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Futuristic Galactic Empires

~Sigma Border~

The Sigma soon found that the Dominions shields were unlikely to break under their attacks for the moment at least. Thus when the Sigma attempted to bypass the shields, they found that the Dominion ships had a secondary 'shield' that hugged the armor plating of the ship and behaved almost like a liquid. Absorbing and mitigating the worst of the blows and allowing three of the six Dominion ships to survive and finish their structure. As soon as it was finished, Sigma wormhole efficiency declined rapidly. Becoming longer to form, more likely to destabilize, and harder to maintain. This introduced a serious element of risk to many of the Sigmaterians wormhole tactics. Worse, this effect the station was causing seemed to be getting worse every minute.
(From nothing to 25% to complete in two posts? That certainly doesn't seem proportionally right. If you were planning on going up in quarters then it should still only be 50% done. Not rushed simply because Sigma began to target the Dominion)


When Tarus sent out the dead code in psionic energy, the explosions happened but were instead far away from the Sigmaterian Warship. It would seem what the ship consumed and could not use was sent out. The shields then went on to attempt to take what blows they could, any that couldn't wormholes opened up engulfing the attack and sending it right back at who fired it.


It would seem that the structure the Dominion had been building wasn't strong enough yet, as the desired wormhole destabilizer was so far ineffective. It would take them more precious time to build, time that was hard to come by while being attacked by several Sigmaterian fleets at once.

With the secondary "shield" noticed, the Sigmaterian Warships took it one farther, opening wormholes inside the Dominion ships to bypass all shields and let the main weaponry Energy Beams of the Sigmaterian Warships directly cause havoc inside the Dominion ships.
[\500th battle fleet/]

Teinamen soon came back inside debriefed on the conflict and the passenger plane.


The UGF military was debriefed on the conflict but was also watching the events unfold.
[The Agadon]

Cargo ships began docking on Jeindar's central station, and once they did the mindless mechanisms treaded forward inside with heads weary and solely amped for the next war. (Message me if you want to be attacked lol.) Without question, they watched their home planet shrink in size as they were on their way to the coordinates of the mothership. Over 3,000 cargo ships and 10,000 fighters were sent those few days to serve in the next war.

Aephantitus watched the new fleet approach, and his desolate audits flickered in response. "Open communications with the docking commander." He bellowed, his facial plates adjusting to the frequency of his voice. Immediately, a holographic figure appeared in the center of the room. In sequence, the emperor spoke, "Full report..." The docking commander stood formally and said, "Rebels are at 30 and counting. No malfunctions with the Cargo ships. No malfunctions with the fighters, my lord." There was a brief moment of silence, before the tyrant's optics had fixed upon the commander's. "Prepare for war..." Communications closed and a voice in the back of the room said "T-30 minutes until launch." Aephantitus watched the symbols tick down, and sat in his throne in boredom, his hand on blade.
Tarus linked with the ships mind as he sent a message to all revanent ships in space " converge" He said as he drew energy from the ship and proto brain super structure. His eyes completely glowed purple, and his body shined with psionic energy. All around the sigmaterian ships several purple portals opened up as light cruisers, heavy cruisers and capital ships came through. Several more thousand fighter poured out from them as the fighters and ships unleashed all weapons om the sigmaterian ships.

10 heavy cruisers suddenly stopped then turned into a large organic sphere. The masses moved like liquid rippling on the surface. Then they exploded into several tendrils taking on a new form.


They hardened into their new form then began moving again. Their main central cannon charged up glowing green. Once charged 10 large super heated plasma cannons magneticly guided fired at another single ship hitting it hard.
[/sigmaterian Empire\]

At this point it was well known that the Revanent were using the purple portals to get around move in more ships to attack. That's why when the opened up around the Sigmaterian Warships, Sigma was prepared. Hundreds of Sigmaterian fighter drones swarmed into the portals before the Revanent light cruisers, heavy cruiser, capital ships, and fighters could exit. They used kamikaze methods to slam into the ships while they were all still closely pact together within the portal, creating devastating chain reaction explosions more than capable of crippling the Revanent ships.

More over they were testing to see just how long the Revanent could even keep such portals open, as the Sigmaterian fighter drones refused to let the Revanent ships exit. Meanwhile the Sigmaterian Warships continued to solely focus on the Dominion ships, using their wormholes while they still could to bypass both "shields" of the Dominion ships.
The revanent ships were indeed crippled by the sigmaterian drones. However the ships immediately began mending hulls repairing themselves. Next to the Matriarch a bright blue portal opened up as large tendrils came through forming a ring around the portal. instantly their grew a large sphere which hardened into organic Armour. Then large scales formed on the shell hardening into Titanium. once done several AA plasma batteries formed firing at the many drones. Inside the shell 20 heavy cruisers, 10 capital ships and 10 light cruisers came through as their thousands of fighters swarmned out around them. at the end of the sphere facing towards the sigmaterian a small hole opened up as the several thousands of fighters poored out blue light seeping from the hole. As the aa guns targeted the drones that headed towards the hole the fighters took care of the rest. As that happened the 20 heavy cruisers, 10 capital ships and 10 light cruisers came out joining the fight. Their guns firing on the sigmaterian ships.

The hole closed after they exited awaiting more reinforcements. Tarus had just received info that the two new animus class ships were almost complete.

[revanent/U.S.F. meeting]

Alma had just received a transmission from the home world. She was told of the ongoing battle tarus had bin engaged in. Alma looked at the vic president " It would seem we are currently engaged with the Sigmaterian fleet." she said as she sat back down in her chair.
A large cloud of darkness could be seen, approaching from the direction the Naturii had arrived. On one planet, Naturii had found a speciesof squid like creatures, capable of flying. They were carnivourous, and had deadly teeth and suction cups along their tentacles. This gave Naturii an idea. The black cloud drew ever closer, as the newest addition to Naturii's Armada prepared for the assault. The Whalarii's suddenly opened fire with another volley of lightning, this one green. This one was far more focused, and much more like a laser. It wasn't an EMP weapon like the blue/purple lightning was. The Bio-fighters were beginning to push back the fighter drones, as more and more bio-fighters were constantly pouring out. Infact, the bio-fighters were Whalariis young. The Whalariis was basically giving birth over and over, spewing out the bio-fighters. As soon as they popped out, bio-lasers ready, Naturii took over, sending them in. Those that survived a battle, would be held back, to mature a bit, into Whalariis. These new small Whalariis would be used to support the elder Whalariis in battle.
(The structure went from 25% to 100% simply because in the space between my two posts, significant activity in the battle went by (ten posts) before I could post again. It seemed silly for me to act like that time meant nothing in regards to construction progress.)

~Sigma Border~

With much of the Dominion ships lacking empty space and sporting enough energy, particularly, around the reactor and the Quantum propulsion drive, to disrupt wormholes. This leaves the Sigma to wormholing their attacks into the reinforced cargo bays, slaughtering the innocent passengers that were rescued and prompting the raising of an internal force field that delays the attacks. However this tactic does manage to rip apart five more Dominion vessels, leaving the last four to simply signal for reinforcements.

The crippled Revanent ships that attempted to mend themselves back together seemingly failed. Just as it's already been discovered during this battle that Sigmaterian Energy Crystal Radiation is deadly to them, it would seem just enough small traces were present where the Sigmaterian Fighter drones had kamikaze into them causing the Sigmaterian Energy Crystal Cores to explode that the Revanent ships could not repair themselves.

As for the AA turrets, the Sigmaterian fighters attempted to be as close as possible when hit so the guns were caught in the resulting explosion.


It was considered that the Naturii were seemingly hostile to everyone currently engaged in the battle and that it could then proved more beneficial for Sigma to seemingly use them against their adversaries. As such Sigmaterian wormholes began to engulf the Whalariis closest to the Sigmaterian Warships.

These wormholes opened back up, leaving the Whalariis next to the Revanent & Dominion ships in hopes they would be just as hostile towards them.


With only four Dominion ships left and their communications seemingly calling for reinforcements, now was the opportune time to make the final push to wipe out the Dominion forces before any more arrived so that Sigma could then finally begin to focus on the largest threat-The Revanent- and then any Naturii that survived.

The remaining Sigmaterian Warships continued to target the last four remaining Dominion ships, leaving the Sigmaterian attack drones to just have to hold out a little while longer.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son][/sigma-Revanent\]
The crippled Revanent ships that attempted to mend themselves back together seemingly failed. Just as it's already been discovered during this battle that Sigmaterian Energy Crystal Radiation is deadly to them, it would seem just enough small traces were present where the Sigmaterian Fighter drones had kamikaze into them causing the Sigmaterian Energy Crystal Cores to explode that the Revanent ships could not repair themselves.

As for the AA turrets, the Sigmaterian fighters attempted to be as close as possible when hit so the guns were caught in the resulting explosion.


It was considered that the Naturii were seemingly hostile to everyone currently engaged in the battle and that it could then proved more beneficial for Sigma to seemingly use them against their adversaries. As such Sigmaterian wormholes began to engulf the Whalariis closest to the Sigmaterian Warships.

These wormholes opened back up, leaving the Whalariis next to the Revanent & Dominion ships in hopes they would be just as hostile towards them.


With only four Dominion ships left and their communications seemingly calling for reinforcements, now was the opportune time to make the final push to wipe out the Dominion forces before any more arrived so that Sigma could then finally begin to focus on the largest threat-The Revanent- and then any Naturii that survived.

The remaining Sigmaterian Warships continued to target the last four remaining Dominion ships, leaving the Sigmaterian attack drones to just have to hold out a little while longer.

Naturii however, had other plans. Naturii didn't consider itself stupid. These wormholes were a nuisance, a disgrace to the fabric of the universe. The Sentients who wielded them, the arrogant ones, would be destroyed first. The others would follow. The Whalariis turned as one, firing their green lightning bolts again at the Sigmaterians, and sending in swarms of bio-fighters. Several boarding barnicles were launched as well, rocketing in towards the enemy vessels even faster than the bio-fighters were.

Meanwhile, the cloud was drawing nearer, visibly approaching the Sigmaterian forces. A long blue/grey tentacle waved out of the pitch black for a moment, before retreating back in. The Kraken had caught the scent. By length alone, the tentacle shown was easily large enough to wrap around space vessels, and the various suction cups and pointy things didn't really look like something one would want their space ship getting wrapped with.

New drones were continually built inside the ships launched from within. The aa turrets that had bin destroyed regret themselves while excepting a enzyme sludge around them taken from a bacterial life which withstood the most dangerous of radiation emissions. Several of the ships also began excepting the same. The new plasma cannon super weapon ships also began targeting single ships at a time taking out shields while some drones began pouring onto the ships hull triggering the chemical detonation also kamikazing the sigmaterian ships.

It seemed as if once pushed, the Dominion didn't hesitate to escalate. As the last four Dominion ships begin to crumble from the Sigmaterians constant bombardment. Nearly three hundred vessels appeared in the system ready for combat. Most alarmingly, these new ships represent the absolute pinnacle of Dominion adaptability. As each ship closed for battle with the Sigmaterian fleets, they began firing modular weapons specifically designed to disrupt Sigmaterian shields matrices and inflict lingering damage on Sigma hulls that stunted the regeneration of their titanium hull compounds.

News about the fighting and the possible destruction and death of all 203 passengers and crew began to make nationwide headlines. Every screen of every tv, glass phone, car, radio had nothing but the destruction of the dominion ship that carried the 203 UGF civilians.

Many people stopped their daily work and activities to fully focus on the news. For many civilizations, 203 did not seem like a big number considering UGF's massive population. But what those civilizations don't realize is that living being's lives mattered to Centrions. And the fact that 203 innocent people 92 being children, 24 of the children being below the age of 2 or 1 were killed out of cold blood with not strong justification by Sigmatron from their perspective. As the hours go by, something in every centrion and AI citizen snapped. Slowly, massive riots, and massive protests began on almost every planet. The violence was abrupt and forced the UGF to declare martial law through out the entire nation.

For any vessel close to the UGF's border, they would have seen a full scale mobilization of almost every single armada, division and fleet to block all access from their borders.

News of the violent riots and protests soon made the headlines of multiple different nations and word began to spread as eveyrone from many different nations watched the violent clashes between protesters and the UGF military as they watch tanks and armoured vehicles rolling down the streets, helicopters carrying elite troopers and special forces units, soldiers with riot gear and riot shields in front of government, military and public service buildings. The news would soon spread to the region where sigmatron, and the other civilizations are fighting.
(Alright this is getting ridiculous. This is one battle over a single U.F.G. passenger ship that all of you seem more than ready to send thousands of reinforcements into. If this is the scale you wish to play at...)


Despite the fact the Naturii certainly intended to take sides against Sigma, it's attacks would of had to of waited. The wormhole locations where the Whalarii exited were right in the middle of the Revanent fire and Sigmaterian Drone attacks. Thus they were instantly caught up in the brutal fighting, unable to turn around and even attack the Sigmaterian Warships.

As for the gigantic space Kraken, a large wormhole opened up engulfing it throwing it directly in the center of the three hundred new Dominion vessels, catching it in their fire as well.


Sigmaterian Energy Crystal Radiation was a radiation the likes of which never seen anywhere else in the galaxy. Despite the enzyme slugs ability to withstand dangerous radiation emissions it seemed to do nothing in helping them survive and rebuild.


As soon as the last of the few Dominion ships crumbled the remaining Warships opened wormholes to the edge of the galaxy once more to regroup. With the fact that all of the three different empires here were shown to have no problem with sending in seemingly endless reinforcements to be slaughtered it was clear that once again this conflict had rose to a high enough state that three fleets could not contain it.

But Sigmaterian High Command had taken an extreme interest in the battle, watching in live time as events unfolded. As such it was no surprise as hundreds of wormholes opened up around the damaged ships, each one carrying a Sigmaterian fleet prepared to finally put a stop to this pointless battle.

But most astounding of all was the fact that at the very front, the Sigmaterian Emperor's Personal fleet was shown. It would seem matters had finally escalated enough for the Sigmaterian Emperor himself to take matters into his own hand.
[The Agadon]


Aephantitus watched the symbols reach to a marking at zero, and massive fleet packed closely together in formation. Immediately, a outrageous burst of Kire exploded in a flash, and the fleet had disappeared unto darkness. A thirty second delay of noise had finally reached Jeindar's surface, and the fleet was now out of sight.

The fleet had halted at a stop, and looked forward from a distance, a planet. "Statistics..." Aephantitus groaned, looking out the clear substance that acted as glass. A voice in the room had spoken up, saying "E.D.N III. Uninhabitable planet to organic organisms. Except for a race known as the Akrid." the lord's eyes sneered to the planet, and opened communications. "This is the Agadon, respond or fall threatened."

As soon as the Sigmaterian ships retreated and leaving a giant Kraken in their midst, the Dominion ships simply began to retreat. Their relatively small physical size made them particularly susceptible to the brute physical force of giant space monsters. After scattering to a relatively safe distance they began dropping sensor pods and breaking down waste matter from the battle into energy.
The dominion scavenging almost certainly didn't provide the results they may of thought it would. There was certainly no Sigmaterian Energy Crystals or even traces of the radiation if they were looking for that. More over, seeing as the Sigmaterian Warships had been using their weaponry to disintegrate the enemy ships, there wasn't very much ship wreckage to be scavenged either.

There was also none of the Sigmaterian compound of Titanium and Organic matter to be found, as it would seem its even self-consuming after it's no longer being powered.
[The new Visitors]

as Communication has been establesh no responds has been resive,as the planet looks like a Ice Sphear,as the moon seem too be coverd in orange vain,s,as a odd noice is made in space near the planet,as it was loud but was not coming from the planet but somwere in the system.

~Sigma Border~

The Dominion mostly went after the thousands of asteroids and meteorites the Sigmaterians had kindly thrown all over the sector. This recent value had raised the value of this particular part of space, prompting the Dominion to begin constructing a modified Sanctum that would be able to disrupt all wormholing in the region.


The effects of this battle would have repercussions throughout known space. An immediate effort is made to chart the extent of the Sigmaterian empire which had been deemed irrevocably hostile. In addition, the passive readings of the wormholes and the extensive use of organic compounds in battle, now common knowledge across the entirety of the Dominion would soon allow them to make progress in their understanding of Quantum mechanics and advanced bio-engineering. Finally, three new sets of modular schematics are drafted for the use against the new threats that could now be adopted universally.
[The Agadon]


Aephantitus squinted at this noise his fleet had automatically went into battle formation before the noise was heard, and Aephantitus's voice crackled over the comm, saying, "I am the wrath, the defiance, and the apocalypse. This means war." He groaned, the communications leaking from power and awaited for more activity. "Set sensors rating 10, I want to know what they're doing down there." The lord commanded, as five scout fighters took off from the station, and orbited E.D.N III.
[E.D.N Planet]

In the planet Ice Surface can be seen Creatures Crawling around the place as some were small and some wer the size of sky scrapers,after they see a new Visitor looking at them,the small ones Barrowd underground as the big ones enterd masive sink holes on the planets surface,as they have went inside Hives spreded all around the planet,as it seems structers made of metal and cement seem too be on the planet as the form of domes as sombody has been position here a long time.

[One Big Hive]

The Noice can be heard again seeming like a warning as it got Higher Pitch,as a Masive Worm like creature was Behinde them,as it was Biger than the moon of the Planet and able too wrap around it if it did,as the creature would be looking at them as a odd voice can be heard saying "You do not belong here....Leave!"it says as the Akrid can be seen small on the "Ships" head looking at them as the "Ship" was a Living creature.

[The Agadon]


Aephantitus looked at the massive monster. He didn't quite calculate his chances of winning this fight correctly. But he took his chances: he has never failed a battle. "Bombers, dive in. Light it up!" He growled, clenching his razors, before a small portion of his army bolted for the monsters head, firing proton missiles and plasma bolts. The mothership sporadically fired massive amounts of Kire and plasma, dealing great amounts of damage. Luckily, it was a great deal of distance from the beast, and its army. "Fire the Bass Cannon!" He roared, before the conductor had said "It is still charging, we must wait before it reverts to full operation." Arphantitus growled, and continued to watch.

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((Sigh. Do the Sigmaterians ever run out of wormholes? xD ))

The Naturii gave up. They couldn't even harm the Sigmaterians without being teleported halfway across the battle. The Whalarii began to turn and leave, the bio-fighters chewing up any fighter drone attacks that dared come close. The boarding barnacles however, continued their flight, crossing the gap between the Whalarii and the Sigmaterian vessels. Even if just a few of them reached their target, it'd unleash devestation inside.

The Kraken too, began to turn away, developing the black cloud to obscure it and the Whalarii's movements.
as Blood Shoots out were it was hit and holes left behinde,as it would roar in pain and the wounds seem too start too heal,as the Unknown Akrid growls and would go inside the creature and would say "Launch the seeds!....Get those Roches out of our System!"he yellds as smaller akrids would start too swarm out of the creatures sides,aswell flesh Sphears are shoot out of the creature heading towards the enemy as they were glowing orange,as the Akrids that have come out of it would start too heal its wounds as one Cat-G Class Akrid would start Grabing Bombers that pass By and tear them apart,as a odd Purple akrid would shoot out of the ship as it was a Cat-U,as the creature could Fly as it would go towards the ship,a some akrids started shooting Green Spit at the bombers that pass trying too fight them off,as the flying creature made it way towards the ship in a zig zag patern


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