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Realistic or Modern Forester: Foster Home

(ooc) Alright! Lets get this party stared (Omg that was lame (:3))

(IC) Kathleen wakes up with a smile on her face, ready to face the day. It is early for most people to be awake on a Saturday, not even being 7:30 yet; but normal is overrated!

She makes her way down the stairs to the main foyer, flipping on the light as she enters. She makes her way into the large dining room and immediately into the kitchen, which is attached to the bright and open dining room. All she needs is a cup of coffee and she'll be set for the day...


Unable to sleep, Ryver gets out of bed with a sigh and pads to the washroom. She never sleeps well, but last night was just horrible. First nights are usually the hardest, she tries to brighten herself up a bit. Not to mention that the big house seemed too quiet, and the room which was meant for two people felt huge with her as it's only occupant. She splashes some water on her face, looks again in the mirror, and then heads down stairs; preparing to take on anything.
Leon woke up at 6 am as usual, slapping his alarm clock to the floor, his blonde hair messy. "Damn thing..." He muttered as he went downstairs in his usual clothes half an hour later after getting washed and dressed. He didn't want to come here. But, he had no choice. He wanted to run back to he docks and leave here. But if he did, he'd probably just get shipped back. He heard Kathleen walk downstairs, he was reading a murder mystery like he usually did, a steaming mug of hot chocolate next to him. "Good morning."
James awoke at five sharp just as he always had and did his daily morning work out of one hundred crunches fifty push-ups and two sets of ten minuet planks. He then put on his gi and went out side in the back yard and did his katas. After there completion he re entered the house at six he got ready for the day. After which he meditated until he heard

Mrs. Kathleen going down stairs. At this point he stopped meditating and went down a couple of minuets after she did. He sat in the living room just relaxing and enjoying the quiet.
Leo was still laying in bed as he heard the noises of everyone else getting up, he sighed as he heard people walking through the hallway and Even the faint noises of someone working out. He put his arm over his head, covering his ears, and then rolled over. It was too early for Leo and to top it all off it was a saturday morning, he wanted to stay in bed.

After a groan he decided he would get up. He sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and jumping out of bed, quickly getting dressed and then walking slowly to the bathroom so he can wash and brush his teeth, he didn't eat breakfast in the morning. He never does he just always skips it, despite it being arguable "the most important meal of the day". When finished, he sits in the living room with his iPod and plugs his headphones in, humming to himself as the song plays
Kathleen: "Morning Leon." she beams "Sleep well?" She asks.

"Good morning, James." She calls to him as well. Then she sits down with her coffee and begins sorting through the pile of papers she always seems to have with her. Marking, like usual, but she wouldn't change it for a thing. Just then Ryver walks in.

"Good morning Ryver! Sleep well?"


Ryver: Ryver didn't exactly know how to respond to this question. Would Kathleen get angry if she knew that she hadn't slept a wink the night before? Better not to risk it, she decides.

"Not bad." She mumbles before walking over to the wall of glass that faced north. She stared out over the beautiful scene of trees and the river below it. The entire North and West sides of the house consisted of mainly glass, giving the house an open and light feeling. Ryver had to admit that she loved the house.
Leo was sat listening to his musoc, still, as he hummed the song to himself, he then saw Kathleen come down so he takes out his headphones for a brief moment and says "Good morning" with a smile as he then puts his headphones in again snd sitd there with his hands in his pockets
Kathleen: "Well that's good, Admiral." She said with a smile before answering James

"I slept very well, thank you James. Did you?" and shooting a "good morning" to Leo before asking the lot what they would like for breakfast
Folding his arms he frowned like a small child. He had gotten himself stuck in this tree earlier this morning when he was trying to get out of the house. He glanced at the ground below, he wasn't particularly scared of heights but the thought of a broken arm hindering him was enough to keep him from jumping directly off.
Today was the start of a new chapter in Selene's life. Her Father was currently imprisoned for First Degree Murder, her Mother, dead for the past two to three years and her Boyfriend, shot dead by her Father. The rest of her Family...No where to be found. Currently, she was even suffering from depression. Putting her in a loving Foster Family was probably the way to go. As she approached the front door with her large Suitcase, her Purse, a Laptop Bag and a Backpack, she took a deep breath before knocking on the front door. Afterwards, she straightened out her silky blond hair and her clothing, just a black skirt and corset and white cardigan with black boots and minor jewelry.
Ryver: "I'll get it!" She class out as she runs to the front door to see who's here. She opens it and then is immediatly knocked back "Uh, Kathleen? I think there's a person here!" She mumbles stupidly as she mumbles a 'Hello' to the girl on the other side of the door.

(OOC: Hehe I pressed enter too soon!!! Sorry!)
Leo smiled at Kathleen as she returned the good morning gesture, he turns his music up as he hums slightly louder. Eventually he turns his music off and just sits there thinking about his plan for the day.. He sighed as he remembered he had to go to his councillor at 12. he then turns to see Ryver running to the door "I wonder who that is..."
He watched the new girl arrive at the gate. "More emotional freaks." He muttered under his breath and made a mental note not to talk to her. He finally worked up the strength to fall into the bushes that were just outside of the window. They made a good cushion but he was now covered in scratches and leaves. He had fallen straight past the window in the view of whoever had been inside.
Kathleen: Kathleen comes running to the door and her smile turns into a beam when she sees who is waiting on the other side.

"Hello dear! You must be Selene, no? Come in come in! How are you this morning?" Stooop her mind screams at her You're going to scare the poor girl!
With a slightly confused look, he gets uo and goes to the door, stood behind Kathleen with his hands in his pockets "Whos this? Is she a new member to the family?" He looks at the girl at the door and takes one hand out of his pocket to wave at her as if to greet her
Kathleen: Kat is thrilled by Leo's greeting and she turns to smile to him "She is! This is Selene." Thousands of questions run through her mind as she looks on the beautiful girl standing in front of her.
Yasei came crashing out of the bushes, he had forgotten that breakfast was going on. Oh shit! I'm hungry! He thought frantically, eating was one of his favorite things and since it was hard for him to gain weight with all the "activities" that he participated in all the better. He came racing out and ran past the crowd of three people on the steps and to an open spot at a table, not bothering to say hello or good morning, he was eager to eat something.
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Due to Eli's odd sleeping habits, the young girl had been awake since two in the morning, just wandering the quiet house alone. She happened to conk out a little before most of everyone else woke, and was currently curled up awkwardly in the pantry. She had been on the couch, but she tends to sleepwalk every so often.

Now, however, little Eli was finding it difficult to maintain this position and put up with the increasing noise of the kitchen, which was just beyond the closed pantry door. Yawning, the girl unfurled her skinny limbs and pushed open the door, crawling into the kitchen on her hands and knees. Eli made it all the way to the table before saying anything.

"Feed me!" She yelled, jumping onto Yasei's lap. Eli held her mouth wide open and her eyes screwed shut as she waited for food.
"Jesus!" He yelped startled by the little kid's appearance. "Tch," He glared down "Why am I suppose to feed you brat?" He picked her up roughly and sat her down in a different chair, impatiently waiting for something to eat. "I don't have any food so don't look at me." He turned away tapping his fingers on the table his hat and clothing askew from his crash land in the bushes. She may be cute but shes damn annoying, he thought.
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He looks up at Kathleen and then to the girl "Well, Hey there.." He then says to Kathleen, "I need to go see my councillor at 12 so I will not be here at that time, just a heads up" he smiles and then walks upstairs to his room as he sits on his bed and listens to his music, singing along as the song goes on. His tummy then starts to rumble as he says "I gotta go get food..."
Kathleen: "Right, breakfast! How do pancakes sound?" She asks before turning and closing the door behind a motionless Selene "Right this way." She brushes into the kitchen and notices Eli

"Morning, Eli!" She calls with a smile before going to gather the ingredients for the pancakes. She puts three frying pans on the stove and begins dropping batter into each. She made three batches of pancakes, one with blueberries, one with chocolate chips, and the third plain. This would make more that four dozen total, but she would freeze whatever didn't get eaten; easy breakfast for the school week.

"Can one of you guys start setting the table, please?" She calls out to the kids.
"I'll do it." Leon said as he began to set the table automatically. "I want maple syrup." Leon said matter of factly, before sitting down himself, reading his book.

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