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Fantasy From Deifiore


Marmalade Skye

Senior Member
The last anyone would remember was being home. The incident took place so quickly, those who had the luxury to fight or run away had only a few minutes before they were taken or fell through a rift. And should they have fallen through a rift, the blinding light and lack of air would have overwhelmed ones senses. Someone who made it so far could have awoken anywhere at all, in any dimension except in Deifiore. It happened however, that a sizeable number of Deifiorians awoke in this one particular place out of an infinite amount of places to end up and only so many people who have escaped. In a green meadow, thick vines and trees acting like walls around what once seemed to be a temple of sorts. Through some of the thick woods, one could see a mountainous landscape, indicating they were at the peak of a mountain themselves. Between the cracks of crumbled architecture grew red flowers and moss, and the sound of birds made this new place almost surreal juxtaposed against the events which just occurred.

Bel awoke as if from a dream. The screams and whirring sounds that filled his head only moments ago couldn’t have been real, right? The blonde mans eyes fluttered open, staring at the tree branch ceiling above as he recalled, what, why, how. His hand shifted from being placed on his chest to touching the cool soft moss beneath his back, as memories and explainations flooded back. Priah did it. She pushed the research to far, that was the only explaination. Or he himself did it when he tampered with the energy field. But what was “it”? Where were they and where was he?
The man sat up and groaned with a hand on his head. It was too much to process all at once. Bel looked around him to get a better sense of what happened. The noticed eroded stone pillars. Where ever he was, there was intelligent life currently or at one point. It was either early morning or evening by the way the sun filtered through but with the current situation he was a bit too disoriented to tell. It took him only another moment to tell he wasn’t alone. There were other people, though whether they arrived under the same circumstances was unknown.
“Ah, hello? Is anyone alive?” He called out, his voice not giving away his confusion or fear but cracking ever so slightly, walking out of the denser woods he awoke in and into a clearing which he thought he could sense others. Maybe not the best idea, unless he had a death wish.

Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Remembrance Remembrance
RedEmRa RedEmRa
Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
FireMaiden FireMaiden

(If anything’s not up to standards please tell at me and I’ll try to do better)

(Because I care)
tumblr_n9wg9yEMI31rzsagpo2_1280.jpg Amarië Ilana
When she awoke, it was violent. Coughing as if hands had just released her throat, she managed to get to her knees, before retching. Everything that just happened...her family, her home....it was all gone. She watched them get torn apart in front of her very eyes, before a bright, blinding light took over her. Something beyond anything she could explain had just happened, and Amarië wasn't in the state to handle it.

She retched three more times before she managed to stand wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Pausing to take a deep breath, Amarië couldn't shake the images of her family from her mind. However, her common sense took over, so the woman finally took a look around. Nearby was her polearm, which she took with shaking hands. Next, once some familiarity had returned to her, Amarië turned to her surroundings.

Overgrown greenery and crumbling stones were in the background compared to the bodies in the near distance. She had landed a few yards from a big green fellow, and what looked to be another woman. The young woman decided to approach them, when she heard another voice. "Over here, I'm still standing!" She called out to the voice, "Two others as well, but I'm not sure about them." Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye Safety Hammer Safety Hammer RedEmRa RedEmRa
Eyes dark, empty, blind to the surroundings Tiiraaz awoke to the sound of people calling out to one another, he looked around and observed he was nestled atop a bush not bending a single branch but just sitting upon it. Tiiraaz looked down at the soft vibrant emerald forest floor seeing what looked to be a seed this caused him to reach down and pick it up observing it "Grind" he whispered to the seed while bowing his head causing the bush to sway from the momentum.

“Ah, hello? Is anyone alive?” a voice reached to Tiiraaz causing him to look towards the direction from where the voice came, Tiiraaz spotted an open branch closer to the origin of the voice. In an instant Tiiraaz disappeared from the bush that he was resting on causing it to rustle as if a wind passed through it, he reappeared on the branch that he was looking at Tiiraaz sat down on the branch looking downward towards a small group of two girls and what looked like a green human, when he heard what sounded to be retching. Tiiraaz thought it was a mating call and imitated it to himself while bouncing on the tree limb before he heard a more feminine voice.

"Over here, I'm still standing! Two others as well, but I'm not sure about them." The woman's voice called out to the first Tiiraaz tilted his head looking in confusion wondering what they were talking about. He decided to imitate the voices in hopes they would mean something of value and make him seem like one of them.

“Ah, hello? Is anyone alive?” Tiiraaz chirped out using the exact same voice and tone as the male voice while looking down at the woman next to the passed out people.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Safety Hammer Safety Hammer RedEmRa RedEmRa Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye
Rory slowly propped himself up against a tree and rubbed his aching head. He had woken up a bit earlier than the rest, but since he thought that he was the only one left, be had just kinda given up on life, and thought that maybe, just maybe, if he lied still enough, he would be able to die and party with the rest of his friends in hell.

But it appeared that was not the case quite yet, since one of the "corpses" sat up and talked to another "corpse" that was yelling at them. The half-orc opened his mouth to talk, but nothing really came out, other than a few grumbles and some orcish curse words. But, like the champ he was, he was able to stumble to his feet, and weeble-wobbled over to the female human. He waved hello, stumbling over to her, still trying to regain his balance.

"Hey there.. I, uh.. I'm Rory." The green giant managed to say, before tripping on a root, and falling face first into the dirt.

FireMaiden FireMaiden Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye RedEmRa RedEmRa Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
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Elis Dresden
The view is just splendid

First the church and now a grassy hell, he was unsure where he was but he heard about these kind of things. He remembered his High Churchmaster preaching about a disguised Hell, a never-ending world of peril and disaster but from Elis’ perspective, it was looking pretty relaxed. If anything, the most dangerous situation he was in was the view from the tree he landed on. “You know, if I was an artist, this would probably be the most thrilling view I’d have ever seen.” He was talking to himself, it felt better than just thinking plus he figured he and he only was sentenced to this dimensional hell.

It would’ve been nice to have his own personal hell to himself, he could live a life of seclusion and study magic alone. Yeah the plan was flawed, and he didn’t know one thing about survival in the wilderness but he could live in his fantasies for as long as he wasn’t hungry. Something was nagging him though, voices, people, and the sound of something being smashed into dirt. People, lucky me, people I have to depend on and work with. Not the worst scenario, but I was enjoying my alone time.

“Hey!” The most he could do was yell, he knows he’s not strong enough to get himself down safely. “I’m up here! Just, it’s whenever you can!” Elis doesn’t have all day, but he had probably an hour or two before he would get sick on the constant view and try to get out of the tree.
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye RedEmRa RedEmRa Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Following Bels initial question, the forest seemed to come to life with rustling and voices. He entered the clearing to see who else made it through to the other side, supposing the rift only had that effect on Deifiore and no other realms.
Bel brought his attention to a girl with very long dark hair and a distinguishing facial scar. Then, what looked like an orc or half orc who had fallen for her (in the literal sense anyways). He also heard another male voice from the trees above. It seems that person was already decently acquainted with the area. Then an echo? He heard a male voice repeat his words from above. His eyes widened in surprise. It was a Vartija that made it through. Being an Oriussian native, he has seen only one other and studies what little others have known. The move silently and parrot voices to announce themselves to humans. What an interesting group.
Bel approached with a smile, waving towards the vartija in recognition, then kneeled down to offer the possible half orc a hand.
Rory was it? Can I give you a hand?” Bels smile and voice took on a softer tone. Though his clothing was stained by the moss and his hair was disheveled, he tried to maintain a serene composure. He couldn’t have been the only one so rattled by the events, after all. He flashed his orangish eyes up, to scan the group once more and introduced himself.
I am Belphor Desdero, call me Bel. I know that this must be pretty strange to everyone.” Again, his happy tone did not match his words. Bel was growing more certain that this was his fault and didn’t bother asking what was going on. “but I believe we have entered a different world. Or we could be dead. I’m still unsure.
His gloved hand rubbed small circles on his chin as he tried to figure out what to do. They had a few options. It seemed that the sun was rising rather than setting so they had some travel time. They could seek out a village or people and spend a night somewhere, wait to die, or camp out and play ‘team building games’. That last thought was rather unrealistic.

Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Remembrance Remembrance
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
FireMaiden FireMaiden
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tumblr_n9wg9yEMI31rzsagpo2_1280.jpg Amarië Ilana
She cocked her brow as she watched the orc approach her, introduce himself, and then fall flat on his face chasing her to chuckle ever so slightly. "Quite the impression there Rory, I'm Amarië. Need any help back up?" She asked, before her attention turned to another man who came into veiw. He seemed to be focused on the echoes however, and yet another voice. How many of them had ended up here? Looking around, she could still only see those who were still awake, and of course, one who was still unconscious. Or dead.

"Belphor, right? Why do you think that's what happened?" She asked, looking at the human with the same expression she had given Rory, minus the smirk. Reguardless of what it sounded like, "I..." She just remembered the voice in the tree. Looking around briefly, She noticed the spruce of the voice in question. "Just climb down, it's not hard," She told him firmly. "We don't really have a way to help you."
Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye Safety Hammer Safety Hammer RedEmRa RedEmRa Remembrance Remembrance Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Tiiraaz peacefully observed the situation below him wounded, pain, wrought faces scream in the distance yells and pleas for help fell on deaf ears like a baby lost in the woods screaming for its mother. A small bird ruby in color landed on his head chirping its song of happiness Tiiraaz chirped back a perfect mimic of the dear little bird that reminded him of a simpler time with what he could equate to the love of his life, Red. Tiiraaz turned his focus back down to the small band of humans all talking with one another he couldn't really understand what they were saying but his attention was caught by something else another human stuck in the trees just opposite of him Tiiraaz chirped more while looking over the man he diverted his attention away from the man and to the tree that he was caught on, Tiiraaz was looking for a simple place to land but could not observe any so he thought of a simpler idea looking higher up at an empty space above the tree line. In an instant, Tiiraaz disappeared causing a notable gush of wind to hit the tree sending all the birds that accumulated on him flying in different directions he reappeared just above the tree slowly falling down like a snowflake descends from the heavens soft and peacefully.

Tiiraaz fell until he was just above the man calling for help he reached out and grabbed onto a leaf just above the man Tiiraaz chirped a little bit at the stranger while tilting his head sideways wondering what the man was doing.

"Los Hi Mulhaan?" Tiiraaz questioned the man while reaching out with his scarf textured hand poking him looking to see if he was friendly or hostile at all.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye Safety Hammer Safety Hammer RedEmRa RedEmRa Remembrance Remembrance
Elis Dresden
Not exactly the easiest of situations

Elis was daydreaming, he was imagining a world where he lived in a large library that was filled to the brim with books on spells and rituals and everything he could ever hope for, but that ended as he heard the replies he was given from the people below. "Just climb down, it's not hard. We don't really have a way to help you." Your kidding me... "That's easy for you to say!" He looked down at the woman. "You look pretty battle-hardened, see I've been conditioned to the church life." Elis was about to curse until he realized doing that might make his situation worse if he truly is in hell. Yeah like this situation could get worse. And it just did. Before Elis could curse and defy his subconscious' wishes, a damned Vartija appeared before his very own eyes. Elis had heard about those pitiful beings, unable to hold an intelligent conversation, would constantly interrupt church events, and sometimes even used Holy Magic if there wasn't a glyph. One of his old Churchmaster had to cure an illness for a young man who was very Faithful, once he had finished the spell that was adapted so that no glpyhs were involved, he discovered a Vartija hiding in the other room. The Churchmaster attempted to shoo the Vartija away until it started reciting the spell that cures illnesses, and since the incantation is very specialized and personalized for the person being cured it was constantly curing the man Churchmaster had already cured. Once the Churchmaster realized that the Vartija didn't have any Faith to be seen, he immediately silenced it using Ante and had to cure the Taint it procured over a few minute basis. The story was a warning to those that dealt with Vartija.

If I even speak one incantation of Holy Magic near this one, I'll be in big trouble. Elis doesn't know any Cure Taint spells so subjecting the Vartija to such pain would not only be a sin but just plain immoral.

"Los Hi Mulhaan?"

What the fuck did you just say.. Shit! Wait no, shoot! Just cursed. Despite Elis not knowing what the Vartija said, he was somehow in perfect content with not knowing... Maybe he didn't want to know. One way or the other, the Vartija was offering it's hand to Elis, and there isn't much Elis can do in this situation but accept. I'm gonna regret this one day. He gave his hand to the Vartija with the best of hopes in his head.

I'm just trying out using font colors, it's actually hurting my eyes so I'm not gonna be using it again.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye Safety Hammer Safety Hammer RedEmRa RedEmRa
Scarlet Evergarden
For the first couple of seconds upon regaining consciousness, Scarlet calmly opened her eyes and stared at the complex tangle of roots above. She slowly tilted her head, her back pressed against the hard stony floor, and saw several ancient, crumbling monuments alongside blindingly green grass and blood-red flowers. What is this? Some kind of dream? Scarlet blinked slowly, her head giving her a mild headache. Suddenly, she scrambled to her feet, and her soft fingers grasped tightly around the hilt of her sword. She hastily drew her weapon and turned quickly to her surroundings. She broke into a cold sweat as her eyes gazed along the grassy temple, for she had abruptly remembered what happened just moments ago. She barely had any time to think before a terrifying beast had dragged her into a swirling mass of chaotic darkness. Where am I? What happened?!? Scarlet thought about the friends she had been chatting with in her usual, shoddy bar in Terruna. What happened to them? Were they all right? Scarlet's pounding heart seemed to momentarily stop as she had a terrifying thought. Oh no...am I dead? Did I die?! Fear seemed to simultaneously grasp her heart and choke her neck, causing her to fall to her knees. Her weapon made a clang as it fell to the ground, and she started to draw in quick, short gasps of air. Her mind became overwhelmed by panic and fear, and she knew that she had to stop. It's all right...you need to relax. Scarlet's breathing gradually became steady and rhythmic, and her heart rate returned to normal levels. It's going to be okay... She grabbed her sword and shakily returned it to its scabbard. It was hard to control her hands enough to get it through, but she eventually successfully sheathed her sword as she stood onto her feet. She drew in the fresh, natural forest air as she restored herself to calmness, and she slowly took in her surroundings. There was nothing to be seen except for the stony, foresty walls of the temple, and nothing to be heard except for chirping birds and the wind rustling the leaves...and the sound of distant voices. She knew that the presence of other people could be trouble, but moved toward the sound of voices regardless. She made it in time to find three people: an orc, a human male, and a woman. Scarlet overheard the man contemplating their situation, and she didn't know what to feel at the idea of their arrival into a different world. She hadn't even considered the thought, but was willing to believe anything at this point. It made her slightly relieved to know that she may not be dead, but it didn't reassure her about the condition of her friends from Deifiore. In any case, she figured that the people before her were in a similar situation to her own judging by the man's explanation, and approached freely. "Hey there! You all come from Deifiore, right?" She also happened to come in time to see the orc trip and fall face-first against the dirty floor, which heightened her mood a bit. "I'm Scarlet. We need to find a way to get out of here."
Bel listened to the girl, Amarië, and tapped his chin as if in deep thought. In a way, it was narrow minded to assume that he knew he was one of the major causes. If he was so far along on this research, anyone could have created this disaster, but the astral magic required belongs strictly to Orius and his knowledge of those who participated in those experiments was vast and full.
You know, I have no way to be certain, except to ask a local do I? However the rifts that were caused” he paused, wording it carefully with a sly grin as to keep from giving away his position, “those rifts were tears in the energy field we use to access magic, as far as I’m aware. Anyone who can enter the astral plane can feel discrepancies. Ha but who knows?
Bel finished with an exaggerated shrug, leaning on a tree. The lanky blondes narrow eyes found the Vartija once again and the uncomfortable looking man with dark hair in the branches above. He watched with an amused expression.
Oh this Vartija is friendly its seems. I don’t speak the language but I would trust them.” Bel called out, hoping to be at least somewhat helpful. The birds chirping and soft sound of wind through the branches almost made this feel normal. Everyone seemed relatively unharmed as far as Bel could feel, there were no more rifts. One could almost forget they just came from a ruined world.
He acknowledged the last girl to awaken and enter the scene, a girl with green eyes and short, dark red hair. He gave a short wave.
I think we are Deifiorians, but it’s hard to speak for everyone here. As far as getting out of this place, I’m not entirely sure if we can. If I have some time, we can find out, but for now maybe let’s get to know this little vacation spot?

Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Remembrance Remembrance
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis

Qiku Enkidu the Lalafell fell a small distance from midair to a random bush. The air spun as he dropped down, and once he felt the bristling stimulus of the bush he started flailing wildly. After a while of kicking and thrashing about, Kuu finally managed to escape the wretched grasp of the evil bush--only to realize his cloak had gotten stuck in their violent struggle. He growled angrily at his persistent foe and started tugging on his cloak really really hard...

...maybe a bit too hard, as once he was finally free he landed face-first on a small rock that happened to be lying around. The bite-sized victim snarled at his newfound opponent with a glare full of wrath. How dare that puny little rock attack him, the great warrior Qiku! He countered his enemy with a mighty kick--!

Perhaps a bit too mighty, and although the offending rock was sent flying, it cause Kuu to stub his exposed toe. Roaring in pain, he grabbed his one foot with his hands and bounced around, only to trip on a nearby root and fall onto the ground below. This time around, he got a hefty sample of the surrounding dirt, and he cringed at its vile flavor.

Sighing in frustrated defeat, the Lalafellan stood up and started brushing himself off. He would have to teach the stupid forest a lesson later on. Now that he was no longer being assaulted, however, a very important detail occurred to him: he was still alive! This was quite shocking to him, as he was being kidnapped by black, profane monsters a few moments ago. The despicable creatures barely gave him time to draw his blade when they popped out of a world-hole, scooped him up with one hand, and dragged him off into the rift ahead.

Qiku must have given them a run for their money, though, cause he didn't see them anywhere when he scanned his surroundings. He even realized that some of his totally magical water was coming out of his eyes during the fight with the demons. Surely that level of magic was what scared the big meanies off!

After rubbing the magically-formed water from his face and grabbing his nearby weapon, Kuu fully composed himself and started a more thorough scan of his environment. His ears twitched as they listened for anything trying to kill him, and he sniffed the air to get a thorough sense of what was nearby. He immediately noticed the conversation of several people. They were close. His muscles tensed at a sudden thought. What if they were in cahoots with the monsters trying to kidnap him?!

Kuu listened for a moment longer and realized that this wasn't the case. It seemed that all the people nearby were just as lost as he was. His face crumpled in frustration. Stupid humans, why didn't anyone know what was going on?! It seemed like he would be surrounded by idiots no matter where he went. After sniffing the air a couple more times, Kuu realized that he actually didn't recognize a couple of the scents. Most of them seemed human, but a couple were clearly different. This oddity peaked his curiousity, and after a brief moment of hesitation, Kuu decided to go investigate.

The Lalafellan followed his nose while stealthily moving through the forest. When he was close enough he saw a blond human talking about how they were useless and couldn't do anything right. Kuu couldn't agree more. Stupid human! Why did he have to go do everything by himself?!

Just before he could come up with a brilliant plan to get back home, however, he saw something really strange. One of the humans around here were...green? There were green humans?! Kuu was shocked, he'd only ever seen humans come in pink, but never green. In fact, this thing barely even looked like a human at all! With eyes wide in shock, Kuu walked up to it to get a better look. He would have been intimidated but the not-human was currently trying out the dirt so it must have been a herbivore or something. Kuu walked all the way out in the open and expressed his interests with sagely grace.

"Umm.....Why are you so green?!"

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer @everybody
Tiiraaz looked over the human as it gripped his hand the soft flesh felt weird to Tiiraaz he had never felt a humans skin before despite living around them for such a long time he started to awkwardly observe the hand bringing his face closer to it before a loud sniffing noise came from his mask. The hand smelt of old pages as if the human had been reading for years on end a velvety tongue popped out of the mask like a snakes tongue and quickly licked the hand before retreating back to the mask the human did not taste well causing Tiiraaz to negatively chirp at the human. Tiiraaz tugged the human hand pulling them closer to one another and the sniffing noise could be heard again as Tiiraaz could smell something else on the human the origin of the scent was unknown to Tiiraaz but it was commonplace chalk the scent was sweet and welcoming towards Tiiraaz.

"Zu'u Fen Aak Hi" Tiiraaz backed away from the human still holding onto him with what appeared to be a smile growing upon the mask revealing sharp white teeth in between the opening Tiiraaz looked at the ground about a couple of yards away from the forming group of humans he almost lept from the tree dragging the human behind him. A sudden gust of wind enthralled the two top of the tree and in an instant, they teleported safely to the ground Tiiraaz would be used to the teleporting but if it was the humans first time teleporting it may be a little disorientating for him.

Tiiraaz let go of the human and looked at the others scents filled the slits on his mask as new people where their curiosity questioned and poked his mind he strolled over to the group getting in what would be defined as a personal space Tiiraaz practically floated towards them not making a noise. Tiiraaz looked into the golden eyes of the blonde male before looking up and down his torso, then Tiiraaz snapped around quickly turning to a soft blue-eyed woman Tiiraaz got lost in her eyes for a second before looking down at his light blue body then back up into her eyes "Fron..." the words came carefully out of Tiiraaz mask and as he said them he bowed his head in a soft greeting. As Tiiraaz was bowing his head he noticed a large green human laying in the dirt this caused Tiiraaz to tilt his head in question as he mimicked the bird chirps before looking back up at the blue-eyed woman and the golden-eyed man wondering what would happen next.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis Remembrance Remembrance
Rory waved at the others, picking himself up from the forest floor and brushing the dark brown dirt from his tunic, before he heard a soft voice come from somewhere behind him in the forest. With a cocked eyebrow, he looked around, scanning the treeline and not seeing anyone other than the companions he had woken up with. But before he could join the rest of the group, he heard it again. But this time, it was below him.

"Umm.....Why are you so green?"

Rory spun around, ready to snap back with an insult to whomever said that, but then, he saw Kuu. And his heart melted. "Oh my gods, you are just the cutest little guy I've ever met, aren't you?!" He said with a big smile, squatting down to his size. The bard wanted to just pick him up and give him a hug. "I'm what you would call a half-orc, little dude. The name's Rory. Do.. do you know where your parents are?" Rory asked softly, wiping the tears from Kuu's eyes with his thumb.
Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen Remembrance Remembrance Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye FireMaiden FireMaiden
Reis Reis
Kuu grimaced at the non-human looming over him. Apparently he was right about his species, but he was disappointed that the half-orc's size didn't do him much good. Why was he talking to him like a child? Were this man's eyes as terrible as a human's, or was his body that much larger than his brain? Kuu was clearly not a child, and certainly not little! He decided to spare the man from violence because he looked too big to threaten, but Kuu would try to enlighten him with as much hostility as possible.

"The name is Qiku Enkidu, half-orc." He scowled as Rory rubbed the remaining water-magic from his face and resisted the urge to smack his big green fingers away. "I'll have you know that I am a grown man, and it would serve you well to remember it." Kuu pouted up at Rory viciously, clearly showing his lack of appreciation for the big man's attitude. "As for my parents, they sure aren't in this stupid forest. Now tell me how to find a world-hole so I can finall--"

Kuu's tiny voice was silenced by the nearby voice of a creature he never heard before. Startled, he turned around to see a floating black monster getting ready to attack everyone! Kuu swiftly drew his blade and started flailing it in a frightened attempt to scare it off. "Aaah, monster! Go away!" His body tensed at the thought of being snatched up and abducted again. He was too scared to look, so he closed his eyes while waving his weapon harmlessly in the air.

Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
tumblr_n9wg9yEMI31rzsagpo2_1280.jpg Amarië Ilana
"That's no excuse holy man, I've seen childern scale trees taller than that one," She snapped back. She wasn't fond of people who couldn't do simple things like climb a tree. It wasn't hard, it was just an uneven latter. But Her attention was grabbed by the Orc. And the little creature he was treating like a child. "Um, Rory.." she started, but her words fell on deaf ears. Not that she wanted ro say what she needed to anymore, he was a halfling? That was a surprise, since half breeds were rather rare. At least, half elves were. Stepping up to stand next to Rory, She looked down at the little man. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Amarië," She said, tucking some hair behind her ear as she introduced herself politely. Though she was curious as to what this little thing was. He defeinatly was cute, but she had never seen anyone like him becfore. However, that was suddenly changed when he drew his weapon and began shouting at..."Well shit," She muttered with a half smile. "That's not a monster, its a Vartija. They're not harmful, at least, from what I've heard."
Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye Safety Hammer Safety Hammer RedEmRa RedEmRa Remembrance Remembrance Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen Reis Reis
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Bel was more drawn to the Vartija than the little childlike person who approached at first. Bels experience with Vartija was an interesting one. During one of his first trips out of body, he got lost in the woods, away from his physical form. The longer one stays separated, the less likely they can return, and he was a young child who had no confidence in his ability. He came across a Vartija and decided to follow it, ending up near his body again. During that time, he really believes the Vartija saw him somehow. They must be helpful in nature, because this one helped the man down from the tree. Bel couldn’t help but laugh a little at that moment, before the black and blue clothed being approached him and Amarië.
“Hello.” Bel said, with a grin, unsure if the being would understand. He gestured to himself. “I’m Bel,” then gestured towards the Vartija. “What may I call you?” The blonde man smirked with mirth as the small as the little being, Kuu, was spooked by their new acquaintance.
“Ah so scary, I know.” He said jokingly, before contemplating Kuus original question. “A world hole? I’m unsure if this world can have a stable portal. Maybe there is a weak spot i could try to open up, but we don’t know if that would do what it did to Deifiore. As far as finding your parents, it’s unclear if anything remains back home.” Well shit, Bel thought to himself, he might have let slip that he knew what happened.

Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Reis Reis
Remembrance Remembrance
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis
Hermione Puckette
Oww... what did I do last night? The Saytr groaned and didn't open her eyes as her raging headache almost completely prevented her from doing so. When that dwarf said he was gonna be rough I didn't think he meant- She stopped thinking as she felt her velvety ears perk at the sound of voices. Wait... where? Finally, she was able to open her grey eyes, which were bloodshot and sore, to finally look around at where she was. It was so... green.

Hermione was finally able to sit up as she rubbed the back of her neck, which was so sore from the impact. She looked around, noticing that she did not seem to be the only one here. Several humans and... an Orc? She hadn't seen one of those in some time. There was also a Vartija, something Hermione had only read about in books and a Lalafell who only would have come up to her hocks. Who were all these people? The Satyr was... confused to say the least. Where was she and why were these people here? What DID she do last night? Or was it today?

"Ugh... what in the name of Zeus-?" she tried to get up but realised... she couldn't. The Saytr attempted to sit forward but could feel something forced against her, preventing her movement. She turned around and groaned at what she saw. Her tail, wedged between the tree's root and a rock. She attempted to swish it, but was only able to move it by its dock, the rest of the horse-like appendage remained stuck.

"Bah- stupid-!" She tugged at the tail several times in an effort to free it. Thankfully since it was hair, it did not hurt. She was contemplating taking out her dagger to chop it off when she finally gave it one more tug. The force of that pull was enough to pull Hermione backwards. The Saytr yowled as she rolled backwards down the slope, landing in a heap at the bottom, closer to the other people than she would have liked. Still pretty drunk from... two minutes ago? she managed to get to her hooves, albeit unsteadily.

"Ow... wow that was..." she paused as she took in what was going on. It seemed that the Orc had mistaken the Lalafell for a small child and was being reprimanded for it. Hermione rolled her eyes, great... she hated those guys. Seemed they liked trying too hard to compensate for their height by being as big of jerks as possible. Granted Hermione knew that she was no better herself but at least she did not hate everyone because of height. No... just humans and elves. She took in a moment, mostly to try and make out exactly what she was dealing with. Well, she knew one thing. The other females were... far more attractive than she ever would be. Great.

"...Alright either you lot are real or I just really overdid it on the bevvy last night." she scratched at her haunches vigorously. Great, they were already starting to itch. And she could already see there were some flies buzzing around her. Great... she hadn't expected this kind of company so hadn't bathed in a period of time. Not that she liked baths in the first place but still!

"...Any of you ravishing creatures know what is going on here?" she questioned, stumbling slightly on the spot. She got the wineskin from around her shoulder and took a long drink from it. At least she still had this, otherwise, she'd go mad.

Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Reis Reis
Remembrance Remembrance
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye
Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis

20 min Prior to Rift Engulfation

Piruza was roaming the deserts again, it gave an aura of mystique with its bitter khamsin numbing every muscle on your body, it's encompassing sea of fine sand and gravel leaving you stranded and lost, it's clear, ominous void of a sky illuminating the ground. It was an area like this where Piruza was relaxed and ready, she felt alert but in her element.


A vortex of sand appeared as a colossal sand serpent surged from the terrain, it's coiled and twisted body appearing to flop out of the ground, it's gaping jaws appearing like cave entrances and it's glaring eyes staring right through Piruza's soul. She couldn't fight this one up front, that was for sure, Piruza needed a tactic to get her out of a situation like this. The sand serpent roared and snarled, it began to circle around Piruza, trapping her in its area. Suddenly, as Piruza was looking for a way to escape the serpent flew their open mouth towards Piruza and swallowed her whole.

It appeared as though her journey had come to an end, being eaten by a sand serpent was an inescapable death, yet off of a whim, Piruza was suctioned through the rift, it's many colours causing her eyes to blank out and her mind to exhaust, Piruza felt in no way that the journey was short, she seemed to have been falling for hours. Until.


Piruza was launched right into the temple walls, knocking her out.

15 Min after The Gathering

Piruza awoke, she was leaned against a wall and noticed her arm was aching horribly, she stared around her, taking in every sight, it didn't look too different from Deifiore but, where was she? Why did she get placed here? Who else is around? How was she going to survive?
These questions seemed to rush around in her head, yet, a more pressing question appeared, who needed help?

The sun was beginning to set, it's golden aura highlighting the azure of the new found world. Piruza glanced towards her stave, it was glowing a deep purple, this indicated that there was somebody out there, but there was a large tone of dread amongst them. Piruza attempted to get up. her head was thumping but she needed to find the troubled soul, or souls.

Walking towards what seemed to be an archway, Piruza noticed footprints and began to follow them, as she ventured further away from the temple they appeared to grow in number, hopefully, the group Piruza was tracking were welcoming.

"...Any of you ravishing creatures know what is going on here?" said a voice, Piruza must've been closing in on the travelling group! Clearly, they were all just as confused as she was, her stave began to glow a much warmer purple and appeared to overload, she was very close to them all.

Slowly, she snuck her way towards the noise, well, at least she thought it was sneaky, it sounded a lot more like large clumping and rustling of leaves and boots, to which she gave up and walked towards the group.
Looking face-on towards a man, who appeared to be a white mage, Piruza gave her friendliest smile and waved towards the man who was deeply engrossed in his book.

Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Reis Reis
Remembrance Remembrance
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye
Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Sleeping, sleeping, sleeping... And then a frighteningly abrupt change to spinning, ending with him falling straight down onto the ground, bouncing once due to his lower gravity, then ending with his head making a non-fatal impact with a large slab of stone, covered in moss. That's how it went for Chantie- who had, not minutes ago, been happily sleeping on the side of a mountain in the far outskirts of Aesoria that he had been exploring the cave systems of the past few days. He winced in pain at the bone-rattling hit he had taken, while trying to inch his way out of the sleeping bag he was still inside. His surroundings certainly weren't the same as where he had went to sleep... There were far more trees around, as well as odd, stone tablets protruding from the ground. Had he missed something? Was his memory scrambled?.. Or did he really just somehow wake up here? It's possible this was a lower side of the mountain he had been on, and that a rockslide had forced him off a cliff, but... No. If that were the case, there would be rubble everywhere- and he certainly didn't feel as if he had fallen all that far down anyways. Finally having worked himself to his feet, he slinged his sleeping bag around both shoulders and took in a bit more of his surroundings.

It seemed as if it had, at one point, been a temple of some kind- perhaps a sanctuary. However, none of the markings on the rocks rang a bell to him. Whatever it was, if it was a religion of some kind, it wasn't very popular anymore, and judging from the moss, it hadn't been for some time. He lifted both of his ears one at a time, brushing dirt and dust off of them- when the left one perked up at a noise. It sounded like some voices in the distance... And while he couldn't make out the exact words, they sounded confused enough for him to not feel out of place alongside whoever they might be. Pivoting in the direction the voices had been coming from on one foot, he took to walking. And as the voices grew louder, they also grew more clear. But before he'd arrived to the group, he found someone else was already introducing themselves to the group- or, rather, waving at one of them. He stepped over a tree root, coming from behind the waving fellow, and made himself visible to everyone as well.

"I'm going to suppose that I'm not the only one who is new here to you all- would I be correct in that assumption?"

Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Reis Reis
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis
Remembrance Remembrance
FireMaiden FireMaiden
RedEmRa RedEmRa
Tiiraaz jumped at the tiny human that started waving a sword at him, his fear quickly left as he watched it harmlessly wave the sword at him. Tiiraaz curious about the sword leaned closer to the slashed without getting hit and started making a sniffing noise like a dog following a stick that someone was waving around this quick action made him feel sickly as Tiiraaz moved his head back and forth too much, Amarie introduced herself to the small dwarf life humanoid which seemed to calm it down at least a little bit Tiiraaz's attention was cut away by the golden-eyed man who introduced himself as Belphor the introduction fell of deft ears though as he pointed at himself and said his name Tiiraaz interpreted it as him saying he was hungry. Bel then pointed at Tiiraaz and spoke again this caused Tiiraaz to look around before suddenly vanishing kicking up a gust of wind before he reappeared in a few second sending out a second gush of wind Tiiraaz had a couple of acorns in his scarf textured hand and he held them out offering the acorns to the human while tilting his head sideways.

"Kip?" Tiiraaz questioned still holding the acorns out at the human the thought crossed his mind that maybe the human needed a demonstration? Tiiraaz picked one of the acorns and help it up to his mask which parted revealing extremely sharp teeth and a long snake-like tongue that wrapped around the acorn and Tiiraaz chewed on the acorn before swallowing it and opening his mouth at Bel like a child would show their parent that they have eaten all of their vegetables after that the demonstration was done and the mouth hole closed up with the mask hardening back to normal and Tiiraaz offered another time the acorns.

Suddenly a new arrival at the scene snapped Tiiraaz's attention it was brown haired human but something was different she had horns and long furry ears this confused Tiiraaz as he had never seen a satyr before so he looked at Bel then at the satyr, he did this back and forth about three times before disappearing in a gush of wind and reappearing right in front of Hermione the newest arrival. Tiiraaz got in what would be considered someone's personal space looking her up and down Tiiraaz grabbed her ears lightly with his scarf textured hands tugging a slight bit before feeling the horns wondering if they were real then he saw the bushy tail behind the satyr. Tiiraaz watched it sway back and forth and started following it a slight bit while chirping in joy like a bird singing its song on a bright summer day
FireMaiden FireMaiden Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Reis Reis Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis Remembrance Remembrance RedEmRa RedEmRa
Clair Desdero

Pain, pain and more pain. Agony, gripe, torment or whatever you'd like to call it was the only thing Clair came to concern herself with upon waking up in this drifting world. Upon waking up pinned between two briar coated branches some twelve feet above the ground Clair came to realise every and any movement made by herself called forth a blood-curdling and immense pain. But to Clair, this was a good sign. The pain meant she was still alive. her raspy breath meant she was still breathing and the cold draining feeling she felt soon after ensured her that her blood was still pumping.

Consciousness came and went rapidly in a cruel cycle that repeated every few minutes and were it not for the fact such a cycle left her short of breath well Clair would have screamed uncontrollably, perhaps called for help. Perhaps paused for a second to think about her surroundings and the events that had just taken place. But for now, she was trapped in both a physical sense and within a vicious cycle. Why her? Why hadn't she seen this? Why?

With the passage of time, others began to form in a group beneath the tree branches unbeknownst to Clair. And to those below, she was likely hidden from view deep within a mess of barbs. Of course, there were subtle hints someone was ensnared above. Every so often blood droplets would fall from above. Perhaps easy enough to miss but not so much when they have been hitting your shoulder long enough to turn the white red. ( Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye )

FireMaiden FireMaiden Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Reis Reis Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis Remembrance Remembrance RedEmRa RedEmRa Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Bel watched Tiiraaz answer his question with.. acorns? The blonde knitted his eyebrows in fascination and mild consent as the cloaked being opened his mouth and revealed some interesting anatomy to him. It seemed Tiiraaz was trying to teach Belphor to eat. The language barrier didn’t allow for much back and forth, but he appreciated the demonstration. Belphor shook his head in gestured with his hands as a polite no thank you to the acorn.
A couple more people entered the scene. A white being in a dress, possibly female? A Satyr, with thick and wild brown hair, Bel felt one more presence. Somehow it was shockingly familiar. Someone he knew was also around? The two new members to this group of stranded strangers voiced their confusion.
“Hm, this is a different world, I believe. We were breached here in a sense, and I have no idea where we are. I’m Bel by the way.” Bel answered with a grin, until he realized why he felt another presence.
The blonde felt a drop hit his shoulder, though he was still for a while, he didn’t pay attention to this sensation until now. The white clothes of his coat were stained a deep red where the liquid hit him. Bels narrow eyes widened and his face turned even paler. It wasn’t just about the blood, it was about the person in the tree. The only reason he could possibly tell is the little bit he could see if the person in the tree, and the energy that particular person has. How did she get here?? Was she even still alive?
Bel dropped, hands and knees to the ground, and mumbled to himself momentarily, connecting with the tree above. He put his energy into making a reasonably sized golem from the tree the familiar figure was ensnared within. To others, Bels body went limp on the ground. He really didn’t think to let anyone know what was happening, so he wouldn’t blame anyone for being confused. His energy went into the tree golem, which began to gain human characteristics within the tree, approximately 12 feet up. He saw her clearly. Clair was bloody and entrapped in the briar above. Bels golem, connected to the tree, allowed the thorns to retract carefully, as to not do any more damage. The golems arms, twisted branches, revealed themselves from under Clair as they lifted her form and lowered her to the ground like a next of hanging vines.
As soon as she was on the ground, Bels body showed signs of life as he stood up, rushing over to the girl and starting checking for life.
“Clair, hey, are you with me?” He asked, quietly, his usual grin nowhere to be seen. He acknowledged the group again for the first time since he noticed Clair in that tree.
“Does anyone have a healing ability? It seems my sister dropped by, but ended up with an uncomfortable landing.” Bels orange eyes searched the group for a moment before getting out his own bag and looking for his own makeshift first aid kit.

FireMaiden FireMaiden Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Reis Reis Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis Remembrance Remembrance
RedEmRa RedEmRa
Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen Uasal Uasal
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The group was very scattered, each member appeared to enact their own scenario. Piruza thought it was best to watch, she couldn't speak anyway.
“Does anyone have a healing ability? It seems my sister dropped by, but ended up with an uncomfortable landing.” Chirped the blonde man. ( Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye )

Piruza began to rush over to the fallen human, her hulking boots clotting the land, clamping to its dirt, by instinct Piruza pulled out her stave, It was still glowing a bright purple although the Blonde Man's sister ( Uasal Uasal ) appeared to be injured.

Budging the Blonde to the side as he was still searching for his med-kit, Piruza repeatedly, under her breath, muttered "Saxkirin...Saxkirin...Saxkirin."
Surprisingly, a large glow of Oneiric Energy emitted from her palms, it's purple aura flickered around her fingers and crackled at the tips. The energy felt strong and untapped yet her control over it was very weakly.

Regardless of how dominant Piruza felt over her magic, it still worked, the stave began to vibrate as she attempted to brew a liquid remedy, instinctively, Piruza grabbed a leaf from foliage that surrounded the victim and formed a funnel.

Oneiric magic is very reactive, thus, the liquid has a tendency to feel scorching hot when in the open, almost like water straight from a kettle.

Pouring the remedy into the funnel, Piruza lifted the fallen sister's head up, so much so, that her mouth just barely opened. The liquid elixir was syrup-like, indicating that the sister would have to wait for a while before waking up, but, overall at her awake, she would feel highly caffeinated and healthy.

Piruza noticed that, although she was out of the desert, she wasn't out of her duty. Reaching into her tube, Piruza pulled out one large quilt, she wrapped the quilt around Blonde Man's sister and stepped back to give a reassuring nod, signifying that she was alright.

The sun was setting, and the group appeared to be reaching the forest's clearing, Piruza was feeling exhausted, a Oneirogenic Curing spell took a lot of focus, with or without her temporal stave. In response, Piruza let out a large yawn, maybe her insomnia would give her a day off?
Hermione Puckette
Hermione finished taking the very long swig from the wine-skin, only breathing after she had finished it. “Ah… now that’s better.” She sighed before releasing a hearty belch from the quickness in ingesting the wine. She opened her mouth to say more when she suddenly felt a gust of wind and she was greeted with the sight of the Vartija staring at her, cooing like a curious bird.

Um… Hello... flying rug.” Hermione was then slightly taken aback as she felt her ears being touched and grabbed by the creature’s silk like hands. She kept still as he floated around, moving from her ears to her horns, giving them a light tug. Hermione only grunted at the feeling. She was still very distracted by the flies buzzing about her and, while caring about hygiene was something Hermione never took into consideration she was slightly concerned about the potential for fleas. Not that she had any that is… she thought as she scratched her head vigorously. When he moved around to her tail, which was swishing lazily behind her she could not help but be slightly entertained by his antics of swaying back and forth along with it, chirping like a morning bird. Not that Hermione was ever awake in the morning to hear them.

Don’t get swatted. Dunno where it’s been.” She said, her voice sounding slightly grumpy but… unable to prevent a slight chuckle to escape from her lips. The whole thing was quite entertaining to say the least. Her attention was broken by the sound of one of the strangers introducing himself towards her. Hermione pushed her shaggy hair from her face and rubbed a hand against her haunch in case he was looking to shake hands, something that he thankfully didn’t do. Hermione was rather nervous about the chance of shaking a stranger’s hand, given how dirty her hands were.

Hermione Puckette. My friends -hic- call me ‘Hermy’, or at least they would if I had any in the first place.” She laughed a little with a hiccup before going quieter, “Eh… I’m not funny.” She shrugged before something else caught her attention. The scent of… blood? Looking up, Hermione’s jaw dropped at the sight of a woman who seemed to be mangled in the tree above.

What the fu-?” she did not even get to finish that statement when, the man she had spoken to, Bel suddenly flopped onto the ground, like he just dropped dead. Before she could get a word in, she noticed a shifting in the tree as… a being seemed to form within the branches, gently putting the hurt woman onto the ground. The whole thing was just… Hermione couldn’t close her mouth from the shock. She just looked at her wineskin and, without another thought, took another long swig from it. There was no way that had just happened!

Seeing yet another stranger showing up, Hermione just grunted and sat down in the grass, her tail lying lazily between her legs which was slightly parted, watching what was going on. She felt rather unsteady from the shock of what she was watching and well... the wine. She ran a hand through her dishevelled hair, "...I'd ask questions on what the hell that was but... but that requires brain power." She shrugged, leaning back on the slope. She still had no answers as to where she was but... judging by this group, she was not going to get an answer. She just watched as the woman was tended to. Blinking, she fished into her fanny pack, pulling out a small bag of herbs. "Hey." she chucked the little bag to the person looking the woman over, "Might be something useful in there. No use to me anyway might as well get rid of them." she added as she shifted to lie on her side slightly, her tail flicking on her legs comfortably.

FireMaiden FireMaiden Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Reis Reis Marmalade Skye Marmalade Skye Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis Remembrance Remembrance
RedEmRa RedEmRa
Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen Uasal Uasal

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