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Fantasy Fortress Force! !Female Roleplayers! (open all the time!)

What other fantasy creatures would you like to see be open for hire?

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Katherine just fought trying to protect her boss at the same time her skills was stronger than close combat
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]the twins stop laughing and look around "what is that?" ask cassiopea "i dont know replied calixto"

The sleeper's bed rammed right into the twins!

@HoneyBear\-Kat (where'd u go? ;w;)
Katherine just slashing the enemy protecting her boss as she smirk a little as she kicked an enemy while sliding under their legs slashing them @Sgt Gomez
Katherine got back up as she ran through the enemy she saw her boss laughing she didn't get it but ran fighting hoping she was doing ok with the fighting
sgtmickey said:
The sleeper's bed rammed right into the twins!
@HoneyBear\-Kat (where'd u go? ;w;)
The twins take their both speed as they dodge the hit and laugh "oh dang that was a close one" said Cassiopea as she take a deep breath and Calixto cross his arms and nodded.
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]The twins take their both speed as they dodge the hit and laugh "oh dang that was a close one" said Cassiopea as she take a deep breath and Calixto cross his arms and nodded.

Bubbles ran toward Cassiopeia, she wrapped a towel around her neck and pulls her into the soap suds to seperate them.
sgtmickey said:
Bubbles ran toward Cassiopeia, she wrapped a towel around her neck and pulls her into the soap suds to seperate them.
Cassiopea hold the towel on her neck "gah dang this is the most funniest thing i have encounter to fight in my whole life!" she said with a laugh as Calixto take out his katana and start cutting up the towels as he laugh and nodded "yeah "
Katherine just kept as she saw a enemy was behind her boss trying to attack her she just slashed the enemy trying to protect her she was worried about alyx and C @Sgt Gomez
sgtmickey said:
@Astaroth Suzumiya
The hipster started throwing my little ponies merchandise at Calixto,
Calixto got a face slam on the flutter shy merchendise as he look at it for a sec and him it as he look at the hipster as he levitate all the mlp merchandice and throw it back to the Hipster as Cassiopea finaly break free and run to bubbles "just what do u think your gonna do next babe?" he said as she laugh psychopaticaly at bubbles and take out a rope and start slicing bubbles neck.
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Calixto got a face slam on the flutter shy merchendise as he look at it for a sec and him it as he look at the hipster as he levitate all the mlp merchandice and throw it back to the Hipster as Cassiopea finaly break free and run to bubbles "just what do u think your gonna do next babe?" he said as she laugh psychopaticaly at bubbles and take out a rope and start slicing bubbles neck.

The body functioned without the head and sprayed some more shampoo into her eyes again, she casually readjusted her head back onto her neck. She got out a scrubbing brush and swung it into Cassy's jaw.
The hipster fell apart and was too angsty to put himself back together so that was one of them down at least.
sgtmickey said:
The body functioned without the head and sprayed some more shampoo into her eyes again, she casually readjusted her head back onto her neck. She got out a scrubbing brush and swung it into Cassy's jaw.
Cassiopea laugh as she cover her eyes in pain and bubbles swung in to cassio jaw making her spit some blood "nice one babe" she said as she wipe the blood from her mouth and summon her big hammer and crash bubbles hoping her dead yet again if would have been quite great to ask this bubbles on a death date
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Cassiopea laugh as she cover her eyes in pain and bubbles swung in to cassio jaw making her spit some blood "nice one babe" she said as she wipe the blood from her mouth and summon her big hammer and crash bubbles hoping her dead yet again if would have been quite great to ask this bubbles on a death date

The sleeper pounced onto you and attacked you with massive amount of pillows as well as his snuggie. Small stuffed animal of Curious George crawled out from under the covers of the bed and sprinted toward you and began holding your foot down as the Sleeper took the pillows off his fists and punched her over, over, and over
sgtmickey said:
The sleeper pounced onto you and attacked you with massive amount of pillows as well as his snuggie. Small stuffed animal of Curious George crawled out from under the covers of the bed and sprinted toward you and began holding your foot down as the Sleeper took the pillows off his fists and punched her over, over, and over
Cassiopea drop her hammer as she keep on dodging all the pillow "what is this?! is this even called as fighting?!" Cassiopea scream out laughing a the Sleep as Calixto look at everyone and take a deep breath and smile "i love to keep this going but as well as i would love to we need to end this once and for all" he said as he take out 3 Cannot pops and fire them up and Cassiopea saw this as she try to run and hide but the pillows keep on distracting her.

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