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Realistic or Modern Forester: Foster Home

Lea smiled softly at this and said quietly, "Well, I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano." In fact, Lea was so curious about the musical instruments that existed, that she wanted to learn how to play all of them. Though, that idea was far-fetched considering her current situation. Oh well, one step at a time, as Lea's mom would've said.
Ryver: "I could teach you sometime." Ryver blurted. Shocked by her own burst of confidence. Could she really? She had never tried before, but she had been playing her whole life. "If you really want." She gives a shy smile. She then realizes that she is still softly playing and the tune has morphed into Yiruma's River Flows in You.
Lea smiled again at the sound of the music, her eyes closing as she leaned against the piano, her back to it and one of her feet crossed over the other. She put her hands in her pocket and softly began humming along to the piece of music, a wave of calm rushing over her mind as all music did this to her.
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((I've been busy. Accursed IRL Family Drama. Whoever thought people would get along simply because they are related to each other is an idiot, and I hope somebody got fired over that.)) Leon had returned to his room and was listening to the radio as usual.

Ai walked into the kitchen and sat down, her usual vibrant amethyst eyes are now as dull and one-dimensional as a drawing completely drawn with a purple crayon by a toddler. She sighed externally and reached for the cookie jar and began to eat one cookie after another, only noticing she had eaten all of them when her fingers touched the cold porcelain. She swore mentally again and knew she would have to go get some more later, but was not in the mood to do so. She wanted to cry but was to exhausted too, she just sat there and stared into space, her chin on her hands, npt noticing Kathleen entering the kitchen.

Kathleen: Kat filters into the dining room, humming to herself. She pauses to see Ai sitting at the table, staring off into space. "Love?" She asks in a quiet soothing voice "Wanna talk?" She asks.
Ai snapped out of her trance upon hearing Kathleen talk, jumping. "Sorry.... It's been a difficult day..." She admitted, pulling up a chair for her girlfriend. "Sorry I ate all the cookies, I'll go get more later."
((Didn't get an update. Sorry.)) Ai relaxed after being gently touched. "Fancy a coffee?" Ai asked, feeling like she would need caffeine to get through the rest of the day.
((Sorry! Been dealing with some personal drama))

Kat: "Sure!" she says despite knowing she probably shouldn't, excessive consumption of caffeine had to account to her over-bubbly personality

" Here, I'll get it." She offers, and before Ai resists she gets up, in her pixi-like way, and saunders off to the coffee maker. Despite her age Kat always seems to move as though she is dancing, in a sense.
Don't forget about Lea and the pianist xD
Lea's eyes drifted open and she looked over at Rycer before replying, "No." She was saddened to hear the music had stopped, but that wasn't the biggest deal right now.
Ryver: "Hey!" Ryver blurts as she has a thought "Have you even had a tour of the place yet??" She asks.

Kat: Kat returns to Ai with two coffees "Here, love." She says quietly.
Lea was surpsied momentarily by Ryver's outburst, but recovered quickly. Hearing the question, Lea shook her head. Nobody had offered a tour to her since she'd arrived.
Ryver: "Here" She says with a smile "I'll take you." She gets up and walks out of the room, expecting Lea to follow her,
Lea sighed and followed after Ryver, a bit curious about her new 'home.'
Ai: "Thank you..." She said as she sipped the boiling black liquid, some life returning to her eyes.

Leon: Eventually leaves his room and comes downstairs.
Ryver: Ryver shows Lea around the large house, showing her the living area and whatnot. Finally they stop in one of the larger rooms on the top floor "This is your room." She says leading Lea into her new room. There were two, fair sized beds, two dressers, and two closets.

"The washroom is in through this door and it connects Selene and my room with yours and Eli." she pauses and then continues "Yeah, you're rooming with Eli."
Lea shrugged and said, "I've dealt with worse kids before." She surveyed the room, slowly walking around it. This had to be one of the nicer rooms she'd ever stayed in.
Ryver: "Eli seems pretty great, she hasn't been here very long, though. And I'm not one to judge..." She drifts off into silence, not sure what else to say.
Eli slipped off James' lap, declaring herself to be utterly bored. For a little while she tried to nod off on the couch in the living room, but she simply could not stay still. The house was too quiet. With all of the people living here, she thought it'd be louder. It was always noisy with her mother, and that was only one person! Restless, she trudged up the stairs to go look for someone to play with her. She passed Leon along the way, but he seemed grumpy and Eli didn't want anything to do with that.

"Hey, hey!" The young girl exclaimed as she burst into her bedroom. Lea and Ryver didn't look to her like they were particularly busy or anything, so Eli jumped up onto her bed with a wide smile as she turned on the older girls. "Let's play a game!"
Lea was taken aback by Eli's exclamation. She wasn't used to anyone being this excited. She raised an eyebrow at Eli and then quietly asked her, "What kind of game?"
"Hm..." Eli hummed, scrunching up her face in thought. She didn't really want to disturb the quiet in the house, despite it being a little uncomfortable for her. Maybe hide-and-go-seek? That was too slow, which meant it was too boring. Tag would get too noisy, though, what with everyone running around like maniacs. If only they could do both... Eli's smile immediately returned as she came up with the perfect solution. "I've got it! We'll combine a game of tag and hide-and-go-seek to make the ultimate, quiet-but-not-too-quiet indoor game! If we play outside I'll probably slip on mud 'cause my feet are moving too fast. So how about it?"
Lea almost groaned with annoyance, but knew better than to disappoint a young kid like that. She'd figured that out in many foster homes. She did still sigh though before she said, "Uh, I'm really tired as it's been a long day for me. Sorry Eli, maybe tomorrow?" That wasn't a lie either, as Lea really was exhausted and seeing her bed was just adding to it.

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