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Fandom Fate/No Order OOC

I'm worried I might be a little rusty on the Fate lore/facts/history for this... x-x
But I finished the personality and backstory.
BlightGiver BlightGiver When the time comes and roles appear let me know, until then I'll read the roleplay.
Ariel Ariel
Yay I'll read your character sheet :-)
As for the lore of Fate don't worry too much about it. I believe that we're going to be a team at the Chaldea Security Organization, it exist out of time to prevent calamity from occurring. After a year in code blue, things went orange again, luckily only small lights, but still. The universe could collapse at anytime if CSO doesn't clear the threats.

In the Nasuverse world has a Counter Force (Deterrent Force) to defend itself from extinction. There are two types of Counter Force, Gaia and Alaya. Gaia is the will of the planet, and its wish to live and prosper. Alaya is the subconscious will of man. Basically the Counter Force ensures the world won't go extinct, at times Alaya, and Gaia do clash.

The simplest way to think about Counter Force is to imagine Earth as a computer, and the counter force is the antivirus software, but two forms of antivirus software running simultaneously, that sometimes conflict, but 99.9% of the time run smoothly together.

After a certain point in the roleplay I think it'd be amusing if Alaya decided that CSO was a threat to humanity (while sometimes CSO was helpful, maybe CSO was reaching too far, and making dangerous swings in history, affecting time too much), and everyone gets murdered. Just some weird way to look at it. If I confused anybody I am sorry.

Both Archer and Saber from Fate/Stay Night are Counter Guardians, as well as St. Joan from Fate/Apocrypha.

Ariel Ariel
I just read the CS. My head cannon says Sophia's mom died when Sophia was very young. Unknowingly to Sophia, her mother watches over Sophia, and protects Sophia, and that Sophia's father would never be able to muster up the courage to explain that Mommy is somewhere else. One of the reason's Sophia is so happy is because her mother is with her, in her heart. Sophia's mother was a talented Magus, not the best but good at making people smile, and cheering people up. She could animate objects with her magic. La Belle et la Bete was Sophia's mother's favorite book. She first read it after she received it as a present from Sophia's father, Adam Blanche. Sophia was planned. Emilie (A name I thought of for Sophia's name, it can be anything ^^'' ) struggled with being sick most of her life, she always felt a bit weak, but strives to be her best, and never let it get to her. She may have died of a fever, but no one is too sure, or maybe she had to go do something on the other side of the world.

Some Fate No Order/Zero theorycrafting lol

One day Sophia's Golems will be able to imitate real people after enough practice thanks to nature of her mother's magic.
We don't have to use any of what I just thought up. We'll learn more about Sophia's aunt as we roleplay.

Overall your Character Sheet is dope/10.
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Meh, haven't thought that part out. But it matters not, since that information will have little relevance to this story.
On one hand, in kind of does because there will be no story without it as background.
Chaldea as a whole was born due to Solomon being summoned. He turned into Romani after winning their version of the Grail War and Fate/GO happened as per usual... or at least I think it did since it's in your opening post.
"To think, only a year has passed since Solomon was stopped."
See, here it says that Solomon was a thing, and he was somehow defeated via... stuff. It's like a really, really big hole, if it didn't happen the way it did canonically but of course, I have confidence in your ability to make something up that makes sense. You're right that people can ignore all that but... that's what accessing records are for. XD

Mama I'm always looking for another Archer~
*Nuzzles BearBearBear BearBearBear *
There's always Pocahontas?
On one hand, in kind of does because there will be no story without it as background.
Chaldea as a whole was born due to Solomon being summoned. He turned into Romani after winning their version of the Grail War and Fate/GO happened as per usual... or at least I think it did since it's in your opening post.

See, here it says that Solomon was a thing, and he was somehow defeated via... stuff. It's like a really, really big hole, if it didn't happen the way it did canonically but of course, I have confidence in your ability to make something up that makes sense. You're right that people can ignore all that but... that's what accessing records are for. XD

There's always Pocahontas?

Everyone knew going in that this was a custom story, and wouldn't follow the exact events of fate go to a T. There's major discrepancies for that exact reason.

And ultimately, the means of Solomon's defeat don't matter in this story. Yes, his defeat is mentioned and gave way to all of this yadda yadda. But this narrative is about new characters, facing a new threat, learning new secrets along the way, with the players having some fun in the fate go universe. Nothing more, nothing less.They all know the basics of fate go, and none of them have brought this up; so I don't dwell on it and just continue working with the narrative most people seem to be enjoying. :P
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Everyone knew going in that this was a custom story, and wouldn't follow the exact events of fate go to a T. There's major discrepancies for that exact reason.

And ultimately, the means of Solomon's defeat don't matter in this story. Yes, his defeat is mentioned and gave way to all of this yadda yadda. But this narrative is about new characters, facing a new threat, learning new secrets along the way, with the players having some fun in the fate go universe. Nothing more, nothing less.They all know the basics of fate go, and none of them have brought this up; so I don't dwell on it and just continue working with the narrative most people seem to be enjoying. :P
Hey, you do you and no one will judge, I'm just wondering how people will react when that particular past's brought up. XD
Considering how Fate follows alot of alternate time routes and universes. I can't say it matters to me. As long as the basics of the universal rules are followed.
Honestly, three. Cowpoke Eliza, Rocker Eliza and Hippie Eliza. The back is supposed to have camping gear, but why do that when you can have a living, breathing, mobile dressing room?

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