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For Better or Worse

"Thanks." she looked down at their joined hands, cheeks turning brighter red. "I'm terrified, in the best possible way." she shrugged. "And I don't deserve this. Not after how damn stupid I've been."
"Maybe." she squeezed his hand and looked over at Lily. "Maybe I need to forgive myself for being a jerk to people and being so willing to... to give myself to guys. I'm... I..."

Riley raised his eyebrows, "You're about to freak out and find an excuse to run away, but I'd suggest that James tightens those arms and doesn't let you run."
James pulled her more into him to not let her escape. "Just slow down some." He murmured in her ear gently.
A small whimper escaped her lips, a mix of pleasure from his arms and fear from her panic. "Okay." she whispered, staring down at her lap. "Sorry."

Riley slid an arm around Lily's waist, "Are you as anxious as Emily is when it comes to relationships?"
"It's alright," he said kissing her cheek lightly.

Lily shook her head. "No I'm not, then again I have been in a few crappy ones that nothing happened in." She shrugged
"Nothing is better than bad things." Riley shrugged, tracing circles on her waist. His touch was light and gentle. "I've been the bad guy most of the time. My fear is that I'll keep being that guy forever."
"I'm sure you won't be that guy forever. People change all the time." She assured him, feeling him trace circles lightly on her waist.
Emily couldn't help but smile. She let her head drop, resting on top of James'. "People can change." she repeated, letting the idea roll around her mind. "I like that. I hope you're right."
James squeezed hers hands back feeling that they were shaking. He moved his head slightly so he could give her cheek a kiss.
"Hi." she whispered, meeting his gaze. "Maybe you and Lily are just what Riley and I needed to get our acts together, huh?"
"Maybe." she let her hands loosen, even though they were still shaking ever so slightly. "Hey, Lily? What do you say we take these two on a double date sometime soon? Could be fun."
"This weekend?" she suggested, swaying back and forth. "I've got a few ideas. Could be fun. Or could be horrible." she smirked.
Lily gave a small chuckle. "Works for me, just not the horrible part."

James gave a small snort and a small smile.
"So a visit to a strip club is out?" Emily joked, "Because, I mean, if you think my body is good, James, you should see theirs... man, amazing. You've got no idea." she smirked down at him, making it obvious she was joking.
James chuckled lightly at her joke. "I'm fine. Your all I need."

"Oh goodness a strip club." Lily said scarcastlly a hand trailing down her face
"Lily is on board." Riley smirked, kissing the top of her head. "But seriously, no strip club, Em. I'll kill you if you take us to a strip club." he looked at James and grinned, "Good answer, by the way. You'll get the hang of this quickly."
She elbowed him lightly in the side.

James gave a smile to him. "Thanks, definitely working on it some more."
"If you need advice, just ask. I've hurt a lot of girls, but I know Emily better than she'd care to admit." Riley told him gently. "And I'm happy to share my wisdom on all things Emily, like when she's angry or moody, if you just hug her for long enough she gives in and gets happy again."
James gave a grin. "I have a new best friend," he says giving a wink to Lily.

Lily rolled her eyes at him and crossed her arms.
"Oh no." Emily shook her head, "You don't get to do this with him, James. Nope, no, no." she wriggled in his lap. "I'm not... no... it's not like there's a manual for how to deal with me..."

James smirked, "Now there's an idea."

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