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Fantasy Fortress Force! !Female Roleplayers! (open all the time!)

What other fantasy creatures would you like to see be open for hire?

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Two Thousand Club
This is a setup for a Fantasy/Romance/Adventure

A flier was seen flying through the city, there was a weird program going on nowadays in a company that creates Heroes4Hire. This program sells heroes and heroines to people who want protection, companionship, or even romance. No one knows where they're getting them from but they're really obedient/submissive and extremely loyal to their master. Although they aren't really a standard since there's hardly many in stock, they're really expensive, and they're always sold out. The newest one that went on the market was nine awesome heroes. Each life has a different appearence, set of ablities, and powers. Soon her package arrived at your character's door.

They're loyal to their partner ( your character )

So the reason why you'd WANT guys like this is because your character has an ancient map in his/her possession and it will lead to A GREAT amount of treasure! Only problem is that it's blank save for a line that leads to the location to where you can get it to show the places where the treasures are. You heard your ( some relative I dunno ) that there were scary monsters and strong enemies so you buy a deluxe package hero(es).

Here's the characters you can choose from


Name: Mintwing

A small warrior hummingbird, by far the fastest of all the party members. Small but mighty, able to shoot energy blasts out of his beak. He can also control the wind to aid his team mates, he is also able to dodge bullets because of how fast he is. The downside is that he's very small and it doesn't take too much to down him if he DOES get hit.


Name: W.I.L.

An alien police man who protects our galaxy from any major anomalies ( He comes from the White Hole. Intergalactic, Lunar Division ) When that has sensed a great disturbance in the fo- I mean on our planet, he rushed over in hopes to get rid of it before this unfortunate planet we lived on is destroyed. He has futuristic technology like laser blasters, although they're a bit more bulky than Loony Tunes would have you believe, and he might not be able to fly but he can float slowly to the ground using telekinesis. He also holds a strength booster which when sounded will make his team mates much stronger. He is defensive so he's hard to take out, but his armor weighs him down to where he's kind of slow. He also comes equipped with a shovel to hit people with. It's just a shovel.....he likes it so.....


Name: Ro

A very strong dragon that has lost the ability to speak but is able to shoot powerful streams of fire and can even deflect projectiles with his powerful roar. Unlike most other dragons he lacks the ability to fly. Because of him being mute,



Name: Slackjaw

A zombie dog, he’s from an older age when circuses were the main hub for entertainment. All of this changed when some sort of strange meteor hit and transformed this world into what it is. He is a remnant from days gone by. He was trained well and extremely acrobatic, he still retains some of his old tricks like juggling and slapstick act. Although now instead of juggling balls he’s juggling grenades and instead of hitting people with a fake mallet now it’s ….well…..real.


Name: Joseph

A large stone golem who isn't the smartest guy in the world but he's super nice. He is by far the slowest of all the party members but he has the best defenses and a major damage dealer. He can fire small rocks at his enemies at a very fast rate. He is also a great cook. He's got the strongest hand to hand combat out of any character also.


Name: Otto

From the dawn of the steampunk era that was the earliest form of battle/guide androids but he's smart and knows alot about the world. He can spawn turrets, healing stations and is able to teleport both himself and his friends.



Name: Chill

The Penguin Healer, as his name suggests he heals his team mates in a matter of seconds with his magical abilities. He can bring one back to life but it takes a long time to accomplish this feat. He can charge up energy in his body and turn him and one team mate completely impervious to harm and must stronger but only for a minute. His offensive capabilities are lackluster as he can only shoot small icicles which do very little damage.


Name: Robin

The cool guy of the group, he's good at shooting dudes from a distance but it's harder when it comes to close combat. It takes him a while to charge up the electricity in the arrow so the longer the charge the stronger the arrow. He can also lower enemy defenses with his static orbs that he throws, it makes them much weaker so our attacks do much more damage.


Name: Sparkle

Unicorn assassin, he is suave but deadly if not taken seriously, he can sneak around in the shadows and kill anyone who dares cross him. He's a master of deceit, he can melt into the ground and become a shadow or just plain invisible, he can disguise himself as any of his enemies to throw them off. He's also a grade-A hacker and is able to shut down enemyrd systems with ease. His stealth may be unmatched but so are his offensive capabilities, that horn isn't just for show, he'll stab you in the back literally with that thing. It's coated in some sort of strange liquid which can kill instantly if done specifically in the back, from the front it's practically useless. He's got a weakness to fire as he's unable to hide when lit since he's glowing and....on fire...

Once upon a time,

Far off, at the Fortress Fort Base, which was…completely empty, all nine members were out doing field work and closing their contracts. Where were the other two? We’ll get to that later, for now let’s talk about what this Fortress Force is exactly. They are a team of nine creatures that have banded together and created a program in which they’ll do any task that you give them for a nominal fee as long as it’s not what they deem ‘immoral’. These organizations were nothing new in this lands, there were tons of other guys who do this sort of thing but many were unprofessional and often failed their missions or died trying, the Fortress Force was something different they didn’t just hire anyone who asked for a job, each one was hand picked for their skills and experience on the field, and some of them had literally lifetimes worth of it. Their base was partly slapped together and at the same time state of the art since they were all masters of their craft but at the same time they were usually out doing missions and because they were only nine of them it was hard to reserve even one of them. They were known throughout the land for their major team work skills, they had no noticeable weaknesses when all nine of them were working together to accomplish a mission. Each one individually were very good at what they did but had a gaping weakness on one side of the spectrum, but there was another member to cover up for that guy’s one glaring flaw, thus the name fortress, when they all came together they were impenetrable. But it was a bit pricey to order all of them, but not too expensive there was a big demand for heroes so if they had sky high prices that would chase people away. But to just order one or two of them the price was very reasonable even for the average person who needed a job done. Because of their efficiency and okay prices, they were one of the top rated mercenary organizations in the land. Something else that gave them a leg up on the competition was that they didn’t just do work in combat, they could also just help build something or other miscellaneous jobs. They were quite loved among the community and relatively famous because in the 400 years that the nine of them have been around, they haven’t failed a single mission.

But now we come back to the question, where were the nine guys who made up the fortress fort anyway?Robin the elf was assigned to assassination job, two people had a bounty on their head was a samurai and his friend, he needed to lure the samurai out by killing the friend, that was the plan anyway. Joseph the stone golem and Otto the robot were also sent on an assassination mission, they were up against the fastest most skilled criminal in the land, he was known for his speed and ruthless nature, it would take a lot more than luck to beat a guy like him. Ro the dragon was assigned to a body guard mission all alone, he was sent to protect some special documents from any saboteurs that may want to destroy /steal it. Chill and Slackjaw were sent on what they called a massacre mission, that basically means that they have to take down a large amount of people that weren’t all that skilled as supposed to one very tough opponent. They were going up against a large organization, the Snipes, as their name suggests they were a bunch of snipers, they had a secret base out in the desert, it was up to them to find it and get rid of the bad element.Sparkle the Unicorn, Mintwing the Hummingbird, and W.I.L. the alien were hired for a heist mission to steal a suitcase filled with important files in a terrorist base belonging to the X Clan, this place was crawling with enemies so going in guns a-blazing was not an option.

Let’s join Robin as he had just arrived at his destination, it took a lot of snooping to find these two so hopefully he could get this job done without much trouble at all. He finally spotted one of his targets eating lunch at a table, the samurai’s accomplice. He took one final glance at the photo that he was given to make sure he wasn’t killing an innocent, no mistake it was him. He followed down an alley way, unfortunately he didn’t realize that he himself was being followed as well, by the samurai. The samurai was suspicious of Robin, but was keeping his distance, he eventually lost track of him in the thick of people that populated the town. Robin had snuck into a nearby building, he got out his bow and reeled up an arrow, electricity coursed through his body and super charged the arrow. His blonde hair flared up as he let loose the string and sent the lightning bolt flying toward the poor sap. The samurai walked after his friend to see if he could join him, but it was too late, BOOM! Before he knew it, his unsuspecting friend’s head was gone in the blink of an eye, he slumped over in his chair and blood spurting out all over his lawn. The samurai craved revenge, he looked at which direction the body had fallen, to the left, the shot had to have come from the right, he spotted Robin packing up his stuff as he was actually on his way to find the samurai. Robin didn’t see the samurai yet, if he knew they’d be together he would have sniped them both. It was too late however, he was being followed and he didn’t even know, it wasn’t long until he heard footsteps. Robin looked around until his target found him, the samurai unsheathed his sword and approached him with bloodlust in his eyes. Robin was about to get out his bow, but before he could the samurai threw a shrunken into his shoulder. “ AHHH!!! ” He yelped as he ripped it out of himself, before he could even get his bearings the samurai lunged forth, his blade just narrowly missing Robin’s stomach. The man went for another swing, this time at Robin’s neck, he dodges out of the way and kicked the samurai in the gut, causing him to fall over. Robin began to back up, the man got up swiftly and sprinted toward him with his blade careening toward his chest. Robin glanced at the shrunken that he had been impaled with had just become his greatest savior, he super charged it and blocked the man’s sword, he tumbled backward and backflipped over the samurai. He raised the kunai, it was his turn to be on the offensive, he stabbed downward, the samurai sliced upward, their blades met, they stared each other in the eyes, both hungry for blood. Robin sent electricity through his blade and onto the enemy’s sword, it began shocking him. The man screamed in pain, Robin was slowly overpowering him as the man fell to his knees. He was about to stab him until the samurai head butt Robin. Taken aback his weapon went flying, the man swerved around and sliced at Robin’s leg. Robin caught the hilt of the sword, he shoved it downward, kicked the man in the stomach and elbowed him in the chest. He tossed him to the curb, while the man was struggling to get up, he was struggling to get his breath, he wasn’t about to lose his team’s respect by losing to this guy so it was important to conserve energy. He was caught off before but now he was ready for whatever this guy could throw at him, the last thing he threw pretty much saved his life. The man reached into his pocket, and took out a small rod, he jerked his hand to the side and the rod opened up to reveal a bunch of cogs, screws and other technological things until it formed a gun. Robin was NOT ready for that, the samurai began shooting from a rapid fire barrel which was just Robin’s luck, he dove to the side behind a trash can and grabbed a trash can lid, he’d use that to protect him from anymore bullets that this guy could dish out. The man stopped wasting his ammo and instead went back to using his sword leaving Robin with only a trash can lid to defend himself with. If only he had enough time to get out his bow and arrows! He chopped down to split Robin in two, but he just managed to block it with his trash lid, and shoved it forward to push the samurai away. Robin hopped toward the samurai guy and decked him right in the jaw. The samurai staggered about and tried his best to block the hits but he couldn’t quite focus as he was still a bit groggy from being hit in the face. Robin took advantage of this opportunity and slammed his trash lid against the guy’s wrist which caused him to drop his gun. The samurai sliced at Robin again but he managed to duck under a potentially lethal strike, but he had fallen right into his trap, the samurai gripped Robin’s neck with his free hand and pinned him against a nearby wall. Robin used his trash shield to protect himself from the blade, and he squeezed right under the samurai’s underarm and regained his bearings. He tried to reach for his bow but chops and swings from the sword were constantly being flung at him and he had to use his body for dodging, he gave the occasional kick to the stomach and chest but there was no opening to bring out his signature weapon. The enemy breathed in and let out a devastating blow right at Robin and pierced through his shield, just narrowly keeping his neck as the lid was enough to stop the impact of the knife, he kicked him in the jaw again, the samurai was pushed away, and he had lost his tight grip that he had on his shield. It was stuck in the lid and Robin grabbed the hilt and slowly took it out, “ All right! ” He got in a cool fighting stance. He had finally disarmed his opponent, Robin got the upper hand that he needed. Robin sliced down at the man, he dodged swiftly, grabbed Robin’s wrist, rotated his body to reveal his back, and he took the sword back and booted Robin to the floor. “ So much for that. ” said Robin as he struggled to get to his feet. He saw the man drawing closer, he chucked the lid at him like a frisbee, “ Captain America! ” it flew over the samurai’s head. “ Weird, that usually works. ” Although the flowing trash lid was enough of a distraction that it had given Robin enough time to grab his own machete out of it’s sheath. He would have gotten out his bow, but there was no way he’d be able to charge it up and get a clean shot in that amount of time so this was the next best thing. The two of them slashed at one another and when their blades met, it was a battle of strength as they forced their weight against each other. The samurai gave a rough shove and sent Robin flying against the wall, he grabbed the trash lid that was thrown at him and flung it at Robin now. Unlike Robin it didn’t miss, it hit him square in the jaw and caused his nose to start bleeding. While Robin lay there on the floor the samurai stabbed at him, Robin weakly but swiftly rolled to the side and got back up. The samurai sliced at him again but Robin was just barely able to block it but he still backed up against a wall from the impact. He dodged and blocked a bunch of slashes as he walked backwards, he didn’t want to literally be backed into a corner again so he elbowed him in the cheek and was about to chop his shoulder. The samurai managed to block that and continue chopping away at him. After another bout of dodging, blocks, and parry’s Robin took hold of the samurai’s head and rammed it against the wall and began strangling him, the samurai grabbed Robin and head butt him again. The samurai had him in a bad position, he held his arms behind his back, and had his blade at his neck. Robin saw the nearby wall and pressed his foot on it, and ran against it before backflipping back to safety. He’s ultimately had it with this guy, he angrily grabbed the samurai and flung him to the floor. This caused him to get sloppy so when their blades met the samurai slashed upward and sent Robin’s machete flying. Robin watched as his weapon flew away leaving him completely defenseless, while he was distracted the samurai swept his leg under Robin causing him to lose his footing and fall to the floor. Fear ran through his body, it usually didn’t take this long to finish a mission, there was no way he was going to one of his targets, there was no worse fate than that. As the samurai’s sword jabbed down at him, he rolled out of the way. As that was supposed to be the killing blow the force put behind the attack was greater than the other slices so it got stuck in the ground. While the samurai tried to get his sword out of the concrete, Robin smirked and shot his leg in the air, hitting him in the face again. He flipped back up and began beating the samurai senseless he punched his face,gut, and chest, he kneed him in the jaw, he was doing this mainly to get him to back away from his sword so that at least he won’t have a weapon either. He backed the samurai against a wall, “ Finally, I think I got him where I want him! ” He wound up a heavy punch, but the samurai gave out a rage scream and just pushed all of his weight onto Robin and sprinted forth and pushed him against the wall at the other side of the alley way. He scraped Robins’ face against the stone wall and punched him back onto the ground below, “ Me and my big mouth… ” He got back up weakly and swung another punch at the samurai, the samurai kicked him in the knees and rammed him against the floor again with his foot. Robin saw the gun that the samurai dropped earlier and reached for it and grabbed hold, before he could take aim the samurai took hold of Robin’s legs and swung him around a couple of times. Robin began firing off the gun as he was being spun in circles, “ What the hell fighting style is that?! ” He was tossed against the wall, onto a trash can and back to the floor, Robin WOULD make a snide comment but unlike most super heroes, he had to catch his breath at times and wisecracking jokes wasn’t always top priority. The samurai gripped Robin by the neck and pressed him against the wall again and began choking him. Robin began to black out, he saw a collection of shurikens attached to the samurai’s belt, he snatched one of them and raised his hands up to stab him, the samurai took his hands off of Robin’s neck to block him. The samurai pushed him away which was what Robin wanted, he took some deep breathes. The samurai drop kicked Robin in the gut causing him to land right back on to the floor, “ Does he ever get tired?! ” thought Robin. The samurai stepped on his hand, Robin yelped. The samurai dug his sword out of the ground and was about to stab him again, Robin began looking everywhere to see if there was any escape out of it. He saw his trusty trash lid and smiled, he blocked the sword with it and pulsed electricity through it and chucked it at him again, this time he managed to knock him down with it. The samurai lay on the floor, slowly crawling away, now it seemed like all the injuries and fatigue was finally starting to kick in. Robin quickly got out his bow and super charged the arrow and shot him right through the head. Robin had finally won, he limped around and grabbed all his weapons. “ Good fight, mate. ” He saluted him and made his way back to his car and groaned in pain. “ Time to go home and grab something to eat. ” the van drove off.

Now let’s see what Joseph and Otto are up to, they were up against a real big threat, Swiftfoot the most dangerous criminal in the land. They managed to find his hidden hideout in the woods, it was in an abandoned sawmill. Otto built smaller robots in hopes that, they could hold him off while they took care of his gang. Luckily ‘swiftfoot’ hadn’t arrived at the battlefield yet, leaving them with a lot of droids to fight for them while they were almost done wiping out his whole gang. Swiftfoot was an extremely skilled kitsune who has never lost a single battle in his career. Although their luck would soon run out as their target, was headed right for them when he heard his base was under attack by a team of psychotic robots and a golem. He teleported into the safe room where a few of his gang members were hiding, he grabbed a couple pistols and walked outside prepared for the worst. A few flame droids were headed toward him with a tank droid firing off bullets behind them. Swiftfoot dodged the flames and fired his pistols at the two droids, they deactivated and fell to the floor. When the tank droid started unloading his rapid fire mini gun Swifty dodged all the bullets while slowly drawing closer, he hopped into the air and smashed his foot into the robot’s head causing it to start spinning around like a screw until eventually flying into the air. The sniper bot kept missing his shots because of how fast the guy was moving, a rocket tron shot out what it was named after straight at him from the top of a building. He backflipped into the air, fired at the sniper bot, it got shot once and began to retreat. Swifty literally PUNCHED the rocket and it flew into the opposite direction and right at a retreating sniper bot. The rocket tron was about to launch another one but Swifty McSpeed Pants shot a bullet right into the barrel, causing the poor lil’ robot to blow into billions of pieces. A knight-o-matic and a zap trap were busy terrorizing a few of his gang members. The knight-o-matic brought out his sword and sprinted toward one of them until Swiftfoot ran in with a boot to the face, the hunk of metal went flying into a tree trunk. He pumped him full of lead just to be safe. Zap trap the animatronic began zapping away the mines that his crew left to sabotage his masters, he saw that KOM (kight-o-matic) was killed. He rotated his hand and it turned into a drill, he punched to fox guy, but missed. He looked around, Swifty had disappeared it seemed. It wasn’t long before knight-o-matic’s sword ran right through zap trap’s chest. His gang member was thankful to have the big boss come in to save him, he thanked him and ran ahead to scout out what might wanna hurt his superior. He ran into the nearby building, Swiftfoot was following him until he saw his body flung out of the doors a few seconds after entering. His dead body slowly slid off the wall leaving blood behind, Swifty peaked inside of the room and saw rock monster beating his team mates senseless. It was Joseph, Otto was busy trying to construct more turrets and robots. Joseph sniffed out one of the guys who was hiding, he was behind some stacks of lumber, cause this place used to be a sawmill you know >3>. He kicked it down, “ You will pay for your transgressions little man. ” he said as he raised his fist. Swiftfoot shot Joseph in the skull, he didn’t seem phased but it did manage to get his attention. He turned around, the gang member began to run, Joseph pounded the guy into the ground before he got away from him but his gaze didn’t leave Swiftfoot. “ Uh-Oh, he came early. ” He clicked on a tiny headset he had on his massive head before hurling himself at Swiftfoot. Seeing as how this place used to be a sawmill and all, there were two large razor blades in the room. He punched one of the saw blades chopping it in half as Swifty dodged to the side. “ Otto! We have big problem! ” Swiftfoot shot him in the stomach, Joseph turned around slammed the floor, but he just kept on missing. “ What’s goin’ on over there?! ” asked Otto over the headset. Joseph was about to slam his palm down onto Swiftfoot until he fired his pistols right into Josephs’ mouth. “ Joe? You there?! ” Swiftfoot twirled around in the air and kicked Joseph square in his jaw. Joseph shook his head and gripped onto Swiftfoot’s leg and spit the bullets out, “ Yuck! ” Swiftfoot blinked and his jaw dropped, he wasn’t sure just how strong this golem was. “ Swiftshot! He is here right now! I need help! ” He said as he began to swing him around by his leg and slammed him down onto the floor. He made a fist and swung it down toward Swiftshot, he of course speeds off to the right before his fist could touch the floor. “ Otto! Just hurry up and get here! ” before Otto could answer a bullet flew right into his headset. Joseph groaned and took the headphones off and dropped them on the ground. Joseph beat his chest, “ NOT THE BEATS!!! ” He snarled and balled his fists. He charged right at the fox as fast as he could and still couldn’t manage to grab hold of him, he dodged quickly yet again. Another charge! No luck, swift backflipped over his huge body, and began firing his guns at Joseph when he landed. Joseph was pushed back slightly by the bullets and cringed, he tucked his arms and legs into his torso, his head lowered into his neck until his entire body turned into a boulder ball. It began spinning rapidly and rolling toward swift much faster than he was moving before, swift tried jumping to the side, but this time Joseph bounced against the wall and was launched toward Swift yet again. Now they were both in midair and nowhere for Swifty to hide, Joseph unraveled and back into his anthropomorphic form and he slashed down at Swiftshot! He blocked the attack with the guns but after getting hit by Joseph they fell to pieces. Joseph was satisfied when he landed back on the ground, “ Finally landed a hit! ” He turned around with a smile on his face, “ Wait where’d he go? ” He scratched his head, “ Uh oh, Joseph did not let little man escape did he? ” He looked around. Swiftshot was hiding on a girder attached to the ceiling, he had received quite the flesh wound from Joseph, his left arm had been torn open. He began formulating a plan as he stared at the spinning razor blade. Joseph continued looking for him, swift dropped a grenade inside of the machine attached to the razor blade and it blew up and launched the blade right into Joseph. The razor blade dented and bent and bounced off Joseph but tripped him up and caused him to fall onto his back. Swiftshot shot a rope that held a crane claw above Joseph, it fell right onto his neck. Joseph struggled, “ N-Not good! ” Swiftshot placed his shotgun on Joseph’s eye. He was about to pull the trigger until he heard footsteps he looked up and saw a bullet flying toward him. He shifted to the side, but the bullet ricocheted off of a nearby shed and bounced right back into Swift’s hand. It was Otto! “ Sorry I’m late ol’ buddy! ” he adjusted his cowboy hat, and readied his six shooter. Swiftshot rolled off of the crane claw and grabbed a rifle. Otto frowned and fired off his gun, one bullet, Swift dodges to the right, two bullet, Swift shot up into the air and did a couple flips, three bullets, he rolls under it. Swift shook his head and began to got a little dizzy, four bullet, Swift’s eyes widened and raised the rifle, it managed to protect him but it fell apart after impact. He began to reload his six shooter, swift grimaced and threw the useless firearm to the side and wrapped up the gunshot wound on his palm. Otto shot at him yet again but Swift kicked a flamethrower up in the air and the bullet hit the gas tank, the flamethrower spun toward Otto. He ducked to get away from the flames, “ Tricky mother Hubbard aren’t ya… ” he looked up and Swift flew through the flames and punched at Otto, he hopped backward. “ Uh oh, this boy’s faster than I thought. ” Otto crouched on the floor and used the six shooter to block anymore attacks. Swift shot his leg right at Otto’s face and sent him sliding backward, “ Woa-ah-ah! ” he waved his arms in circles as he tried to regain balance. He got back up to his feet and shot at Swift, “ Dang it boy, stop moving! ” Swift front kicked and was aiming at his gun, so Otto took a step backward but Swift fell onto his back and hit Otto’s knees with his leg by breakdancing, he kept on spinning on his back until he hit him in the waist with his breakdancing skills. “ AHH! ” Otto spun around in the air and fell onto his back, and tumbled around until getting back to his feet. Swift sped toward him and high kicked Otto in the jaw, his neck extended going up like a rock em’ sock em’ robot, “ D’awwww!!!! ” Otto’s body slightly lifted off of the ground, Swift rotated around and kicked him from the side as supposed to under him to cause Otto to spin around in the air going up further up farther in the air, while kicking Otto he began to load a clip into his pistol. Swift front flipped and kicked Otto in the stomach and sent Otto barreling toward the ground, Swift cocked the gun and started aiming at Otto’s body as he was stunned on the floor. But before Swift could get a decent shot, the crane claw flew right into Swift’s spine. The bullet shot inches away from Otto’s cranial unit, “ Woah! That was close! ” Meanwhile Swift was sent careening against the wall, and back on the floor, he gripped his back groaning in pain. Joseph roared loudly, he then massaged his neck “ Sorry about that, I just had to clear my throat, that crane really was hard on the neck. ” He charged toward Swiftshot, “ Now be still little one! ” Swiftshot’s eyes widened as he snapped back to his senses and sped quickly to the side. “ Oh come on! The guy was on the floor! ” He started looking around, “ Now where did he go? ” Swift jumped on Joe’s head and shot his eyes out. Joseph yelled in pain as his eyes rolled away on the floor. Otto hopped to his feet, “ Hey! You’re gonna pay for that! ” Joseph started feeling around the floor and heard his eyes fell into a vent, “ Oh great. ” As Joseph was busy searching for his eyes Swift jumped toward Otto. Otto tumbled backward and shot at Swift, he dodges to the side again. Otto pulled the trigger again and noticed he was all out of ammo, “ Aw shoot ” he tucked his six shooter into the holster. Joseph felt around for a bit, “ Well…I can kind of see from where my eyes are, aww this is weird they’re in two different places, I can’t see me yet so that’s weird, oh I see the guy though! ” he began punching and swinging at the air, “ Are you h-here? Oh no…Here?! ” Otto and Swift were at a stand off one on one, Joseph was out of commission for now so Otto had to find a way to make due on his own. They both ran toward each other, both with a plan to fake each other out, Swift hopped in the air and Otto slid on the floor under him, “ Well we both messed that one up. ” They turned around and ran at each other once more, Otto balled his fist and threw a heavy punch at Swift as he swung to the side around Otto and elbowed him in the back and sent him sliding forward. He hopped toward Otto and sent a swinging kick to Otto’s head, Otto ducked under Swift’s leg spun and tripped Swift with his leg, “ How ‘bout a taste o’ yer’ own medicine! ” Swift fell back onto his feet, “ or not… ” Otto punched at Swift and got blocked by his arm. Swift gripped on to Swift’s shoulders and pulled him close and knee’d him in the chest. Otto was sent tumbling back when he lost his footing and onto his back and back onto his feet, Swift ran toward him and tried kicking at Otto again, Otto gripped Swift’s heel, “ I need you to stop kicking me back like a tumble weed boy. ” and he spun him around and grabbed his waist and smashed him into a wooden crate. Swift struggled to get back up, Otto’s arm began clicking back like a jackhammer and letting go like a slingshot right into Swift’s face. Otto charged up yet another punch and flew right into Swift’s face, he’s finally been able to land a few good hits on this guy who was usually real slippery. He pushed his head back into place making his neck back to normal length, “ Knockout! ” he hit him again. He began reeling up another punch until Swift found a broken beer bottle, he reached for it and smacked Otto right in the the head with it. Otto’s neck flew up again and he fell over on his back groaning in pain. Swift slowly got back up and started limping away from that corner. Otto noticed and tucked his head back into place, he rushed over to one of the smaller droids that Swift destroyed and started rummaging through it’s body, he found a couple of bullets and he started loading up his gun and he took aim, Swift frowned and sprinted off. Otto missed, “ Darn… ” Joseph was feeling around the floor, “ Little help? ” Otto shook his head as he found the two black pearls in the vents “ Here ya go buddy, let’s get movin’ ”. Joseph smiled as he could see again, “ Fox is in big trouble now. ” Otto and Joseph walked out of the shed searching for the kitsune. Otto heard a gunshot behind a wooden fence, he didn’t waste his ammo just yet but he readied his six shooter. Swift flew up into the air and shot at Otto, he stumbled backwards, “ Wuh-oh!!! ” Joseph jumped from behind at Swift, he didn’t even have to look to shoot at Joe while he was still in midair, Otto threw a small healing station at the floor and it mended Joe’s injuries but when he landed on it, he smashed it instantly, as he tumbled away, “ Thank you! ” he spun around on his head for a bit and landing on his stomach. Otto got out of the way from Joseph’s huge body, he shot three bullets at Swift! Swift lunged forward to dodge the first one, tumbled backwards to dodge the second one and third one. He flipped back on to his feet but slipped up a bit, Otto shot another bullet, Swift shifted backward, the bullet ricocheted off of the shed, Swift looked backward. The same trick wouldn’t work on him twice, he sped to the side but stumbled up as he wasn’t completely expecting the same bullet to shoot at him twice. As Swift stumbled forward Joseph sprinted toward him, rocks and gravel attached themselves to his hands they turned into large , and smashed Swift with his huge boulders for fists. Swift went careening backward and scraping his face against the grassy floor, he went limp. Otto smiled, “ Nice shot Joe! ” Joseph blinked, “ Is not over yet… ” He raised his boulder hand and slammed it on Swiftshot, “ It was good fight! It’s finally over. ” He walked backwards, but Swift’s body was nowhere to be seen, “ Uh oh… ” Swift came flying from the building above and kicked Otto in the chest. Otto took aim, but his six shooter was missing, “ What the?! ” He heard a clicking sound and he ducked down, Swift was right behind him with the six shooter, Otto managed to dodge a bullet. Otto twisted around and balled a fist and swung it at Swift, Swift bent down backward under Otto’s arm and kicked him in the chin. Otto landed on the ground, “ AW! “ Swift pulled the trigger and noticed it was all out of bullets. Joseph rushed toward Swift before he’d be able to do anything to him, “ Do not hurt my friend!!! ” he uppercut

Swift making him let go of Otto’s six shooter, he actually managed to hit him this time, his body flew up into the roof of the shed, Swift slipped through the hole and started sprinting away from Joseph. While running he picked up a few of the guns that the destroyed drones and rushed off. Joseph rocketed into the air after him, “ Not getting away that easy! ” Swift jumped off the roof, Joseph wasn’t far behind, with his fists demolishing the ground beneath him. Swift shot at Joseph, no ammo. He threw away that gun and grabbed another that was conveniently lying on the ground from one of his dead comrades. Otto sprinted in at the opposite side of Swift, he was surrounded, a robot on one side and a golem on the other. Swift stuck both arms out and shot the two guns he held at both of them. Both Joseph and Otto got hit, “ D’aww!!! ” He shot at both of them again, Joseph got hit, but Otto took cover behind some lumber this time. Joseph sped toward Swift, he leaped in the air over Joe. Otto got up from his cover and shot at him, he dodged to the left and right, Otto got closer to him to get a better shot. Swift high kicked his gun high into the sky, “ Well that’s that ” said Otto as he watched as his favorite gun was lost in the clouds somewhere now. He wasn’t distracted for long however, he swung his fist around and landed another good hit on the slippery sausage that was this fox guy. He rolled out of the way of a second punch, but not out of the way of a massive rock thrown by Joseph. He rolled backwards and away from a second rock from Joe, but this time Otto came from the side with a slobber knocker to the skull. Swift tried to regain focus but Otto learned not to let an opponent like this get that chance, his head launched out and sent Swift barreling into a gas tank. He tucked his head back into place, “ It sure is embarrassing but it does have it’s perks ” he adjusts his hat. Joseph charged toward the gas tank and punched right through it, Swift sped out of the way and some gasoline started leaking out. Swift shot it, it began to catch fire. It created a massive explosion blowing away both Otto and Swift, Joseph received the worst of it. Otto fell onto his spinal hinges right on the roof of a building, “ AHHHH!!!! ” He groaned in pain. “ Joe you alright? Joe? ” Large chunks of rocks and dirt began falling all around him. Otto looked up at the fire that began spreading through the lumber yard. “ Joe… ” he scowled and saw Swift with his hand on his ribs, covered in his own blood, limping away slowly. Otto dropped down from the roof, “ You low down scoundrel. ” Otto’s six shooter that was kicked away from him fell back onto the ground. They both had their eyes on it, Swift and Otto sprinted toward it. Swift grabbed it and shot Otto’s leg, but Otto drop kicked Swift right in the chest just moments before he got shot. Otto looked at the screws and oil rolling and dripping out of him, he gripped the gunshot wound, “ Aww that smarts… ” The six shooter was by Swift, he reached out for it but groaned softly by that, Otto got up and instantly fell back to the floor, he scowled and crawled as fast as he could to his gun, “ Don’t touch that darn thing! ” They were both now inches away from the gun, until a loud boom was heard. They looked up, a mass of molten stone had crashed through the shed, it was Joseph, he let out a loud roar, as the grass around him began getting singed wherever he stood. He looked straight at Swift, and he breathed heavily as he lumbered toward the battered and beaten fox, he tried skittering away, but not this time, Joseph gripped Swiftshot, threw him up in the air and his fist turned into his boulder form and launched Swiftshot right into the shed where the battle started which was quickly catching fire, as well as full of gas tanks. Soon there was massive explosions blowing out of the windows and doors of the shed. Mission accomplished. Joseph growled softly, “ Bad dog… ” He sniffed and spit some lava on to the grass and stomped on the floor, his body began to cool down and he grabbed a few of the rocks scattered around the field and reattached them to himself. Otto smiled, “ Ya came a little late, but boy am I happy to see ya. ” he laughed softly while shaking his head, “ Ya’ll really did have me though! I thought you were done for. ” Joseph picked Otto and smiled softly, “ Not on my life, literally, and you’re one to talk about coming in late. ” they both started laughing. Joseph walked over to their car and saw that the gang had destroyed it, “ Awww….great ” Joseph started looking around and saw a guy getting into his truck, Joseph stared right at him, the guy quickly slammed the door and tried to start the car. Joseph sprinted toward the truck, “ Hey! Don’t be so rough now! ” said Otto as he bounced up and down on Joe’s shoulder. He blocked the car with his free arm, the guy inside’s heart sank, Joseph ripped the door off and and tossed the guy inside of it to the side, “ Sorry, but we need a ride home. ” he laid Otto down in the bed of the truck to rest, he then put together a few of the spare parts of the destroyed robots, “ Hope this works. ” the mismatched robot’s eyes flickered open and his back straightened out, “ Drive us home… ” the robot saluted Joe, “ SiR YEEees siIR.! ” he nodded softly, “ yeah…okay. ” He groaned as he lay down next to Otto. “ Phew! Today was a close call, we need a vacation… ” said Otto, Joseph laughed as the dented up car started to slowly drive off. It bangs into the wall, “ HEY! Be careful in there…aye aye aye… ” Joseph said as the glitchy robot struggled to drive in a straight line, “ This is going to be a looong trip. ” said Joe.

Next on the job was Ro the dragon, he was caught in quite the predicament nine professional assassins against one dragon. He had the special documents slung on his back like a backpack. The eight drones that Otto built to help him out got killed or just killed themselves. He was “ Working on the AI ” or something, that didn’t help him out now though. Worst part was is that the gang was near identical to their’s nine dudes with the different specialties, a fast guy, a big dude, the stealth, and so on. He hid behind a bunch lumber as he scoped out his surroundings, Ro rolled his shoulders and sighed, he punched the air a bit to pump himself up, he panted and dashed out from his cover, they thought they killed all of them, they were just looking for the briefcase. A sniper saw the black dragon running on all fours toward his watchtower on one of bridges, he aimed at his head and pulled the trigger, Ro’s hidden wings spread out and he flapped them, pushing him to the side, he gripped on to the bottom of the bridge with his teeth and he spun his way back up on top of the bridge running even faster over the bridge. The sniper reloaded and aimed at the staircase leading up to the watchtower, he was ready for him, Ro sniffed the air and tilted his head, he heard the cocking of the gun so he knew not to walk up those stairs unless he wanted his head to get blown off. He ran up the wall and two of his claws dug into sides of the building and flipped in and pounced at the unsuspecting sniper. One of the nearby assassins heard the kicking noise and started to make his way toward the watchtower. The sniper snarled and got out his knife, “ You’re gonna give me those papers… ” Ro shook his head and blinked. He dashed toward him and swung his blade at him, he ducked under the swing, he and pounced onto him after the attack, he slashed at his face with his claws, pushing him back. He placed his palm on his cheek and shivered at the blood that was dripping out of him. Ro hopped toward him and burst forth with a head butt hitting his chin from the bottom. Blood splashed out of his jaw as he flew back. The other assassin heard the screams of his team mate and started running faster to the room. Ro’s ear flicked as he heard the pitter patter of army boots drawing near. He bit the sniper’s knife and dragged it away, he began swallowing it and licking his snout after eating it. The guy ran in with a flamethrower, “ I got you now! ” Ro burped and the knife shot out and sliced the man’s head clean off his head. One down eight to go, the sniper watched as his friends head flew out the window, he took another look at Ro, and slowly began to crawl away, “ Alright, mercy you win. ” Ro shook his tail and allowed him to leave. The head of the guy landed on a skinny thug and the demolitions expert saw, “ We got a problem. ” The skinny guy swatted the decapitated head off his head and motioned for the demo expert to follow him. They began throwing some grenades into the room and one of them on top of the sniper and Ro flapped his wings and climbed out through a hole in the roof. Ro looked for a weapon and his tail wagged when he saw the crunched up parts of the knight bot, he pried the shield out of the robot and. BOOM!!! Ro peaked through the hole which had smoke pouring out of it and hissed in slight sadness when he saw the sniper’s body parts nowhere to be seen save for a black pile of ashes that you see in cartoons, that one wasn’t even his fault. Nonetheless it was two down and seven to go, the demolition man and skinny guy peaked up from the staircase searching for the offender, “ Oh no! The sniper’s been killed! That fiend. ” Ro rolled his eyes, and waited for one of them to step under him. The demo! He dropped down on him, crushing him under his weight, the skinny one gasped and shot at Ro. He blocked it with a shield from one of the dead knight bot that he held with his wings. He swiped the gun away with his tail and slowly walked toward him and roared loudly right in his face. The thin dude screamed and ran down the stairs, a a thug with a rocket launcher got shoved to the side by the cowardly grunt. “ Outta my way! That thing is crazy! ” The thug scowled as he readjusted his helmet and continued running up the stairs, “ Feh…idiot. ” The demo straightened out his back and got back to his feet and took aim with his grenade launcher. Ro breathed a ball of fire at the demo’s vest and he yelped, “ AAAH! ” he staggered backwards and whacked the fire off of him, “ That was close… ” He shook his head and took aim once more, the rocket launcher wielding gangster came up from the stair case, Ro gasped and ran forward,one shot a grenade at him and the other a rocket, Ro ran to the side and they both hit each other, creating a gigantic explosion. The Demolition guy was flung into the wall and the rocket guy was sent soaring out the window of the building, he would have broken every bone in his body if he hadn’t fallen on to the retreating skinny guy. The demolition guy got up and rubbed his temple, “ Oh that smarts… ” Ro began walking toward him, demo brought out his grenade launcher yet again, Ro put his mouth around the barrel and breathed fire into it and dived into the corner covering his ears and shielding himself with his wings and the knight shield. BAM! He saw his entire torso missing, and he fell to the floor. Three of them were terminated, he dashed out of the room to fight the other six. He readied his flame breath at the rocket guy, he was about to let loose until a massive muscle man began shooting at him with a large minigun. Ro gasped and hid behind his massive shield and did his best to tuck every part of his body behind it. The shield began denting and bending until the entire top part got blown off by the flurry of bullets. The big ruffian laughed, “ Now you’re tiny shield is broken! Now you’re DEAD! ” Ro thought for a bit and he kicked what was left from the shield hoping that he had aimed it correctly. The shield went soaring into the mini gun’s spinning barrel causing it to get stuck. The rocket man launched a rocket at Ro, Ro flapped his wings and jumped up high in the air over the rocket and back on to the guy who fired it. He kicked his face into the floor and breathed his fire breath all over him, safe to assume that was four down. The skinny coward began sprinting away again, Ro bit on to the guy’s overall strap swung him, sending his face scraping against the floor and breaking every bone after smashing into a nearby boulder. Ro cringed, he hadn’t quite meant for that to happen but that was five targets were out of commission just four more to go-uh OH! The huge thug pried the piece of the shield out of the mini gun. The inventor began constructing a turret, Ro munched on the gravel and spit out some molten stones out at him, stalling him for a bit. The designated doctor began bandaging him up. Ro began mapping out the area in his head, he had four opponents the inventor directly to his right with his big turret gun and two of them directly to his left, one keeping the other at optimum health and the other was practically another turret and the last guy to the north with a revolver. A saboteur, the newly built turret, and the big thug began firing off all of their weapons at once, Ro flapped his wings, boosting him up into the air, he opened his mouth and shot a small fireball at the saboteur, he seemed to be the weakest one, that would hold him off long enough at least. If he even wanted a chance at getting the thug he needed to take out the doctor who was constantly healing him, as well as that gun of his. He deflecting the bullets being shot at him with his breath. He managed to get close to the guy. He raised his massive gun to try and crush Ro but he simply waited for some rockets from the turret to launch, he dodged out of the way and the rockets hit the guy’s gun sending it soaring off into the sky. While the doctor and hooligan were looking up in the air, Ro bit the doctor’s leg and growled, the doc fell to the floor, he grabbed a knife meant for amputations with his mouth and jammed it right into the big guy’s neck. That was definitely six out of the picture after that, the doctor was still reeling on the floor as he gripped his knee in pain. The inventor started to boot up his turret again, Ro bit down on the doctor and started dashing toward the turret using him as a shield. The inventor scoffed and began shooting at him anyway, limbs started flying everywhere. How disgusting, his own comrade didn’t even think twice about blasting him to bits, utterly dishonorable. He slid on his tummy and head butt the lefts of the turret and tipped it over onto the inventor. The inventor’s head was wedged in between the rocket launchers and the dispenser where it goes to reload. He dropped his remote and pushed the rocket button, the launchers went to reload and started squeezing his head, the man screamed in pain until his inevitable demise. Ro smacked his lips and shook off some of the dirt on his skills, he rotated his body as he heard soft footsteps. He managed to get rid of 8 of them only one left, he spotted him aiming at him. Ro charged toward him and pounced on him, the saboteur dodged to the left and stabbed Ro right in the back with a cursed knife. Ro winced and lay motionless on the floor, the man laughed and tossed his used cigarette onto his body. Ro glared at him and took the briefcase off of his back and whacked him across the face with it. He bit the knife as it only managed to stab through the brief case, he started eating it and he held the man on the ground. He opened his mouth and the knife shot out and the knife stabbed through his skull. Ro licked his chops and opened up the suitcase with his snout and was relieved to see the papers weren’t stabbed, he strolled off with his tongue hanging out as he panted happily with his tail wagging. He started to run with the briefcase around his back, he sniffed and used scent to find his way back home.

Oh what fun, now let’s see what Chill and Slackjaw are up to. Out in the desert all alone, our two heroes trudged along the sandy plains, not even a gust of wind out there for company. The searing sun beat down on the zombie monkey and the poor penguin. Slackjaw's tail drooped down as his head hung low and his tongue hung out sadly as he slowly hobbled along the sand, it was even worse for Chill, he was accustomed to the coldest weather imaginable but he was the only other member of the team who was available for the mission so he was forced to go with Slack. Chill looked up and a smile spread across his beak and nudged Slackjaw, “ Hey, Slack! Look! ” It was a small rustic village, hopefully it wasn’t another hallucination, but given Slackjaw’s reaction it probably wasn’t. They made their way into the village and Chill leaned toward Slackjaw, “ Alright, this is the place, we should start asking around to see if anyone has any intel on where the gang’s hideout is, but first let’s get some food.” They started searching for a place to eat, Slackjaw prodded at Chill’s cheek and pointed to the bar with his paw. Chill clicked his tongue and nodded hesitantly, “ I’m not one for alcohol but seeing as how we’re dying of thirst I could care less now. ” Slackjaw kicked the door down and started cheering, “ Woooooo!!!! Woooo….woo… ” a bit of silence later, “ Moron… ” Chill followed soon after and they both took a seat at a couple of bar stools. Slackjaw moaned out, “ Whiskey! ” as he raised his hand to get the barkeep’s attention. He shook his head, “ Sorry mate, ain’t got any o’ that. ” Slackjaw and Chill looked at each other in confusion, there hasn’t been a single bar that they’ve gone to that didn’t sell whiskey. Slackjaw scratched his head and said, “ Bottle o’ Scrumpy? ” the bartender shook his head, “ Never heard of the stuff. ” he went under the counter and plopped two odd bottles of who know’s what on the table, “ S’all we got, c’mon have a go if you think you’re hard enough. ” Slackjaw reached into his mouth and puked out a wad of dollar bills, amazingly they were still dry. He took out the correct amount of money and handed it to the barkeep. “ Have a good day. ” Chill gave a worried look at the bottle in front of him and Slackjaw snatched his bottle and scratched his nose as they looked at each other. Chill wrapped his flipper around his and Slackjaw tapped his bottle against Chill’s, “ Cheers mate! ” Chill shrugged, “ Aw what the heck? ” They popped the bottle caps off and started chugging down the strange liquid, they immediately spat it out all over the floor and gagged. “ BOOOOOO!!! ” yelled Slackjaw as he ran his palms against his tongue to wash off the awful taste of the what must have been spoiled scotch. Chill cringed and shivers were sent down his spine and twitched in utter disgust of the appalling beverage, “ Yeah, that stunk on ice! ” The bartender scowled and slowly walked toward them while whispering , “ You should’a just drank the scotch mate. ” Chill’s eyes darted from side to side as he saw the other customers starting to get up, “ Excuse me? ” indiscernible muttering was heard from everyone in the restaurant. Chill hopped off of the stool and began walking backwards, “ Hey guys, we don’t want any fro-SQUAWK! ” He backed up right into one of the approaching whispering customers, he gripped Slackjaw’s fur and took him off of his stool as he hadn’t quite picked up on the potential threat that was growing with every second they were there. Slackjaw sniffed the bottle and screeched and tugged Chill closer to him, “ These are poison! ” Chill worriedly stumbles on top of a table, Slackjaw leaped up on to the table with him and clenched his fists as the muttering patrons slowly approached them, “ Hey Slack, I think we found them. ” the bartender pulled a knife out of his holster. “ Sick em’ boys! ” one of drunks threw himself on the table and completely missed as he slid right in-between them and into a wall. Chill and Slackjaw just kind of stared at him as the guy started snoring when he landed on the floor, “ Huh….well then. ” Slackjaw redirected his attention back up to the rest of the thugs and started the traditional pre-fight trash talking, “ I’m gonna beat you so hard you’ll have a twitch! ” he said as he hit his fists against each other. Chill removed his staff off of his back and it started to glow as he faced it toward the drunken foes, “ Yeah! Come get some! ” he squeaked out. The bartender bounded toward them both and cut the table that they were standing on in half. Chill managed to leap off of it, but Slackjaw wasn’t quite ready for the knife to be that strong. He stumbled away from the smashed up table, his right arm fell off, he hurriedly grips onto it with his other one and reattaches it to him as he stumbled away, “ Oh geez! ” the bartender was quick to use the remains of the table as a stepping stool to boost himself over to the clumsy Slackjaw. Slackjaw looked behind him and saw a psychopathic bartender flying toward him, he swiftly pressed himself against the wall to get out of the way of the knife. He slipped away to the left to dodge another swing from the barkeep’s knife while flailing his arms around clumsily as it was a very close call, “ Wait wait I’m not ready! ” He backed up into another table and slid over the surface as another slash from the blade just barely grazed his hair. His waist detached from his body and slid over the surface of a table and the legs ran under it until the waist fell back into place. A few guys threw their bodies at him, Slackjaw took a deep breath and all his limbs went shooting in different directions. The thugs all banged into each other midair as there was nothing left to tackle. The limbs ricocheted off the walls until they all shot back into their correct spots on the body. He straightened out his tattered shirt as pridefully until a fist flew at his face and caught him off guard. Slackjaw snarled as he rubbed his cheek and spit out a tooth and snarled, he leaped into the air and held tightly on to the bartender’s face and started going berserk. He slammed his fists on the man’s skull and he puked up a grenade at one of the others, and lastly he dove off of the bartender’s face and he linked his fingers together and his arms went around another mobster’s neck and begins swinging around it like a weird necklace with his arms as the chain, he applied some force on the man’s head and ended up flipping him over into the ground. Chill waddled as fast as he could over the bar counter, “ AAAAAAHHHHH!!! ” his flippers sticking out as fists and knives and cuss words were flung toward him. He jumped over one of the miscreant’s head and he clung to one of the lamps hanging from the ceiling and he flapped his tiny flippers as he bounced on some of their shoulders and to his partner. He got out his staff and a stream of blue light similar to what could only be described as mini aurora borealis flowed out of the blue pearl at the tip of Chill’s staff, Slackjaw’s fists began to glow a shade of blue as he beat his chest not only that but a shiny new tooth grew out where the last one had been knocked out, “ Thanks, friend! ” they smiled at one another until they saw a vast amount of goons getting closer, their smiles got a bit nervous. One of them picked up the pace, sent a fist flying at Slackjaw’s face, after impact head detached off his neck and bounced back off of the wall behind him, “ Eep! ” Chill evaded the flying cranium but the guy who threw the punch was not so lucky. He got a head butt of a lifetime as he staggered backward and fell on the floor unconscious. Yet another lummox wrapped his arms around Slackjaw and tried strangling him. Chill held his staff like a baseball bat and bashed the guy in the knee caps, “ Let him go! ” making him groan in pain and stagger backwards, Slackjaw’s legs popped off at the hinges and hurled themselves at the thug repeatedly, pushing him more and more toward the bathroom. After the legs were done pushing him with Chill’s help, Chill opened the bathroom door and slammed it on his skull knocking him out. Slackjaw landed back on his legs and they snapped into their correct spots. Slackjaw grabbed a beer bottle a smashed it over his head and he licked his lips, as he ran at a large group of enemies. Chill kept Slackjaw healthy while he punched and jabbed and juggled his grenades and tossed them at the gang members. One of the smarter thugs grabbed Chill and chucked him into the wall, away from Slack. A large collection of ruffians formed a circle around Chill as they kicked the poor bird while he was in a circle of pain. The poison from the drink began to kick in for him, his energy began to drop he was unable to conjure up any spells to cast to get them away from him, he just had to lay there and take the beating. Slackjaw noticed his pal getting beat up, he started swatting thugs away,“Outta my way!” he got stopped by one of them. Slackjaw hurdled himself up at the guy’s shirt collar and began stabbing him repeatedly with the broken beer battle, until flinging his body over the table and into the wall, he moved from one mobster to another and punched the next goon in the nose, and slamming his head into a table. The table broke on impact and splinters flew everywhere, Slackjaw sprung off the guy’s limp body and on yet another hooligan, his hands disengaged off of his wrists and held the guy down on the bar counter and he began head butting him repeatedly until he stopped moving. He screwed his hands back on, and began searching the room for another weapon. His eyes traveled to a bar stool and a mischievous grin spread across his face, he ripped the bar stool off of the ground, and bashed three of them away from Chill. He turned around and veered his stool right into another mobster, even after he was lying on the ground he brought down the stool right onto the guy’s junk. Slackjaw stampeded toward the rest of the guys who were hurting his buddy and knocked all of them down like bowling pins. Slackjaw picked up Chill’s body and slung him over his back and charged at another villain, “ How are you still fighting? We drugged you! ” Slackjaw hit the guy’s chin with the stool, “ I’m a zombie! None of my internal organs work, so there’s nothing to poison in the first place! Save for the brain. ” He noticed that he had been abusing the stool a bit too much as it started to fall apart. He looked at it for a while and began scanning the for another tool of destruction. While he was searching one of them snuck up on him and shot him right through the head, he backed up and stumbled, “ Ohhh….oh geez…WOOO ” he fell to the floor. Chill’s lil’ flipper started sparking little snowflakes but he was too sick to heal his comrade, he finally blacked out. Slackjaw lay motionless against the wall with his tongue sticking out with Chill slumped over him. One of the drunks grabbed an SMG off the coat rack and aimed it at the two of them, “ I’m gonna paint one right between your eyes! Ya PUNTERS!!! ”. The barkeeper stopped him from shooting them dead, “ Wait, stand down lad… We gotta take em’ back ” he motions toward a car, “ We’ll take em’ to the boss, he’ll know what to do with em’! ” A few mobsters grabbed them both and tossed them into the trunk, “ Sweet dreams. ” Hours passed, Chill woke up only to see Slackjaw fiddling with a bullet wound in his skull. Chill yanked his arm away, “ What are you doing?! You’re going to make it worse if you keep playing with it. ” Chill tried healing him with the magic from his staff, but the wound remained the same, “ What the? ” Chill stretched Slack’s mouth open and looked inside, “ Oh no they removed the heart that I made you, my spells need something living to heal, and your brain isn’t functioning with this massive hole in the middle of it. ” Slackjaw shrugged, “ Sorry mate. ” Chill lay him down on his back, “ It’s fine Slack, you did some admirable fighting back there, just relax, I’ll see what I can do. ” Chill straightened his posture and banged his head on the ceiling of the trunk, “ Oh right. ” A few graphically gory and bloody minutes later Chill was almost done with the operation, at this point Slackjaw’s entire torso was split open as Chill operated on him. Let’s join in on a story Chill was telling, “ -So when my patient woke up, his skeleton was missing, like he was just a bunch of living tissue! And then the doctor was never heard from again! ” Slackjaw burst out into a fit of laughter, “ Anyway, that’s how I lost my medical license and became a healing mage. ” Chill crawled into the corner of the trunk and rummaged around a pile of dead bodies, no doubt past victims of the Snipes gang. He pulled a heart out of the bag and began sending a flow of his tendril-like stream of colors from his staff into the heart, “ Most hearts can’t stand the strength of healing that my staff exudes but I’m sure using this heart from the same species should- ” the heart blew up into rainbow goop all over his face. Slackjaw scratched his cheek, “ What was that sound?! ” Chill hid the remains of the heart on his flipper in his pocket. “ Th-the sound of progress my friend. ” He went searching in the collection of organs and pulled out the head of a mega baboon. The mega baboons’ eyes opened up and in a very monotone voice said,“ Kill me. ” Chill yelped threw it against the wall and zapped it with ice darts, “ Thank you. ” Chill shivered and found his composure, “ Yep, that was indeed a…thing. But if there was a mega baboon head that means there’s gotta be a mega baboon heart as well. ” he moved around the body pile and managed to find the rest of him and found the massive mega heart strong heart, Slackjaw clapped like a little kid, “ Aw yeah, I always wanted a mega baboon heart! ”. He tried the using his healing magic on it but instead of exploding, it increased in size and began glowing and changed shape from a real person heart to a cartoon heart. He dropped it into Slackjaw’s open chest and then mended his skin back together with his magic. “ Alright that should make your body strong enough to withstand the tsunami spell. ” Slackjaw felt his chest and took a deep breath, “ Ahhh, much better, so! What happens now? ” Chill smiled, “ We’re busting out of here, you got any more grenades in you? ” Slackjaw shook his head, “ You were the one searching through my body. I’m out. ” Chill frowned and his wand fizzled a bit, “ I used up all my energy getting you the heart. All I can pull off is minor healing spells. ” Slackjaw punched the trunk and , “ We’re definitely stuck… ” Bars grew out of the floor and formed a cage around them. “ What’s this now? ” Slackjaw tried pulling the bars apart, and in frustration shoved them as he sat on the ground crossing his arms, “ Stupid bars…grumble grumble. ” The car drove up a mountain and to a huge cultish hideout. The trunk popped open and a few minions grabbed the cage they were in and tossed them on the sand. They were laid before a man wearing a crown no doubt the mob boss himself, he leaned on the top of their cage, “ So you were the two blokes who were sent to put a stop to me huh? Can’t say I’m too impressed, but you did manage to cause quite a ruckus at the bar, even killed a few of our men. You did an okay job, so I’ll make a necklace out of your teeth, bushman’s rules. ” Slackjaw and Chill looked at him wide eyes, “ Ha Ha Ha, this guy, he’s a riot! Ya crazy man! ” laughed Slackjaw nervously as he slapped Chill’s back, but Chill’s eyes were as big as saucers as this point as horrific scenarios played out in his brain of what that guy would do with them. “ You’re both DEAD ” Slackjaw’s smile disappeared almost instantly, “ Well…Jokes on you, I lost most of my teeth! It’s not nearly enough to form a necklace! And Chill only has spiky stuff on the back of his tongue to help swallow slippery foods! We win! ” Slackjaw feels around his mouth and sees there’s a few more teeth, “ Dang it Chill why’d you have to keep healing my teeth back! I told you this would happen!!! ” Slackjaw began panicking and shook Chill violently, he got so frantic the bottom of his jaw fell off. “ I suppose you’ll keep your big mouths shut now, sick the beast on them. ” A group of goons dragged the cage in front of a cage close to the edge of the mountain. “ No one’s gonna miss you, ya freaks. ” One of the lackeys opened up a fridge and grabbed a piece of some indistinguishable meat out of it. He whistled and a hideous hulking monster covered in shaggy red fur clambered out of the cave, the lackey waved the hunk of meat in front of it and chucked it into the cage with Slackjaw and Chill. The slab of meat hit Slackjaw in the face and slid into his lap, the monster licked his chops and scraped his hoofed foot on the sandy floor and charged at the cage. Slackjaw grabbed his jaw and locked it into place and screamed loudly as he backed up into the back of the cage, Chill screamed right along with him and tried climbing the bars but kept slipping down. The beast barked and reached his massive claws in-between the bars and slammed the bottom of the cage trying to grab it, as Slackjaw and Chill jumped up and down trying to dodge the monsters’ talons all while screaming at the top of their lungs in complete and utter terror. Slackjaw slipped on the meat and tripped and fell on the monster’s hand, the behemoth gripped his hand and punched the cage off of the cliff. They bounced off ledges on the side of the mountain and crashed at the bottom of the cliff, “ Aw that smarts. ” Slackjaw’s body parts were all scattered and against the bars, his arm reached about and gripped his head and placed it back on his neck and dizzily sat up, and Chill dusted off his robes, “ You okay, Ch- ” the door of the cage fell off. They glanced at each other, and quickly got to their feet and dashed out of their prison as fast as they could. Slackjaw yelled, “ FREEEEDOOOOM! ” the gang at the peak of the mountain rushed down to catch them while the others grabbed their rifles and took aim. Chill pointed his flipper toward a truck, “ The truck! The truck! ” A bullet came speeding toward Chill, the sand shot up where the bullet hit, he raised his lil’ bird feet and picked up the pace and waddled even faster. Slackjaw made his body split up into three pieces, his legs started running in one direction, his upper torso started running with his hands in the other direction, and the head hopped toward the car. The snipers had a hard time choosing which ones to shoot so they kind of kept missing as Slackjaw’s body parts kept splitting up into even more pieces and becoming even smaller. Chill dove next to the car and opened the door to block one of the bullets, one of the gang members was sleeping in the driver’s seat but woke up after hearing the gunshot, “ Wha- What’s going on? ” Chill looked up from the door and smiled, “ Hello! ” Slackjaw’s arm climbed in through the other window and pulled him out while the other body parts ganged up on him as the arm took the wheel, and sped off. The other limbs ran after the truck and jumped into the window and instantly assembled back into Slackjaw. Chill looked back, “ B-but what about the mission?! ” Slackjaw stepped even harder on the gas pedal, “ I may be a zombie, but I still got enough of a brain to know this place isn’t safe! We’ll worry about the mission later! For now, I gotta keep you safe! ” Chill stared deeply at Slackjaw, he never knew how caring Slackjaw really was especially because it was Chill’s job to keep everyone safe since he was the designated healer. The mob boss grimaced and ordered the other gang members to chase after them. About half an hour later Slackjaw, “ I think we lost them budd- ” He looked at the rear view mirror and saw other cars speeding toward them, “ Nevermind. ” A couple of them were practically right next to them, Chill looked out of the window and saw a chariot being pulled by the beast and a stick in front of it hooked to the mysterious piece of meat, being ridden by the mob boss, “ You sneaky ratbags! You thought you could run away from ME?! My neck’s still pretty cold! ” Chill put his flipper over his mouth, “ Niuuuu… ” Slackjaw shook the steering wheel, “ Can’t this thing move any faster? ” One of the snipers fired his machine gun and hit the side of their car, Chill hurriedly got back into his seat and saw bullet hole in his hat, “ M-Mother~ ” Slackjaw gritted his teeth and slammed his car into theirs sending the machine carrying thug flying off of the car, “ Hey, back off me buddy!!! ” another car crashed into the other side of Slackjaw’s car and found himself sandwiched between the two cars, “ Perhaps I didn’t think this one through. ” Slackjaw remembered that since boarding the car he ate a few more grenades that were in the glove compartment, he punched through the other car’s window and regurgitated a grenade into the driver’s seat, the gang member yelped and let go of the steering wheel sending the car veering off the side of the road. Slackjaw gave a hearty laugh and jerked to the left and crashed back into the right sending the second car into a large boulder causing it to explode in a fiery ball of destruction. The first car that was on the left toppled over onto it’s side, with another truck collided into it. Another truck came rushed to the side of them with a turret in the bed of the truck and began shooting at them. “ Oh this is not good! ” Chill gave a determined look, it was his turn to protect his pal, he took a sniper rifle out of the weapons pile that was in the backseat, he opened the door and steps on it and climbed on to the top of the car. Chill took looked through the scope and shot the guy manning the turret, but completely missed. “ Ha ha ha! Ya call that sniping?! ” while he was laughing, Chill sent a bullet flying through the guy’s head. Chill gave a satisfied smile, “ Yepl ” Slackjaw banged his hands against the steering wheel in utter joy, “ Nice shot buddy! ” His smile faded when he took a glance at the car next to him. Two goons were holding a crocodile of all things in the bed of the truck, “ Holy mother of mary! ” Slackjaw began spinning the lever to get the window to very slowly rise up, “ Come on…hurry up! ” the crocodile burst through the glass and began biting and chomping as half of it’s body was in Slackjaw’s car. Slackjaw screamed and lost control over the steering wheel as the croc was blocking him, the car took a sharp turn and sent Chill tumbling off the edge, his flipper just barely grabbed hold of the edge and his other caught the sniper rifle. Back inside the car Slackjaw had his arms wrapped around the crocodile’s mouth, and began punching, bopping, and jabbing at the crocodiles’ face until finally giving one last push and sending the croc back into the bed of the other truck. Chill saw that they were entering a valley with the two mountains very close to each other, he’d run right in to the side of the mountain if he kept hanging off the edge of the car. His tiny stubby legs flailed all around and pulled his way back up onto the top of the car as fast as he could and tumbled his way back to the middle of it and breathed deeply, “ That was close. ” Some of the other cars crashed right into the sides of the two mountains causing even more explosions, if this wasn’t just a wall of text you’d be very impressed. The sides of the car scraped against the sides of the canyon causing sparks to fly off of it, Chill got back onto his feet and wiped some sweat off his forehead, “ At least only one car is able to fit between here though. “ One hooligan riding a motorcycle that must have been waiting for them drove off the side of a cliff and landed on top of their truck. Chill stumbled away from the motorcycle since there wasn’t a huge amount of space on top of the truck so he slipped and fell onto the hood of the car, “ Oof! >3< ” Chill got back up but blocked Slackjaw’s view, “ Move it! ” Chill flinched and ducked down on the hood on his chubby tummy. Slackjaw spotted a rock in-between the mountains, “ Wait! Chill that! Use that! ” Chill flipped onto his back and gasped, “ Oh right! ” He fired an icicle at the rock freezing it over, he threw his staff at it and it got smashed into a bunch of different pieces. It fell onto the guy top of the car and rolled off onto one of the cars that was chasing them, Chill caught his staff when it fell. The mob bosses’ beast powered chariot jumped over the demolished automobiles and drew closer. They squeezed their way out of the canyon, and got a lot more roaming space to drive around, the down side to this however was that there was more room for them to get ambushed. Chill hopped over back onto the car but his heart sank as he saw the other trucks drawing closer and the gang members hopping out of them, Chill gulped when he saw two of them began climbing on top of their car. Chill rushed over and kicked one of them in the face sending him flying back into the bed of his truck. The other attempted to pounce onto Chill but after he dodged out of the way, he overshot his jumping arch and went right over the car. Soon even more of the gang members climbed onto the truck with him, Chill dodged a punch thrown by one of them and pushed him off of the car. He swung his staff into one of their stomachs and punched him off of the edge. Slackjaw noticed many other guys scale their car on the rear view mirror, he veered to the right and scraped all of them against the side of the mountain, crushing the bottom halves of their body. Chill shuddered and tried not to look, “ Yeuch… ” while he was watching blood run across side of the mountain, one mobster climbed the other side of the truck while Chill was distracted watching the gory spectacle. He held a katana and thrusted it toward Chill’s neck, Chill dodged backward and staggered a bit but caught himself when he saw how close he was to the edge. Chill dove under another swing of the katana, the goon was about to slice at Chill again, “ He’s relentless! ” Chill shot frost out of his flippers and boosted himself up into the air, the goon chopped the small ice tower down and Chill landed back on his feet, “ Wait h-hold on! ” stuttered Chill loudly. The mobster stabbed down and penetrated right through the roof of the car, the blade stopped right in front of Slackjaw’s face, he blinked and gulped when he saw the blade, “ Hey, wh-what’s going on up there, Chill?! ” the mobster tackled Chill and began decking in the face repeatedly, “ HELP ME!!! ” yelled Chill. Slackjaw looked around the area, and saw a combine driving toward them, “ Just what we need! ” He stomped hard on the gas pedal and accelerated toward the combine, “ NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! ” Chill tried to squeak out while he was being choked. Slackjaw rotated the wheel as fast as he could causing hit to spin out, “ S-S-Slack I hardly see how this is helping m- ” The van ran right into the combine, that was as much as Chill could take he puked in the thug’s face, he squealed and reeled backwards and he fell right into the lawnmower part of the combine and it started stretching him out like taffy. Chill wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, “ Oh, I see… Nice thinking Slackjaw! ” the combine began picking up speed and tilting the van. Chill rolled off of it, “ Uh oh. ” He gripped the edge of the roof with his tiny flippers and quickly running on top of the gears of the combine, “ AHHH! SLACK!!! GET ME OUTTA HERE! ” Slackjaw saw Chill struggling to climb back on top, “ D-Don’t worry little buddy! I’ll find a way to- ” he saw that the combine was pushing them off a cliff. Chill rose up and took a deep breath when he made it back on the roof of the car, “ It’s alright Slack, I got back u- ” he saw the ledge of the mountain and the ground far below. “ They just keep on coming don’t they? ” He jammed his staff into the truck and held on tight, he shut his eyes tightly and cringed. The truck went careening off of the mountain’s peak and crashed right into the earth below and into a nearby tree stump. The hood of the van popped open and the engine burst into flames, Slackjaw’s head was smashed into the dashboard, his body grabbed it and shook the glass shards off of it. He twisted it back on, “ Ohhh~ I feel like every bone in my body is broke. That is if I had any bones to break. ” he began scanning the area, “ Chill? Little buddy? Where’d you go? ” he saw Chill’s limp body hanging off the branch of a tree, “ N-No… ” He stumbled out of the car and rushed toward the tree, “ Chill! ” The mob boss put his palm on Slackjaw’s face and punted his head away from him. “ G’day! ” Slackjaw wavered and wobbled as he caught his lost cranium, he reattached it on his neck shortly after. He blinked and saw that he slowly surrounded by more and more vans, trucks and more thugs. The bartender points to Chill’s body off the tree, “ Take a gander at this little princess. ” The mob boss laughed maniacally, “ Oh, I’m sorry mate! ” Slackjaw grit his teeth and tried attacking him, but was held down by other thugs, “ Ya bloody good for nothing lowlife! ” the mob boss pointed a golden rifle at Slackjaw’s head, his one weak spot. “ Yeah, keep yapping that big mouth mouth while it’s still attached to your damn neck. ” Slackjaw yelped and barked like a regular monkey would, “ You want to know mah last words?! Huh?! ” he jumped up and down yelling as loud as he could, “ Do it! What are ya waitin’ for?! Ya killed me mate! I ain’t givin’ YOU the bloody satisfaction of getting an easy kill! ” He detached his arm and began jumping, biting, and grabbing on all of the other thugs. “ F-five more minutes Slack…Quiet down will ya…h-huh? ” the noise by caused Chill to wake up, eyes darted side to side and he saw Slackjaw getting shot at and detained, and just on the brink of death. Slackjaw’s body parts were pinned to the floor and his head roared and barked as the barrel was pressed against his forehead, “ Say goodbye to your immortality you abomination ”. Chill wriggled his way off of the branch and sprinted to the mob bosses’ chariot. He snatched the piece of meat off of the hook, the beasts’ tongue stuck out as he began panting, Chill threw it at the mob bosses’ scalp. The beast pounced onto the guy and pretty much ate him, but that’s too graphic even for this role-play so I won’t go into detail. Slackjaw’s big smile returned to his face, “ Chill, you’re not dead! ” Chill started firing ice darts at the mobsters and retrieving Slackjaw’s different limbs. “ Alright! Tsunami mode! ” He took a deep breath, he started spawning a stream of glowing water into Slackjaw’s very being. Slackjaw grew exponentially in size, his eyes began to glow, as the mobsters chopped at him, their blows simply went through him, Slackjaw turned into waves and currents, he crushed them under his fists, he launched grenades out of his mouth. Chill collapsed shortly after downing the rest of the gang members, “ Phew…that was unbelievably scary! B-but exciting! ” Slackjaw shrunk back down into his fuzzy monkey form, “ Heh, that’s enough excitement for one day! Let’s go home! ” They saw all of the trucks were demolished, “ Maybe I got a little carried away with the…destruction. ” muttered Slackjaw embarrassed. Chill pointed his flipper at the big monster grazing in the sun, he was nibbling on the meat Chill gave him, and a bit of cloth from the mob bosses’ clothes. They glanced at each other and smiled, moments later they were riding the chariot while the behemoth pulled it, this time he was being lured by the other meat from the gang members…d-dead bodies…they were using dead bodies to lure him…yeah.

Let’s join our last group of heroes, Mintwing, W.I.L., and Sparkle, they were sent on a heist mission to retrieve some very important minerals which are said to prolong life. It was being guarded by a very big crime organization so getting their hands, or wings, or hooves on it wouldn’t be easy. The enemy base was large and doubled as both a warehouse and a railway where they shipped who knows what. They set up an invisible base just outside their enemies, Sparkle had been doing some snooping around their base for a few days and he managed to map it all out. The three of them were gathered around Sparkle’s map and reviewing their plan, “ All right let’s review the plan! I’ll fly around and be awesome! ” said Mintwing. Sparkle shook his head, “ Mintwing, we must establish teamwork or we’ll never pull this mission off. I’ve memorized who is on guard at what times of each day, so I’ll take out any turrets and I’ve mapped out areas with the least amount of members them. Now Mintwing, you’re job is to start off here outside the warehouse, you find your way into their air vents, proceed like so… ” Sparkle levitated small figurines of Mintwing which was a green badminton birdie with a black toothpick sticking out of it to represent the beak. “ Now for the killing, you take out these gentlemen over here, now my job is keeping any additional X corp members off your backs, by getting on their backs. ” He moves a black origami unicorn across the map and stabbing a few action figures of DC superheroes in the back. He pointed to a small cardboard box, “ And then this! This is our target boys, if all goes to plan we can- ” Mintwing lands on the map and pecks at the box, “ Oh, it’s okay! I got this! ” He bites it and flew around the room. Sparkle hesitated and fiddled around with an abacus, “ That’s…actually part of the plan, you actually read my pamphlet. Good work Minwting! ” He blinked and nodded, “ Yeah…pamphlet. ” he hid a paper airplane and pushed it into the trash. “ W.I.L., your job is to place a robot dispenser here! They can help clear out any additional gang members we failed to off. ” W.I.L. saluted, “ Yes sir! Wait…what’s that? ” Sparkle placed a tiny R.O.B. the robot amiibo in a room on the map, “ Place the robot dispenser, that Otto made for us, that metal container in the corner. ” W.I.L. glanced at the metal cube and nodded slowly. “ Over…here… ” W.I.L. scratched his head, “ Okay! ” Sparkle smiled and stood up, “ Excellent! Gentlemen, who will join me? ” Sparkle spiraled in the air, “ Woo hoo! Let’s go! ” W.I.L. pumped his fist, “ HOO-AH! ” Sparkle’s horn emitted a dark energy, the black aura scanned over a revolver. He aimed his horn at a target and it launched a bullet out of it and it hit the bullseye. “ Ready! ” W.I.L. grabbed a small ray gun from his home planet and ran his fingers(?) over it smiling softly then he grabbed a pickaxe that he found on his first day on earth, he grabbed the boom box sized robot dispenser and slung it over his shoulder. Mintwing stuck some small metal feathers into his wings, he drank some nectar out of a small flower, “ Ahhh… Alright I’m ready! ” Sparkle, W.I.L., and Mintwing walked down the hallway. Later, outside the enemy warehouse, our three heroes hid behind a rack full of ammo, they moved some stuff and scanned the amount of people on duty, “ So far so good. ” whispered Sparkle. Sparkle began using morse code with his hooves, W.I.L. watched and nodded slowly but had a very unsure look on his face, Mintwing’s eyes were large and confused, “ What?! ” he whispered. Sparkle groaned, “ Just move out… ” W.I.L. attached his robot dispenser on his back and ran off with Sparkle, Mintwing flew in the other direction. Sparkle dove behind one of the rail cars, he overheard one of the smaller gang members approaching him, he levitated a pebble and chucked it at him from behind the railcar. He rubbed his head and turned on his flashlight as he grew closer to Sparkle, Sparkle grabbed with his levitation powers and threw him onto the floor, he placed his hoof on his chest and flipped him like a pancake and stabbed him in the back with his horn. He turned into black smoke and took control of the thugs’ body to disguise himself, “ All is going to plan. ” He said as he tightened the bandages on his newly obtained hands, he held his unicorn horn as a knife while in disguise. Meanwhile Mintwing fluttered about the area, he swung across a chain and onto a train, he flew across it and on a passing cargo truck and hung off the ledge of a window sill. He didn’t have the ability to fly very high, that was why he couldn’t just soar over the entire base, he says it’s because his body is too frail to handle certain wind speeds but I think he just has a fear of heights. Enough of that however, W.I.L. dashed as fast as you could with a box full of condensed robot on his back, he pressed himself against one of the train cars, “ Sneakiiiiiiiiiing around…can’t get ca- ” one of the X members stared at him with a cup of coffee, “ Uuu-uuuuhm… ” W.I.L. was startled by this sudden revelation, his technique was flawless! No matter, he lunged toward the enemy and snapped his neck, “ Ya!! ” he whispered…somehow. Sparkle came out from behind the rail car in his disguise, one of the other guys recognized him, “ Aye, hi Ste- ” Sparkle jammed his knife in the guy’s neck, and took control of that guy’s body while his old disguise faded away into mist. You see, his magic abilities was unable to sustain the same disguise after attacking someone, even if he missed it would have disappeared. Mintwing inched along the window sills, avoiding the gaze of any bad guys, he hopped over onto a piece of protruding sheet metal at the edge of the warehouse. He perched on a lightbulb to get to a nearby air vent. It snapped off the socket however and he rushed back to the sheet metal, the lightbulb landed on the head of one of the bigger X-gang members. He looked up, “ The heck was that? ” Mintwing chirped lightly and threw an origami crane off the building. “ Stupid birds… ” he muttered a few other choice words as Mintwing caught his breath. Plan B, he needed to find another way to get to the air vent. W.I.L. saw a pool of water with a sign that read, “ No swimming ” he smiled, “ If I swim in a place that says no swimming, there’s no way I’ll be caught. ” he snuck into the water(??????) and began swimming through the dirty sludgy sludge getting closer to his destination. Sparkle saw a few guys pushing a box, he climbed into it while they were distracted, a supervisor guy yelled at both of them, “ Why’d you two stop moving the box? For some dude to just crawl into it? Get going! ” the two thugs rolled their eyes and continued pushing the cart. Mintwing backflipped onto the roof and searched around, he noticed an air vent, “ That was easier than I thought. ” He pried the cover off with his beak like a crowbar, he smiled as he swung himself inside, “ And in we go! ”. Meanwhile Sparkle stood inside the box and felt it come to a stop, the two workers lay the box down on the ground for one of the other members, a muffled conversation took place. It was the inspector no doubt, and he heard the other two carriers walk away, the guy opened the box only to see a black unicorn standing in it. “ Oh my g- ” Sparkle bit the guy’s shirt collar and pulled him into the box. He placed the cover back on the box, the box bounced up and down subtly and some muted stabbing sounds later, Sparkle stepped out and dusted his shoulders off disguised as the inspector, and made his way down the hallway. In the lounge room, there were three guys on break, one of them pointed at the water cooler, “ Why’s there a metal container in the cooler? ” Another guy shrugged, “ Maybe it’s a fancy new non-melting ice thing. ” the other guy scoffed, “ You buy that thing? It only works after refrigerating it! If that’s the case I’d just refrigerate the drink. ” While they talked about the problems with the fake ice thing you see at a ‘simply organized’ or something. W.I.L. squeezed his way through the water cooler, and he burst out of the container, he rolled his shoulders and grabbed the container and put it on his back, the three guys just kind of stared at him, “ Oh! ” W.I.L. looked at the three of them and then back at the cooler, “ You guys drink that stuff? ” One of them pointed a sword at him, the other a pistol, the last guy didn’t have a weapon so he busted open the emergency kit and pointed a flare gun at him. W.I.L. had been caught, he searched in his brain for what he studied on human behavior, “ What’s that over there?! ” All three of them turned around to see what he was pointing at. He grabbed his pickaxe and hit the guy with the pistol in the cheek with it! He grabbed the guy with the flare gun and tossed him into the water cooler, the man with the sword slashed at him, he blocked his blows with his pickaxe, W.I.L. kicked him in the stomach landing him on the floor. W.I.L. chopped the man with the sword in the face, “ Take that fiend! ” the guy shot his flare at W.I.L. but missed miserably, W.I.L. took out his ray gun and vaporized the last guy. “ You are all relieved of duty. ” Checking in with Mintwing, he was still skittering through the vents, “ Hmmm… ” He looked through one of the grates and saw two guards, one lanky one and another which was pretty toned. “ It’s show time. ” He dropped down from the vent, startling the two guards they both stumbled backward, Mintwing grabbed the two of them by the shirt collar and pulled them together, making them bang their heads against one another, he went in-between them and did the splits, kicking them apart. He may have been just barely the size of an average person’s palm but his attacks still packed a wallop. Mintwing flapped his wings and a few metal feathers darted out of them and impaled the lanky guy’s neck, the bigger one tried grabbing him out of the air but he fluttered to the side and elbowed the man in the jaw, he swung his feathered fists across the man’s face, he got four painful blows into the man’s mug, his beak extended out into what looked like a giant boot and delivered the final blow so hard that it snapped the guy’s neck, “ BOOM! ” His beak quickly reverted back to it’s skinny needle-like appearance, “ Ya guys got owned! ” He saw the next vent that he was told to go through, he kicked it down and fluttered on through the vents. Sparkle was making good distance with his inspector disguise, he managed to slip through most of the base without being caught, “ Hey, you! Over there! ” A supervisor handed Sparkle a mop, “ Clean this up! ” there was some blood on the floor. In light of not blowing his cover he began mopping up the blood. The supervisor kept an eye on him, Sparkle needed to wait for the guy to either leave or get distracted. The supervisor eventually started reading a magazine, he gripped the mop tightly and swung it against the bosses’ face before his disguise faded away into smoke he tossed the mop into the air. He caught the mop in his mouth and jabbed him in the stomach with the stick part of the mop, he began choking him with the mop until he popped the guy’s jugular chord. “ You sluggish simpleton! ” he turned the corner to see the aforementioned turret, he slid a small hacking device at it, the turret began getting disassembled. The mechanic who built it dashed toward it, “ What in samhill?! ” before he could find a way to fix it, it exploded right in his face, pushing him back. He slowly sat back up, “ Sass a frass-in…D’AH! ” Sparkle galloped toward him and stabbed him right in the forehead with his horn. “ You got blood on my mane. ” W.I.L. snuck past one guard while his back was turned, “ In the clear. ” He turned the corner and saw an entire row of snipers looking outside the window. W.I.L. had a worried look on his face, he tip toed softly past them as slow as he could, the robot dispenser fell off of his back, “ Damn it! ” He dragged it across the floor while it made a loud scraping noise, these must have been the most oblivious snipers in the world as none of them turned around, they’ve somehow managed to be AFK in real life. He made his way into the room that he was told to activate the robot dispenser, the computer room. It was full of of guys typing stuff, Mintwing was in the vent above them, he snatched up one of the guys with a flamethrower and pulled him into the vents, before anyone noticed he dropped down from the vents and spun around flaming everyone in the room, W.I.L. stepped in and began vaporizing anyone else who was left, “ Now that is how it’s done! ” Mintwing tossed the huge flamethrower to the side and hovered around, “ How’s it goin' there! Lay that dispenser down! ” Mintwing flew out of the room leaving W.I.L., he dropped the dispenser on the floor and folded his arms, “ Go! Turn on! Activate! ” he gave a confused look and scratched his head, he got and idea and tossed a wrench at it. The dispenser started to glow and spread out, “ Mission accomplished! ” he pulled out a chair and watched it slowly rise out of the box and into a dispenser. Sparkle walked toward two more guards having a conversation with each other with their backs faced toward him, he stabbed one of them in the back. The other one yelled and balled his fist, he dodged to away and he shoved him with his shoulder, while the guard was stunned he stabbed him in the back. Before Sparkle had a chance to possess the body and take the disguise the body fell off of the edge of the elevated bridge and onto a wooden crate, Sparkle gasped as the loud crash echoed throughout the warehouse. W.I.L. and Mintwing even heard it, Sparkle gulped, “ We got a security breach! ” he punched the red alert button. “ Oh no… ” the entire base went into a frenzy as a loud alarm sounded off as all the members started looking for him. The boss who was protecting the suitcase ordered any stragglers to get searching, “ Move!!! Hurry up! ” Mintwing watched from the ceiling, “ Let’s get this done before things get even worse. ” he snuck across the top of the vents, and landed on a storage platform, he fluttered by the suitcase full of precious minerals and put the handle around his neck, “ Hey, I did it! ” he turned around and found himself surrounded by guards and thugs and two turrets pointed at him. He gulped and put his wings in the air, “ Okay this does not look good here, uhm… ” Back with W.I.L. he had blocked up the door and watched the robot dispenser slowly take shape, it then began shaking and shivering and the doors swung open and one large robot stepped out and a doctor robot rolled out behind him, “ Let us begin! ” a big smile spread across W.I.L.’s face. Sparkle snuck behind some boxes he waited for someone to pass him, he jumped toward the guy and stabbed right in the back, and rolled and hopped back to his feet in disguise. He saw the room with the briefcase and another secret room full of their plans. “ Mintwing’s got the briefcase covered, at the very least I should collect some additional information about them to make it up to the others. ” he saw the lock and he shot it with his horn, his disguise fell apart and he rushed inside the door before anyone noticed. His horn began illuminating the dark room, he saw a bulletin board and trotted toward it softly. He saw photos of tons of different treasures posted on it, he saw blueprints to robots very similar to Otto’s designs, he saw a picture of the world and tons of X’s over certain places and a checklists of places they planned to take over and quite a few of them were already owned by them. He noticed tons of boxes, he nudged one of them open and saw the head of one of the robots, he gulped nervously and backed up horrified by this revelation. In the security room, the boss had noticed Sparkle on the security camera, he sent a few fire elementals after him. Sparkle overheard some footsteps coming toward him, he twisted around and aimed his horn at the incoming figure, the fire elemental gripped his horn and pushed it down as he punched Sparkle in the snout. Sparkle was knocked on the floor, he attempted to regain his footing until he saw two more of them enter the room. The boss smiled as he saw Sparkle escorted out of the planning room and laid on the floor toward him with all his hooves tied together next to Mintwing who was also tied up with a pair of shoelaces. The boss smirked as he walked toward them Sparkle yelled at him, “ You imbecile! Do you have any idea of the powers that you’re messing with?! Those treasures are far too powerful for someone like you to handle! If you had control over those you’ll doom the entire world! ” the leader merely stroked Sparkles mane, “ Don’t worry pretty pony, I know what I’m doing. ” he said as he gripped it tightly and slammed Sparkle’s head back on the ground. He snapped his fingers and a lackey handed him a remote, he pressed the singular button on it. Soon the ceiling lowered to reveal an army of robotic soldiers. “ Today! I am a god! ” Sparkle was utterly horrified at what he was seeing play out before him Mintwing gulped, “ Holy crap! ” Sparkle shook his head, “ What have you done?! ” the leader of the X corps snapped back at him, “ Robots are our masters! The flesh is weak! Ah yes, I almost forgot…WE’RE GOING TO KILL YOU!!! ” He said as he pointed a small handgun at their heads, “ I’m too handsome to die! ” yelled Mintwing, the three morons behind him laughed at him, that was until one of their heads blew up into a bloody fountain, all of them looked at the commotion. It was W.I.L. with reinforcements, he was crouched with a sniper droid, “ Unless you want more of that you will surrender now! If you do you will not be harmed…except for that guy we just shot, he’s dead. ” The head X corp scowled and pointed his handgun at W.I.L., “ Idiots! All of you! Move! ” he barked at his minions as the X corps got into position. Sparkle began formulated a plan, he saw a noticeably large one rolling up his barrel to his mini gun, he glanced at Mintwing and motioned for him, Mintwing nodded and began squirming toward him and started sawing through his ropes with his sharp beak. “ You have thirty seconds to live. ” said the X corp official. W.I.L.’s sniper droid took aim with his rifle, “ They had better hold on to their he-he-he-he-he ” W.I.L. smacked him, “ he-he-heads! ” Mintwing had just finished cutting through the ropes, “ NOW, MINTWING! ” Mintwing hopped up and head butt the cart which was holding the minerals and it rolled right into the gut of the boss, it caused him to let go of his handgun, Sparkle’s horn scanned it and he turned around in midair, the gigantic thug with the mini gun was ready to shoot at them, Sparkle squinted his eyes and took aim, his horn shot out a dark matter bullet, and it pierced right through the large thug’s head, the mini gun stopped making noise and he fell to the floor on top of the headless guy. The X corp leader slammed his fist on the ground and shoved the cart off his stomach, “ Stop that unicorn!!! ” A few of them aimed at Sparkle, that was when W.I.L. jumped down and launched a laser rocket down on top of them, blowing them to bits. He landed down on the ground with ally robots by his side, “ Don’t worry Sparkle! I got your back! ” this was when all hell broke loose, X corp members and robots were all battling each other, bullets, grenades, arrows and rockets were flying all around the room. Mintwing jumped around everyone with his wings still tied behind his back, two guys ran toward him, he jumped in the air and kicked them both in the jaw, he head butt the second one to knock him down, “ That was a skull fracture for sure! Although I can’t say who’s the one who received it though. ” he said as he scratched his head with his foot. He laughed a bit until he saw a member with a large katana, he snarled and had bloody murder in his eyes. He charged at Mintwing with his katakana raised over his head, Mintwing rocketed himself in the air and went right over the sword slicing through his ropes, he just managed to do it without cutting his wrists. He landed behind him and spat out toxic nectar at him, which acted much like a bullet, knocking him to the floor. Sparkle was hiding behind the box, he galloped out of the cover and shot two bullets out of his horn, and killing two thugs. He dove behind another box of cargo, he heard another goon running toward Mintwing, he tripped the X corp member up, and as he fell on his face, he shot him with his horn. A flame mech jumped out and started shooting fire out at three thugs to protect his three masters. A construction cybertron started making a turret and it began shooting at the opposing X corp members. W.I.L. used the cybertron’s turret as a stepping stone, he launched himself into the air, and saw a X branded turret, “ I’ll take it out Robot friend! ” he shot out a laser cannon blast out at the turret, blowing it up. He landed back on the floor and stabbed an X corp member who was trying to sneak away. “ Heh heh heh heh heh…I still got it. ” Mintwing fluttered around in the air and kept on shooting his toxic nectar out at the X-corp members, tripping them up and killing them. He chucked more metal feathers out of his wing and stabbed another sniper in the neck. The flame droid elbowed another sniper off of the ledge. The doctor kept healing the other robots as well as W.I.L. and Mintwing. W.I.L. vaporized many X-Corp with his ray gun. Sparkle stood back to back with a snipe bot as they shot at X corp lackeys and associates. The construction cybertron noticed a bunch of grenades roll up to his turret, “ Aw shi- ” his turret and him was blown up. The large mech shot his pistols at as many guys as he could, “ Help me defend! ” the X leader stabbed it in the back of the head and shot him with a pistol. The mech let out a mechanical scream before going stiff, “ Time to take my own robots for a spin! ” He flipped a switch and his robot army began to clatter awake and they began to take flight, the three heroes and their robot allies watched as the enemy androids began launching rockets out of their hands. The deflect-inator shot some of the rockets back at them, demolishing some of the robo-soldiers. Sparkle was about to help out with destroying additional soldier automatons, that was until he saw a small X member in a lab coat and the X chief, walking away from the fight. Mintwing fluttered by Sparkle, and he stopped Mintwing, “ You guys take out these animatronics, I’ll go after the X boss! ” Mintwing blinked, “ Let me help you! ” Sparkle shook his head as he trotted backward, “ No! Stay here and help the team! ” Sparkle galloped after them not making much of an effortt to be stealthy, “ Don’t you ever give up?! ” Him and the small scientist X-o’naut ran away. Sparkle shot at the boss, the boss snatched the small one and used him as a shield. When he died he tossed the corpse to the side and continued sprinting away. They ran out of the warehouse and back to the railroads, the boss took his poison dart gun out of his pocket and pointed at Sparkle. Sparkle slowed down and stared the boss down, “ It’s just you and me. ” as the train past by in front of Sparkle, he disappeared. The mob bosses’ smug smile disappeared as he looked around, “ Uhh where’d he-? ” Sparkle leaped in the air with his horn aimed at him, the mob leader dodged him and Sparkle landed on his knees, he kicked Sparkle in the stomach, he rolled to the side, while he was on the floor he shot a bullet out of his horn. The head member rolled to the side and behind a box, he shot a few poison darts at him, he shot some at his forehead. Sparkle looked up at his horn and his upper lip bent upward in disgust, he shook them off of him as the boss walked toward him, Sparkle’s vision started to blur and he shook his head, he saw the man’s legs and he got back up to his feet and slashed his cheek with his horn. He went for another stab but the X Commander grabbed hold of his horn and Sparkle raised his hoof and kept the dart gun at bay. Back in the warehouse W.I.L. shot a few robots with his ray gun and vaporized it, he pulled the trigger and it made a squeaky noise. He pulled the trigger and pulled the container out and saw that it was out of juice. He pulled out his trusty pick axe, “ Come and get some you robot scum! ” a few robots turned around and shot at him, a large explosion occurred. A doctor droid made W.I.L. bulletproof for a while, “ Go W.I.L. go get them! ” W.I.L. gave a live long and prosper sign and faced the mechanical menaces. “ You things are nothin’ but a bunch of cowards. ” He pulled a string on his jetpack and he hovered in the air and he sliced into bunches of robots, “ You! ” He spun around and stabbed into the side of the flying androids, “ Scum’! ” He backflipped in the air and chopped into the chest of another robot, “ SUCKIN’! ” He uppercut a flying one and sent it soaring into the ceiling and turned it into a crushed tin can! “ VOMIT!!! ” he sliced into another robot man in the neck. W.I.L. brushed his antenna out of his eyes and he pounced on the legs of one of the flying robots and dragging him down, he started steering him into other robots. Mintwing, cheered him on, “ Nice job W.I.L.! ” he grabbed the suitcase again, “ Heh heh, let’s grab our target and finish this thing! ” he slung it on his back. He fluttered away but was stopped by the fire elemental that captured Sparkle before. He sniffed, “ You’re the jerk who tied up my boy! ” He darted toward him with his beak sticking out. He breathed carbon air out of his huge mouth at him and blew Mintwing away, he backflipped backward and he made a loud chirp, he launched a large blooming flower into his mouth. The fire elemental choked and tried breathing fire but just coughed up some pollen, he frowned and grabbed a concrete hammer out of the ground. He swung it at Mintwing and he fluttered in the air above it, he smashed the ground with his hammer, Mintwing flew backwards and landed on his wings and he boosted himself at his head. He ducked under Mintwing and growled, he smashed Mintwing by crushing him under the hammer. Mintwing was stuck inside a small crater in the metal, he blinked and shook his head, he groaned loudly and got up slowly, he left a cartoony dent in the metal. Back with Sparkle he wrestled with the X captain, Sparkle stabbed at the boss was counter attacked each time but he was always prepared with a counter counter attack. The boss gripped on Sparkle’s neck and pinned him down on the floor, and slowly pushed him on the train tracks. Sparkle struggled and bucked at him, he saw the train rushing toward him, he slowly struggled backwards, the train shattered Sparkle’s horn, Sparkle screamed in pain and he kicked him in the stomach with his hoof. The X master shot at him with the dart gun again Sparkle lunged toward him bucked the dart gun out of the way. The X leader grabbed him and duplexed Sparkle onto the floor, Sparkle dodged another punch that was thrown at him, he was pushed toward the train tracks and just narrowly missed another train. He was kicked in the chest and the X captain reached on the floor and grabbed on to a crowbar and hit Sparkle across the muzzle. Back with W.I.L. he ripped the metal appendages off of a flying robot until it was nothing but scrap, “ HELP ME!!! ” W.I.L. heard as the Doctor droid as he was pulled into a group of robo-soldies as they slowly beat him. “ Doc Bot!!! ” He sprinted toward the large group of ravenous robots and knocking them out of the way to protect his robot chum! He chopped at the lot of them with his pick axe, the flame mech lit the other ones on fire, “ Thanks! ” he picked up the doctor droids’ head, he strapped him onto his back, “ I’ll protect you my scrappy companion! ” the head rattled, “ Thank you comrade! ” He put his fist on the chest of the flame droid, “ Let’s finish this! ” Mintwing rolled out of the way of another blow from the hammer, “ Missed me! ” he rolled out of the way of another one. He raised the hammer and brought down once again and Mintwing spread his legs to dodge that one, “ Nice try pal! ” he sat back up and hopped away from the fire elemental. The fire guy dashed at him and swung at him, Mintwing dropped down and backflipped out of the way out of another swing, “ Hey slow down! ” He kicked the hammer out of the fire elemental’s hand and he gripped it into his tiny little wings. He flipped around in the air and kicked the elemental’s head and pushed him down the stairs, and on the floor below. Mintwing leaped on the railing of the stairs with the mallet in hand and slid down it, he vaulted off of it at the end and he held the hammer over his head and smashed it down on the elemental’s head pretty much caving in the elementals’ skull. W.I.L. roared and balled his fists with his pickaxe, “ You worthless vermin-bots get over here and fight! ” Mintwing dropped in next to W.I.L. and held his mallet, W.I.L. smiled and sliced and chopped at the last few robots. “ I’m not trapped in a facility full of robots, you’re all trapped in here with me! ” He bit the pins out of the grenades he was holding and destroyed many of the robots. Checking in back with Sparkle, he was getting beaten by the crowbar while on his side on the floor, he grasped Sparkle’s mane and began smashing his head against the concrete. Sparkle frowned as blood dripped down his muzzle and horn the X boss chuckled, “ In my professional opinion that was a STUPID horn!!! ” Sparkle butt at the X captain and jabbed him with what was left of his horn leaving behind black splotches of blood on his clothes “ I tried to be nice! But you had to demolish my pride, and then you had to insult me!!! I may be an assassin but I give my targets something you clearly don’t have! ” he butt him repeatedly in the face and gut, “ And that’s RESPECT!!! ” He kicked him in the nuts with his hoof, “ But you don’t even deserve that… ” he backed up and galloped toward him and butt him onto the train tracks. The boss slowly got up and saw the train running toward him and he got crushed by the tank engine. Sparkle walked away from the scene and was about to reenter the warehouse to help with killing anymore robot soldiers but before he could he saw Mintwing and W.I.L. and the flame bot and the doctor’s head attached to W.I.L.’s back as they walked out, he smiled, “ Gentlemen! ” Mintwing lifted the suitcase and showed him the minerals, “ Yeah, we got it!!! ” W.I.L. saluted Sparkle, “ Mission accomplished!!! ” Mintwing’s smile disappeared, “ H-hey Sparks what happened to your horn? ” Sparkle shook his head, “ Oh it’s nothing… ” the doctor droid started speaking, “ I can fix that! ” W.I.L. turned around, “ Look at this soldier! He deserves a metal, nothing but a head and he’s still helpful. ” the little head started to heal the horn back, Sparkle smiled and pat the doc on the head, “ We’ll fix you right up when we meet back with Otto! ” Mintwing grabbed all of them with his legs, and carried them all home, “ WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!! ”

Back at the base, Robin drove into the driveway and instantly fell on the couch, “ Phew, what a day! ” The smashed up car, slowly drove into the garage, it reversed, and forward, reversed, and forward, Joseph got out and held Otto, “ That is enough! We are home now! Stop your crazy driving! ” The driving droid gave a thumbs up and fell apart. Joseph sighed and walked inside. Ro ran onto the massive doors of their base and scratched at it with the briefcase on his back, it opened and he licked at Robin’s cheek, “ Aww, you rascal! ” his scaly tail wagged and he smiled. Chill and Slackjaw parked their newly obtained chariot in the garage, “ Thank goodness we got home when we did, we almost ran out dead bodies! ” said Chill as he waddled into the base and saw Robin on the couch, “ Oh no! What happened to you?! ” He healed him with his staff and then Otto, “ There you go buddies! ” Robin sat back up, “ Phew, thanks mate! ” Mintwing dropped Sparkle and W.I.L. on the floor, “ You guys are heavy! ” Otto took the little head off of W.I.L’s back, “ Aw you brought one of back this time! ” He started fixing him up, “ You aren’t stupid! One of my few advanced drones! ” he put a gold star on the doctor droid and the flame bot, “ You two go to the lounge and train up some of the other low intelligence robots. ”. The two robots gave thumbs up and moved into the robot production room. Mintwing and Ro put the briefcases on the teleportation stations, and to their clients. It wasn’t long for them to receive their payment, Joseph grabbed the money and stored it in his tummy. “ Hey friends, are there any other jobs? ” Mintwing was on a pillow watching TV, “ Better not, we just had a CRAZY day! It would be nice to get some time to relax! ” Mintwing felt for more chips and sighed when he saw he ran out, he fluttered to the kitchen and checked the bulletin board, “ WOOOOAH! Guys! Look at this! "

Are you the one who hired them? Which ones did you hire if u did?! ;3
Katherine was at the shop as she was scared if someone will buy her she didn't know if someone would buy her she was only 11 years old but she was stronger than she looked she didn't know if they would buy her cause of her scars she had on her body. She had her eyes closed she just was pretending to be asleep she didn't trust no body as she was scared her last master abused her so she ran away from him but she got caught ending back in the shop her father and mother sold her she is angry with them but she tries to be happy. She dosen't remember anything with her previous master at all she open her eyes looking at the people who were looking at her she was just scared she wasn't allowed to talk in the shop she just closed her eyes again avoiding being talked to everything was scary for her she was an orphan a slave that no one would want her for her bruises and the bandages on her face and on her leg. @Sgt Gomez
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Samantha Gulby, aka The Boss, walked into the shop to see if she could find any suitable fighters to join her mercenary group, The Rogue Snakes. Her trusty assistant Alyxandrea follows closely behind her methodically scanning the room for any threats. The boss glances over at the young girl in the corner and walks over. "What is your name?" she calls when she got to the case.
Katherine just looked up at the woman as she breath in" Katherine ma'am" she say to the woman as she saw another woman as just play with her fingers" i'm 11" she say to the lady she was really nervous about she don't trust people that easily. She looked down bitting her lip in her head she wanted to scream at the woman but she couldn't she just was in the case watching the people in the room all scared.
"Well Katherine, I am in need of a mercenary. What powers do you have?" She saw potential in the girl, but she wanted to know what she could do before taking her in. Alyx stood behind The boss watching the young girl and the crowd nearby.
Katherine just show her her powers as she used her telekinis to grab a soda can as she smiled" and i have sonic scream i can't do it here miss and i have enehanced breath miss" she say to the girl. She looked at the woman as she bite her lip again" am i useful for you miss um" she say scratching her head a bit as she looked at the crowd that was looking at her but she looked down.
"I think you can prove useful to me. Are you up for training? I will provide all the food you can eat and a warm place to sleep, but I ask that you obey me to my every word ok?" she asks.
Katherine just looked at her as she smiled looking at her" yes ma'am i go for training i obey you miss" she say looking at her" food and a place to sleep" she say smiling." I will prove you i am strong yeah i'm 11 but i'm stronger than i look" she say to the woman as she smiled to the woman" what should i call you miss" she say
"Call me boss," She extends her hand to shake the little girls, "Alyx would you be so kind as to pay the shop owner for this little girl?" She turns back to the young girl as Alyx walks off, "She is alyxandrea, but some people call her Alyx."
Kathrine jusst looked at them" Yes boss" she say as she was getting a home food and somewhere to sleep" thank you boss" she say as she smiled to her" Alyx thats a pretty name" she say as she noticed that the boss was somewhat strict she just gulped a little. She noticed that this was for real as she got paid for" Yay" she told them" thank you for buying me call me whatever i respond to anything boss" she say.
"Well Katherine, that is a long name to say in battle, so why not go by Kat?" she offers a warm smile to the young girl. The boss was always fond of children. She would never take a job that would require killing a child. She once had a son, but he was lost. He died when he was 2 from another band of mercenaries striking against her own group.
Katherine just smiled" i like it i like Kat" she say as she smiled" you will train me Boss" she say looking at her as they were going to where she lived." I'll try my best and to prove you i am worthy" she say as she walked outside for the first time as the sun was super bright she walked bare foot since she didn't have any shoes at all.
"When we get back to my base, we will need to get you a new outfit and some clothes and sleep because bright and early tomorrow training starts," she smiles and gets in the car.
Katherine just nodded as she smiled" will i get my own bed" she asked as she was in the backseat. She was kind she looked outside excited about get clothing her new masted was nice.

-=-= | Felicity | =-=-

Heroes4Hire. It was a company made to sell heroes or companions, which ever or whatever the customer preferred. There, people would be bought by others, and that's exactly why Felicity was there. She was to be put up for sale to be bought by someone. Recently, there was talk of treasure and that people were going around to by, what some people call, mercenaries. Felicity wasn't sure if she would qualify as one, but she was there.

People were bought for some of the more popular reasons like companionship or romace, or protection. It was a normal day for Felicity. People placed their orders and one Hero would leave and another would come. Nothing really bothered Felicity in the Heroes4Hire business. Some would say it was like bying a slave to do your bidding or to protect you because your weak, but it was all biased and Felicity knew that.

For some reason today though, Felicity wondered if someone would willingly by her. Her purpose wouldn't bother her for whatever it would be, but deep down she wanted to be bought as a mercenary. Until then, she'd wait for the right someone to buy her.

-=-= | Allucia | =-=-

Fliers for a new company began to appear around the area. Heroes4Hire. This was rather interesting to Allucia. With the helpful information of someone close to her, she heard word of there being some treasure worth, well who knows. Allucia was moved by the thought of having spme valuable treasure in her hsndd, but it would take more than just her to get to it.

Monsters, scary monsters to be exact, were along the way and Allucia needed a companion. This is when she discovered the flier. The deluxe package caught her eye and seemed like a good deal to her.

The only problem now was to choose the right hero for the job. She could always by more, but she'd rather learn what it's like to have one hero before expanding her forces. She knew it would take some time to adjust, but her patience was high and she was willing to take a chance. Now all she had to do was decide.

(Hmm, I think I did okay for a post being posted at the time of 11:10 p.m.)
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Kendra was at the shop she was pure no masters bought her before she had her eyes she was in the case. She was curious if anyone would be bought she was just humming to calm herself she was bored being here hoping her new master won't be abusive toward her her home was on fire she was kidnapped when she was six @Painted Puzzle
"Of course dear, every one who works for me gets their own room if they so desire," she smiles. Alyx watches the young girl with uncaring eyes.
Katherine looked at her as she stopped talking she just look out the windows just looking at their base. Kat just sigh a bit wondering about the rules she noticed alyx didn't like her she just noticed the car stop
They get out of the car and Samantha tells Alyx to show kat to her new room and to get her cleaned up. Alyx nods and begins to lead kat away. Alyx was not sure about the new hire, but the boss had never been wrong before.
Katherine just follow to her new room as she was excited about the training with her boss as she smiling she was tired of the look" look i may be young and all but i'm stronger than i look" she told her trying to hide her scars from the girl
"I do not care," Alyx said, "If the boss thinks you are good for the team, then I will not argue with her. I owe her my life."
Katherine just glare at her as she just cleaned up herself putting new clothing on going back to her boss" hey miss boss" she say showing her new clothes her hair in 2 pig tails
The boss smiles and nods, "Alyx can you tell the chef to prepare some food for our new hire?" Alyx nods and walks off. "Pay no mind to her, she does not understand emotions very well."
Katherine just looked at her as she sigh" i just have trouble people since my last master hurt me badly" she explain" i'm excited about training with you boss" she told her smiling

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