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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC chat) - Chapter One

Yes, but it has one (compared to the other types of available rounds).  If Mario had fired a HEAT or APFSDS round, I would have thought "single-target only" and attempted to determine which.  =)
-Sherwood.  I appreciate your adding Mario bracing for the main gun shot in Battloid.  That saved me some trouble of having to write out what happens to VHTs that don't.   =)

Enjoy the new post.  I had fun writing it.  =)
-Sherwood.  I appreciate your adding Mario bracing for the main gun shot in Battloid.  That saved me some trouble of having to write out what happens to VHTs that don't.   =)

Enjoy the new post.  I had fun writing it.  =)

It is quality writing.  Makes me wonder just who that Valk pilot is!  Either way, I'm now in full tank mode engaging the lead Pod.
Indeed it is quality writing.  Dann, have you ever considered being a writer professionally?  You certainly have talent.
-Psychie.  The answer to that question is "yes" and I thank you deeply for your terrific compliment.  However, I do not see myself on that path. While the prizes are high, the chances for an unknown writer like myself to become both professional and self-sustaining in today's writing world are incredibly slim.  Even making the attempt would come at great sacrifice to my Real Life (including my marriage with Kaerri) and my gaming here at RpN, for I cannot do both while seriously trying out for a career at professional writing.  

Some of my favorite authors attribute their success to total luck.  Their manuscript just happened to be on the right publisher's desk at the right time.  I do not play such lotteries; I have already won once in my life against those incredible odds when I met Kaerri.  I do not think it likely for such fortune to come my way twice.

So instead, I prefer to remain a humble and private "writing hobbyist" here on RpN, taking on the adventurous challenges of writing at my leisure while sharing the results of that labor of love among good people such as yourselves.  Here, the prizes are more certain and the rewards just as heartfelt.  Best of all, I can cherish said prizes for years to come without any worry of whether or not I'm wasting my time.  For writing here in Rp Nation is always time well spent.  =) 
Well, amateur or professional, you are a skilled writer, and I'm looking forward to the formal game start up so we can all post. So, what is going to happen with Mario? Will he make it? You have got to post so we find out!  :D
Thanks, Psychie!  I am too.  I know what happens in the next segment of Mario's prologue, but I've been responding to Real Life and posting in my other games (lest I neglect them).  Let's see if I can get the whole scene written out before I have to hit the sack for work tomorrow...  =)
Well, I  suppose that I can wait for you to finish writing it up. Especially since is not even my character. Then there is the start up for Hercules we have to check out, along with Dark Wizard if he can get the time to join in.
Don't worry, my helpful friend.  Dann will have my next post up soon enough.
Wow.  You sure don't pull any punches, throwing a full dozen Pods at me.  Hopefully, I can hit the ego of the officer and have him face off with me, one on one, to get the Tactical Corps time to get out of there.
Ooooooh, Sherwood is talking smack to the Zentraedi! You are in serious need of some reinforcements or you'll be toast. Even at top speed, you can't outrun those pods.
While I don't doubt that Dann would kill Mario off if I did something stupid, I seriously doubt that he is planning on my demise. Let's just see how this plays out before we say goodbye to Mario.
@Sherwoodsez,  "[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]The initial attacking force is down three infantry and one Regult Pod, but reinforcements are underway."  Hey you.  Mario's statement is incorrect - there are three Regult pods (Mario's APFSDS round utterly obliterated one of the four).[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Also, Dann sez, referring to the three Malcontent foot soldiers, "[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Once again, their guns were [/COLOR]aimed at the school bus[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]now plain in their view."   I know there is a lot going on, but given that Mario was actively attempting to block all incoming shots toward that bus, I thought I would point this out a second time.  Remember that Mario has moved from his original defensive position and is currently not defending the school bus.  Feel free to edit your most recent post if you like.  If no edit is made, I will have to go solely with what is written now.   
,  "[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]The initial attacking force is down three infantry and one Regult Pod, but reinforcements are underway."  Hey you.  Mario's statement is incorrect - there are three Regult pods (Mario's APFSDS round utterly obliterated one of the four).[/COLOR]

I said that the three infantry and one pod were taken out; not that there were only those left.

I'll edit my post to show me blocking the shots.
-Sherwood.  I just read the changes to your post; thanks for making them.  I can only imagine the scene if we had continued with Mario in the wrong position and the bad guys shooting at the bus.  
That would have been a bad moment for me.  Thank you for pointing it out and letting me make the changes.
Oh, without a doubt, man!  I strongly felt that would have been a bad moment if the scene had gone as written.  As a fair-minded Game Master, I have to have lines like "my character is defending that bus" in there so I can back up the facts later.  

A large part of Player-Character action is intent.  Since we are not all sitting around a gaming table together (a pity, but that's how it is), I only have what each of you write to go on.  I also feel satisfied in knowing that defending the kids is not only what Mario was doing earlier, but doing so vehemently.  It is because of what you wrote in Mario's earlier posts that I feel fair in asking you what you wanted Mario to do now that the bus was under threat again (so that's good and clear roleplaying on your part).  
Yes, Mario plans on making sure every one of the people on that bus gets away by buying enough time for them to get  away.  Somehow.  My gamble of challenging the Officer Pod to a fight might just backfire, but I'm grasping at straws at the moment.  Even the most optimistic viewpoint tells me that there is no way for my tank to be able to take on everything out there with any hope of success, and running is not a valid option, either.  The top running speed of a Battle Pod is 175, and the best I can get in my tank is 100 in Transport Mode.  I have to buy time for backup to arrive, or the Zentraedi can just hunt down the Tactical Corps dudes with the bus and make my whole effort here moot.
I do so love to see PCs think.  =)
How long have you been a Masamune Shirow fan, Psychie, and what is your favorite work of his? =)

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