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Fandom Fate/Waltz

Indeed, Assassin is actually for once, a more viable Servant to have! :D
also don't judge me, it's not my fault y'all are obsessed with creating smol waifu's of death
Like I said, Berserker is ultimate Waifu, no competition so its almost like no one else is waifu material!
Rini got Saber?!

Haha Berserker's got dibs on nom nomming the tiger!

OY! Hands off Rider's future mount!
Whew, got my intro posts up for both my characters. No banners like I usually prefer but considering I'm sick and slow enough as it is getting stuff down, I can go without for now. ^^;;
Danial and Lancer is unexpectedly the most convenient match here based on wish alone XD and its completely coincidental
Is Lancer an actual angel? If I didn't think a team-up against team Rasputin was inevitable, I'd be really worried about that, for Saber.
Lol yea she's an actual angel XD also that team up might not be as obvious as you think lol assassin's master has a chemical imbalance like your wouldn't belive
An actual angel? I think that's breaking rules somehow. Well whatever, just means it's going to be really easy to figure out who she is. There aren't that many named warrior angels.
I mean summoning actual gods is against the rules there are angels in every religion; speaking of which if you had to rank it how much divinity does the average angel have
I mean summoning actual gods is against the rules there are angels in every religion; speaking of which if you had to rank it how much divinity does the average angel have

Depends on the religion, but generally I'd put them at the same level as a Demi-God. Unless they're an Archangel, then they're basically a lesser god. (ignoring the fact that Archangels are solely from a monotheistic religion and cannot be considered gods.)

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