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Fandom Fate/Waltz

Berserker is ultimate Waifu! <3

I was gonna argue that Saber is, in fact, the ultimate waifu, but then I remembered that she probably isn't. Definitely would be if I'd gone for my other idea for Saber, though.

Also, I think the image link for your Master is broken, at least for me.
I was gonna argue that Saber is, in fact, the ultimate waifu, but then I remembered that she probably isn't. Definitely would be if I'd gone for my other idea for Saber, though.

Also, I think the image link for your Master is broken, at least for me.
Working for me...b ut the site seems to be having issues. I'll see about fixing it. >.<
Not sure whether Akiko getting Rider is a good idea or a terrible idea. Well, haven't even seen them yet, so who knows?

Just noticed this.

Why Rider in particular? Afraid the servant might get ideas?

"Master? Is that a tiger?"

"Yes. Why?"



"I'm a ride it!"
Just noticed this.

Why Rider in particular? Afraid the servant might get ideas?

"Master? Is that a tiger?"

"Yes. Why?"



"I'm a ride it!"

That does seem like a possibility. Also, if Rider's mount is something that gets eaten by Tigers, that could end badly.
That does seem like a possibility. Also, if Rider's mount is something that gets eaten by Tigers, that could end badly.
Don't forget the possibility Rider might of in their life went around hunting tigers for sport! Nothing says a strong fighter like slaying a tiger!
Aww, I wanted to see Augustus

You spelt Rasputin wrong, by the way. Also, not sure if EX+ makes any sense, since EX basically means the stat is unquantifiable. Sort of like saying infinity + 1, in a way

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