Other Fave videogame soundtrack?

Project Naiad

Octopus in disguise
Hey there, there's tons of awesome games with awesome music out there, just wondering what was everyone's favorite!
Here's some of mine:
Ar Tonelico, Soulcalibur, American McGee's Alice, Jade Empire, The Elder Scrolls.
A lot of World of Warcraft's music, especially the newer pieces; just about anything by Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy and some others); TES
The OST as a whole from Kingdom Hearts
the OST has really great tracks from every game, I'd recommend looking into them
I really like the soundtrack to Cave Story, haha. And Terraria. Bayonetta had an amazing soundtrack as well.

Aquarious Aquarious What did you like about the Starbound music, out of curiosity. I've recently bought the game and, while I thought the music was fitting for the space travel, I found that it was sort of monotonous. I've found that there are a lot of mixed opinions on the music online as well.
KyroMontresor KyroMontresor I just find that each track transitions and blends smoothly, and I like the open sound it gives off. I also sort of enjoy the monotonous sound at some points, though I agree that at others it does just seem sort of repetitive. I'm sort of just fond of it's simplicity (in a way).
Aquarious Aquarious I get that. And honestly, I really enjoy the battle music. I think the upbeat and fast-paced music fits the situation well. Some people complain that the transition between battle-music and the main game seems forced and, for lack of a better term (Or rather for my laziness to think up a better term) janky. Still, while basically binge-playing the game for hours on end, pulling all-nighters and enjoying the hell out of the game, I never really thought much of the musical transitions. Next time I play, I'll be sure to pay more attention to them
The new Doom soundtrack. I've only listened to a few and I know I'm in love with it.
At this moment, NieR and NieR: Automata collectively. MONACA is and absurdly good composer and Emi Evan's nonsense languages are so enchanting. GEEZ!

Honorable mentions go to the following series

Tales of (particularly those who had Motoi Sakuraba as the main composer)
Metal Gear
Kingdom Hearts
Legend of Zelda (WW Dragon Roost Island is my JAM)
Final Fantasy
Guilty Gear
Sonic the Hedgehog(particularly when Crush 40 was associated with Sonic. They were the soundtrack of my youth, lol)

and the individual soundtracks of

E.X Troopers
Arc Rise Fantasia
Rune Factory: Oceans
Ragnarok Online
S4 League
The World Ends With You
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Skyrim has one of the greatest soundtracks I've ever heard in my life.

Halo: Reach
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Planetary Annihilation
Fallout 4
Portal 2
I gotta go around and find more sweet OSTs to put on a favorite list, but currently I'm taking a liking to HM2, FTL, and perhaps a little NeoTokyo.

Then I went back and decided, "I need a thematic Western soundtrack."

And my god is it a fun game as well.
Definitely Mass Effect 3's "An End, Once and For All". It still gives me too many feelings, just hearing the first note come in.

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