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Fandom Fate/Ultimatum OOC

That's not really a Conceptual Weapon, nor is it really a Mystic Code. It's just a crossbow that fires a lot of bolts - more mechanical than magical, closer to science than thaumaturgy.

A Conceptual Weapon is what it sounds like: a weapon with a concept that it imposes on something. For example, Black Barrel imposes "Death" on things, which is how it can actually hurt Ultimate Ones beyond tickling them into temporary paralysis.

Or, for another example, Black Keys are Conceptual Weapons that impose "Purification," making wounds created by them difficult to heal for wicked creatures by purifying their unnatural traits and leaving behind only soft, humanlike flesh. Their specialty in combating evil spirits and vampires goes so far that even an ordinary Black Key can affect Servants to some degree (let alone the Servant-tier Black Keys that Ruler uses. Yikes! I'm actually kind of lowkey mad that Avenger no-selled them and regenerated instantly. I aimed at her ankle in hopes it'd slow her down and I could finish her off with her limited mobility, but that gamble failed. Curse you, LostHaven LostHaven ! Curse you and your pre-planned narrative melodrama author fiat!)

If you want a rapid-fire crossbow, try something that uses a string of ether instead of a normal drawline, and new "bolts" manifest out of this ether rapidly. Don't bother with science; Berserker is literally a Divine Spirit of War. Breaking the laws of physics to create supernatural armaments sounds like something right up her alley, even without access to her Authority.
If it makes you feel better, I'm about to hurt Avenger really, really bad.
You're trying to pull a sneaky on the RP, aren't you, lobster-witch?
Please, I don't have you as a Servant, why would I need to do that?

Not while I'm around! I'll stab you full of swords, then light you up many times over, until you wish you didn't worship your heretic god!
Nega!Ruler: [slasher grin] "Hoooo?! Look at this, the antique trumpet's actually playing a tune! Don't you know rusted trumpets like you went out of fashion seventeen centuries ago? So shut your trumpet exhaust before I show you what an orchestrated exorcism looks like!"
Nega!Ruler: [slasher grin] "Hoooo?! Look at this, the antique trumpet's actually playing a tune! Don't you know rusted trumpets like you went out of fashion seventeen centuries ago? So shut your trumpet exhaust before I show you what an orchestrated exorcism looks like!"

That was a horrible pun. And the day a holy person touches me without getting an arm broken is the day I'm in a sexy woman's body dressed like a warrior that had no time to forge armor- oh wait.
That was a horrible pun. And the day a holy person touches me without getting an arm broken is the day I'm in a sexy woman's body dressed like a warrior that had no time to forge armor- oh wait.
Nega!Ruler: [deeply unimpressed, blinks twice] "Ok." [fills your body with BlACk kEyS aNd PErFoRmS tHE bAPtIsM rItE tO eXorciZZZ y0u]
Nega!Ruler: [deeply unimpressed, blinks twice] "Ok." [fills your body with BlACk kEyS aNd PErFoRmS tHE bAPtIsM rItE tO eXorciZZZ y0u]

*Sips coffee*

"Can't exorcise something that's not evil."
*Sips coffee*

Also, watch where you throw those things. They could break a vase or something.
*Sips coffee*

"Can't exorcise something that's not evil."
*Sips coffee*

Also, watch where you throw those things. They could break a vase or something.
"Yeah, actually, I can."

Baptism Sacrament or Purification Incantations. The sole mystery that is freely taught to all members of the Church. A simple ritual with an aria that falls on the Ten-Count category, it is capable of exorcising Daemons and sending Wraiths back to the world of the dead. Possess weak capacities of physical interference, but its power is overwhelming against spiritual bodies. It is ineffective against spirits on the level of Servants, though. Kirei Kotomine used this to disperse Zouken Matou's spiritual body.

Before you throw the "ineffective against spirits on the level of Servants" at me, remember this is being chanted by one. Heroic Spirits are just a Wraith that ate too many legends and mysteries and grew too fat for normal people to exorcise. A Divine Spirit is the same, except it's closer to a Nature Spirit that ate too much planetary energy and worship, and even so, a full Divine Spirit can't manifest in the modern era so you're really just a glorified War Elemental on a power trip.

Anyway, as I said. [Baptism Rite]

[watches you go up in flames] "Lord, have mercy on this foolish sinner."
Birdsie Birdsie

*Smacks Birdsie's hand* Hey! Bad! What did I tell you about threatening holy fire on people, now you go an apologize to the nice lady!
Birdsie Birdsie

*Smacks Birdsie's hand* Hey! Bad! What did I tell you about threatening holy fire on people, now you go an apologize to the nice lady!
No! She's a filthy heretic god! And you're a filthy heretic! [hits Hanarei with a rolled-up newspaper]
Well, I set a foolish nun into place, and I banished a silly little mountain deity that believed itself a god back into the depths of the Root where it belongs. I think it's about time that, in a long while, I actually sleep and rest.

[utilizes Hanarei Hanarei as a living pillow and goes to sleep, setting up a Bounded Field that incinerates Divine Spirits just to be safe]
And for Berserker's first incognito assignment, she goes to spy on noob. And for extra credit, scare the living bejesus out of a rapist.

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