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Fandom Fire Emblem, anyone?


Wishful bard
I am a big Fire Emblem fan, played most of the games in the series. And I would love to role-play some of it.

My idea isn’t to roleplay the events of the video-game itself as I don’t wish to spoil any of its goodness for them who yet haven’t had the fortune to play them. But I would like a vote of which game out of three people enjoyed the most and them who’d like to join to play the characters from the chosen game, or create your own little Robin if you feel more comfortable doing so.

I want the role-play to be set in either:

  • An alternative universe to the actual game so friendships, enemies, love interests can develop in any which way.
  • The aftermath of the chosen game, without mentioning of too many spoilers.
  • During a stage of the chosen game, without mentioning of too many spoilers.

I could spend all day writing the character lists for the three games I am about to introduce, but I think we’ll have a vote for what people would enjoy the most.

The three games being (I do realize two of them contains almost the same character roster):

  • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
  • Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening

And if anyone rather want to do this 1x1 just send me a PM
hmm....i've been looking for fire emblem rps for a while,that sounds interesting,although we would kinda need some more people for it
yup,but i guess we will have to wait for it,im sure more people will join....oh btw i only beated awakening,i didnt played the other games much for....personal reasons...
No problem. I actually don't expect many to have even played the others seeing as Awakening is what really brought up the popularity of the series
Yup, definitely interested :3

I would choose Radiant Dawn, cus I love that game and I don't know the others so well..

But if we choose a different one, I'm pretty quick at picking it up so I should be fine :)
This is why I would like if we all could come up with a way for the roleplay to work without us using too much elements (excep characters and places) from the game. So no one has to deal with spoliers or have to read up too much on the game
well....we could just do something that would somehow either connect to one of the gamees on the series or just put it in the same universe,with our own characters and stories
There is the Portal in awakening which connects the timelines and characters, so there's always that I suppose
Actually I don't think I'm gonna have time for this RP.. I'll keep an eye out, but otherwise, sayonara :3
It would probably take a while for it to even start as we need at least a hand full of people, so maybe you'll get some time by then!

Have fun tough~
This idea is just dandy! I would love to join!

I prefer Awakening though I don't know much of the game but I have played the other versions (Gameboy)
I'm glad we're getting some more people along!

Question stands though, how would you guys like to do this, story/character wise
I might join, but I've only played Awakening..

Would the actual characters be in the RP? Or would we only have our own?
I've played awakening but that was a long time ago and I don't remember much, But I'm a wikia freak for FE so I kinda read through the wiki.

So how would you set it up? Canon? Or like OC? New story?
I'm interested. I started with Shadow Dragon and got through Path of Radiance, the Shadow Dragon sequel, and Awakening. Radiant Dawn and FE7 are on my backlog...

Anyways, I like the settings for Awakening and Path of Radiance, they have a great variety of fantasy elements.
Okay, my idea was that we pick a game which the most of us are used to, so it seems to be Awakening.

This means we will set it in the world of Prince Chrome which is the continents Ylisse and Valm. To avoid to many spoilers I would rather not mention who is the final bad guy or how to stop him. Our role-play will be sit just before any too heavy talk about the Fire Emblem, this means we can travel between Ylisse and Valm freely.

The civial war is still going on in Valm and the Risen is appearing all over Ylisse.

I have two small ideas, build on them or tell me your own if you don't like them.

First one is that we are part of the same Group of heroes fighting the Risen inside Ylisse's borders defending the towns and villages located there.

We can play the character existing in the game, and I'll list them so everyone can take their pick. I myself would prefer to try and use an already existing character, not only to connect it to the none-spoken-off story line of Awakening but also give the feeling the Group is working with the Knights and Prince Chrome.

You may create your own character, perhaps it even would be interesting is someone wanted to create this role-plays personal bad guy or maybe traitor so this person can still be part of the team, perhaps lead them into traps and dangers to reach his/her own goal which can be whatever you wish as long as it has nothing to do with the main story line of Awakening.

Last one is only really usable of we have more players or if the players we have enjoys using multiple characters.

A war has begun between the two continents; Ylisse is ruled by the Beautiful Queen Emmeryn and Valm by the powerful tyrant Walhart. Some of us will take part of Walhart's army and the others will take part of Emmeryns. Risen will still be an ongoing threat and even if we'll be part of a different army, some of us might have to help each other out or terrible things will happen.

You may still play a existing character or create your own. Once we have decided on a 'story arch' I will be posting a thread and add the necessary information for how to create your own character and post a list of the ones from the game.

As for the existing roster, there can only be one (example) Chrom so first come first serve. I will be ticking off the character which already has been chosen. Don't pick one in this thread.

And because I am the one setting this up I won’t be picking a character until a post has been made in the thread, so I know everyone have had a chance to read it.

Does this sound interesting or would you like to try something else?

Also, because I know I'm not the only one who's a sucker for the character from Radiant Dawn: Due to the possibility to use the strange portal in Awakening I thought it to be fine to introduce them as well, as heroes coming from a differen't timeline and 'world' to help out. If it's not too corny.
I like both ideas, and the last one sounds really awesome! Although it would be pretty difficult to bring together enough people to roleplay it.
Yes, I Believe that to be the problem too. I dont know how many we need for the first one either
Consider me interested. Been following FE ever since the first translated one (7) came out, so I don't mean to brag, but I know quite a bit about this kind of thing. I'd rather make my own character than play one of the Awakening canons if it came to that, but etcetera.

Give me a holler if anything happens, I guess.
Alright, I should probably set something up and let you guys submit and choose your characters to see how many we got going. It's almost 01,00 am over here though, so it might be happening tomorrow during my lunch
I like both ideas as well, I have a preferred character I'd like to play. However since she is played in a old Fire Emblem games and character appearance is copied in Awakening I hope that she won't be too confusing.

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