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Realistic or Modern Foster care? More like Foster Jail.

Crimson Rose

Elder Member
[Warnings: Potential triggers]

A Foster Family isn’t always the best living situation for foster kids. This is the tale of a young group of children who were taken in by this dreadfully greedy lady who only wanted the cash deposits for each of the kids so she didn’t have to work.

While this lady is on trips, the kids are left to their own devices to fend for themselves in a cramped up two bedroom apartment in a rather shady are, which their caretaker doesn’t even live at purely so she wouldn’t have to actually take care of anyone only taking the kids to her house when the social worker shows up. Making the kids have to maintain that rundown apartment by cleaning, providing themselves with their own food, and getting the essentials that they need such as schooling, etc.


  1. One character per person.
  2. Post at least once a week.
  3. 2 lines minimum.
  4. Be nice to your other roleplayers.

positions :

  1. Teen, Male,(Is related to child number 10) Age 17: dvds12 dvds12
  2. Teen, Age range 14-16: NickNacks NickNacks
  3. Teen, Age range 14-16: mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
  4. Teen, (Is related to Tween 6, and kid 8) Age range 14-16: Wynnox Wynnox
  5. Teen, age range 14-17: Soap Soap
  6. Tween, Age range 11-13: Svisttt Svisttt
  7. Tween,(Is related to teen number 4 and kid number 8) Age range 11-13: Ocean Ocean
  8. Kid, (is related to teen number 4 and tween number 6) Age range, 3-10: Reiia silver Reiia silver
  9. Kid, age range 3-10: TF81 TF81
  10. Kid,( Is related to Teen number 1) Age range, 3-10: Taken by me.
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oh Reiia I just realized something!!!! we've known each other for a bit over 3 years now! cause we met like shortly before I turned 18, and I just turned 20 last month. its been 3 years since the harvest moon town of steves
I really want to get back in the harvest Moon, I just don't have the time at the moment. I joined TF's neighborhood role-play, trying to reboot my own and joining this! But someday, I will remake the harvest Moon role-play!
someday it will return in the future! and it will be great and then build a defense to keep the steves away except steve the bakery
Hey! I'm interested in either 3 or 5, not quite sure which I'd prefer lol

EDIT: oh no I misread a comment! I guess I'm interested in 3 lol
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Hi, question, in the rules 2 lines max is a maximum of two sentences, correct? Or did you mean 2 lines minimum?
looks like I'm gonna happen to open another slot or two up 0.0;
hey! is 5 still available? <3
five is yours

G'day!! Is four still open?
four is yours

Hey! I'm interested in either 3 or 5, not quite sure which I'd prefer lol

EDIT: oh no I misread a comment! I guess I'm interested in 3 lol

You are now number 3.

Hi i'm interested in teen 4! :)

Hi, question, in the rules 2 lines max is a maximum of two sentences, correct? Or did you mean 2 lines minimum?
i meant two lines minimum thank you for catching that I didn't notice it. ^^;
I will open up another teen slot for you.

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