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Nation Building Galactic Empires Reborn I: Residual Chaos

(Don't know if your still accepting. I will post anyways.)


Name: Vaulters

Average Life-span: 150-300 years



Attributes: Extremely Scientific and "Greedy".

Personality: Vaulters care for each others like families... Except when it comes to war, power, or money, you know anything that matters.


National Emblem/Flag:

Name: Monroe Empire

Government Type: Corporatocracy (Although it is a empire, it is ran by the major corporation Monroe Industries. The higher up you are in the company, the higher up you are in the government… mostly)

Leader(s): Luthar (CEO), think of like a president, only the board members are higher (Like a Senate)

Dominant Species: Vaulters (Only one species)

Home Planet: Cheyenne

Religion: Atheism

Energy Source: A secret chemical reaction that creates an extremely unstable, yet powerful compound known as Fused AntiMatter, also Gravitational Mass reactors (will explain more in posts)

Galactic Travel: Transitional Drive (Will explain more in posts), or FTL Drive

Military: The Monroe Empire’s entire military is in the form of a mixture of a normal military and a PMC military. These soldiers are paid to fight and do so with a mixture of greed and honor. The military of the Monroe Empire focuses on defence technology, although they still do have a huge assortment of offensive weaponry, but since they are focused on trading and on protecting their financial assets, they have superior weaponry when it comes to defence.

History: The Vaulter empire has always been fighting for control. There have been over two-thousand documented civil wars, many have tried, but no one has succeeded in uniting the Vaulters, under one government. Wherever there was an attempt to unite them, there was always one group that stopped them. Somewhere in all those civil wars, Monroe Industries successfully united the Vaulters under one government. They did this by brutally killing all opposition and investing heavily into scientific research that gave them a huge advancement That was about 500 years ago, and since then it has flourished with no opposition creating the biggest commercial entity in known space.

Goal: The Vaulters strive for the advancement of their technology and of course, above all else, to expand the Monroe Industries and to make lots and lots of money. (This is mainly due to the research and development of weapons, sold to other nations and vast trade routes throughout the galaxy. They also make a large amount of profit from lending their PMC's to other nations that need soldiers.)

[/Main Character(s)\]

Name: Luthar

Age: 125 years old

Species: Vaulter


Equipment: A sledge hammer looking device that he uses as a walking cane

Personality: Since Luthar is the major shareholder in Monroe Industries and the CEO, he is mainly concerned with the advancement of Monroe Industries. He is extremely professional and is a patient respectable person. He believes everyone is to be considered an equal, until proven otherwise.

History: Luthar, once a successful soldier on the field, was saved by Monroe Industries, after he was caught by an explosion in a village, on a planet that had been previously “purchased” by Monroe Industries. The explosion had cost him lost his left leg, right arm, both ears, part of his skull and an eye. Monroe Industries needed a new test subject for their new robotic division and requested he be the subject. After extensive surgery, Luthar was refitted with robotic versions of the limbs, organs, and tissue, he had lost in the explosion. Since then he has worked through the ranks in Monroe Industries and soon became a major shareholder, and later CEO of the the entire Empire. He has currently held the position of CEO for over 32 years and is the youngest CEO on record. Although many people don't trust him due to his young age, he has still helped make Monroe Industries into the powerhouse it is today.
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