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Realistic or Modern Forester: Foster Home

Ryver: Ryver couldn't hold back the grin that threatened to spread across her face "I'll play Eli! Let's go." She smiled back at Lea "If you need anything I'm pretty sure Kat and Ai are in the kitchen!"

Kat: Kat pats Ai's hand, and lingers there for a moment "Want to talk about it, love?"
Kat: "Of course" she gets up, puts her coffee mug in thie sink (Have to set a good example for the kids, after all) and heads out onto the porch, all the kids were off doing their own thing so the outdoors was vacant. Plus a little fresh air is great for everyone.
Eli was a little disappointed when Lea said she wouldn't play, but there wasn't really anything she could do about that. At least Ryver was willing to play with her. Still, they could hardly play with just the two of them.

The girl hopped down from her perch on the bed and struck a commanding pose, one fist on her hip and the other raised toward the ceiling as she looked at some imaginary thing in the distance. A wide smile spread across her face as she called out.

"Alright!" Eli shouted at Ryver. She began to move toward the door. "Let's go see if James or the other others wanna play, too!"
Ai: "One of the machines failed that's supporting Kasumi... She had a heart attack and just pulled through... It feels like nothing I can do can save her..."
Kat: "I am so sorry love. I know how much she means to you." Kat reaches over and gives Ai a comforting pat on the knee "Anything I can do yo help?"
James left the kitchen after Kat and Ai did. He had a bit of time left before his Sensei wanted to meet him at the park. He decided that he needed to meditate upon the day and went into the room he was in before he came into the kitchen
(Sorry for my absence guys. Internet problems)

Ryver: After playing with Eli for a while, Ryver decides to go back to her music. Her room is vacant and so she slips out her guitar and lets herself melt into the music. She even allows herself the opportunity to sing, a luxury she only allows her self while in the confines of the music room at school or when out wandering the forests by her self.
Skyler bites her lower lip as she climbs out of the cab. She sighed softly, her eye lids feeling as if cement were tied to them. She looked up at the new house that she was supposed to be staying in. One of her hands flies to her protruding stomach as she feels the baby move.

She was raped 8 months ago by one of her old foster fathers. This resulted in her falling pregnant.

She grabs her suit case, and walks to the front door. She knocks on the front door gently and crosses her arms, looking at her feet.
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Kat: "One moment, love." Kat says as she hears a knock on the front door. She squeezes Ai's hand before getting up and rushing inside, already expecting their latest arrival, Skylar. She gets to the door and opens it with a smile

"Good afternoon! You must be Skylar. Come on in." She gestures the beautiful teen in and closes the door behind her.

"How we feeling today?" She asks.

@GimmickPuppet @Aryn Harris,
Lea sighed as she put her meager possessions away, sliding her knapsack under her bed. She then sat down on her bed, savoring it's comfort. Looking around, she took in ther new room and wondered what all was happening the rest of the day. She soon grew bored of being in the room alone and stood before exiting the room and heading back downstairs. It did seem like most of the action happened down here so it seemed.
Skyler steps into her new 'home' and looks around cautiously. "Good." She said, giving a small smile. She looks back at the ground and crosses her arms so they're resting on her stomach. She had been dreading coming here since she had found out yesterday, but now that she's here she felt a little bite better about it.

Looks like we might be here for a while Christian..., She thought to herself.

About 2 months prior to this moment the state had taken her to the OB/GYN and she had found out the sex of her child. She was going to have a boy.

Kat: "Welcome to the family, Skylar. My name is Kathleen, but everyone just calls me Kat. You're going to be sharing a room with Ryver, who should be around here somewhere." Kat pauses to look around but decides that Ryver is probably enjoying some much needed alone time. "Here, I;ll show you to your room so that you can get settled."
Skyler nods her head slowly and lifts up her suit case. "Thank you, ma'am." She murmurs and runs her fingers through her long blonde hair. Her right hand then moves to rub her stomach slightly as the baby moves around again.

A few seconds later she notices the smell of pancakes, and can feel how hungry she is, but she doesn't say anything. She learned from her past foster homes, which were all terrible, to never speak unless spoken to.
Kat: As they approached the room Kat could hear the faint playing of the guitar and a angelic voice drifting the still air, Ryver singing? Something that doesn't happen often. She pauses for another moment and then turns to Skyler "Just one moment, I'm going to warn her so we don't give her a heart attack." Kat laughs, she knows Ryver well enough to know how easily scared she is. She knocks on the door "Ryver, love. We have a new family member who would like to come get settled in, okay?" She turns back to Skyler and nods for her to come forward.

Ryver: Ryver's head reels: New family member, roommate, Singing, playing.. Shoot! Had they heard her?? She sits the guitar down and turns to face the door, anxious to see what her new roommate might be like.
Skyler nervously looks into the room. She bites her lower lip. She crosses her arms again and looks down at the floor, making it so her whole body was visible, even her large stomach.

She was nervous about meeting her new roommate, and hoped that she would have at least one friend in the house.
Ryver: Ryver is taken aback by obviously very-pregnant beautiful teenager who walks into the room "Y-you..." She pausess and, collects herself (before she can say something stupid like she tends to do) "Hey, I'm Ryver." She says with a warm smile.
Skyler gives a small smile and glances up at the girl. "Skyler." She says softly, bringing herself further into the room. She looks around and takes the room in, her eyes landing on the guitar. "You're really good. Beautiful voice, too." She says softly, hoping not to overstep her boundaries.
Ryver: Ryver blushes scarlet, well I guess they heard me She thinks to herself. She recovers rather quickly though and returns the smile "Thanks, I um... I don't usually sing..." She trails off, before she can start babbling.

Kat: Kat takes in the interaction between the girls with a smile "Alright" She starts "I will leave you to settle, Skyler. If you need anything just come find me, or Ai. Or one of your siblings, I'm sure they wouldn't mind helping with whatever you need." She smiles at Ryver who smiles back sweetly "Also, there is tons of food in the kitchen so feel free to eat whatever you can find."
Skyler glances at Kat before nodding her head. "Thank you..." She murmured, and then looked back at Ryver. "I love singing. And I will admit I used to play a little bit of guitar."
Ryver: "Really? That's cool. I've played piano longer... Guitar isn't really my thing." she looks down at her guitar "I still love it, though." She slides back into silence before posing the question "Need help with anything, or anything?"
Skyler laughed lightly and shook her head. "Not really. Where should I put my stuff though?" She asked, glancing at her suit case which was now lying on her bed. She sat down with a small sigh, happy to be off of her feet again.
Ryver: "We share the closet, but I'll have to clean up my stuff." She smiles "And that dresser over there" She points to one of the two dressers in the room "Is all yours."

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