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Fantasy For my Family

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Jaeger at first ignored the voice that came from behind him. They had to be talking to someone else right? Another shout revealed that this was not the case. He turned around and raised an eyebrow at the young lady

"Should I know you? More to the point would Cerys know you?"
Silia hesitated and then shrugged. "Well...no. No she wouldn't. But we both know Ryrax, and I hear he's disappeared. I was hoping I could talk to her about where he went off to."


"He's awake," The messenger said.

Without responding Mythia rose and departed her house, making way as quickly as she could to Gerza's room. She made it in minutes, bursting open the door as she arrived. "Gerza!" she exclaimed with a wide smile. "You're up! Excellent! We have a lot of work to do," she said as she strolled over to sit in a nearby chair. "Have you made any headway on the runes?"
Jaeger's eyes immediately narrowed at the young lady.

"If you're inquiring about Ryrax, I suggest you leave immediately."

It was as if the name was a trigger for battle in Jaeger's mind. Silia would have been able to see his expression darken, his muscles tense up, and the edge of crimson leak into his wings
Cerys' ears perked up. A massive yowl erupted from her mouth. She heard the woman speak and she heard Jaeger's words as well. Thanking her lucky stars for super hearing via cat senses, she yowled again.

"What the heck-" Coran was cut off by Cerys.

"Bring them both in here. Now." Cerys ordered.

"...who?" He looked outside. "...okay?" He walked out the door and confronted the two of them. "Cerys orders both of you to get inside. Now."
Jaeger raised an eyebrow, but followed the man anyway to where Cerys was

"I was coming to check up on you anyway, but it seems you're well enough to give orders."
Gerza covered his ears, as Cerys suddenly let out multiple howls nearby. "Mythia, while I appreciate your presence, I do suggest we move to make the studies move with less...intrusions." He said, looking rather grumpily in Cerys direction. He gathered up his books, and before lifting it, sheepishly looked at Mythia.
Silia complied eagerly, but as soon as they reached line of sight with Cerys she noticeably hesitated. She'd heard how violent the Demon Cat could be, and her reputation preceded her as terrifying and ferocious. However, the same and more had been said of the Mad Wolf, and Silia forced herself to relax. "Hello," She said with a smile and a small wave. "I'm Silia, of the Maveret. I wanted to ask about Ryrax."


Mythia let out a small laugh and nodded, leading Gerza down the streets and to her home. "Come on in, it's not like this is your first time here," she said with a wink. As they entered she gestured to the living room, where a few comfortable chairs and a couch sat around a coffee table. "Sit wherever you like," she said as she took a seat herself.
Cerys glared at Jaeger angrily but replied to Silia. "I've been asking about Ryrax and his whereabouts since I came back to consciousness but no one will tell me anything." Her angry stare turned on Coran.

"I was instructed not to...." Coran backed up a little bit. The explosive temper of the Demon Cat was not exactly unknown.
"Haha, yeah. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that I was last here. Time sure flies when you're comatose I suppose." Gerza said, taking a seat on one of the chairs. He pulled his notepad back out, much more delighted that there was actually something that wasn't coal to write with. The strokes of the quill flowed much better, and Gerza wrote out the spell again, but this time, changed the wording of the superscript to be less potent, and allow for some minor control of the paper through the users will. "Let's give it a go this time, see what is different." He said, reading the paper and watching it start to float, before remembering what happened earlier and thinking to have the paper float over to the other couch and set itself down. No sooner had the paper stopped its vertical motion, than it suddenly shot forward, much slower than before albeit, and landed on the opposing chair. "...I DID IT!" Gerza exclaimed, jumping up from his seat quickly and becoming light headed even more quickly. He plunked back down in his chair and rubbed his head, groaning slightly as he did.
Silia shrunk a little, noticeably disappointed that Cerys didn't have an answer, but didn't give up. "Well, do you have any idea where he left to?" She asked. "Four days ago, he said he'd meet me in the forest at sundown, but he disappeared that night. Do you know why he left?"


"Excellent work, Gerza!" Mythia exclaimed, almost as excited as Gerza, but obviously not so physically weak. "So you did it? You successfully superscribed the runecasting?" She paused. "Did you learn anything else about this art?"
"If I know anything about Ryrax, you're lucky he didn't show up that night."

Jaeger made no effort to hide the venom in his voice. He did not hold any love lost for Ryrax
"Jaeger!" Ceyrs snapped at him, teeth bared. "Don't." Each word came out in a growl towards him. Her eyes turned onto the smaller woman. "He went deeper into the forest from what I've barely been able to gather. I had planned to go looking for him as soon as the warden over there-" She nodded towards Coran. "-decides to let me go."
Silia frowned at Jaeger's comment but kept her attention on Cerys. "I...get the feeling I'm missing something here," she said. Gathering the tone Jaeger took and the fact that Cerys silenced him, something bad must have happened. She found herself hoping that Ryrax was alright.

Though, now that she thinks about it, what could possibly have gotten Cerys, the infamous Demon Cat, so beat up that she's confined to a hospital bed? Jaeger didn't look at 100% condition either.
"Don't do WHAT Cerys? I have said nothing that is a falsehood. Or have you so easily forgotten the reason you're lying down in that bed right now?"

Jaeger had his arms crossed, and was all but ignoring the young woman besides him
"He wasn't in his right mind!" Cerys exclaimed, sitting up which caused Coran to moved forward slightly, clearly upset. "He didn't meant to do it! He would never hurt me!" As if an after thought, her gaze returned to Silia. "Wait...what business did you have with Ryrax?"
"He did EXACTLY what someone of his nature would do Cerys!"

Jaeger was outright yelling at the demon cat by this point, rank and file be damned

"That 'man' is not a man! He's a goddamn monster! The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll come to your senses!"
"No, he's not!" Silia interjected. "He's kinda scary, sure, and a bit of a bastard, but he's not the horrible monster people make him out to be!" She was glaring defiantly at Jaeger. "He's a good guy, deep down. I've seen it."
By this point, Cerys was stark angry and it showed as she stood up. Coran choked on his sip of water when she did so. She moved face to face with Jaeger and stood there staring for a moment. "You...know....nothing!" The voice of the Demon Cat slipped through her lips as she slapped his face, open-palmed. Her mind flew back to that night in the woods, then to the time that she had spent alone with him. "YOU KNOW NOTHING!!!" The last words were barely more than a yowl as she said them.
Jaeger calmly turned his head back to face the Demon cat. But his eyes were blood red, and the crimson seeping into his wings was clearly visible.

"I know nothing do I? I'm afraid that's where you're wrong Cerys. I know that monster has threatened my family. I know that he has done it twice within my sight. And I most certainly know . . . that he was the one responsible for what happened the other night. What I KNOW! . . . is that I would be a fool to treat that 'man' as anything more than a wild beast."
Silia suddenly felt very outclassed and out of place by the two Xevrens glaring each other to death. Both of them could handle her easily. Probably with an arm or two tied behind their backs. Even so, this arguing was getting nobody anywhere. "Please, stop!" she commanded as assertive as her short stature would allow, stepping between the two. "This arguing will get us nowhere." She turned a furtive gaze onto Jaeger. "It's impossible for him to have done as you say. He faced me in a duel but never layed a finger on me. He refuses to harm a female, he said so himself." She reddened very slightly at remembering when he'd pinned her down but shook it off. "I don't know what happened but you must be mistaken if you think Ryrax could do THAT-" she gestured to Cerys's wounded body, "-to a girl, let alone the Demon Cat."
Jaeger scoffed at Silia's comment

"If YOU'RE so certain of that--"

He motioned to Cerys

"You might wish to have a word with her about why she was half-dead four days ago."
"I learned that taking it slow is probably the best thing to do..." He said, rubbing his head slightly as the pain subsided slowly. "That, and that the sentence length, and even some of the words, can affect the power and what the spell does, probably even it's volatility too. I made a simple spell, it's there on the paper." He said, pointing at the chair briefly.
"....he wasn't himself..." Cerys lost some of her fire and looked away. "I saw his eyes. He didn't know anyone; if he had been able to recognize who I am, he would have never hurt either of us." Stretching out her limbs, she got a very determined look on her face. "...I'll help you find him, Silia. I'm not staying in a bed any longer." Her eyes turned darkly on Jaeger. "And you'd better not try to stop me." She was currently ignoring how much her body ached internally while appearing strong and defiant.
Silia smiled a little, but it was muted by the fact that apparently Ryrax HAD inflicted those wounds on Cerys. Still, she figured there had to be some reason for this to have happened. She would just have to ask him personally when they found him. "He went into the forest, right? Can you take me to the last place you saw him?"


Mythia snatched up the paper, reading the runes intently, multiple times. "Ehehe. I can barely read the runes for the individual spells, and that's only because you told me what you'd applied. Thus we can definitely see how this superscription is beneficial strictly to the caster. There is very little chance of the enemy rebounding it since it'll be damn near impossible for them to read the different spells. Even so..." She looked up off the paper and to Gerza. "Do you think you'd be able to decipher a set of superscribed runes, given enough time? Specifically...the ring of them that surrounds Ryrax's right eye?" She asked, trying to keep anticipation out of her voice.
Jaeger brought one hand up, and wrapped the back of his knuckles against a particular area on Cerys' torso. It only had enough force behind it to push someone back normally, but he had aimed specifically for one of her wounds. He waited for the inevitable reaction

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