Anime & Manga Favorite Manga?

[QUOTE="Jacob Berry]Nice, are these a mix of anime and manga? I just finished season 1 of Noragami, and I plan on reading ReLife

All of them except the last two have anime but I was really just talking about the mangas... though I've watched the anime for the ones that do have one.Kuroko no basuke was amazing too.Waiting on the extra game chapter...

I just didn't want to create a monster list and scare people.
I enjoy manga that contain clever jokes or are just so absurd that I can't stop reading. My top mangas would be...

1. Akumetsu (Finished a while ago, yet still takes the top spot. It takes place in Japan where the main character, Hazama Shou, takes on the alias of Akumetsu in order to take down political injustices done by the National Diet of Japan. Includes gore and clever executions. All characters are fictional or inspired by real life figures. )

2. Dead Tube (An ongoing horror/thriller genre manga. Not gonna lie, it's pretty brutal yet surprisingly entertaining. I don't recommend this series if you're not into blood/ecchi/horror. You have been warned. It's basically a parody of YouTube™ and the stars of Dead Tube basically record themselves committing criminal activities to attract viewers. The video with the highest view count is rewarded a large sum of money and is mysteriously given a free-pass to any crime done while making the video.)

3. Tenkuu Shinpan (An ongoing horror/action genre manga. This is surprisingly a lot more lighthearted than the top two because it focuses less on the horror/gore scenes and more on the action scenes which is why I enjoy it a lot. And the setting itself is quite interesting and continues to intrigue the reader as the story progresses. Basically, the main heroine is teleported to a world where there's nothing but several tall buildings. She finds herself stranded on the rooftop of one of many tall buildings and tries to find her brother. In this story, masked-killers are let loose and are free to kill any unmasked survivors. There is no access to the lower floors and all characters are given the option to either let themselves be killed by the masked men or throw themselves off the rooftop to meet their demise.)
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Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service. Basically, a bunch of college students help the dead move on. It's pretty gory/explicit, but it's also hilarious and has some interesting cultural/societal stuff and runs as kind of a murder mystery thing with different cases every chapter.

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun is hilarious. It has fun with a lot of high school character tropes and subverting expectations.

Boku no Hero Academia has superhero stuff, with a world where almost everyone has superpowers. It has actually pretty good worldbuilding and the side characters are super cool (so many side characters, so many nice things about the side characters). Also it's getting an anime!

I too liked Assassination Classroom quite a bit.
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Medaka Box has remained my favorite manga, even well after its completion a few years ago. What seems to start off as a standard fare shounen battle manga with a Mary Sue protagonist is slowly revealed to be a much deeper look into the meta of shounen series as a whole and the tropes associated with them.

It is an excellent critique of the genre without looking down on it, and has some of the most interesting characters of any manga that I've read so far! Plus it gets major props for intoducing a character that I intially detested, but who I now consider my favorite character in any work of fiction I have partaken of!
[QUOTE="Jacob Berry]I am sure this question has been asked a whole lot, but I am curious, what is everyone's favorite or top three Manga of all time?

I don't read an awful lot of manga- I usually stick to one or two and binge-read them until I can't find the next book- but I personally would have to say that the top three (in no specific ranking order) for me are One Piece, Black Butler, and Deathnote.
Bleach (I hate the anime but I LOVE the manga)

One-Punch Man (Been following the series since issue 7)

Boku-No-Hero-Academia (An excellent example of an economy which actually interacts with the hero community, also, super heroes! :D )
[QUOTE="Glae Starshooter]Apocalypse no Toride

Oh man, I really enjoyed this one, especially the actual fear I experienced from the Nimble Things.
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tokyo ghoul:re. of course. mainstream but incredibly entertaining and relaxing.


*rips torso to pieces*
JC836 said:
Oh crap...

Assassination Classroom


All of these are fairly new.
...[cough] So yeah, Livingstone is definitely one of my faves. Higher up on the list is a more well-known manga by the same artist, Deadman Wonderland (in fact I first checked out Livingstone because Amano is almost identical to Toto, my DMWL fav). I'd say my top three at the moment go 1. Deadman Wonderland, 2. Bungou Stray Dogs, 3. Livingstone. Actually, Livingstone is sort of tied with Amatsuki.
1. King of Bandits: Jing

2. King of Bandits: Jing, Twilight Tales

3. Eyeshield 21

I don't know why, but I actually just really love reading Eyeshield 21. I even find it online and have a marathon read probably every year.

But King of bandits: Jing, is THE BEST! Absolute BEST! Manga I have ever ever read forever. And probably ever will read. It's just so creative and honestly perfect. Leaves me wanting more in every way, while also loving that it ends.
I really need to read more, but so far it's Sailor Moon. My library doesn't really have a good selection, any recommendations?
It might be inappropriate or offensive to some readers, but Dragonar Academy is still a funny manga. Check it out
[QUOTE="The Dinkster]I am sure this question has been asked a whole lot, but I am curious, what is everyone's favorite or top three Manga of all time?

Attack on Titan and Death Note are my favorites.
My all-time favorites will always be the Tokyo Ghoul series and Oyasumi Punpun.

Currently, I'm catching up on Boku no Hero Academy, which has been surprisingly good. I've also been meaning to read Ajin since I'm too impatient to wait for another movie, but that's going to come after I'm done reading BNHA.
ETC said:
My all-time favorites will always be the Tokyo Ghoul series and Oyasumi Punpun.
Currently, I'm catching up on Boku no Hero Academy, which has been surprisingly good. I've also been meaning to read Ajin since I'm too impatient to wait for another movie, but that's going to come after I'm done reading BNHA.
I am also reading BNHA. On chapter 75 at the moment!
Oyasumi Punpun and Battle Royal. Both are very deep stories and I highly recommend them.
There are a lot of manga that people have said that have interested me. there was one that I was looking at that I wanted to read but I forgot the name
[QUOTE="The Dinkster]I am also reading BNHA. On chapter 75 at the moment!

Ahh, I'm on chapter 50 something. :D I think I'm catching up pretty fast, though!
ETC said:
Ahh, I'm on chapter 50 something. :D I think I'm catching up pretty fast, though!
Yeah! Same, if I wanted to I could read all 94 chapters in a day. Shonen Jump manga are easy to burn through

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