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Fantasy For my Family

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Jaeger leapt away from the frenzied attacker, feeling the frost pierce his torso as he did so.

"I already knew you were a beast, but this is beyond ridiculous."

He kept up the confident attitude, but Jaeger felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Ryrax already frightened him. He was too powerful, knew too much about him. But now he was out of control. That would make him more dangerous . . . and yet perhaps open up a window to stop him? The fact he hadn't pulled his sword already spoke volumes of his current mental state.

Jaeger crouched low and felt the blood rush to his limbs, ruby claws adorning his hands and feet. Jaeger lashed out with his tail, holding back his claws for defense


The Naejor head let out a sigh and stood up, starting to walk towards Estelle

"How many times must I tell you to think of the consequences of your actions before you go through with them? Justice in the short term could very well end up hurting your family in the long-term."
"I hate these tournaments." Estelle sighed. "So many abused their power and hurt those who are not quite as strong badly. What happened in that fight would have been over-looked as it always is. A 'slap on the wrist,' so to speak, would have been all that Valk got for what he did. Evynne, however, even with my help, will never regain full feeling and will never be able to use her mana to the full extent. Perhaps it has some consequences that I had not thought of. But I wasn't going to stand by for the umpteenth time and watch people do nothing as excessive force is used in a battle for no reason."
Ryrax instinctively blocked the tail with his the back of his right hand, and with a twist and snatch had wrapped it once around his hand and held it tight. He yanked on it hard, pulling Jaeger towards him and likely off-balance as he lashed out with a brutal left kick directed at the side of his enemy's neck.
"And what did you accomplish by punishing Valk in such a heavy manner?"

The Naejor head walked past Estelle, stopping in front of the window to overlook the estate

"You may have given the young man the harshest punishment he will ever receive in his life, but at what cost? I had to spend the last three days explaining to the other heads that you had acted brashly of your own accord, and did not represent the wishes of our clan. Because when a member of the Vejta family was so brutally injured by a Trevastos, it was not those two families that dealt with it, but a Naejor instead. Even now, I'm still having to deal with those who think we have an alliance brewing, and our family is in danger because of it."

The gravity in the room started to intensify as the Naejor head turned around and looked at his daughter

"By focusing only on what you perceived to be justice, to right a wrong from one man, you have placed every member of our family at risk. Do you understand?!"

The last sentence finally had some visible rage in it. The head was angry, especially if he was letting it show


Jaeger felt the mana gather in his throat, and released a massive bellow. Against a lesser man, his bones would have turned to mush at that range. As it stood, both men were blown back several yards. Jaeger gripped a tree branch with his tail, and flipped up to land much like a hawk.

"Your move, beast."
Estelle was silent for a moment. "You know as well as I do that nothing would have come of a Vejta saying something against a Trevastos. I'll do whatever it takes to make them see that this is my actions, not the Naejor family's. Let them come after me; let me be the one that they hate." Estelle knew better than to show weakness to her father, so she kept her face blank of emotion as she continued. "Or I can atone for this 'wrong-doing'." There was a great deal of sarcasm on the word 'wrong-doing.' "I'd even help Valk regain his former power if it helped. I'm taking responsibility for what has been done. And leave Gerza out of this." Estelle's voice lowered, visible concern on her face now. "You know that he can't handle another family's rage being directed at him. I can though. I'll take whatever is thrown at me."
"You can say what you will, daughter of mine, but the damage is done."

He was silent for a long time, letting the situation seep in. He let out a sigh and turned around, putting a hand on Estelle's shoulder

"You are confined to the estate for the remaining duration of the tournament."
Ryrax skidded to a halt, shaking his head to clear it. He let out a a low and long guttural growl before glancing to his right, where he could sense Cerys behind a tree. He then returned his glare to Jaeger, newfound hatred in his eyes, the source of such rage unknown. "Kill," he muttered before leaping high into the air and summersaulting forward, bringing the bottom of his left foot down at the crown of Jaeger's head. He missed, but apparently he'd expected that, as he twisted in the air in a way that only someone unbridled by the laws of gravity could, and his other foot shot out like a piston, connecting solidly with Jaeger's solar plexus. He didn't even wait for the now-breathless man to hit the ground, as he dashed above him as he flew backwards. He brought his open palm of his right hand to bear against his target, once again the solar plexus, his palm strike augmented with psionic force. Jaeger's momentum was changed from horizontal to vertical in an instant, slamming him into the cool forest floor.
"I expected that..." A previous thought had been twisting in her mind for quite some time. "....Father, allow me to fix what I have done. Perhaps I acted too rashly." Estelle looked into his eyes steadily. "Let me help Valk regain what I took from him. If I do that, then peace should return to the families again."
"I do not believe you fully understand the depth of what you have wrought . . . but I will speak with the Trevastos head. It is his son upon whom you visited this after all."

The Naejor head put his hand on Estelle's head

"Promise me that you will not act so rashly in the future. I have only one true daughter."
"....I know, Father." Estelle arms quivered and lifted slightly, as if to reach out to her father for a huge as she had as a child. "I will think more wisely in the future and not be blinded by the emotion of the moment." The arms fell back down feebly and Estelle cursed her weakened state.
Hnn- Gerza's mental state responded as it felt the mana nearby explode as Jaeger and Ryrax fought. Such...overwhelming power. I can only assume the first is Ryrax, but the second? Regardless, Ryrax is on almost full tilt from what it feels like. Gerza pondered as his mind tried to contemplate surge after surge of almost raw mana. Whatever or whoever is fighting him better either get someone to reseal his eye, or get the hell out of there. Much more than this puts strain on those runes, and more importantly, there's no telling how strained they already are. If even one of them were to lose potency... Gerza's mind trailed off. That was a concept that shook him to the core with fear. Confound these injuries! If I could control my actual body, then maybe I could do something about this, even if it is just get one of the heads. Gerza sighed, cursing himself for being trapped in his own subconscious.
Jaeger had enough presence of mind to wrap his tail around Ryrax's ankle as he fell, resulting in both of them crashing into the earth. He struggled to his feet, coughing as his breath returned. Even without the sword, this was going to be one hell of a fight to survive. Jaeger felt the final stages of his form come into play. The crimson sheen went past his elbows, with blades extending from them, his tail grew small spikes along its spine, and crimson ridges formed along his eyebrows. This was as far as he had managed to push his transformation since that night.

Jaeger rushed towards Ryrax with a roar, his foot colliding with the man--if he could even be called that


For a brief moment, the head of the Naejor family was not the head responsible for everyone, but Estelle's father. The look in his eyes communicated a love that one could only show for their own daughter--but it was only for a moment. He walked back towards his chambers, speaking on his way out

"You will be escorted to the medical wing here. Do not move, am I clear?"
"I couldn't move even if I wanted to." Estelle sighed, bitterly fighting back the emotions that a single loving look from her father could give her. It had been so long since he had just acted like a father to her. She longed to be the little child who could run into her father's arms whenever she wanted to. But she was the heir of the house now and no longer a child. Every action was going to be scrutinized and critiqued by him. And now she couldn't even leave the estate. Another sigh escaped her lips as she settled down, ready to get comfortable for a long time inside of these walls.
Ryrax flew backwards with the recoil of Jaeger's kick, flipping backwards and landing against the trunk of a tree, all four limbs holding to its bark. Ice started to spread from the four points of impact, coating the tree in a silvery-blue gleam. He leapt off the trunk at Jaeger, howling madly as he lashed out with his icy talons. Suddenly, he spun around in a spinning heel kick, the back of his foot now sporting a spike of ice, which slashed Jaeger across the chest as his foot scythed through the air.
Jaeger both saw and felt the blood from his wound freezing within seconds. As he flipped backward, his tail wrapped around Rryax's leg, and with a shout the man-beast was pulled over his head and into a nearby tree. Jaeger did not wait for the man to regain momentum, instead clenching his hand into a fist and aiming right for the jaw.
Ryrax's clawed fist caught the punch easily with his foot, stopping it dead in its tracks. Ryrax brought the leg down with incredible force, throwing Jaeger's fist at the ground, and Jaeger suddenly found himself in terrifying proximity with Ryrax, who was glaring down at him with bared fangs. The man-beast let out a low and slow growl before bringing his knee crashing into Jaeger's nose, which made a gut-churning crunching sound as the attack collided.

"Kill!" Ryrax's low and growling voice snarled out as he slowly advanced on Jaeger. His claws twitched behind him, eager to sink into the flesh of his prey. The only silver lining to this situation was that he'd seemed to have forgotten about Cerys, or at least was not actively targeting her.
The Cerys that walked out from behind the tree was beyond any form of Demon Cat that most had ever seen. Even Jaeger hadn't seen her go this far. But Cerys felt the ties of blood compelling her to intervene, as well as the bonds forged with the aggressor. Her body shook with anger as she bounded towards the two. Thick black fur covered her entire body, her teeth were visibly longer and sharper, her claws were extended.

"No." The inhuman voice coming from Cerys' mouth said that one simple word with the force of a thunder clap. She launched herself at him from behind, pulling him down backwards to the ground. Immediately, she flipped her body in order to spring on top of him, using her own limbs to hold down his own. "No." The last word came out as the roar of the Alpha and was directed towards his face. The air and ground vibrated with the roar as Cerys held him down in the farthest form that she had ever gone into the Demon Cat's power.
Jaeger reached back with both of his hands, claws digging in the ground as he brought himself to a screeching halt. He flipped his head up--only just in time to see the demon cat pounce on top of Ryrax. Jaeger stood up, reaching up to his nose and righting it in the process. He could feel blood dripping down from where it had been broken

"Forget it Cerys. He has no more reason than a fell one right now."
Ryrax flinched at the first shout and shook his head at the second, grunting in disapproval. He tilted his head and craned his neck upwards, and the sound of rapid sniffing came from him as he intently took in Cerys' scent. For a moment he relaxed, and it seemed like he would calm down...but it was a calm before a storm. The earth beneath he and Cerys exploded with psionic energy, suddenly giving him room to maneuver. He writhed out of the Demon Cat's pin, caught her by the neck, and hurled her bodily at Jaeger with a roar.
Jaeger had only seconds to react. His arms caught Cerys, but the force sent his feet skidding through the ground for several yards, only coming to a stop when he braced himself with his wings
Cerys snarled angrily and wriggled out of Jaeger grasp. She was shaking violently now; her body was rippling beneath the fur as muscle and bone changed. Falling to her knees, her hands hit the ground. This was really happening now, wasn't it? The final form was something that she had never been able to attain. It was always said that when something means the most to a Xevren, it is then that they find their true form.

"....get the heads, Jaeger...." The words were no more than a growl towards the man. "I'll keep him busy." As soon as the words slipped from him lips, she lifted her face to the sky in a yowl that was entirely cat. Her body had shifted at last into the form of a giant black cat, the true Demon Cat. The eyes on the beast had red rings surrounded by black on all sides. The sleek body was muscled well and those muscles were tensed to spring. The eyes of the beast were fixated on Ryrax and with another yowl, it sprang upon him with claws outstretched to rip his flesh from his chest.
There it was. The black beast from that night. It was the one that...

Kill it. It must be slain. Devour its bones. Leave nothing left of the most hated enemy.

No, wait. This wasn't quite the same beast. It was sleeker...feline, not canine...it seemed familiar, in a good way...


"KILL!" Ryrax roared as he lunged at Cerys, and the two quickly became a snarling maelstrom of two writhing bodies fighting tooth and nail. Literally. He had her beaten in physical strength but she was flexible and faster than he, especially in these extreme close quarters where he couldn't use his PK effectively for bursts of speed. He did have one other advantage, though: this proximity, and physical contact, would cause Cerys to be chilled by the icy-cold aura that permeated from Ryrax's body. It's effective range was barely two inches, but once you were in range it was like being in a blizzard in your birthday suit.
Rudd looked on with mixed feelings as Estelle was wheeled off. It occurred to him that he had no idea how he could possibly take care of Cerys. He didn't even know where the Xevren hall was, not that he was even guaranteed to find her if he went there. How could he keep track of a cat woman he barely knew? His head spun with these thoughts as he sauntered vaguely homewards.


Odom did not reply as the messenger retired. He only glanced downward as he tied off the stitching he had sewn through his chest. It wasn't perfect, but it would do. He gently soothed his blood, convincing it that it would all be ok if it just stayed inside where it was safe.

When he looked up, he was greeted by a pair of cast iron eyes staring at his own. Eyes with large round handles. He grabbed them, bringing his shoulder blades together as he heaved them backwards. Before him lay the Maveret hall, and within, the father of their fathers.
Cerys knew that she couldn't hold him off forever. The chill, though stopped a bit by the thick fur covering her body, was still getting to her. And of all the things she despised, cold was definitely one of them. She had no tolerance for it. Twisting and turning to avoid his blows, she tried to land a blow that might incapacitate him. Her claws raked across his skin but he didn't stop; he was too far lost within the beast.

In an act of desperation, she arced her face skywards to deliver a yowl that would travel for miles. She was incapable of yelling, of speaking at all, in this form. She just hoped that someone with more strength than herself would come to her aid. Ryrax did not recognize her; he needed to be stopped by someone who he could recognize.
Jaeger dove down into the midst of the two twisting figures, grabbing Cerys underneath her arms and with his tail to pull her away several yards

"Like hell I'm leaving you alone with that beast."

Jaeger let out a mana roar in Ryrax's direction, hoping to slow him down

"He'll tear you apart, demon cat or no."

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