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Fantasy Fortress Force! !Female Roleplayers! (open all the time!)

What other fantasy creatures would you like to see be open for hire?

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[QUOTE="Sgt Gomez]"It is all of us or none of us," she said sternly, "I need to train Kat to be strong and she can only learn so much here. The true training happens in the field, got it?"

WIL scratched his chin and smiled and nodded as he floated in the air, " I like your style, I LIKE your style! " He nodded, " Field training huh? Well with dedication like that, how can I say no? "

Buzz Buzz the bee smiled and motioned for her to follow him to Mt. Itoi, " You're probably gonna love the people we're gathering! It's a big team! If you want to stay, after we're done saving the world you're definitely welcome to! "
"if you want you can take a rest on my shoulders" she walks to Mt.Itoi this going to be a long walk she final gets to the Mt.Itoi like the bee sayed there was a lot of people here to many in her opinion

@Painted Puzzle

Mintwing fluttered around the town and managed to hire a few more people to join the team, and he was awaiting for Luna Pinewood, he saw Felicity Cole walking to Mount Itoi. He smiled lightly as he saw that she took him up on the offer. He shot back to the ground and stopped a few feet in front of her and chirped softly, " Hello! :D Thank you for joining the Fortress Force for this very special mission! "

Buzz Buzz returned to the meteor and sat on top of it, " Guess we should wait for the others to come back with their mercs and allies "
Kendra was realaxing at the house or apartment she didn't know which it was all this was new for her she just looked at the tv sitting on the the funirture
"How many people are we talking about here I don't work for free you know" she light pokes the bee with a serious look on her face and then she cross her arms and waits for then's others


Buzz Buzz went digging around in the meteor for a couple of seconds. As he was rummaging around you could hear weird little noises like buzzing, crashing, techno n. When he came out with a necklace around his wire antannaes and he smiled cutely. He had gold coins and precious jewels pour out of it. " That enough? "
She blushed "yes that's fine....." she takes the stuff and puts it in her bag "Alright before all the others get here tell me the truth and mean everything I know when someone is holding back info"

Dtlee31 said:
She blushed "yes that's fine....." she takes the stuff and puts it in her bag "Alright before all the others get here tell me the truth and mean everything I know when someone is holding back info"
Buzz Buzz shrugged, " I don't really know what you mean, I mean...I'll answer any questions but I don't know what YOU want to know so just ask me anything and we'll work from there. "
"So you don't now what type of evil we are fighting" she sits down on the ground she going to be waiting for a little bit "so where is this evil how long is the travel time do we know strength weakness"


Ro nestled up closely to her hand as she pet him, he purred a little bit and smiled softly, his tail started to wag once more. He tilted his head as he could see the excitement in her eyes as would be expected but he also saw a shadow of doubt. He whimpered and tilted his head since he didn't want her to be upset. He thought back to the mission briefing that he's been given a few days ago he remembered her profile and it said something about an alternate wolf form and it being exeptionally violent, feral, and wild. He shrugged thought of a way to comfort her in some way. He blew fire onto his tail and had his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he tried to be careful not to mess up his drawing. He and drew another picture of him in a weird forest hatching out of an egg. Now his drawings seemed a lot nicer as now he had to really try hard to convey what he had to say without speech so this one would be tricky. He ripped the page out of his sketchpad neatly with his claw and lay it to the side, he started drawing on the next piece of paper and it showed him crawling out of the egg and onto the grass. The next paper showed him looking around for his parents but no one was there. Next Page, the baby Ro struggled to get to his feet but over time he managed learn to walk normally. Next page, it showed him living in the forest and protecting the creatures from stray axe droids that chopped down their homes. Next page, he was a ruthless fighter being exceptionally violent but whenever he was in front of his friends he was super nice. Next page, he had met a very large lion, he worked together with him protect the forest but the lion stayed violent in front of both his friends and enemies because of his instincts. Next page, Ro was there to calm him down and then it showed him being nice to his friends again. Next page, Ro did this for a lot of bigger animals, like wolves, wildcats, elephants, hippos, and other predatory animals. Next page, He then drew a very flattering picture of you and then a picture of your beast form, you were hugging your beast form, and the beast form was smiling, he was trying to say that the beast was a part of you and that you shouldn't be afraid of it, you should nurture it and be proud of your talents. He drew hearts around you both, he was saying that if you didn't keep the emotions bottled up, even the beast version would be nicer in return since what fuels it right now is angst and negative feelings, but perhaps if you embraced both sides, it'll balance out to having them fueled by positive feelings leading it to be docile as a result. Next Page, he sketched out a picture of everyone else around the beast form all scared and afraid of it, the beast had a sad face and a tear even though you were hugging it. He then drew a pic of all the people happy and embracing the wolf after battle showing they were thankful for it's service and it had a big smile on it' face now. He was saying that you're not to blame for the beast form being the way it is, it's the people around it that caused it to be this way. Animals feed off emotion and the aura of the surrounding area so if it's bad it'll be bad, but the picture of the crew seemed to be just fine with the beast form and it being happier as a result. Next page He drew a pic of all of them together and the beast form looking all peaceful with hearts. He lay the last picture on the floor making a bit of a map to how to make your wolf form friendlier as well as happier. The cashier watched from a distance and had a fan-girlish smile on her face as she squealed softly. Ro put all the paper in a neat pile and folded them into a small heart shape, he tucked the sketches into his backpack. His tail began digging around and the bag made some cute noises as it rummaged through, it was probably full of squeaky toys or something. He took out the papers but now they were inside of a beautiful heartshaped necklace, he spun the necklace around and as he did it formed an animation version of his drawings! With each spin it caused the picture to slightly change which created the illusion of movement, now it was like a movie. Baby Ro was pretty adorable to see crawling on the grass and the beast form at the end of the film being all happy was a real cute one too. The clerk squealed again, " Omg that's the animation locket from episode 52!!! He actually used it!!! >W< ". Ro slowly put it around her neck with his tail as a reminder to love herself, all of herself ^^. Ro felt like he did his job, he really did like this girl, she was a real cutie! He smiled softly and guided her out of the store with his tail, as the beams of light hit her skin he smiled, he began dancing in the sunlight! He invited her over to be happy with him with the turning of his head. He rolled around and he got back up and his tail was wagging as he had hoped that he did his job in making her happy! He had big puppy eyes as he stared at her, he panted like a dog as he got out his little snacks that he brought for her.
Dtlee31 said:
"So you don't now what type of evil we are fighting" she sits down on the ground she going to be waiting for a little bit "so where is this evil how long is the travel time do we know strength weakness"
Buzz Buzz shivered, " No one can even fathom how he looks, he's so terrifying that it defies explanation " he showed V a photo of him, it was utterly horrifying, so bad it would probably give everyone nightmares for a while. " As for weaknesses, we need the 8 melodies 'w' !!! "
-=-= | Felicity | =-=-

When she was walking, Felicity thought about what the group was like. Where they really just a bunch of bandits or where they some kind of magical heroes. As she was thinking a humming bird landed in front of her. She expected it to fly away the moment she stepped closer, but that was the exact opposite of what she got.

Staring at the bird, she pondered for a moment on if it was scared or not. Just as she began to come to a conclusion, the little hummingbird began to speak and it thanked her for taking on the invitation to the group. "You're welcome?" she said nervously as she circled the bird. "Who are you? Where did you come from?" asked Felicity, for she was very confused and wished for answers.


-=-= | Allucia | =-=-

Coming out of her room, Allucia acknowledged Kendra. She felt a kind of awkward feeling in the air and went to the kitchen. "Would you like something to eat, Kendra?" she asked wanting Kendra to have enough energy before they began their adventure. Allucia opened the fridge and took out some vegetables. She felt the need to have something with leaft greens.

Getting out some bowls and knives, Allucia washed some lettuce, kale, carrots, cucumber, and tomatoes. After she washed them she dried the carrots, cucumber and tomatoes. Getting a knive she began to cut up the carrot and cucumber. After she did that, she peeled the lettuce and cut them up so the pieces weren't so big. Allucia placed them in the bowl along with the cut up cucumber and carrots and the ripe tomatoes. "There we go." she said quite proud of herself.

Kendra was in awe as she watch her prepear the meal" yes ma'am" she say as she looked down" i never had a master before i never been outside before this is the first time i ever seen food" she told her new master
@Painted Puzzle

Mintwing the hummingbird smiled and nodded, " Don't worry, it's just lil' ol' me! Mintwing the loveable hummingbird!!! " He showed you a photo of the entire team, " I'm a part of a real big group of guys who do missions for the government and overall world. Ever watch the Avengers? I'm their Quicksilver, except I'm not Russian, we have a russian hulk however! That's this big stone guy in the middle. " He tapped his wing against Joseph on the photo, " Although I guess if he's made of rocks, the Marvel character that'd make more sense would be the Thing from the Fantastic 4 but he hasn't been in a good movie and he's not a part of the Marvel cinematic universe so I don't count him! Hulk it is! Oh yeah, but unlike Quicksilver I....spoilers..... don't get shot to death. I'm too fast even fo' that! >W< "
-=-= | Felicity | =-=-

Giggling as she listened, Felicity nodded meaning she understood. "Well it's nice to meet you Mintwing." she said. "Alright, well then I guess you can direct me where I'm actually suppose to be going. Mount Itoi seemed, to me, like the place I should go but I wasn't sure."


-=-= | Allucia | =-=-

Allucia got some dressings out and placed them on the table with two other smaller bowls and the bowl of salad. She went and washed the kale and kept it in a separate bowl in case Kendra didn't want any.

"So, do you enjoy being outside of Heroes 4 Hire?" she asked curious about Kendra and her experience

Azure Snow

Ro was treating her so kindly. She was a little surprised that a dragon (a creature with its own reputation for being vicious) treated her better than most humans did. Her smile extended, it was a warm and gentle smile. A relieving smile that made it clear she was a little more relaxed now, and didnt feel too intimidated anymore. The dragon, though, read her face very well. He caught that glimpse of fear and hesitation and quickly worked to cheer her up.

Once again he began to draw. However, instead of a few single sheets he brought out the whole pad. The tiny female fox blinked and watched closely, bending over with her hands on her knees to get a better look. Her long wavy locks slid to one side, over her shoulder as she did so.

The dragon drew quickly. Page after page he revealed a story, an anecdote of his past experience. It was comforting to know that the dragon has seen her case before, but she couldnt help but feel a tinge of embarrassment knowing that he knew what she was thinking. 'Is it really that obvious,' she thought to her self. After the initial story about himself and the lion, Ro moved on, beginning a new story. One with her as the main character, and it starred her biggest fear as the second main character....herself. Of course the more aggressive version. Ro's story had a point, she had to overcome this fear. Her fear, the demonized fox with in her, was a part of herself. Perhaps the fox was always so uncontrolable because she never tried to contain it, she was to afraid to attempt such a task. But how could she....the beast was really something to be afraid of, often times it acted as another personality. At times the two personalities over lapped, fighting for control. Usually during times of distress or moments of anger, the fox spirit tried to claw its way to the surface and break free. She didnt have mental or emotional strength to control it, and let it out when she wanted it to.

Azure felt something slip over her neck, pulling her from her thoughts. Eyelashes fluttered a few times as she blinked back into reality. Her heterochromic eyes looked to Ro, who was slipping a locket over her neck. She recalled the flickering light of an animation coming from the trinket as she was staring off into space. The necklace was special, and served as a reminder to have trust and faith in her self, something the timid fox needed to work on. Then the clerk squealed again, announcing that the locket was seen in an episode of something. Azure's ears perked and she looked to Ro, this dragon really was something special.

Azure straightened up once again, and Ro nudged her toward the door that was slightly open. Then the feeling sank back in. Fear. What was out there. What could happen out there. In here she was safe, safe from things that may trigger the beast with in. Each step felt heavy, her fists tightened and time felt slowed. She took deep breaths to try and slow her heart but it was no use, anxiety was building. Just a few steps from the door she could feel the difference already. Air from the outside world gently blew in, crisp and light. And suddenly... the room felt stuffy. Now her body craved to be outside. She pushed the door open with her hand slowly, sunlight flooding her eyes, pupils dilating. She was shaking, not from fear, but from excitement. The sun on her skin never felt so good, shivers ran down her spine, cause the fur on her ears and tail to spike up. Infront of her, Ro rolled on the ground, feeling the same feeling the sun had given her. She raised an arm to shield her eyes, blinking and letting them adjust to the sensation she hasnt felt in a long time. Ro's giddiness was contagious. The vixen grinned, enlarged canine teeth flashing in the light. Slowly, the petite girl walked over to Ro, who called her with just a look. She complied, and when she reached him, she layed a small and delicate hand on his back, waiting for him to lead the way. But before they moved on, the girl looked back, back at the shop. Her smile gone, eyes a little sadened, she unconsciously touched the locket Ro had given her, and instantly snapped out of her doubts again. She was starting a new journey. Not just a physical one, with a new friend, but a journey to build her self overcome the things she other wise always avoided.

@s u p e r n o v a

Otto shook his head, " Well, I'm a technomancer as well! You don't have to worry, I can train you if you don't think you're ready to save the world! We're rounding up tons of mercs to help us out with this journey so you'll have tons of other guys to fall back on! Whaddaya say? " He took his hand out to shake yours, the little guy seemed very friendly, he blinked. " Oh right I didn't show you what I could do yet, no sense joining the group if all I'm doing is blowing smoke! " He hopped onto the floor and constructed a turret in a matter of seconds and it shot the target, " I can do more stuff if you ask me to! But for now we need to start moving now before... " dark red clouds began barreling into the sky blocking the sunlight, " the apocalypse arrives.... " he looks up and sees lightning begin to strike the town, " Dag nabbit it already started! " His hand began to rotate as it began generating electricity, he shot a green beam of lightning into the air along with various robot parts, nine other beams could be seen being fired up their too from a distance. They all appeared to be different elements, the tech parts that Otto fired off stretched out into huge iron gurders that surrounded the town making a crude shield, the blue watery one began wrapping around the gurders, filling in the large gaps, the rocks, the lightning zapping through the gurders keeping the clouds from seeping in. the others wrapped around as well. Otto breathed heavily, he turned to Tink, " Ya'll can see that what we're dealin' with ain't no joke. So are ya'll gonna help us or what? "
@Sgt Gomez @Zeldafangirl @minismurf

WIL landed back on his feet and dusted himself off, " Alright you two let's get you guys ready to- " the dark red clouds began rolling in above the town. Without a word and just a look of shock, he stumbled his way out onto the balcony, " Great Mary mother of Joseph! " He charged up a ball of aura inbetween his palms and chucked the sphere off into the air as it made a big purplish bubble around the town to shield it from the evil clouds. He turned around and pointed to the clouds, " That's only the start of what Eclipse has in store for us if we don't get moving now men...women...! "
"Well stop talking and let's go!" The boss was already on the move to grab her weapons and the keys to her truck. She strapped her pistols to her waist and grabbed her assault rifle and shotgun before strapping them to her back and grabbing a grenade launcher.

@Zeldafangirl @sgtmickey @minismurf
Katherine looked at the cloud and back at her boss following her she was a little scared but she was ready for this fight

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