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Fandom Fate F/F OOC

Got a really late start to work tomorrow so I'll try to get my post out then.
Its all good. I had some work stuff show up as well, so I'll be posting on Friday now.
I had decided earlier that Jake was going to book it to get out of the city, so he wasn't going to be anywhere near anyone else, and given what we would told about what happens if you try to leave I figured I would take advantage of that to throw him right into the plot hook that was given to us.
I feel like from the very start Sebastian has just been varying degrees of this
Yeah, Jake's kinda the same. I expect full blown panic form him soon with Caster apparently coming to visit, lol
lmfao I'm excited to meet other pcs so shit can just go haywire
Making a solo pow
Ok. What should I do next? I kinda waited for an interaction, but if I must, I'll just make another solo post
Making a solo post makes sense to me. I'd imagine either at the docks or on the way there you'll meet up with people. Jake at the very least is going to need saving I think, lol

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