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Fandom Fire Emblem: Destiny

I'm not sure. There are 4 animal(ish) characters, maybe that's it?

Then again maybe you're just concerned that there are any Laguz, you Beorc scum.
Hey! I didn't say she was.... Oh! I should make her racist! Perhaps an opening up to a new race would be a good opportunity for a wall to build.

Then again, that'd go against her personality as to wanting to protect her friends, and brothers in arms are folk whom she considers friends.
It wouldn't have to. She could see them in a negative light while still wanting to protect them, seeing as they are her allies.

You can want to protect someone and still not like them.

Over time she could come to understand that she was wrong about her beliefs, and that Laguz are as good as anyone else.
Perhaps just a sixth sense of distrust towards them then?
We're glad to have you here talking to us now then :P

We have enough people to begin this, don't we?
Oi... It's been far too long since I've been on the grid. I'm certain my skill has plummeted.
@Pastel Yosuke

lol u killed ur sis

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To add on to Sim's point about absurd growths, assuming you start off with bases remotely higher than one, it's entirely possible to hit stat caps for both your initial, and promoted class with absolutely no reclassing at all.
Welp, I stayed up all night, only to have to lift weights with those terrifying seniors at 6:30 in the morning. I'll be sleeping for the majority of the day.
I'm still going strong in my 35th hour!
And I'm still going, I lost count xD Well, time to go get cranked on some energy drinks, let's get this RP started guys! For real!
Well, seems a lot happened when this site decided to drop me out of everything. "Oh this thread isn't to important I don't need to show him notification do I?" God damn it...

In other news, Marvelous Chester, Marvelous f**king Chester, Most suave dark spirit you ever did see.
aye, doesn't seem to be I missed much, save for a few people forgetting about my dragon laguz during a head count.

Either way either way, final boss music of tales of Xillia 2, beautiful.
Haha I loved it, I'm nearing the 90 hour mark for my continued save file.
Yea, now I gotta get back into Vesperia... shouldn't be hard, Rita is in the game and she's adorable as all hell~!

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