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Futuristic Free Merchant Blues Secondary Info

I'm not sure if I should be more excited for season 3 or this. Oh boy. Now I'm double excited
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Bojí Farley
Nickname: Goes by Farley
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Role: Engineer
Defining physical traits: Prosthetic arm built by himself. Lashing scars across his back, and a scar across his face and eye from his time as a slave. Pierced right ear.
Personality: Bojí is usually calm and collected, never one to start a fight. But if challenged he will not back down. His calmness usually relaxes the other crew mates, making bad situations much less stressful. His sense of humor needs work though, not fully understanding jokes since he was so culturally blinded as a slave. Blind to sarcasem, idioms, and almost any literary term. But even though he struggles in the cultural department, his knowledge of technology is far beyond. He prides himself on the work and care he maintains on the ship, even going to lengths to tinker and improve it. But though he's naive to human culture, his brilliant mind counters it.
History: Hailing from a virtually unknown colony on Horus, Bojí grew up as a miner's slave. Mostly used to haul large loads, or any other laborus job, his youth was filled with work and batery. Never knowing his true parents, the only thing close to one was a kind woman woman named Dùlian. She cooked and cleaned for the miners, having a much easier life than Bojí, but she cared for the young boy. Sneaking him books on the machines, Dùlian hoped that maybe the boy could be an engineer for the miners, which would be less abusive. And around the age of 12, Bojí had mastered the mechanics of a drill just by reading books. The miners quickly took on, and began to go to the young boy when a mechanical problem arose. Though on one rare occasion a drill severed his arm. Becoming so talented, once the mine closed and the miners left, Bojí was left behind as a free man. Seizing the moment, he began to create a rescue beacon from only the mining parts and equipment, and successfully was rescued. Calling his new home in Sector 12, though rough it was easier than anything on Horus. Doing any odd engineering job in the city, Bojí has become the top engineer in the Sector.

only wears helmet if in space or it's nessicary.
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Is this still open? I read through the IC thread and wanted to see if I could jump in before things progressed too far.
Vudukudu Vudukudu Eivonroth Eivonroth Nerdork Nerdork KStrausser KStrausser

Alright peeps, I need to know how much you expect to get paid, and how long you've been on the ship. For comparison, average living expenses are about 1 to 2 credits a day. If you could send me a private message with the information provided, I can start working on my next post. Failure to do so in a reasonable timeframe will result in being paid what I feel like you should be paid, which is probably lower than you want. And before you ask, I do know how much it costs to keep the ship running and that will factor into how much you are paid.

And if you aren't on the ship yet, we'll discuss pay as part of the RP.
Vudukudu Vudukudu Eivonroth Eivonroth Nerdork Nerdork KStrausser KStrausser

Alright peeps, I need to know how much you expect to get paid, and how long you've been on the ship. For comparison, average living expenses are about 1 to 2 credits a day. If you could send me a private message with the information provided, I can start working on my next post. Failure to do so in a reasonable timeframe will result in being paid what I feel like you should be paid, which is probably lower than you want. And before you ask, I do know how much it costs to keep the ship running and that will factor into how much you are paid.

And if you aren't on the ship yet, we'll discuss pay as part of the RP.

Assume we're buying two weeks of fuel, the coolant replacement costs an even five hundred.

Cap'll take fifteen.
For anyone interested, here's the rough outline of the economy -

All prices fluctuate somewhat based on local needs and current supplies, so there's some give and take here. For reference, the Revelation is currently worth about 600k. We probably won't be micromanaging this too intensely, but it is good to have on hand for the occasional use. The Revelation is also capable of holding about 75,000 kg worth of material, without ruining its ability to fly inside a planet's atmosphere.

Crude Pistol (hand-made, single-shot affair): 20 credits.
Revolvers: 50 credits.
Rifles: 100 credits.
Shotguns: 60 credits.
Gunsmith Weaponry: Anywhere between 400-2000 credits, depending on just how nice you want it.
Semi-Automatic Pistol: 75 credits.
Combat Rifles: 300 credits.

1 day of Rations: 5 credits.
1 Kilo of Ore/Scrap Metal: 10 credits.
1 Kilo of Valuable Metals/Gemstones: 80 credits.
Common Trade Goods: 50 credits per kilo. Mostly consist of things like tools, clothing, blankets, rope, sort of "whatever might be useful."
Medical Kit: 100 credits.
1 Weeks worth of Fuel: 200 credits.
Life Support: 20 credits per day, per person.

De-Tox: 200 credits.
Jumper: 5 credits per dose, each dose being about a thumbnail's worth of powder. Mild amphetamine.
Snap: Between the syringe and the chemical, 9 credits per dose. Essentially PCP.
Lo Sticks: A pack for 1-3 credits, depending on quality. Basically pot.
Bug Juice: Hallucinogen that causes eyes to bulge slightly. 10 credits per ounce.
Good news: I know what I'm paying everyone.

Bad news: 12 hour days suck, so it may be a day or two before I have the time to write the next post. It's first on my to do list, outside of adulting stuff.

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