Favorite\ Least favorite mobile game


Yeah, I know Mobile games aren't a popular genre to play, but I like them a lot and wonder what others like and don't like.
My favorite may be Ace attorney: spirit of justice, my least: Layton's mystery journey, i dunno why they didn't gave a chance to Flora as a protagonist, and the actual protagonist is way too much obvious on her thoughts.
I only play 4 games on mobile, so I guess they would be my favorite?
Shadowverse, Harthstone, Fire Emblem Heroes and Dragon Ball Legends.

And the same games would be least favourite because I got tired of them already but i don't feel like playing anything else on mobile.
Favorite? World of Tanks Blitz.
Least favorite? World of Tanks Blitz. (Then most energy-based games, or games behind huge paywalls.)
It isn't a typo by the way. You either have to deal with the vitriolic playerbase accusing you of cheating when you roll high with a shot or they call you an idiot because you didn't go with their plan of rushing the enemy team in an enclosed space.
That could be enough for a lot of people to leave the game, but if you can use your head well in a match, you can have amazing results in any tank. And considering there's about 300 of them? Sounds fun.
That and for a mobile game it looks pretty sweet, too.
Alright so for some reason I'm addicted to Clash of Clans.... Yep there I admitted it I just want all the darn achievements and to originally to show up some people from high school. Next thing I know still playing.

Least favorite has to be those darn chapters games you can't get far without it requesting money. Like come on I just wanna play a pick your own story and see the end results.

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