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Fantasy From Deifiore CS

Reis Reis don’t be offended if Bel tries to adopt him because that’s what you set yourself up for making this character. Accepted and adorable. The link to the main rp is at the top.

And ye I think I should
The Invincible Lazy General: Clair Desdero




Clair is, or was, until just recently a highly renowned General within the Orius Army. In fact, some may even consider her famous in a roundabout way. Both in a good and more so despicable way.

Tactician: Clair is well known for her great mind when it comes to tactics. Despite her young age, Clair has been renowned for changing the way one approaches war, having brought several new, critical and unique military tactics into play during her acting time in the military. Her ability to quickly analyze a situation/battlefield and develop new tactics on the fly combined with her outlook on life as well as her military feats have earned her the now infamous title of "The Invincible Lazy General".

Analyst: Clair is well known for her analytical abilities much in the same way she is known for her tactical. Both go hand in hand and Clair excels in both for much the same reason. However in saying that she is known to perhaps over analyse everyday things while off the battlefield.

Laziness: One may argue that laziness is not a skill but to Clair it most certainly is and it is a well-known fact that out of all her skill this is the one most used.

Knowlege and Speech Craft: Clair has a very high IQ for a human (not godlike but high up there) and has published several papers on military tactics and is an avid reader. Clair also enjoys debating and as such is quite skilled in speechcraft.

Leadership: No need to explain this really, she was a military general.

Soothsaying: Clair comes from a long line of soothsayers and she is no exception to this lineage. In fact, Clair shows signs of being more than just talented in the art of soothsaying. Her sight has given her many advantages in battle and has said many from impending doom.

Clair comes from a long line of soothsayers and she is no exception to this lineage. In fact, Clair shows signs of being more than just talented in the art of soothsaying. Her sight has given her many advantages in battle and has said many from impending doom.

Science, Math, Physics, Engineering. Clair prefers to use her intellect over her blade but should she draw it. Well, let's just say she's expertly trained in swordplay. A sword, she has a sword. Her tongue is also quite sharp.

Cair is lazy. Lazy to the bone. With very little motivation for anything she does, Clair is more likely to half-heartedly approach a situation unless coaxed to do otherwise. Besides her flaw of laziness, Clair is physically weak and has little to no skill with bows or any type of magic aside from soothsayer. Nor magic or anything other than tactics and analyzing really. Heck even her social skills are lacking. You could say her social blade is blunt, ha get it..... no, okay. Basically, she has more flaws then she does pros at this stage.

Eye Colour

Hair Colour



Body Type


No piercings as of yet

Clair has a cloud shaped birthmark just under her left shoulderblade

Clair is lazy as aforementioned. She strives to achieve her goals with minimum effort and has always had a knack for finding shortcuts and loopholes to abuse. Idealistically she would like to spend her days sleeping, lazing around and realistically doing whatever peaks her interest in any given moment. Unfortunatly as the heir she has no say in the matter.

Clair is however well aware she cannot afford to do this, quite literally. As such she often finds herself doing tasks she would much rather not, such as being a part of the military. All and all Clair has a rather dry personality. She's lazy, hates working, has a hard time socializing and despite her awkwardness has no problem flirting with older guys the second an opportunity opens up. Perhaps the only interesting part of her personality is the fact she blatantly hates attractive women. Which she has no reasoning behind, or so she says at least.

She isn't a badass, shes normally abnormal. Sorry to break it to you.

Clair's history is admittedly a lot more interesting then her personality but if your expecting some magical tale of heroism then unfortunately your likely to be let down once again.

Clair is the first born child of Leander and as such is the rightful heir to the Desdero name and fortune. As heir Clair was raised to be the best of the best, to surpass all Desdero that came before her and to in turn lead the kingdom of Orius to a fruitful future by protecting its people and borders from those who wished to cause harm. From natural disaster and from threats from within the hierarchy itself. Oh yes, Clair had a lot to deal with from before she could even walk.

Clair was put through education from the age of four in everything that was of importance, science, math, engineering, swordplay, soothsaying, tactics. you name it Clair was learning it. As a child, Clair showed great potential and with time her potential snowballed out of control until she was left lusting for more knowledge. Knowlege her teachers just couldn't produce. Clair, however, wasn't perfect as during her childhood years she began to develop and display exceedingly lazy habits. Frightened her habits might grow dangerous at the age of ten, Clair's father enrolled her in the military. It was only after then that she really began to shine.

The military training Clair underwent was much harder on her than that of the lessons she had previously partaken in. The military demanded both a fit mind and body and Clair was ultimately extremely weak and lazy. It took years for Clair to finish her training, six years in fact. But in the end, Clair had concurred her set task and with it set out as a part of a squad to guard the outer city.

Now, most of you are probably thinking something crazy happened as she was guarding the wall but actually you're wrong. It was routine and pretty normal if anything. Quiet even and it remained that way for a year. After which Clair returned home to be trained in the art of soothsaying. And she was trained by her father himself. Her soothsaying training took another three years to master but during this time Clair came to grow more distant from her siblings and mother. By the end of the three years, Clair was practically considered an outsider to her siblings, very little was said between the four and unfortunately in time that only became worse.

Clair returned to the military after her training and continued on down her own path until she received the promotion of general at age twenty-three. From which point onward she lead many assaults and many defences undefeated nor even scathed. Her tactics were precise and her way of fighting was calculated. It was lazy and it was effective. Clair truly came to fill her role as her after gaining the tile of Invincible Lazy General at the age of twenty-five. She is the pride of the military and her father.

I’m sorry, your character is really interesting but one of my few guidelines was humanoids of any sort, and to include the Deifiore world.

Hermione Puckette






Archery- Hermy is very skilled with a bow and arrow.
Pipe playing- true to her people, Hermy is a talented flute player which can come in handy as a distraction.
Funny- A trickster by nature, Hermy is a skilled comedian which can be useful in lifting the mood, or like her pipe-playing, can be useful as a distraction.
Strong kick- similar to a goat, she has a strong kick as well as her use of her horns which can be powerful when attacking.
Animal speech- Can communicate with animals similar to herself, including goats, horses and others.

Speed- Hermy is a speedy little bugger and is fleetfooted.
Compassionate- While she will rarely admit it, she really does care for lesser beings or people she sees who need protecting, especially towards animals.
Loyalty- Loyalty is one of the few things Hermione is truly passionate about. Any being who earns her trust and loyalty will have it forever. Betraying that trust is one of the worst ways to get on the Saytr's bad side, however.
Sure-footed- Hermione can easily scale most terrains however she does have her limits.

Envy- Hermione quickly grows jealous of other women, particularly humans or elves who are by default prettier, seeing herself as lesser than them due to her beast-like assets.
Big mouth- this Saytr simply cannot shut up, even if it gets her or others into trouble.
Alcoholic- Self-explanatory, though she does have some restraint. She does tend to drink at every possible opportunity, however and is worse following a stressful experience.
Stubborn- once Hermy has her mind on something, it is near impossible to change her mind.
Fear of water- following a traumatic experience as a child, Hermione has an intense phobia of water.

Appearance (preferably anime or illustrated):

Appearance description:
Hermione stands at 5'10ft and weighs roughly 180 lbs. As well as her goat-like legs and ears, she sports a black horse-like tail which has the tendancy to swish around depending on her mood. Her primarily dishevelled appearance is mostly due to her lack of interest and her fear of water, causing her to have very poor hygiene with a smell that can only be described as a mix between a wet goat and an unwashed sock.

Hermione can come across as a self-centred and dishonest jerk to a lot of people due to her tendency to trick people out of their funds and only seeming to care about keeping a steady supply of wine on her person and goofing off. However this is primarily a product of her environment and background. Looking past that, you are likely to find a sassy but well-meaning creature. While she does not like showing it to strangers, she has a soft spot for animals and children. While not easy to fully make friends with the Saytr, if one was to earn Hermione's trust, they would have an ally forever.

A massive flirt, Hermy will relentlessly hit on people mostly as a way to annoy them and not out of real interest. If she was to become interested in someone, she would actively deny it and try not to pursue it in fear of rejection. Her low self-esteem stems from a lifetime of feeling unwanted and has a lot of abandonment issues because of this.

Despite all of her faults, Hermione underneath it all is truly a good person with a sense of justice and will apply herself to see it done. While not serious by nature, she has moments of taking in the atmosphere and applying herself accordingly. She has a sense of fun, tending to play pranks on people and has a strong liking for music and dancing.

Hermione never properly met her parents as, from what she was told she had simply been left. While she had been "adopted" by a family of Elves, she had never felt herself being a full part of it. Hermy's natural instinct to take part in debauchery (from what she knew this was typical of Saytrs) clashed with her 'family's' ideals, causing a rift between them all as well as her relationship with other Elves. It reached a climax when Hermione was fifteen and her adoptive mother caught her with a young Elven girl, something that she had deemed unacceptable and as a result, she attempted to drown the young Satyr. Hermione barely escaped and since then has gone off on her own. Since then, Hermione has drifted from place to place with not much direction.

Equipment on hand:
Bow and arrows
Small bag of gold coins
Wine skin
Small dagger

Voice and mannerisms

Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye
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1. Hey you still accepting? Np if u arent.
2. I didnt read the majority of this thread, so if theres anything important fill me in lol.
Name: Chantie Basura (Shan-tee Bass-oo-ruh)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Ivve (the result of a siren mother and a human father)

Abilities/skills: His expertise for seeking out treasure. He can easily get around to nearly anywhere he might need to during an expedition due to his years of experience with the job. His personal magic skills are lacking, however, and most of what he knows is tied down to charming objects. His eyeballs are the only part of his body he has been able to charm in the past, and they can see to an extent in the dark, resulting in the odd coloration they now have.

Strengths: He has a strong work ethic, and only gives up when something seems completely insurmountable. The lengths he will go to keep himself and his peers going are extremely far, and his gentle demeanor gives him a unique, gentle form of motivation for himself and others.
Weaknesses: He can be too softspoken, and can often be left uncounted in decision-making for his odd sense of wanting to be neutral on most stances. There is also a very materialistic side to him, and while it won’t take him as far as to hurt those he is acquainted with, it has gotten him harmed very many times in the past- the idea of a treasure he knows of not being claimed by himself drives him mad.

Eyes: Black sclera, with a red iris.
Fur: Extremely thin and silky with a white coloration to it.
Height: 5’4
Weight: 115 lbs
Traits: No markings on his body whatsoever, though a non-standard bit of himself would be the swirling protrusions from the ends of his ears.

Personality: Outwardly, he is confident and far from shy, yet has a soft tone to his voice so that those around him may feel like they can speak with him in an informal manner. He is willing to go with the flow with groups, yet alone he will be extremely persistent in order to do what he feels he’d like to achieve. He’s hardheaded, but not to the point of making things difficult for others.

Equipment on hand:

Feather Dress: This is actually the dress he is wearing. It has a charm on it currently that causes the wearer to have the effects of gravity on them halved, making him able to jump much higher, and climb for much longer. The reason the dress is charmed is because it is the only piece of clothing he could get to work properly with the charm- his skills in charming aren’t very amazing, so applying charms to outfits that have separate parts (such as a shirt and pants) hasn’t worked out for him yet. Plus, with a piece of clothing as big as it, the effects cover the largest part of his body by far. He will be embarrassed if someone were to point something out about the getup, but he’s actually quite comfortable in it- and actually grown to love it. Not that he’d tell anyone that.
Defensive Saber: A magical fencer's sword- it is impossible to break, no matter what you try. The downside? It can only be used for defending, and if it makes contact with someone else's body, it'll simply bend as if it is made of rubber, doing no harm to them.
Shield Boomerang: A magical, round shield that can be thrown like a Frisbee, and always returns to the user's hands. It is rimmed with a very strong metal- but if it is being used to block an attack, it vanishes for five minutes upon impact with the opposing weapon.
Flame Pot: A moderately-sized pot that will, when used, suck in all nearby flames from the air- such as from candles or the like. Nothing else will be sucked in. When it is done sucking flames, it will spew them back out in a large puff of fire. The more flames that are sucked in beforehand, the larger the puff when regurgitated.

Bio: He was first born in a small town in the Terruna kingdom- or at least, thought to be. He never actually knew who had birthed him, as the farthest back he can remember is growing up in a small orphanage run by four kind ladies. Yet, during his arrival there, only the eldest of the women who ran it was working there at the time- she was the only one who was able to meet and discuss the giving-away of the child with the parents present. Not long after that time, she had died, and her then-adult daughters took over the house for her, none of which had met of Chantie’s parents. It didn’t bother him an awful amount, though- to him, the women and other children he lived with were his family, as it was a tightly-knit enough house for it to seem that way. As the women didn’t have to take care of too many children, and were getting payments from the kingdom for their service, they were able to afford to do fun activities throughout his childhood- such as periodic trips to a nearby, larger town, where there was a weekly market for anyone to sell anything they might want to. This nice lifestyle, along with the lessons he was taught, were enough to keep any person happy.
Around the age of 7, however, that nearby town was attacked by a sudden swarm of desert serpents- and many lives were lost. Those who had died in the carnage were often parents, and with the children having no place to go other than the orphanage, it was getting a lot more crowded than the women who had ran it ever expected it to get. In order to make more space for the newcomers, they had to find some people who were willing to take custody of the children and become their parent. And that’s exactly what they did- adults who had clean background checks and were willing to take care of children would spend some days with those in the orphanage and see if there was one who wouldn’t mind living with them. And the one who took in Chantie happened to be a gruff, old, but wise blacksmith. He had visited many, many times in the past, and told stories of his youth to the children, and those stories had always intrigued Chantie most. Seeing their chemistry, the man happily became the adoptive father of Chantie, and they, together built onto his blacksmithing house a room for Chantie to call his own.
Over these years together, the blacksmith taught Chantie lessons of life, and built character. He taught his boy how to hold up a work ethic, and to keep yourself motivated at all times. He tried to teach his son how to become a blacksmith like himself, but it soon became apparent that this was just a passive interest, not a great career for the child. He could barely lift the hammer, and became tired very quickly- a bit of a fragile boy for his age. But one part of the process he actually found the boy to excel at, and that was finding ore. Obviously, you can’t forge steel without ore to do so with, and in their many trips together around the kingdom to find this ore, the boy was not only great at finding where this ore would be, but also finding many other things- old treasures from years past. And, so, this skill was focused on, and bettered alongside his father after that point. He was taught how to protect himself against the many monster of the world, and what to do in situations that seemed to be inescapable.
And so, finally, at the age of 17, Chantie was ready to leave the nest. His father left him to go into the world with a large bag of equipment, and a tight hug. Since then, Chantie has become a prominent figure in the forging business, selling off precious metals and crystals to blacksmiths and tailors that might be willing to buy it, alongside finding and selling treasures he finds along the way on his grand expedition across all of the kingdoms.

Chantie's Theme

Both pieces of art were commissioned by me specifically for this character. The first picture was drawn by EbonyPlume, and the second by PotooBrigham. I highly recommend checking them out, and thank them so, so much for their endless talent bringing my character to life.
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Hermione Puckette






Archery- Hermy is very skilled with a bow and arrow.
Pipe playing- true to her people, Hermy is a talented flute player which can come in handy as a distraction.
Funny- A trickster by nature, Hermy is a skilled comedian which can be useful in lifting the mood, or like her pipe-playing, can be useful as a distraction.
Strong kick- similar to a goat, she has a strong kick as well as her use of her horns which can be powerful when attacking.
Animal speech- Can communicate with animals similar to herself, including goats, horses and others.

Speed- Hermy is a speedy little bugger and is fleetfooted.
Compassionate- While she will rarely admit it, she really does care for lesser beings or people she sees who need protecting, especially towards animals.
Loyalty- Loyalty is one of the few things Hermione is truly passionate about. Any being who earns her trust and loyalty will have it forever. Betraying that trust is one of the worst ways to get on the Saytr's bad side, however.
Sure-footed- Hermione can easily scale most terrains however she does have her limits.

Envy- Hermione quickly grows jealous of other women, particularly humans or elves who are by default prettier, seeing herself as lesser than them due to her beast-like assets.
Big mouth- this Saytr simply cannot shut up, even if it gets her or others into trouble.
Alcoholic- Self-explanatory, though she does have some restraint. She does tend to drink at every possible opportunity, however and is worse following a stressful experience.
Stubborn- once Hermy has her mind on something, it is near impossible to change her mind.
Fear of water- following a traumatic experience as a child, Hermione has an intense phobia of water.

Appearance (preferably anime or illustrated):

Appearance description:
Hermione stands at 5'10ft and weighs roughly 180 lbs. As well as her goat-like legs and ears, she sports a black horse-like tail which has the tendancy to swish around depending on her mood. Her primarily dishevelled appearance is mostly due to her lack of interest and her fear of water, causing her to have very poor hygiene with a smell that can only be described as a mix between a wet goat and an unwashed sock.

Hermione can come across as a self-centred and dishonest jerk to a lot of people due to her tendency to trick people out of their funds and only seeming to care about keeping a steady supply of wine on her person and goofing off. However this is primarily a product of her environment and background. Looking past that, you are likely to find a sassy but well-meaning creature. While she does not like showing it to strangers, she has a soft spot for animals and children. While not easy to fully make friends with the Saytr, if one was to earn Hermione's trust, they would have an ally forever.

A massive flirt, Hermy will relentlessly hit on people mostly as a way to annoy them and not out of real interest. If she was to become interested in someone, she would actively deny it and try not to pursue it in fear of rejection. Her low self-esteem stems from a lifetime of feeling unwanted and has a lot of abandonment issues because of this.

Despite all of her faults, Hermione underneath it all is truly a good person with a sense of justice and will apply herself to see it done. While not serious by nature, she has moments of taking in the atmosphere and applying herself accordingly. She has a sense of fun, tending to play pranks on people and has a strong liking for music and dancing.

Hermione never properly met her parents as, from what she was told she had simply been left. While she had been "adopted" by a family of Elves, she had never felt herself being a full part of it. Hermy's natural instinct to take part in debauchery (from what she knew this was typical of Saytrs) clashed with her 'family's' ideals, causing a rift between them all as well as her relationship with other Elves. It reached a climax when Hermione was fifteen and her adoptive mother caught her with a young Elven girl, something that she had deemed unacceptable and as a result, she attempted to drown the young Satyr. Hermione barely escaped and since then has gone off on her own. Since then, Hermione has drifted from place to place with not much direction.

Equipment on hand:
Bow and arrows
Small bag of gold coins
Wine skin
Small dagger

Voice and mannerisms

Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye

Why... why do I feel like she is gonna get along with Rory?

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