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Fantasy Farewell to Kings: Pilgrimage of Roses

Alister smelled the tea. It smelled hot but not that unappetizing. He took a sip the bitterness send a chill of disgust down his spine. "Eh. I think I'd rather be sore. Do we have a sugar?"

Alistair thought of the dream
It still made him uneasy but it was just a dream none the less. No need to bring it up.after all dreams aren't real
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Isaac poured himself his own cup and scowled at Alister. "There wont be any sugar on the pilgrimage." He took a sip and grimaced. He had a slight change of heart, and opened a jar of blueberries.
"I know you said yesterday that you wouldn't bring anything but the clothes on your back, but I'm curious if you'll bring prayer beads with you? Mitra's faith will be channeled through them and you like a conduit."
Alistair smirked as isaac added the blueberries. "Yes I'll take some beads.ci think they will be important for my journey as well as my meditation. This journey is to bring me as well as the world closer to mitra. It was nice that a lot of people showed up after the church was rebuilt but it wont last. Pretty soon mass will be empty again."
Sir Isaac threw back the glass in one gulp just to get it over with. He sighed and wiped his mouth with a cloth.
“Yes, it may happen that way. The high order believes it’s happening because of a lack of vampires to slay. We have hunted them to near extinction. My grandfather, Sir Isaac the first, was one of the paladins who brought an end to that bloody regime. I don’t believe the high order is correct in that observation. We have plenty of enemies to this day. I think you are right, that we are lacking inspiration. The church has stagnated. We are complacent and growing fat from immobility. I’m sure you know better than anyone since you’d have a closer ear to what the young people are saying.”
This discussion had made Isaac appear downcast. He felt responsible for these problems the church faced. As a paladin he was meant to be a beacon of hope and strength for their people. He felt like his light was waning.

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