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Fantasy Four Suits: Of Gods & Devils - CS Thread (Vol. 4)

Kayos Amadil
  • Image/Appearance:


    Cerulean blue colored eyes with hair more silver than white. The mask is very signature to his appearance whether it's on his head or he's actually wearing it. On the corner of his his mask are two black roses and at the center are gold fairy eyes set in the middle of diamonds.

    Kayos Amadil (annunciation: Kay-ohs Ah-mah-deel)

    Titles/Nicknames: none he prefers is actual name and will correct anyone who tries to give him a nickname.

    actual age: 400

    physical age: 30


    Male/ he is more feminine in nature and physique so can be often mistaken for either gender.

    Kayos is probably the most vain person one could ever meet. His vanity knows no bounds, and he spares no expense for lavish living and anything he deems beautiful in his eyes, whether it be shiny objects or people. The elf often can be caught indulging himself into what many would consider questionable morals, given his lack of emotion and empathy towards his prey. He indulges in his amusements that consists of toying and manipulating those he sees as less than including his slave. His speech pattern often consists of riddles and open ended questions that make it hard to pin point his exact motives, and beliefs, as well as political stand point. While he seems a bit off and slightly unstable the elf is quite observant and though he talks like he's a fool, he is very perceptive to what is going on around him.

    Kayos is patient and slow to anger especially when he indulges himself in a game of wits to usually an unwilling and more or less unknowing victim. However, there are a few things that can set him off into a fit of rage often left to his slave to calm him down. The mispronunciation of his name, people who are oblivious to personal space, and anyone who shows any form of adoration and/or attention to his slave. This rage can be quiet or also loud enough to make a scene depending on his mood and the offense.

    Kayos Amadil still kept his family name even though they practically disowned him. He figured he should keep the name, and that his family weren't worthy of being called an Amadil. The elf truly didn't understand what their problem was, and didn't find anything wrong using small animals to practice his healing magic by cutting them open over and over at a time. So he used his sister one time, and they decided it was a bad enough of offense to disown him, okay... so it was more than once, but what did they know? Kayos needed to learn and study and he was a hands on learner so to speak. How else was one supposed to learn their craft, if not to practice, and he couldn't mar his beautiful skin to practice on himself. Elves had lesser education after all and were a bit on the poor side looked at as less than. It boggled his mine to think that other species thought they were less than, well maybe other elves, but certainly not him. Vanity ran deep in the elf since he was young and he didn't get along with most of the elves in Odin.

    Determined to live the luxurious life he envied the elf began to dive into other magic that would gain him more money. While doing so plant magic caught his interest and his dreams seemed to fall by the wayside as he studied plants. He moved to Brigok where he grew his own plants and took up a craft in manipulating the grown vines into various jewelry to sell and save up money to eventually move to Marin in Diamonds. It had seemed to be a fleeting dream even as the elf learned the art of his craft. While he was growing older, and perhaps the wiser, he was still a hands on learner so off to Noah's Park and the marshes he went to perfect his spell craft.

    That was when he found a rather mischievous and curious members of the fae. Nomads living in hiding easily bribed by sweets he saved up for. They were resilient enough to help him perfect his spellcraft to where it needed to be. Although greed and vanity got the better of him as he realized that fae parts were quite valuable and what better way to market and raise the value than to implement fae parts into jewelry. Eyes casted in resin shaped like diamonds carefully set in various adornments, keeping his favorite for himself, including the very fairy he tricked. The last thing the poor fairy ever saw was her friends being ripped apart alive bit by bit, before he gouged out her own eyes and tore off her wings. She didn't have a choice but to stay with him and while it took some time she eventually learned her place and helped him begin his trade.

    The fae jewelry was a success and it landed him in the city of Regn in Diamonds for awhile that was until the war. He fought in the war not for moral or even to really help but to hone his skills and prove his worth to himself and to the name Elven name Amadil. After the war he ended up returning to Clubs and in the city of Erylon where the past 5 years he has once again set up a shop selling trophies of various kinds. The fae jewelry being his specialty it was also his rarity, thus began his pursuit and various beast hunting to sell and continue in indulging in as lavish living as he could not being of nobility, but he was certainly more well off than his family ever was.



    Stats: 400/200

    - Can mend the flesh together to stop bleeding. If it's internal bleeding the flesh would first have to be cut open in order to get in direct contact with the problem area to heal it.
    • sub-spell- a rejuvenation buff that detects injury and is able to heal the wound over time. Lasts up to 2 hours.
    Plant Magic- Vines: as long as soil is reachable vines can be made to sprout up and entangle its prey, this can vary with thorns or without. This also includes the soil he carries with him that can be thrown at his prey upon contact vines would entrap (much like a net). This can only be done within a 6ft radius.
    • Sub-Spell: Vine rune trap- places a rune on a location if stepped on it triggers the spell and will enclose a cage of thorns around the prey.
    • Sub-Spell: Paralytic Thorns- Yellow thorns emerges from the vines and once contact to skin is made it releases a toxin that paralyzes the prey rendering them immobile. Can have long lasting side effects of loss feeling in the area affected areas.

    His mask: it just looks cool, get over it.
    He wears long necklaces that have bottles of soil that he carries with him as a just in case. You never know when "self defense" is needed and it would be bad manners to break the road apart to use his abilities.

    He does have a slave named Alora
    Friends with Lhoren Araqen.

    minus the wings and eyes (yes you read that right she doesn't have eyes) In place of her eyes is a beautiful green vined mask that forms a celtic knot over her empty eye sockets where thorns latch onto the inside of the hole making it extremely painful if she were to attempt to take it off.

    Born of the fae she is able to take on a taller form of 4ft tall. She remains in this form since her wings were torn off. She is more of a pet than a slave. Due to her small psychosis abilities Kayos has been falling into madness slowly over time, but refuses to let go of his rare treasure.