Chitchat Fun writers that like to gm


in progress
I've been working on a thread for a few days, a particularly large one, and with the advent of college classes starting up again, I had in mind to have a co gm for this rp, but I may need a third and I really don't know all that many people on this site with a writing style I admire, a wonderful personality, and active enough that I might ask them to join me in this endeavour. Nevertheless, here I am, mostly looking to make friends, but hopefully to find someone who can possibly help take the load off should I decide I need a third. 

Also my apologies in advance for not talking about the thread I've been working on at all. I don't want to give any information on it until it's closer to being completed and I've started recruiting people for it.

So anyone wandering here, feel free to chat? I'll be here, and waiting. :)
I can be your friend, if you want to. ^_^

And I'd like to chat whenever I have time. (which means not much today (because it's getting late) and tomorrow (because it's my friend's birthday and I gotta go back home, haha)

Classes start for me again on Monday, so I'll be busier again as well, but I'll still have plenty of time to chat here. And to RP. Just let me know whenever you're ready to tell more about it. If it fits my interests, I'd join and/or co-gm if you let me :)
@marorda yeah haha, for me it's about having fun with friends when I rp. I never understood why people just randomly recruit, I much prefer getting to know everyone first. For gming especially, I just need someone who's active, I know I'll still be on but some days I know I will be too exhausted (Or the laziness will hit me) and with the sheer size of the rp I am going for, I will need a co to pick up slack. Not necessarily looking for writing that will knock my socks off, pretty much just someone I get along with who is active enough and only then, has to be somewhat coherent with their words! xD

And pretty much the third is if the co gets lazy along with me. And my co is lazier than I so it could be an issue...

@BloodyKharma ;)

I tease I tease.

And I realize none of this has anything to do with what you said. I would love for you to be my friend. I'll link you to the thread when I start recruiting.
One thing I like to know: which category? Fantasy? Modern? Fandom? Futuristic?

I play most of my games in the Fantasy category, though some of the non-rp stuff I write fits well within the Futuristic thing XDD

I get your point. I'm more of a "random recruiter"  though. If I have a story in mind and people want to be part of it, they're more than welcome! I love to share my work with them and let them be a part of a crazy world or an epic adventure I created. Unfortunately most people after a while just leave and I'm stuck with nobody and the RP dies... So I'm in only little things now. I got a quest going on though. Started it yesterday and I'll post a new piece tomorrow when I'm out of bed. Probably. But when it comes to GM-ing, it makes no more than sense you get to know the person first. I mean you gotta know who you're working with, right?

No worries about activity when it concerns me. I'm on this site every day unless I have no internet, am REALLY REALLY busy, or am gone for a few days. None of those things happen often, haha xD So yeah.. I'm here a lot. Now that classes are starting it'll be a little less because... well... I'm gonna be stuck in classrooms again. But when I'm not in class (or when I am but there's not much to do) I'm browsing here, or posting when I need to/can
Definitely fantasy. Medieval fantasy. Maybe I'll allow some early gunpowder stuff though for the sake of better fantasy weapon variety. Early muskets and the like.

Now for the random recruiter part, it's a great way to share your idea certainly, and get people quickly. But for a big roleplay that I wouldn't want to risk perishing before it even begins...I'm going to be prejudiced and say friends only! XP

I actually don't know if that makes the rp drop off slower or faster. Really just depends on people's schedules. I'm just trying to figure out a way to continue recruiting people while it's ongoing should people drop off, since I want it to last at least a few months.

And yes! You definitely have to know your gms! Everyone has to be on the same page.

You've already captured my heart with that last paragraph. <3
Booyah! Then I'm definitely even more interested in the RP! Medieval-ish Fantasy is m absolute favorite. Almost all my RPs and stories take place in that type of setting ^_^ In fact I'm about two thirds, maybe a little over that, into a novel I'm writing. Involves a loooooot of dragons, a war, some gunpowder weaponry... but mainly bows, swords, dragons, and a magical stone. Don't wanna reveal too much on it since I hope to get it published. It's in Dutch though, so it's likely only going to be available in the Netherlands and Belgium if it does get published. And a web shop of course, so Dutch speaking people elsewhere can get their hands on it too.

I'm actually planning on running a friends only RP as well. Though that's a small (power rangers fandom) roleplay XDD

Maybe I'll at some point, when I have friends who like the genre and story, re-run an old project of mine again. It's currently a D&D campaign, and it'll be a novel series too if you'd ask me xDD

I think that since you're recruiting friends only it might be a little slow (depending on how many friends you have on here that like the setting), but at least you can trust them to not suddenly drop out and leave you hanging with a bit epic plan and nobody to play it with, haha. But better a slow start and have a long lasting and epic RP than having ten people say "OOH I LOVE THIS" and then they stop showing up after two posts or so....

Hehe... even when I'm not the GM I tend to get involved in RPs. Like I see lots of possible plot hooks and come up with new ideas that might or might not work. So I often PM the GM to ask "hey, would this and that be an idea?" or "Is it possible if this and that happened ?" You know... instead of just throwing it in and expecting the GM to deal with it. Gosh, I hate people who do that. It's also resulted in (back with the old system) me being an unofficial co-gm or getting "assigned" as GM when the actual GM had to leave for a while (and I don't think he ever came back.... :/ )

What? About me always being here? I just have no life outside of classes XDD No job (though I do hope to get one), not too many friends... I don't like going out... No, I much rather crawl behind my laptop and be on here, chatting to the friends I made, RPing, writing my own stories... Those things. I'm usually only absent for a few days/weekends per year... Because at times, I get tired of the real world, so I move out to a forest, get in costume, and chase people around with foam daggers and magical spells. In other words, I LARP. And I go to some events over here. (3 to 5 per year, not counting the one-day kid events where I'm a scary evil orc shaman who gets the crap beaten out of her)

I used to be a trade, but my group fell apart and she doesn't work as a solo character. So... I gotta see what I'll play there. Maybe I'll skip the last one this year and give myself some time to think...

At another one, set in the Black Woods (Europe, Germany) in 1231 (or 1225 in the woods, because magic)... I used to be a Christian woman, but that's boring as shit because woman are worthless (except they cook, clean, and carry babies << historical event's viewpoint. !NOT MINE!). So I ditched her and decided to become an elf. She comes sailing in from Ireland in a few weeks (if my finances allow it, lol)
Woah woah! Now you're just showing off with your novel. XP

Are you primarily a dutch speaker?

You also underestimate my ability to make friends and recruit them on this site. I think that was literally the first thing I did when I joined haha. I wanted a thread to start because I wanted to rp with a certain character, and the gm was horribly inactive and made no effort to recruit, so I gathered a few people myself, made friends with them and lead them to the rp so that I could use my character. Was it manipulative and sneaky? Maybe I little...XD

Either way still friends with them long after so...

That's probably the worst thing that can happen. Someone just assigning you as a gm, and then wandering off? Like, that's pretty much handing you a baby and telling you that it's yours now before they get on a train never to be seen again. :o

I've never LARPed before. But I want to see it. And not on youtube XD. 

and you're shipping a woman off to LARP with you? I don't think I quite understood that last part...
Yeah, maybe I am :P ... nah, skip the maybe. I AM showing off. Because I like to share my writing :)

Primarily... Dutch is my native language, lol xDD I was born and raised in the Netherlands. Still live here and never lived anywhere else (except for a few months just across the border with Belgium. In a Dutch speaking part two minutes away from the Netherlands, so I'm not even counting that). English is my second language and they didn't teach us any in school until we were 10 or 11 years old. So... 5th grade?

I used to watch a lot of English series with subtitles though. And I made English native pen pals when I was 12 (through a site mentioned in our textbook). So when I was 13 and we got "more serious" English, I spoke it really well and was ahead of my class. Then at college I got some pretty high level English too... Now I switched studies (trice, oops). The study I'm following now is a lower level than what I did, so it's a lot better for me to follow. But English classes bore me to death. Since... well... basically the lessons are "This is when you use which past tense", and I'm like "I can follow a serious conversation/news article/whatever without issues and have a decent discussion about it"

So although I'm not a native speaker, my English level is on par with one (though I probably pronounce things a little.... Dutchy at times). Anyway.... I'm trailing off in my "English is too easy for me" rant... xDD

Hey, I said it depends on how many friends you have on here :P I never implied you can't make them quickly (or at least I didn't intend to) ^_^ I mean you're proving the opposite right here, making friends with someone who just rolled in here and started replying to this thread of yours. Hehe... reading that kinda reminds me of one of the first RPs I did... Not on here, but it went kinda the same... Join an RP, have a GM who just leaves (mine got upset we didn't wait on her when she left for a week without notice. All the characters did was chatting in a forest).... She didn't even have plot. Just "there's a kingdom with dragons and magic". My character sorta brought in an actual plot element (unintended)... and then when the GM was gone everyone started asking me questions about the story and who could join and all.... So yeah.... I took over an RP as well. It ran for little over a year and then it eventually died with a scene of the characters drinking tea in the infirmary... It was a weird and epic tale. (it's my book now. with permission of the old participants)

LARPs, like the youtube series, are different than real life larp (over here, that is). The webseries is more like playing dungeons and dragons but as your characters and out in the woods. With just a small group. The events I go to... now that's a bigger scale. About 200-300 participants maximum. You have a group of players and a group of NPCs. When you're NPC, you play the roles the GMs assign to you in a big (and epic?) plot. You can be asked to be a mage, a diplomat, a zombie tank... anything. Whereas, as the player, you don't know the entire story of the event. You just play your role and watch the story grow, a world come to life. The actions of all will change the course of the eventual story. And every event is a follow up from the previous one. It's epic.

No XDDD I'm not shipping off a woman to larp with me. I AM that woman. I'm a female xD I played a Christian woman on that event, but I really, really disliked the role because it wasn't going anywhere at all. So I'm ditching her (the character), make a new one, and go to the event as the new character.
I want to hear this dutchy english. xD

Very few! People always come and go on the internet I've found. It's easier to make more with the newbies. People always leave and never return it's so sad. Or they just suddenly stop liking you for whatever reason. But that's enough about that before I start getting into pessimist views on internet friends. Point is I like to make friends and it makes me happy, especially when I've found one that compliment's me very well as a person since those types are always particularly hard to find. I.e I need the insane.

200-300 people?! That sounds like soooo much fun! That would be exactly how I would want to see it, the youtube one's do look like just real life D&D which seemed kind of pointless. With so many people, you could truly be anything. Sounds really interesting. 

and ohhhh! So you're shipping yourself off then. ;)

You should be as dramatic as possible. Sail in on a viking ship if you can get into the event by river, standing in a heroic poise. just because.
My speaking is decent. It's just some words I might mess up XDD But I can purposely talk very crappy Dutchy English (It's called Dunglish) just for the heck of it. I do it sometimes as a joke, to mess with people. But beware!! I will challenge you in return to speak Dutch. Just so I can laugh at you :P Yes, I'm a mean person at times. I once started to suddenly type in Dutch to two of my American friends here, and they had no idea what I was rambling about. Especially when I started sending them Dutch tongue twisters. They're not much of a problem to me, but ig a non-native reads sentences like

Leentje leerde lotje lopen langs de lange lindelaan

Als achter vliegen vliegen vliegen vliegen vliegen vliegen achterna

Sluwe Sjaki sloeg de slome slager

De kapper knipt knap, maar de knecht van de kapper knipt nog knapper dan de kapper knippen kan

De koetsier poetst de postkoets met postkoestpoets op een postkoestpoetsdoek


yeah... good luck figuring those out. I'm sure to laugh when I'll hear any of you try and pronounce that xD

Thankfully for you I can be quite crazy! You need it to survive a dull and sane world! xD I made great crazy friends at larps. But on the interenet I met some great people too. Especially here. I have 3 pretty close friends now and we talk a lot. I hope to have found a fourth one today? :D

Yeah, the one on youtube is like real life dnd indeed. And that's apparently a fairly common form of LARP in other parts of the world. I never knew. I only knew of the ones I'm used to, with the many people. The one where I'm probably not going again this year is called Quon. Set in the fictional world of Erumdar. There's al different countries with different races and different politics. There's plenty of information on all the lands, including history, law, etc. Quon is one of the lands and the one where lots of the events take place. Like... a new pantheon of gods awoke there. There's a huge war going on betwen Quon and Hastaria (the land of the Dwarves). Well... there was. It's now largely been conquered and there's a peace treaty. And the crown prince recently returned after having been missing for years. But people are enraged because they plan to (IN GAME) execute a four year old child for "pretending to be the prince" (his parents told everyone he was the prince) while the real one magically aged to the age of 13 (played by a 22 year old with a baby face (he actually pulls it off)).

The players, either in the village or camps of their own (one group has a huge 2 story tent!), are the citizens of the village called Boshoek. They come from all over Erumdar and have settled there. The NPCs can be people from the village, other villages, the capital, enemies... anything! The setting is really coming to life more and more with each passing event. We have photographers walking around on the events, and some of the snapped pictures just look like they could be from a movie or TV-series (either BTS or on set, stills from episodes). I could easily look up some pictures for you if you're curious.

Oh, but if you think 200-300 people is big... Then don't get me started on Conquest of Mythodea. I have never been there, but it's the dream of many larpers I know. It's a five day larp in Germany. No OOC. Just 24 hours a day playing, plot, stuff going on. And the amount of people there... Ehm... This year it was "roughly 8000". But I heard mentions of over 10000 people. It's HUGE!

Nah. I really really want to get rid of that character. She was useless, did nothing, and I was stuck with people who wouldn't let me do anything anyway. I wrote an in-game letter on the facebook page of my group in which my character told she attempted tp leave the cursed woods, and that by the time the group found the letter, she's either be miles away already, or killed by the things that lingered there. So I can just show up as my new character. Although we actually are near water, I can't logically enter on a ship, since in game it's like a small stream and we're in the middel of the woods. No way I could get there from the sea XDD But I do plan on making my entry dramatic. Just... some make up for bruises, fake blood... and then stumble into the village. Speaking only English, because as an Irish elf I wouldn't speak Dutch Old German. So yeah... it's gonna be dramatic. And awesome. I know it will be.
I once knew dutch, a little a long time ago. Maybe when I was 8. Heck if I can even utter a word now though.

I would never call this world sane. Just not my cup of insanity. Everyone is a little bit psychopathic. But it's the ones that try to hide it that make me shiver.

Please post some pictures. That sounds amazing.

10 000 people?! Slow down there!

so..your character just wandered off and died? Damn. did they take offense irl though? 
I'm just going to assume it's accented though xD But maybe I'm wrong :P

Stilll... trying the tongue twisters is gonna be hard, no? :3

I will. Later. It's 12.42 AM right now XDD I should get some sleep soon. I'm still on my laptop... And I wanna get up a little early because of my friend's birthday. She lived only like 10 minutes away from here though. Well.. she too is visiting her mom, actually. We live about 20 minutes away from each other during the semesters. Anyway, it doesn't take long for me to get there, but I need to go home in time. So I'll look up some neat pictures sometime next week.

Yep. 10.000 people. As I said, it's huge. And it would be so damn awesome to go there once. But it's a bit expensive, so it's a long term plan for me, hahah

Yeah. She wandered off. Never said for sure she died, so I could always play her again later. For now she's just gone. The group didn't take offense. When we started we were only with five. Now there's more but they never even met my character. And even if they had taken offense, I wouldn't have cared much. The Elves offered me to play with their group when I told them I disliked my current character. Three of the best/main players wanted me to join them, so I take that as a compliment. And... well... I have another reason for not wanting to be in that old group anymore... The leader of that group is my ex, you see. We're still friends, sorta. But... well... some things have happened, and I have learned some things I'd rather not have known. But now that I do... eeeeh.....

(I'd explain this further through PM, where nobody else can read it. Should you want to know what the heck happened)
I wouldn't even know where to begin. X.X

Sleep child! What are you doing up at 1am? Go go! I will be here the day after your friends birthday. ;)

How expensive are these events?

....I pity you. Especially if you're still friends. But I cannot offer my own opinion there, that's all you. Everyone has a different approach and i respect people who can pull that off. But oof, exes....

BYE EXES! lol.

You can pm me about it if you want to talk about it. I can't say I'm too curious. Especially since I think I know what happened, just reading into your emotion from those last few sentences alone. I don't mean that like I'm uninterested either, I just...I get it. lol. If that makes sense.
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Well, I haven't been RPing very long, but I'm in a fantasy RP right now if you wanted to take a glance at some of my posts on there. 

I'm definitely looking for something to commit to, especially since it feels like my current RP is having a lot of stops and starts. Even though I'm working most days, my phone never leaves my side and this site just kind of hums in the background.  You can PM me whenever if you just want to chat. Could always use friends here :)  
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Whhops..... I didn't forget about this place. I promise!!! I was rather busy and didn't think of checking again after reading the last posts XDD

With my ex it's really just that I've learned a couple of things about him after we broke up. Things that shocked me, so I'm slowly letting go of him.
Well, I haven't been RPing very long, but I'm in a fantasy RP right now if you wanted to take a glance at some of my posts on there. 

I'm definitely looking for something to commit to, especially since it feels like my current RP is having a lot of stops and starts. Even though I'm working most days, my phone never leaves my side and this site just kind of hums in the background.  You can PM me whenever if you just want to chat. Could always use friends here :)  

Okay! I'll pm you right away friend. :D
Whhops..... I didn't forget about this place. I promise!!! I was rather busy and didn't think of checking again after reading the last posts XDD

With my ex it's really just that I've learned a couple of things about him after we broke up. Things that shocked me, so I'm slowly letting go of him.

I find taking any remaining bastions of memory you have of them and throwing them in a bonfire helps. While chanting constantly about how much of an ass they are. ;)

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