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Fantasy Fortress Force! !Female Roleplayers! (open all the time!)

What other fantasy creatures would you like to see be open for hire?

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[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Cassiopea drop her hammer as she keep on dodging all the pillow "what is this?! is this even called as fighting?!" Cassiopea scream out laughing a the Sleep as Calixto look at everyone and take a deep breath and smile "i love to keep this going but as well as i would love to we need to end this once and for all" he said as he take out 3 Cannot pops and fire them up and Cassiopea saw this as she try to run and hide but the pillows keep on distracting her.

The two mannequins tried running away from whatever it was that Calisto twins tossed at them! Everyone else not on their team took cover behind the debris
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sgtmickey said:
The two mannequins tried running away from whatever it was that Calisto twins tossed at them! Everyone else not on their team took cover behind the debris
Calixto laugh psychopaticaly as the fire lunch at the manequins making some big explosions with joker sound of twitchy toys noise "RUN U FOOLS! AHAHAHAHA" said Calixto as he laugh psychotically and Cassiopeia was hidint behind the wall laughing at the mannequins "aaawww isnt that cute" she said as she giggle at them all.
-=-= | Felicity | =-=-

"Where is that?" Felicity asked as she looked down. Looking back towards Mount Itoi, she shivered a bit. It seemed to scary and amazing at the same time. The fact that she had only gotten so close to finding out whaf was happening bothered her a bit. Though she was in trouble and Mintwing saved her life. At this point Felicity felt forever in debt to him and sighed.

So much was happened in such little time. Felicity up a bit at the small hummingbird. Mintwing was ao fast and strong, it impressed her. "Also, the greatest mercs, huh?" she said with an interested tone.

@sgtmickey )

-=-= | Allucia | =-=-

Where were they going? Allucia hadn't entirely decided. She knew she had a place to be, but where? Adventure was what she was looking for, but with Kendra looking as frail as she did, she was worried she would get hurt. Remembering that Kendra said she was ready she nodded. "I guess where the adventure is." she said a bit broadly.


(Sorry for such a long wait and such a short reply!)
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Azure Snow

Swirling red clouds came rather quickly and the fox looked up at them curiously. She had never seen a phenomena like this one. While she watched the event, the sound of Ro's zipper opening caught her attention. When she looked back down to the dragon, he jad just fastened a saddle. Azure raised her eyebrows, with widened eyes,'Im not sure I like where this is going,' she thought, already getting the hint of what he wanted her to do. The girl put her hand up infront of her chest, like telling him to stop, and she gave a nervous smile. But Ro didnt accept hesitation, he basically swept her off her feet and before she knew it, she was already on him. 'Is this considered kidnapping' her mind panicked. She had never ridden on a dragon, infact she's never ridden on anything, not even a horse. Her legs hugged him just as tightly as her arms did. Heterochromic eyes were shut tight, the wind blowing into her face and skin. Even though her eyes were closed, she could tell they were going at a quick speed. She could feel the rhythm of his gait under her, and whether she wanted to admit it or not, the wind did feel nice.

But the sensation didnt last long, and soon Ro and Azure were being pursued by an animated lamp post. How strange. Appearently the swirling red clouds of doom unleashed lightening bolts that struck life into inanimate objects. Ro wasted no time and immediately begam to resist and fight back. Azure clung for dear life and Ro dodged, ducked, and attacked. The dragon scaled the side of a building and once he reached the top, his wings spread. Azure gasped and shook her head. Riding was scary enough, but flying?! On no no no. She hung on tighter than ever and tucked her chin into her chest, eyes closed. Then there was a sudden jerk and the two were falling out of the sky. When they hit the ground, Azure took a moment to collect herself, she put a hand to her forehead and immediately felt the warmth of a liquid secreting from a small wound. She mustve banged her head on the saddle horn, or maybe a rock hit her after impact, it all happened to quickly for her to tell, but what ever it was it left her with a head ache.

The number of opponents grew when she looked up. The lamp, mannequins, and now the animatronic known as Chuck E Cheese. What exactly was going on. The two were surrounded and Azure grew a little nervoud when Ro flashed her a bit of a hopeless look. But suddenly, more heroes joined them, and just in time too. Azure looked at each of them, all special and peculiar characters, but boy was she happy they had back up. Taking a quick glance she noted the small robot, a rock golem like creature, a larger dragon, black with blue stripes, and a few others. The large dragon was especially interesting. She had never seen one so big, at least not in person. Ro was the only dragon she had met up until this point. Azure looked down, and figeted with the seat belt on her waist. She wanted off, but struggled to achieve so.

It seemed the other heroes had a stuggle of their own. These living objects werent weak to certain attacks. They had no flesh, no pain, even a severed head didnt seem to stop one of the mannequins. Azure's thoughts raced, trying to come up with something she could do. The fox was no ranged fighter, she had no ranged weapons to help from afar. Her fighting style was up close and personal, but with objects that dont have nerve endings, ot would be futile. The next best thing she had were two long daggers/short swords that remained sheathed on her back. Not in a criss-crossed possition, they were holstered in a vertical fashion, side by side.


(Sprry for the late reply Dx)

@Sgt Gomez

@The Suspicious Eye




@Astaroth Suzumiya



Ro glances up at Azure Fox and noticed her admiring the dragon flying around in the air, he had a hint of jealousy in his eyes. He hopped up in the air and brought his jaws down onto the floating lamp and crunched down tightly demolishing it. He looked back at Azure and noticed a few bloodstains running down her head, he gasped and made a few squawking noises similar to a raptor. Joseph ran up to the side of the building, " Ro? " he saw the desperation in Ro's eyes as he shuffled about anxiously, Joseph dug his fingers into the side of the building as he dropped down from the side of the building a bit slower. He jogged toward him with a healing orb in hand, he pressed it against her forehead which mended her wounds, it tasted kind of nice, kind of like a very good piece of bacon, and being a wolf it tasted ESPECIALLY good. The turret that Otto built fired at the post which flew around and smashed and thrashed on the road. Slackjaw sprinted up to the pole which was having a hard time moving because of all the incoming power. The monkey pounced on the pole with sticky grenades, puking them up in a line down the side of the pole. When he landed they all blew up and sent the pole's different parts everywhere. Chuck E Cheese was having a face off with Otto after his turret ran out of ammo. Otto got out his signature six shooter and filled that animatronic full of lead. Chuck E ran up to Otto and wrapped his arms and legs around Otto's abdomen, Otto stumbled backward and onto his back. He started pistol whipping the robot rodent in the forehead, the furry exterior began to peel away as he started beating the circuitry and screws out of it's head. Otto's legs scrambled about and pressed his feet against Chuck's tummy and pushed them up forcefully getting Chuck off of him. Otto shot the robot again, he shook his arm out and his bicep quickly transformed into a huge laser blaster, he charged it up as it made a loud buzzing noise, it fired out a thick red stream of light it and it disintegrated the mouse in one blow, the red clouds blew over and the battle was finally over.
The boss sighs as the finally enemy was slain and wipes her forehead. That was definitely a long and intense battle, but she was able to keep up with these monsters and barely take any damage.
Katherine had a cut on her cheek as she was trying to ignore the pain" hi boss" she say as she walked to her she looked up at her her cut was hurting from the enemy attack" are you ok boss" she asked blood dripping down her face @Sgt Gomez
@Sgt Gomez[/URL]

@The Suspicious Eye




@Astaroth Suzumiya



Soon the remains of the lamp began to dimly glow and it began making a very nice sounding musical techno sound from it's broken bulb. It spread through the air and it slowly began fixing itself, the dark electricity shot out of them and the various parts of the enemies floated back to their previous spot, the debris fixed the city and the mannequins moved back into Macy's to resume their motionless existence. Chuck E grabbed his hat and placed it back on his head, his furry patches connected back into eachother as he moved back to the stage ready to act for more kids again, the lamp stood upright as it slid back into the hole in the ground and the cracks in the pavement shrunk back into themselves. The lamp's song ended but left a small glowing musical note,

Joseph walked toward it and stored the note in his tummy compartment, he glowed rainbow for a bit and shook it off, " Good, we managed to find one of the melodies that will stop the evil one >:3 "
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine had a cut on her cheek as she was trying to ignore the pain" hi boss" she say as she walked to her she looked up at her her cut was hurting from the enemy attack" are you ok boss" she asked blood dripping down her face @Sgt Gomez
Otto got up to Katherine and splayed out a healing box which led a stream of healing into her bloodstream
Katherine just looked at the alien as she was healed leaving a scar her other wonds was healed too she was shocked" thanks mister" she say
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine just looked at the alien as she was healed leaving a scar her other wonds was healed too she was shocked" thanks mister" she say
Otto smiled softly as WIL walked over to you, " Well! Let's make our way to the mountain and get the other melodies :3 "
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine had a cut on her cheek as she was trying to ignore the pain" hi boss" she say as she walked to her she looked up at her her cut was hurting from the enemy attack" are you ok boss" she asked blood dripping down her face @Sgt Gomez
"I'm fine, nothing really hurts. Do you need help?" She tears a sleeve off of Kats shirt and makes it into a bandage for kat. "You did good fighting there!"
Katherine just look at her" you think so boss" she say she smiled" but i got hurt i'm still learning how to fight though" she say
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine just look at her" you think so boss" she say she smiled" but i got hurt i'm still learning how to fight though" she say
"You did great. As long as you defend your allies all the pain is worth it," the boss smiles and laughs patting the girl on the back.
Katherine just looked at her" yup your an amazing fighter too" she say as the pat on the back felt good" so what we do now" she asked
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine just looked at her" yup your an amazing fighter too" she say as the pat on the back felt good" so what we do now" she asked
"Well I guess we meet up with the others and get a plan together to fight against this universe killer or whatever," she gets serious.

@Zeldafangirl @sgtmickey
Katherine just nodded she didn't want to say she was scared but she was she just caught up to her boss hugging her arm she was trying to act tough
Katherine just look at her" yes boss i'm ready" she told her holding onto her shirt" i'm brave" she told her
[QUOTE="Sgt Gomez]"I'm fine, nothing really hurts. Do you need help?" She tears a sleeve off of Kats shirt and makes it into a bandage for kat. "You did good fighting there!"

WIL gave a thumbs(?) up as he looked at Kat, " Fine job, soldier! I'd say your commanding officer did a good job training you. "
Lynn walked the edge of the blossom Hallows. She looked to trees. Leaping up, she landed on a hidden platform. The GOTF lookout over looked a group. She was curious on the group letting out a bird whistle she walked over. A bird flew over and chatted with Lynn before flying off. "Are you in need of help?" She asked the group. Her hair flew wildly behind her. She looked as if she where a sorcerer. She sighed as she realized she was out numbered if she had to fight, damn she should have broung back up. She thought to her self. Using the earth she lifter her self up onto platform. @Sgt Gomez @sgtmickey
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