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Fantasy For my Family

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Cerys' reaction was to throw a clawed slap at his face and yowl. "What the hell, Jaeger?!" Yes, it had hurt but she wasn't in the mind set to let Jaeger try to force her to stay inside. She turned and started walking for the door. "I can show you where I last saw him."

"Y-you're not leaving!" Coran sputtered.

Cerys turned with a death glare. "....injured or not, I can easily make you regret saying those words." And with that, she shoved the door open, limping slightly as she went. "Come on Miss...Silia."
Cerys would find herself stopped short of the door. Jaeger's tail was around her wrist, and his wings were now crimson.

"What you CAN do, Cerys, is lie down and let yourself heal. You're in no state to be up and about, least of all after him."
"Jaeger, sir..." Silia pleaded, eager to avoid further arguing, "Please, just let us go. It isn't as if she'll be alone, I'll be with her. And besides, if you're so worried, why not come along?" She suggested. She smirked a little, a teasing glint in her eye. "Being over-protective won't score you many points, you know."
"Jaeger, I give you permission to come with me. Just, please let me go." Cerys wasn't looking at him, she was looking out the door towards the forest. "I NEED to do this. It's important to me." For one of the few times in her life, Cerys was completely serious and not being sarcastic or antagonistic towards Jaeger.
"Hmm...It would take some time, and a cipher or maybe language to base the initial writing off of, but it could be done, I suppose. Though, in the case of something that strong, some time is an incredible understatement. Unless, and I'm assuming that I will be the one attempting this translating, I knew traditional Omeraan, then putting letters to others, and even into sentences will take all of my time. Granted, the commotion in the triage made it possible to slip away without too much worry, and I don't think they will notice me being gone with how quiet I was for so long." He chuckled slightly, still rubbing his temple a bit. "In short, Yes. I can decipher them."
Mithia smiled in a determined fashion. "Excellent. I can provide all of the Omeraan-reliant reference you could possibly need, so don't worry about that too much. The biggest problem is going to be recording the runes around Ryrax's eye. I want to be absolutely sure we record them properly, so the best way is to look at them in person and as soon as possible. Unfortunately there are two problems with this...first is that this requires Ryrax to remove the suppressing eyepatch, so his dark power would be unchecked while we record the runes. We would have to work quickly and accurately, and most likely we would be required to restrain the man. The second problem, and the most pressing issue..." she sighed, "...is that Ryrax disappeared. I'm assuming you don't know the details, but something made him go berserk and his eyepatch couldn't hold it back. He attacked both Jaeger and Cerys - two Xevrens of significant ability - and once he'd regained control he flew off deep into the forest. I'm willing to bet Cerys wants to look for him, so as soon as she's well again we'll be on the hunt for Ryrax."
"Probably before that." Gerza said shaking his head. "I know about Cerys well enough, and something tells me that she will be adamant to go look after Ryrax the moment she is awake, which if I am remembering correctly from the triage, was just a little while ago." He sighed. "It doesn't give me much time to learn much from the Omeraan texts, but I can definitely transpose the runes...just not read them." He said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
Jaeger narrowed his eyes at Cerys' comment

"You 'give me permission'? Do you honestly think you're in any state to make comments like that?! Maybe it's important to you--"

Jaeger's grip on Cerys tightened

"--but I will not have you chasing after someone while you are half-dead. ESPECIALLY when that someone is the reason you're half-dead."

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"You can stop trying to act like you actually care." Cerys shook her way out of his grip. "You just watch me because Father tells you too. You'd rather be somewhere and not have to put up with me. You've made that perfectly clear." She crossed her arms steadfastly and looked him straight in the eye. "Drop the act. I'm going to do this whether you like it or not."


Estelle's arms shook as she tried to manipulate her aura. She had the head done, just need the rest of it. A bit more straining and it finally came into being. It was a small cat made of light. It would last a few hours maybe, if she had created it correctly. Estelle whispered a few words into its ears and it jumped out the window, landing deftly on its paws after twisting its body through the air. It slipped through the forest, avoiding the roads and avoiding people. It was just meant to wander and gather information for her, be her eyes and ears. Estelle didn't actually mean for the cat go into the Trevastos estate.

The cat found itself hiding in the bushes, observing anything that went past. Surprisingly enough, no one had noticed the glow in the bushes and the cat hoped that it stayed that way.
The glare that Jaeger shot at Cerys was nothing short of terrifying. His eyes were bled over with crimson, just like his wings and tail, and it would have been the first time either of the women in the room would have seen Jaeger truly angry. Without another word, he flipped over Cerys, landing between her and the doorway, then beat his wings so hard that everyone inside fell on their backsides.

"Dont. You. EVER! Say that to me again!"

Crimson was seeping over Jaeger's forearms and shins as he spoke

"I care about my family. YOU are part of my family. I will not stand by and watch you walk into death's jaws while you're already at its maw."

The final crimson ridges appeared over Jaeger's eyes

"Even if that means I have to make it so you can't leave your bed for another three days."
"....you are such a drama queen, Jaeger." Cerys was standing very calmly, still staring him in the eyes. "If Father hadn't ordered you, you wouldn't care. You've never cared about me for a person. I'm your job since I was born into this family. Since I was a child, you followed me around. You weren't my friend. I was a job. Why won't you leave me alone for once in my life?"
In complete contrast to Cerys' calm demeanor, Silia was currently on the ground, her legs having given out on her. Even if Jaeger's wings hadn't buffered her backwards she wouldn't have been able to stand up. She had just been shown a sobering reminder of who she was dealing with here. "Come on, guys..." she tried to interject weakly, "Enough arguing already. The more time we spend bickering the longer Ryrax is out there doing who-knows-what." She forced herself back to her feet, shaky but upright, as her strength returned to her.


Mythia blinked as she realized Gerza had a very good point. Mythia got the impression that Cerys wasn't the type to wait around, especially when it concerned Ryrax. "You let me worry about Cerys and retrieving Ryrax," she said as she stood. "Just worry about those confounded runes. Don't rush; wouldn't do to exert yourself so quickly after escaping the healers," she said and laughed. "Make yourself at home. I'm not so foolish as to think I can stop Cerys, but I'm at least going to accompany her to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." Mythia strode out the door, long hair billowing behind her as she moved purposefully to the medical wing once more.



The wood pillar exploded from the impact of Oliver's right fist, flaming splinters flying in all directions. The young man was smiling to himself, pleased that his wounds had left no lasting detriment to his arm strength or usability. He turned to the next pillar, a five-foot-tall column of solid oak, bark and all. This was the twenty-third pillar he'd used just this past hour, and he showed no signs of slowing down. Sweat glimmered on his bare torso, his muscles all eager to show off after those days laying dormant in a hospital bed. He wasn't even visibly winded. On the contrary, he was getting more and more into it. He approached the pillar and began shadowboxing, projecting the image of an opponent onto the wooden tower. He bobbed and weaved, throwing in a punch here and there in counter-attack. Unlike before, though, he was now applying liberal amounts of legwork into his assault, denting and cracking the bark with blows from his knees, shins, and heels. Usually he did not project a specific opponent onto the hunk of tree he was beating into submission, but this time was different. This particular log was an artist, painting the air with broad strokes of its katana and naginata, both of which Oliver was dodging with a determined smile.
"Family members aren't 'jobs' Cerys. They are people you come to care about, and take care of when they need it most."

Jaeger spread his legs slightly, and brought both of his claws up

"I'm not letting you leave this place to head to your death. That is final."
"You are not going to be my ball and chain." Cerys was starting to lose her patience. "And you're not going to start a fight in a medical ward. You're not that stupid because you know that, no matter what your reasons, Father would not be happy to replace an entire medical facility." Cerys wondered what Estelle would do at a time like this?


The cat sniffed for a second. It smelled the distinct odor of sweat and it was curious. It looked and saw a man hitting what appeared to be a tree. He was a lot bigger than it but it was undaunted. The cat moved in order to rub against his legs and meow upwards, an adorable look on its face.
From the skies, a mana infused apple core fell to the earth, its eventual landing point somewhere on the neutral grounds. If one were to look from the perspective of the apple core, they would see the ground rising up, buildings growing larger and larger, specks resolving into shapes and features. closer and closer, until one could see a man a woman, arguing.


An apple disintegrated, as it smacked into the head of a xevran male


Walking around the grounds, slightly hopeful that he would run into someone he knew, Jyterra felt a shiver run down his spine. He hadn't had a battle in a few days, so there wasn't anyone looking for retribution. Shrugging, he walked off in search of something interesting to watch.
Oliver paused in his pummeling of plant pulp when he felt an unexpected softness against his legs. The soft mewling of a feline caused him to look down, and he chuckled lightly when he saw the oddly-glowing light-cat-construct...thing. "Ohoho! Well, aren't you adorable. What...exactly are you?" he asked as he knelt down to scratch its ear. He was a little surprised to find that it did indeed feel like he was petting a cat, albeit even warmer and...glowing. "Should I assume you are the construct of a mana riser?"
"Meow!" The cat leaned against the ear-scratching, a purr emitting from its throat. It put its two front paws up on his leg so that it could lick Oliver's nose, which it did happily. "Meow!" And again. "Meeeeeow!" And again.
Oliver smiled widely as the rough tongue briefly stroked the tip of his nose. "Ahh, but you ARE a cute little kitty." He nuzzled his forehead agaisnt its own, showing unexpected levels of cuddliness for someone so imposing. Suddenly, it struck him as to who could have made a construct of light. "Wait a moment...you wouldn't happen to belong to Estelle, would you?"
If cats could smile, this cat was smiling. It nodded. It understood his words perfectly. When it nodded, it raised its head enough to show a collar around its neck. If inspected, the tag would read "Mr. Sunshine." It kept rubbing against him and purring. Suddenly, it looked back up at him as if it had just been struck with a thought. This cat actually had a lot of Estelle's knowledge imparted into it. It figured that since Oliver was here, this much be the Trevastos estate. Which meant it might be able to find to find a certain white-haired person. The cat smiled as only cats could. "Meow, mreow meooooow?"
"Heh, I knew it," Oliver said, chuckling to himself when he saw the nametag. He listened intently to it meowing, pretending to understand it. "I take it you are a fan of mine?" He said. "Ah, of course you are! 'Tis nigh impossible NOT to bask in my awe-inspiring strength! Though, if my dear Estelle wishes to meet with me, she needn't send a luminous feline in her stead. Though I know she to be shy."

Suddenly, he smacked his hand to his forehead. "Ah! My heartfelt apologies. I forgot she was restricted to her high tower as of late! How insensitive of me," he lamented. Then, he broke into a wide grin and smacked his fist into his palm, as he seemed to realize something. "Ah, of course! THAT'S why you're here! You wish to invite me to visit miss Estelle, as she grows bored and lonesome in her solitude, correct? Say no more. Please, lead the way, my sparkling sphinx, and I shall follow you to her posthaste."
The cat stared at him like he was insane. He had two choices: humor the crazy man or try to lose him in order to go search the house. Little Sun decided to do whats cats do, especially ones enhanced with mana. The cat moved away just enough so that he could gather his legs beneath him to jump. When he jumped, he jumped to a second story window above him. Sun quickly disappeared through the window and hid underneath the bed that he found inside the room.
Oliver rose from his crouch, gazing up at the window the cat had disappeared into. "Hoho! I should have known a mischievous creature would do things the fun way. Very well! I accept your challenge! The last and best Layfaire will not lose to you, Mr. Sunshine!" He exclaimed, much louder than necessary. He bolted into the estate, making for the second floor immediately. He would scour the place for the cat, knowing its distinctive shine would give him an edge.
Jaeger didn't move any of his four limbs, but his wings spread a little wider

"And the fact that you know that means you won't start a fight either. If it takes a ball and chain to make you stay here and actually let yourself HEAL . . . then I will gladly be that ball and chain."


At the top floor of the trevastos estate, roughly the sixth floor, atop a balcony overlooking the estate, Valk sat meditating. He was shirtless, only a pair of silken white pants covering his modesty. Every now and then, a few sparks would fly from his form at random. Behind him, a woman who had hair of a striking similarity to Valk's had her hands upon his back. Anyone with a modicum of sense for mana could feel the entangling of mana around and within them, though they might not understand what was happening in full
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Gerza got up to make himself some tea when Mythia left, and as it was setting, went about laying out all the texts she had left out as reference guides. I need to learn, or at least memorize as much of this stuff as I can, otherwise copying the runes will just look like a child's drawing to me. He thought as he moved around setting books down and moving new ones when the old ones had been. And done. Whew. The tea should definitely be ready by now. He thought, tiptoeing around books and going into the kitchen to grab the kettle. "Now," He said, rubbing his hands together before picking up his glass of tea, "Let's begin."
"Fortunately for you," Mythia said from behind Jaeger, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I do not think you will have to bear that burden." She strode to stand in front of Jaeger, in between him and Cerys. "That's enough, now. Both of you. Jaeger, you should know better than to stand against a woman. We can be entirely too stubborn when it comes to something - or someone - we want," she said to him with a jovial wink. She turned to Cerys. "I will accompany you into the forest, but Jaeger is not wrong in his attempts to keep you here. You are still not well, and Ryrax is not the only thing lurking in the forest. Bears and wolves are the least of your worries out there," she warned. "If it gets too dangerous we will leave without a second thought, and return another day. Understood?" She asked.

Mythia hadn't seemed to make note of Silia yet, who was eyeing this new woman curiously. Silia vaguely recognized her, but couldn't place her name or family. Whoever she was, she also spoke as if she knew Ryrax. She appeared older than him, but not nearly enough to be his mother. Maybe his older sister? No, that's absurd; they look nothing alike. Who is this?

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