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Fandom FFXV 1v1 RP Search (Looking for a Chocobro)


Alley Cat

Hiya! Looking for someone to RP FFXV with me. I've got a few ideas.

Looking to play as Prompto or Noctis.
Searching for either a Noctis, Prompto, Gladio or Ignis.

SFW MxM. Hoping to have an 18+ RPer.

I've got some AU's or we can go from Canon. Here's some prompts:

  • Prompto as a secret Astral, having looked after the Lucis Line and always growing up alongside the future king in some way
  • Prompto as an MT and having more mechanical parts to him like ports in his neck or being able to hack computers or having enhanced senses and being a BAMF. Using it to protect (insert character here)
  • Noctis in pre adventure of the game, having difficulties and suffering from an illness which causes him extreme pain, tiredness and lethargy. Needing the help of (insert partner) for day to day life.
  • Noctis abandoning his life, his father sending him away on his own to be safe at a young age to grow up with Cid at first and allowing him to become a normal citizen which ends up with him in his alt fishing/casual outfit living his life as a dude in the wild with his own built house fishing everyday and the bois™️ having an important mission by the king to return the prince before the war n shit happens. But Noct doesn't know he's the prince. Prompto somehow associating with Ignis and Gladio in some alternative way or somehow getting in contact with him via internet talking or something and Glad/Ig see that and go (yo let us take you with him maybe he'll return) or some shit
  • Trans/Autistic/ADHD/neurodivergent Headcanons (Not to be used in a fetishizing way, if you also are interested in this I would prefer you were also trans and/or autistic or have a very good understanding of it and not using it to babify or anything thats gross. Yaknow what I mean?)
  • Prompto is a secret MT unit sworn to protect Noctis, not even Ignis and Gladio know about this. He is fiercely trained in combat and can act pretty well. Maybe was given to Noctis at a young age and Regis kept him secret? Like he was a gift to the country or whatever it is nations and stuff do
  • I'm happy for suggestions or normal canon RP! These are just some suggestions to get the brain rollin.
Happy with pairings:
  • Prompto x Noctis
  • Prompto x Gladio
  • Prompto x Ignis
  • Noctis x Gladio
  • Noctis x Gladio x Prompto x Ignis
Can do:
  • Light Fluff
  • Non Relationship/Bromance
  • Double Up RP (Happy to do Gladio or Ignis, but prefer either Noctis or Prompto as a main focus)
  • Build up towards Relationship
  • Established Relationship
  • Paragraphed 3rd Person POV
Thanks for reading

Continue'd in this Thread Fandom - LF Fandom Roleplays (FFXV, MHA, KH, ect...)
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Ahhh the secret MT Prompto prompt is amazing-- (and is now a staple in fandom daydreaming haha)
I wish I was better at writing FFXV characters :dead: but best I've got is how they are in an AU of mine--
If I get better at writing them, I'll immediately throw myself into your PMs.

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