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For Better or Worse

(Well we did think about the idea of Lily's father coming back and demanding to spend time with her, since he is hiding that he is sick, and Lily is frustrated with this and it shows how she acts towards everybody else. So there is a Antagonist introduced into the roleplay that will affect how things go. Though things can be added more to it. Like Lily is so upset that her father is doing this she snaps at Emily a lot and even Riley sometimes along with James. So that could affect those three....eh its not the strongest idea or even that interesting. Oh another thing I just came up with is that maybe another girl (or even guy) comes into play and tires to destroy the relationships of one of the couples. Which could in someway put a strain on the other couple relationship...That's about it that I have right now.)
(I guess I don't just want it to be one character being hurt and then lashing out, and then inevitably everyone feels bad for her, and that's sort of all...)
(Yeah I see your point. Which leaves the only other idea open is another character comes in trying to reck one of the relationship which strains the other which is kinda not so good either...)

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