder how that will work?” He said to himself and gave a nod to the shopkeeper and walked off. ‘It was cute at least…’ He thought about the creature and about what happened. “So much in this world, and seeing how realistic it is…” He said thinking back to how the creature made the satyr bleed and that it healed it. “There’s a lot to figure out…” He said as he decided to go back to the meeting place for the rest of his group.

As Akumada walked through the crowds, some the NPCs that noticed him seemed to avoid him. He grumbled to himself as he paid no attention to them. ‘Same in here as well huh?’ He thought. He then noticed Hexx gave him a wave as she approached. He looked at her as she said something about what she got and showed him her inventory. He looked it over and nodded. “Hi-P, Mana, Anti…” He said shortening them as he checked them off. He then paused seeing two things on there. “Spare parts and explosives? I get the spare parts since mechanical weapons like bows need maintenance like other weapons.” He said thinking of the whetstone. He then looked at her about the explosives and thought of some the mischief she could cause with those. He sighed and sent her menu back to her. “Looks like a good set up...Just don’t go crazy with those sticks will you…” He told her then heard her say ask about going on that quest. He nodded in agreement as she said she wanted to see how the battle system goes, and then looked at her confused when she said something about steam coming out of his ears. He shook his head and shrugged it off. “We have to wait for Apollo.” He said as he crossed his arms. Soon Apollo jogged up to them and gave a bow to apologize. Akumada gave her a slight nod. “It’s alright. Preparing for a quest takes time. Let’s get going.” He told the both of them and led the way to the towns exit. As they approached it he looked back at them. “So what magic do you two have? Apollo, you said you had nulling magic?” He asked wanting to get an idea of what they could all do. They soon reached the gates and walked out and were greeted by Great Plains before them. With the grass waving in the wind, the bright sun beating down on them; it seemed like a perfect summer day to most, but Akumada didn’t seem to be too entranced by this. He seemed to be looking off in the distance. He then pointed out in the distance. Hey take a look at this. I can’t make it out. See if you can.” He said. Since they were archers they might be able to see a lot farther than him normally. Off in the distance was a caravan that seemed to be being attacked by some sort of monsters. They seemed like short and nimble people (Goblins) that were attacking and seemed to be 5 of them.

Weapon: Sword, and Gauntlet

Hi-potion x10

Mega Potion x10

Ether x10

Whetstone x10

Antidote x10

Gold Peices: 6,200G

@ShyEra @Athenian
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Nora 'HEXX' Nichijun





Repeater Crossbow, 5 000 Golden Coins, Sash of Bolts (x50), Curved Short-sword, Hi-Potion (x10), Mana Potion (x10), Antidote (x10), Spare crossbow parts (x5), Stick of explosives (x5)

As Apollo rendezvoused with the rest of the party, Hexx gave her a high-handed, enthusiastic wave as well. "Heyhey!" She called out, before turning towards Akumada, a devilish grin spreading across her face: "I can't promise I won't go overboard with them - after all, that's what they're for, right?" Though despite that remark, she had every intent of not wasting them on small-fry. These explosives were costly, and, if the game-mechanics so willed it, could be used for extraordinary purposes: like clearing blockades or causing a rock-fall. Perfect for an ambush or to shock-engage. Both of her hands were placed on her hip as she leaned forwards towards Apollo, agreeing with Akumada: "Sheesh, don't be sorry - it does take time to prepare properly. I think we can take our time discovering the revival mechanic." Sheepishly smiling, her eyes narrowed on the other archer for a few seconds before Hexx straightened up her pose once more. Calmly strutting after Akumada, she seemed more than content to let him lead the party onwards. After all, archers belong in the back, right? "Apollo, we get the back all for ourselves, aren't we lucky?"

At the mention of magic, Hexx simply grumbled lowly to herself: "Egh, I ... actually haven't checked the manual for that one. Lemme' flick up my menu ... " In doing so and skim-reading the manual on the subject, she gave a light sigh. "Aww ... human's don't have all the tempting and unique abilities that other races do. Should've gone with something more exciting." However, she still seemed to have the option to take on some basic elemental type, according to the manual that is. Looking through her Character Info Panel, she discovered that her character had an attunement towards Earth magic. Narrowing her eyes, she seemed to be somewhat infuriated with the support-esque touch that it seemed to have to it, though accepted it either way. Perhaps human races are assigned these at random or something? Or maybe it was one of the things I rushed in the character creation process? Egh ... well, what's here is what I've got. She'd then relay this to the group: "Support-themed Earth magic here. Though I am not all too sure how to cast it and such - we'll see if it works out in battle. Plus, as a non-magic class I doubt I'll be able to cast it all too efficiently, but we'll see."

Whilst noticing Akumada's glare towards the NPC's and the avoidance that came with it, Hexx did little but gain a neutral facial expression for a few seconds, as if thinking, before returning to her usual self. "Oi, Akumada, don't be so damned gloomy - sheesh ... it is rubbing off on me." A low, almost mocking giggle escaped her, which she covered up with a spare hand. This was accompanied by a smug look towards Akumada, though clearly in the spirit of a joke.

The Grassy Plains
were a welcoming sight for Hexx; a lover of sunshine, the wild and free, she was clearly surprised at the beauty of the landscape - a low 'woaaaah' of awe escaping her as her eyes grew wider. "Seriously, this is beautiful - how about we just lie down in the grass for a while?" Her eyes going googly, she grew a perverse grin for a few seconds: "Or maybe find a river to skinny-di-..." Cut off my Akumada's observation, Hexx let out a disillusioned groan before grabbing onto her crossbow and pulling it out. Maybe there was some kind of zoom-in system for her crossbow related to aiming? In the case of Hexx, there was - as she brought the crossbow up and narrowed her eyes, it felt as if though the world slowed down ever-so-slightly, and her vision grew sharper and finer. "Mhm. Seems like a caravan being ambushed by a few Goblins - I believe 5 of them. I think whoever is leading the caravan has put themselves inside it in hopes of escaping the Goblins, but I am uncertain as for how long they'll hold out. Could this be some randomized event?" As she put her crossbow down, she double-checked the magazine and found it fully loaded with bolts. With a flicker in her amber eyes, she started to sprint forwards, the two black-red linen ends of her cape slash scarf flicking energetically in the wind as she did so. She couldn't help but feel that she was moving relatively quickly; even quicker than she would've been in real life. Perhaps this is how they scale Agility or Dexterity? Though it was not an insane speed, it felt impressive at first experience. "Come on! Are we going or what?!" She shouted out to the party, excited.

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Demon Warrior




Where: Out in the fields

With: Hexx & Apollo

Thoughts: Oh they're going to get it...

Akumada looked back at Hexx as she said she go through her menu to figure it out. He already knew the humans didn’t get tempting abilities right off the back and should have gone with something better. “Maybe…But as a demon I don’t have much either; just a simple fire magic.” He said as he thought about how he could use it. He looked at his gauntlet covered hand as they headed for the town gate. ‘I looked through the entire manual about all I could find about skills…but couldn’t find out how to unlock them, nor find them in the menus…’ He thought then looked back at Hexx as she said she had support based earth magic. He wondered what she could do with that. When she mentioned casting magic effectively, Akumada put a hand to his chin. “That is true. Magic isn’t our forte, so casting may be a problem.” He said. ‘But magic is required to use skills. I wonder is skills are going to be more like ultimate attacks than advanced attacks…?’ He thought as they reached the gate.

Akumada then looked back at Hexx as she called out to him. He raised an eyebrow at her when she called him gloomy. “Gloomy…? This is just how look…” He said to himself then heard her giggle and gave him a smug look. He narrowed his eyes at her and faced forward again as the continued to the gate.

Akumada heard Hexx’s comment about finding a body of water and was glad to cut her off there. He didn’t want to waste time with such things…at least not yet anyway. He pointed in the direction as she groaned and pulled out her crossbow and aimed it in the direction he was pointing. ‘Guess she’s using it to focus?’ He thought and seemed to confirm it as her eyes seemed to be focusing. Akumada listened carefully as she explained in enough details what’s going on. A grin grew on Akumada’s face as he heard that. “Whether it’s random or not, it gives us the perfect opportunity to see what we can do.” He said noticing Hexx checking her arrows. She then suddenly sprinted in the direction surprising Akumada with her speed. He chuckled to himself hearing her call out to them. He then cracked his knuckles at that as a smirk formed. “Oh don’t think you have all the fun for yourself!” He called back then looked at Apollo. “Let’s get going!” He told her as he had an eager look on his face before he chased after Hexx.

Akumada was able to keep up with Hexx even in armor that he was in. It was remarkably lighter than he expected it to feel while running. He smirked at this realization. ‘This is perfect for my fighting style I chose to go with.’ He thought as they approached the caravan. The goblins were not in view as they came upon the caravan. “Where they go? They must have left after getting what they needed...But we shouldn’t have lost them so quick in fields like this…” He said then looked around a bit. He noticed movement in the carriage and walked to it to see if everything was alright. “Hello? Everyone al-Akumada was cut off by something shot out of the entrance at him. He looked surprised as he noticed the small dagger aiming for his face. He narrowly dodged it with little more than a scratch on his cheek. As the figure landed behind him, Akumada looked back over his shoulder at a few feet tall goblin as it looked back at him with a smug grin. He wiped his cheek and saw the blood on it. “So this is a thing too…But that’s not important right now…” He said he looked back at the goblin with a glare as it turned to face him with a blade pointed at him. An image of a guy with a knife threatening him came to mind as he looked at the goblin. ‘It seems just like them…’ He thought then quickly turned towards the little monster and charged it with his fist pulled back ready to throw a punch. “Take this!Akumada punched at where the goblin was but missed as it jumped out of the way. "Nimble bastard…Akumada growled then chased at it while throwing punch after punch; all missing. The goblin seemed to toy with him and snickered as it dodged, which was a mistake. “You dare laugh at me!” He said then did a swift uppercut finally landing a hit sending the goblin high in the air and then crashing to the ground. It growled as it slowly got back up, taking quite a bit of damage with that attack. “Wanting more huh?Akumada asked as he walked up to it as he popped his knuckles. The goblin growled more as he approached and then cried out. Four more goblins then seemingly appeared out of nowhere surrounding them. “They must have been hiding in the shadows of the cart, or something.” He said as he looked around him as he reached for his sword. “Guess it’s as good a time as any…” He said as grabbed the handle over his shoulder.

Weapon: Sword, and Gauntlet

Gold Peices:6,200G

@ShyEra @Athenian

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