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Fandom Galaxy of Jewels (Steven Universe) Character Creation


The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Appearance: must be visual
Gem placement:
Extra bits:

And for the Interest Check Members:

GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
MochiHaru MochiHaru
Noivian Noivian
AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal
animegirl20 animegirl20
Kluke101 Kluke101
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Susanoo Susanoo

Accepted Gems:
Apatite - Squad141
Aquamarine - Squad141
Amber - MochiHaru
Black Star Diopside - GreiveWriter
Black Onyx - GreiveWriter
Almandine - Thepotatogod

Howlite - Lena Oxton
Heliotrope - Lena Oxton
Eudialyte - Howlter/Heliotrope - Lena Oxton
Beryl - Kluke101
Sunstone - Noivian
Malaya - Kluke101
Moonstone - GreiveWriter
Skylar Galaxy - AshleyTheNarwhal
Henry Nebula - Thepotatogod
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Name: Apatite
Gender: Male-Identifying
Age: 14,000yrs
Alliance: Homeworld (For The Moment)
Personality: Apatite has been around for a while, and there's a good reason for that. He is one of the lead scientists and strategists of Homeworld. The only downside? He has very little self-will. He will do anything a Diamond or someone on the higher rank tells him to do. If he sees something happen that would hinder higher gems, he will face it himself. He also has very little emotion. Only for about one day has he ever smiled, and nobody wa around when it happened.

(Not an aquamarine, and that is not his weapon)
Gem placement:
Left Arm, Mid Wrist

A Khopesh. Also known as a sword to the quarter of the human race called, "Egyptians".
Ability(ies): Apatite has vast knowledge of many planets the Diamonds now inhabit. His memory is large enough for all of them of course. He does know about Earth though.

Apatite also has the ability to slightly manipulate gravity. This doesn't mean through people against walls, or up and fly, but he can float, make the gravity in the room less effective, and such small things.
Extra bits: He has only pulled out his weapon twice in his life, as he has not needed it for any purpose. He refuses to enclose when those two times were.​
Name: Aquamarine
Gender: Female-Identifying
Age: 10,000yrs
Alliance: Homeworld (For now)
Personality: Since Aquamarine is mostly used for small missions to other planets, she is very agile, and can get to her goal quickly. Since most of those missions are very dangerous, she is also very skilled at combat, and is very judgemental towards criminals, earning the name "The Judge" by a group of amethysts. She almost never opens her eyes, and will always listen to whats around her, as she has never been ambushed before. Aquamarine will do the bidding of any high gem, but will always have to tweak to do it in "her way". This does sometimes peev the gem that gave the order, but in the end the goal was completed.

Gem placement: Under Neck
Weapon: (As Seen Above) A Caduceus
Ability(ies): Her Caduceus has the ability to be pointed at an organism and stop it in its tracks, as per ordinary Aquamarine combat. The stick also can actually flap its wings, allowing Aquamarine to fly to certain heights. Definitely far and high, but not able to cross the atmosphere, as the wings are for her weapon and not her.
Extra bits: When in combat, Aquamarine also uses the decorative fabric that connects from her arms to her dress to trip of capture someone.​
Amber ( Homeworld Spy )
Name: Amber
Gender: Looks female
Age: 1,000 yrs
Alliance: Homeworld ( Struggling )
Personality: Even though Ambers are supposed to be emotionless gems, this one was born differently. Knowing what depression and sadness feels like which makes it difficult for her to do her job without feeling guilt and sorrow. Yet she tries hiding it and blends in with the others but on the inside she cant help but have the feeling to cry. When she goes under cover though, she's supposed to act human, meaning her whole expression and personality would change. She would be a sarcastic and fun person, always joking around with a smile on her face, but that's all pretend.
Appearance: Her original outfit consists of a fancy orange outfit, including a tie a buttoned up dress suit, pants and shiny dress shoes. With nicely combed hair. So she'd basically look like a clean business man heh. Though, when she comes to earth she would need to look like a normal teenage kid, having a black hoodie, a dark gray beanie, jeans and tennis shoes. And lastly black fingerless gloves to hide her gem.
Gem placement: Left hand

Weapon: Well, it can be called a weapon. As you know, amber gems are formed through fossilization tree resin. Being made out of the sticky and soft material they're mostly seen carrying some sort of small bug or plant for an antique. Having those abilities, amber can turn anything into a solid rock material just by a touch of her left hand. In close combat she can turn her own hand into the hard orange object to hit harder and block, and can easily make it dissolve after she'd finish.
Abilities: Can actually make unique sculptures out of her amber powers, even something as simple as a necklace with the orange stone holding in a small leaf for jewelry. She can be pretty crafty.
Extra bits: Amber was chosen for an important mission, as well with a few others, being sent down to the earth to examine and spy on human life or other rebel gems and report it to their diamond. Yet when amber would go to the earth she'd become less and less comfortable in doing her job, yet has to listen to orders.

  • Name: Black Star Diopside
    Gender: Female
    Age: 657
    Alliance: Homeworld
    Personality: Diopside is what many would consider a level-headed, straight-faced hard worker. She stays on task, and completes that task no matter the cost. Sometimes that task is harder than anticipated, and she may need to improvise in order to see it fulfilled. This is no problem, as her near encyclopedic knowledge of all things Homeworld and Homeworld-affiliated will almost always provide her with options. She's used to using physically stronger gems to help her, as she is able to recognize her own limits more often than not. She will immediately lie and/or manipulate if she believes it will complete her task, though her often apathetic tones can make that difficult or easier depending on the scenario.
    Black Star Diopside.jpg
    Gem placement: Lower Back
    Weapon: A circle blade she often mounts on her arm to use as an impromptu shield when needed, she can use it as quite the effective boomerang blade when needed.
    Short range telekinesis- only seems to work on inanimate objects.
    Brainiac- Black Start Diopside knows plenty about Homeworld and even the vast majority of planets they've conquered. She's filed all this information neatly and orderly around her head, and knows how to apply it best towards her mission.

    Extra bits: Diopside used to be an aristocratic gem back when she had originally come into being, but times do change.
    Her mission isn't exactly as clear cut as she's made it out to be towards her peers, but as long as it was ordered of her then she has no right to question it.
Howlite (Or Howls. Either one)

You can really only guess Female.

Likes to say 19, really is around 3,120

Howlite has been on her own for years. She used to work for the Homeworld before the wiping out of Howlites. She now goes Rouge with her best friend Heliotrope.

~Fun loving
~Will Mess someone up at a moments notice
~Loves to fight
~When Aggravated she can become a little insane.

(Normal Form)

(Favorite Fighting Form)

Gem placement:
Left Hand

A War ax (The glove in the second pick is only flair, not a weapon Peridot.)

Aggro (Her strength grows with how angry she is.)

Extra bits:
Howlites were some of the Strongest warriors on Homeworld next to Rubies. The reason the Howlites were wiped out is because they could think for themselves. They were smarter than Rubies and thus, were sent for retraining. The ones that refused were sent for annihilation by the order of the Diamonds. Howls thinks she may be the last of her Gems that have their free will. She is also Haunted by her friend Tanzanite that she couldn't save.

Howlites are used as Bodygaurds. Unlike Rubies, however, they are specifically for the Diamonds and not used for Gem Officials. Howlites were used as the frontlines.

Heliotrope (Or Helio.) AKA Bloodstone


Says 18, more around 2,958

Rouge but wants to help the Crystal Gems. Conving Holws to do so as well.

~Kind Hearted

Appearance: must be visual

Gem placement:
Collar bone

Bow and Arrow

Area awareness. (Seems Dumb, but she is able to sense where anyone or thing is in an area around her.)

Extra bits:
She and Howlite have been Roaming the Earth for years. Ever since The Howlite Purge, Helio has helped Howls with anything she has needed. She also has a huge crush on Howlite.

Their Fusion: (They do not know about yet.)

Eudialyte (Eu (you) or Dal is fine with her as well.)
(Fusion of Howlite and Heliotrope)


Crystal Gems (Since they are both Rouge)

~Loves to Fight
~Apologizes after every fight
~Conflicted at times
~Loves being in this form
~Will be aggressive when in a fight.

Gem placement:
Collar Bone and left hand



A combination of Area Awareness and Aggro makes Eudialyte a fierce opponent.

Extra Bits:
When acting all nice, Eudialyte can be motherly.

(I also give credit of the majority of these pics to hikumirin)
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Gender: Female
Age: 3,364
Alliance: Homeworld(previously), Crystal Gems( Currently)
Personality: Curious, Adventurous, Outgoing, Gullible, a bit cowardly at times, spunky
Appearance: must be visual
Gem placement: Stomach
Weapon: Two small blasters that serve as flares as well as fires small smoke bombs to disorient enemies or to make a grand escape.
Ability(ies): Created in a means to assist track rogue or corrupted gems, Beryl is gifted in a means of stealth and speed. However, Beryl is generally unfit as a battle gem and mostly requires a bodyguard or partner.
Extra bits: Beryl, on tracking missions, is usually teamed up with a Jasper Gem or other warrior based gems. However once joining the Crystal Gems, Beryl had to rely on others in a means of protection. But she is learning to defend herself little by little.downloadfile-1.jpg
Name: Sunstone (Sunstone Facet-4M7P Cut-0FR though she's long forgotten this number)
Gender: Female
Age: 3000 years
Alliance: Crystal Gems/Earth
Personality: Protective, clingy, aggressive, knightly
Gem placement: Left side of chest (where her heart would be if she had one)
Weapon: Giant Broadsword (think Cloud's Buster Sword)
Abilities: Pyrokinesis - The creation and movement of fire
Photokinesis - The creation and movement of light
Flight - Her wing-shaped cape, when the center clasp is pressed, extends into full-length wings and allows Sunstone to magically fly
Extra bits: Sunstones as a gem are made predisposed to take on a Charge, or a certain person or gem to protect with their life. This Sunstone has not found a Charge yet. They say to find a Charge is to find your soulmate, and to loose such a Charge entirely negates a Sunstone's existence. On Homeworld, Sunstones were often forcefully assigned a Charge, and failure to protect one's assigned Charge resulted in shattering, even if it meant fighting against your True Charge. Sunstone were also often used as bodyguards for their Charges, and often dueled other Sunstone for their Charge's honor. As such, Sunstones are very skilled warriors, but can only face one opponent at a time, as while fighting they gain a kind of tunnel vision that helps them predict their opponent's moves. Without this great focus, Sunstones can easily loose a match.

Thousands of Earth years ago, Homeworld was undergoing the Age of Rebellion. This age started with the Great Sunstone Rebellion, in which an inspirational Sunstone, Facet-9T2E Cut-5NL, led an uprising of Sunstone in an urge for the gems to find their True Charges, hating the way the Diamond Authority disregarded their mental and emotional well being. Cut-5NL stated they didn't want to use force, but would fight anyone who tried to stop them, and would settle peacefully once they found their True Charges. Our Sunstone, back then who was Cut-0FR, was stationed on the Earth Moon Base. News of the Sunstone Rebellion only reached Cut-0FR after it had ended, all Sunstone on Homeworld being shattered, and any Sunstone within a certain vicinity of Homeworld being relocated and reassigned to be far away from Homeworld as possible. Many gems were lost in the Great Sunstone Rebellion, most of them Sunstone.

Many other minor rebellions popped up in this time, but none quite as violent or as devastating as the Great Sunstone Rebellion, or the Rose Quartz Rebellion. By the time the Rose Quartz Rebellion came around, Homeworld had almost all but forgotten about the Sunstone Rebellion. Cut-0FR was immediately assigned to Pink Diamond to protect the leader, but it was too little too late. Fearing being shattered, but knowing she was already doomed from the start, Sunstone joined Rose Quartz in her efforts, and remains on Earth to this day.

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20170510_182359.jpg Name: Malaya
Gender: Female
Age: 1,090
Alliance: Crystal Gems/Earth
Personality: protective, naive, determined, cold (at times), quiet, caring
Appearance: must be visual
Gem placement: collarbone
Weapon: two sharpened stone sais
Ability(ies): aerobics, hand-to-hand combat, speed
Extra bits:
Malaya was a part of a group of gems that have been recently created. Distinguished as a warrior gem, Malaya serves along side Jaspers as the front line gem. Strength not quite in par with Jasper gems, Malaya gems are faster and skilled with quick rapid moves rather than strong. Malaya once served under pink diamond, only to have been relocated to serve under the authority of yellow diamond due to Pink diamond's broken state before traveling to Earth and joining the Crystal Gems. Malaya herself is rather quiet yet determined a loyal. Despite her seemingly collected demeanor, Malaya can be easily tempered once taunted or someone she cares for is in danger.
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Name: Moonstone
Gender: Female
Age: 1,678
Alliance: Rogue
Personality: Moonstone is what many would consider a pessimist, ever since being deemed a traitor to Homeworld, she's been used as a tool by Diamond Loyalists for centuries. Because of this she has a hard time putting her trust in others, as she expects the worst from them. She has a certain distaste for other gems specifically, and she often enjoys quiet time on her own amongst nature or non-gems. Despite this, she's more than willing to side with anyone in order to escape from Homeworld's clutches.
Gem placement:
On the upper back of her neck.

A staff which she can fire energy blasts from, she can also wield it as a melee weapon with a degree of skill.
Ability(ies): Moonstone can partially sense danger and hazards, though she can't get a read on specifics. She can't completely predict the future, she can however sense when a course of action may lead to more hazards than another.

Moonstone is capable of forming doppelgangers of herself from her gem, however they can be destroyed easily with a single dedicated attack. Since they can't form staves of their own, Moonstone will almost always use these to either confuse or flee from opponents. They will immediately disappear once they get more than ten yards away from her.​

Extra bits:

Moonstone was a Military advisor to a Homeworld General, often using her partial future sight to warn Gem Soldiers away from dangerous paths and decisions. She served dutifully for over a millennia under her superior until that superior was shattered during an assault on a distant world. Moonstone was the only one who mourned her, and found herself surprised when her superior was replaced easily. Under this colder General, Moonstone began having more and more misgivings about her loyalty. It had begun when she discovered an organic plant on a planet they'd been in the midst of conquering. She found it beautiful, and had been determined to preserve a sample even after it's planet was gone. She was of course mocked and lambasted for her appreciation of this pretty little thing, and was forced to have it destroyed. But that was only the beginning, she began finding more and more beauty amongst the organics they consistently wiped out. Every time another planet was destroyed, she found herself mourning the loss of such beauty.

Everything came crashing around her when it was discovered she'd been collecting samples of organic things and hiding them away to enjoy for herself. She had attempted to flee of course, but was swiftly captured and punished for her lack of obedience. She was offered a chance at reaffirming her loyalty, but she simply used the opportunity to flee once more. Her new superior personally had her recaptured, and her fate was sealed.

For the next few centuries, Moonstone has been used as a mere tool for avoiding dangers. She's often kept bubbled and given to missions of specific importance. Her brief moments out of her bubble often led her to hate Gems and all they stood for, deciding that only Organics could truly express any semblance of actual beauty in the universe. This cycle eventually turned her into the pessimistic gem she is now, but little did she know the latest mission she was being used for would take her directly to a little-known planet called Earth...

...Where the cycle would finally be broken.

Name: Skylar Galaxy
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Alliance: Crystal Gems
- Oblivious
- Wonderlust
- Mom friend
- Loyal
- Laid back

Gem placement:
Weapon: I get a weapon??!!?!
I Get abilities???
Extra bits: She doesn't know much about her family, she has been with the Crystal Gems most of her life.
Name: Henry Nebula(Half-Gem son of Hematite, a Homeworld Gem)
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Gem, Half Human
Age: 16
Alliance: Earth(It's where he lived...It's inevitable.)/Neutral(He might consider the Crystal Gems as a threat to his Father)
Henry doesn't appear to be the most sociable of people. He seems to be polite in terms of talking to others, always trying to get on their good side. He would only speak when he's curious about something, or when he really needs to. He would also do anything that people would ask him off, except for sexual favors and crimes, of course. If someone would ask him to do that, Henry would outright deny it. . .Henry's also a bit of a hardworker, considering that he is helping with his father's coffee shop as a barista. Henry appears to be sensitive about his family, considering that he doesn't have a Mother to be begin with. Henry's Father is the only family he had left, so he seems to care about him as much as his father cares about him. He seems to be in the dark about his Gem heritage and other Gems in particular. His Father joked about the Gemstone on his forehead being his 'other heart', but Henry believed it was something else.

His curiosity about his heritage may lead him to the painful truth about his Mother.

Gem placement: Forehead, covered by his hair

Weapon: (Although he never knew he can summon this weapon in the first place.)

Ability(ies): One of the first things Henry had noticed throughout his life is his enhanced durability. He can take more than an average human. Another strange thing about him is stamina, he seems to have a whole lot of it, and doesn't seem to get tired after running a marathon. Although Henry doesn't appear to be exercising that much. He can seem to sense impending danger, like, say, a stray baseball heading his way that would hit his face? However, it doesn't sense multiple dangers, only one at a time.
Extra bits: His Mother was nowhere to be found when he was born, and his Father refused to share anything about his mother. So he doesn't know the existence of other Gems.
>Henry seems to be quite popular at his Highschool, mostly in terms of his athletic skill and intelligence. Although Henry refuses to join a Sports team just to help out at his father's Cafe.

Name: Almadine
Gender: Female, but prefers 'He' pronouns.
Age: 17,002
Alliance: Homeworld
>Only respects superiors
>Action Oriented

Gem placement: Right eye.
Weapon: Knives. Shit Ton of Knives.
As part of the Garnet family, he possesses the future vision; the ability to see through the future albeit temporarily. He can only look 5 minutes into the future, but he can only see the vision for a brief moment. He has to make do whatever happens to him before that.
Extra bits:
Name: Henry Nebula(Half-Gem son of Hematite, a Homeworld Gem)
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Gem, Half Human
Age: 16
Alliance: Earth(It's where he lived...It's inevitable.)/Neutral(He might consider the Crystal Gems as a threat to his Father)
Henry doesn't appear to be the most sociable of people. He seems to be polite in terms of talking to others, always trying to get on their good side. He would only speak when he's curious about something, or when he really needs to. He would also do anything that people would ask him off, except for sexual favors and crimes, of course. If someone would ask him to do that, Henry would outright deny it. . .Henry's also a bit of a hardworker, considering that he is helping with his father's coffee shop as a barista. Henry appears to be sensitive about his family, considering that he doesn't have a Mother to be begin with. Henry's Father is the only family he had left, so he seems to care about him as much as his father cares about him. He seems to be in the dark about his Gem heritage and other Gems in particular. His Father joked about the Gemstone on his forehead being his 'other heart', but Henry believed it was something else.

His curiosity about his heritage may lead him to the painful truth about his Mother.

Gem placement: Forehead, covered by his hair

Weapon: (Although he never knew he can summon this weapon in the first place.)

Ability(ies): One of the first things Henry had noticed throughout his life is his enhanced durability. He can take more than an average human. Another strange thing about him is stamina, he seems to have a whole lot of it, and doesn't seem to get tired after running a marathon. Although Henry doesn't appear to be exercising that much. He can seem to sense impending danger, like, say, a stray baseball heading his way that would hit his face? However, it doesn't sense multiple dangers, only one at a time.
Extra bits: His Mother was nowhere to be found when he was born, and his Father refused to share anything about his mother. So he doesn't know the existence of other Gems.
>Henry seems to be quite popular at his Highschool, mostly in terms of his athletic skill and intelligence. Although Henry refuses to join a Sports team just to help out at his father's Cafe.

Name: Almadine
Gender: Female, but prefers 'He' pronouns.
Age: 17,002
Alliance: Homeworld
>Only respects superiors
>Action Oriented

Gem placement: Right eye.
Weapon: Knives. Shit Ton of Knives.
As part of the Garnet family, he possesses the future vision; the ability to see through the future albeit temporarily. He can only look 5 minutes into the future, but he can only see the vision for a brief moment. He has to make do whatever happens to him before that.
Extra bits:

Almandine is really cool!
Name: Obsidian (Black Diamond)
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (500-ish)
Alliance: Rogue
Personality: "Obsidian" is deceitful and highly focused on self-preservation. Unwilling to own up to her destiny, she took on the name Obsidian, and reshaped her own gem to keep others from knowing who she truly is. Despite this, Obsidian is very kind and helpful, her comparative youth giving way to naivety and blind trust. She will help allies, but only if it doesn't endanger herself.
Gem placement: Center of chest
Weapon: Rapier (Show in picture)
Abilities: Undiscovered
Extra bits: Black Diamond was first conceived as an idea between the four Diamonds as a means to fill a leadership role, should the worst happen and one of them were shattered. Not thinking they'd ever need to go through with making Black Diamond, the Atificial Diamond Experiment, or ADE, was shelved after a few precursory trials. That meant, however, when Pink Diamond was shattered, there were no new Diamonds in the ground in order to replace her. Planting a few experiments into the last remaining Kindergarten on Earth, Homeworld ordered the evacuation of Earth soon after. Hundreds of years later, only one experiment emerges - Black Diamond. Discovering within the leftover Homeworld logs that she was meant to lead a race on a planet she had never seen, Black Diamond immediately renounced her destiny and Homeworld, taking up the name Obsidian so as to remain under the radar from any leftover gems on Earth.

(Also she's about the size of a Pearl, so yea...)
Name: Bloodstone
Gender: male
Age: 7,000-ish

Alliance: Neutral. He is chaotic so he'll probably side more with the Earth

Personality: Bloodstone is a very unpredictable and likes to mess with people. He has no ties to anyone (yet) and pretty much has nothing to lose. This can lead to him doing things that will put him or others in danger just because it sounded fun. Although he doesn't shatter gems for no reason, he is totally fine with. He will try to take his enemies down in the most humiliating way possible because that is simply the most enjoyable thing for him. Although he may put on a friendly nature, Bloodstone is highly dangerous and not to be trusted. Of course, the others don't know that...
(Photo credit to Ramyuun on devianart)
Gem placement: Left shoulder blade
Weapon: bow and arrow. Can use arrow as a knife though
Ability(ies): Bloodstone can morph various parts of himself into a blood red liquid-like form. He can also use his cloak as a sort of parachute to float down slowly and glide. Can make his arrows do various things such as multiplying, exploding, turning into a net etc.
Extra bits: Bloodstone was born and made in the Kindergarten for the purpose of fighting in the war, but quickly grew bored of the constant fighting and deserted Homeworld's army. He shattered his first gem when an Amethyst tried to stop him from leaving. Strangely, he enjoyed it. This act of rebellion got him some unwanted attention from the higher ups and he ended up on the run from several Homeworld gems. Nowadays, he travels around the world for something to entertain him. Someone with an observant eye would notice that the red splotches on him seem to shift around slowly.

Squad141 Squad141
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Name: Obsidian (Black Diamond)
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (500-ish)
Alliance: Rogue
Personality: "Obsidian" is deceitful and highly focused on self-preservation. Unwilling to own up to her destiny, she took on the name Obsidian, and reshaped her own gem to keep others from knowing who she truly is. Despite this, Obsidian is very kind and helpful, her comparative youth giving way to naivety and blind trust. She will help allies, but only if it doesn't endanger herself.
Gem placement: Center of chest
Weapon: Rapier (Show in picture)
Abilities: Undiscovered
Extra bits: Black Diamond was first conceived as an idea between the four Diamonds as a means to fill a leadership role, should the worst happen and one of them were shattered. Not thinking they'd ever need to go through with making Black Diamond, the Atificial Diamond Experiment, or ADE, was shelved after a few precursory trials. That meant, however, when Pink Diamond was shattered, there were no new Diamonds in the ground in order to replace her. Planting a few experiments into the last remaining Kindergarten on Earth, Homeworld ordered the evacuation of Earth soon after. Hundreds of years later, only one experiment emerges - Black Diamond. Discovering within the leftover Homeworld logs that she was meant to lead a race on a planet she had never seen, Black Diamond immediately renounced her destiny and Homeworld, taking up the name Obsidian so as to remain under the radar from any leftover gems on Earth.

(Also she's about the size of a Pearl, so yea...)
Can i not make mine with a picture? Its too much of a hassle to find pictures that best suit my character.

Just a friendly pass, I'm more detailed when it comes to appearances. Squad141 Squad141
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Black Glass








Black Glass is an over-perfectionist fool. He likes to show that he is absolutely fabulous in every way. He tries to act very sophisticated although in all honesty, he is kind of like someone's crazy neighbor. Around his friends though, he isn't afraid of being himself. He'll act like he's drunk and go crazy with his pals. When Black Glass isn't actually being a robot of the diamond authority, he's a cheery person. He likes to help people (and brag about himself being a hero and everyone should bow down to him). He's a good pal and trustworthy. Once you've gained his trust,you can never loose it unless you are so much of a terrible person even he wants you dead.


Gem placement:

The gem is a black oval of glass that resides on the center of the right foot (the side that faces up).


A Black Dagger:


  • Shadow Manipulation: Black Glass can move darkness. For example, he can make his shadow move over to the left a bit or maybe stretch it. It doesn't really do anything though except look cool. If the power is mastered, Black Glass can increase or decrease the size of the shadow. The if the size decreases, then what used to be shadow will become light. For example, in a room full of enemies Black Glass can make the room full of darkness to blind the enemies. Another example would be if he if in a dark building with an ally, he can shrink the darkness away and make it able to see using the light that replaced the darkness. The more advanced powers have weaknesses though. The stronger the power, the more it drains Black Glass. For example, if he uses his powers to make a room completely dark, he will need to take a few breaths afterwards.
  • Night Vision: Black Glass can see within the darkness

Extra bits:

Backstory: Black Glass was born as a lower class although he leans a bit more towards a middle class in the homeworld about 5500 years ago. He was always told about how great the diamonds were and believed. He looked up to them. That was only when he was young though. When he first heard a speech from Blue Diamond, he changed his mind and thought of them as tyrants. When Black Glass was about 30 he started serving under a Halite. The Halite did not care much about him and only had him as a house maid, cleaning up around the house. The Halite only payed attention when he made any little mistake and punished him using her whip. Eventually he got tired of her abuse and took her whip and attacked her, cracking her gem. Instead of getting punished by authorities though, someone serving under Yellow Diamond took not of this and recruited him. When Black Glass was about 3010 years old he started to serve under Yellow Diamond as a scout. He trained in many different things including battle training, where he learned to fight with his weapon of choice, a dagger. He also trained a bit in manipulating darkness but not much.
Can i not make mine with a picture? Its too much of a hassle to find pictures that best suit my character.
Yo. I think I can make the art for ye. Tell what they looks like, and I'll get to work. Can't promise that it would have colors tho since I can't color for jack.

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