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New Member
Main Character: Stephan Narcisse

In Romania, 1765, there is a law that makes it so that royals are not allowed to marry anyone other than a royal, in order to ensure the power of the royal family keeps power. Options are bleak, yet nonetheless, it is forbidden. Stephan is a 16-year-old, next in line for the throne. Born to royalty, he has been raised to inherit the crown, and to lead Romania in the right direction. He enjoys long horse rides, swimming, and sword fighting. He is strong willed, holding on to his beliefs. He hates those who are against his rule. He is merciful and has compassion for those who are not as well off as he.

In order to join this page, add a character backstory as I did and participate in the dialogue and storyline
-No profanity
-No long periods of idleness (Like 3 days or more)
Lover: Adriana Carmen Popescu

Adriana is a simple girl of just 15, the daughter of a priest and a seamstress. She grew up learning to cook, clean and be a suitable housewife.
Despite this, she enjoys sneaking the occasional ride on a horse, making music and sewing. She can be stubborn, but is very kind hearted. She knows when to remain silent and spends most of her free time helping the less fortunate at the church.

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