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Fantasy Farewell to Kings: Elide’s Tale

She sniffed and wiped her eyes with the palm of her hands. "Y-Yes, thank you for listening...I needed to tell someone" She offered him a weak smile before staring back down at the ground.
Elide began to re-wrap her eye in silence.
Bart looked on her as he stood up to clean up their refuse. He thought about helping her by gently wrapping the linen around her head. With his big dumb hands, he also thought, he’d probably poke her in the eye or do a bad job. Instead of bothering, he buried the trash under a pile of leaves and went to ready his horse again.
“Ellie, come meet my horse. Say hello to Ladybug.” He brushed her with his hands.“We should consider getting you a horse or something to ride. I’m going to take you somewhere I think you’ll like to go. A city called Dominion. They lie northeast past the mountains.” He was making this up on the spot, but he seemed convincing enough to sound as if a trip to Dominion was on the list of ventures. Everyone goes to Dominion. It’s the capital city of Paladina. Home of the Deacons of Mitra. There she would be safe.
"It sounds nice," She said softly as she pushed herself to her feet.
She brushed pants off with her hands before joining him by Ladybug. She gently ran her hand over her snout with a smile. "Will you come too?" She asked him softly.
He pulled a turnip out of his backpack and fed it to Ladybug.
“Of course. I wouldn’t throw someone into a city and say best of luck to ya. I plan on getting ripshit drunk with monks. I’ll need someone I trust to put me in a hay pile to sleep it off” He cackled. He gave Elide a turnip and went to saddle Lady again.

just then, a cackle that didn’t sound like Bart’s came from the bushes. Goblins were nearby!
-a short bloody battle later-
Bart, covered in purple stains, looked above the shrubs and saw a small cave.
“We’re very close. I can see the hole they’re coming from. Follow closely, and don’t let them get behind you.”
"Blech- I smell like goblin shit" She gagged, the dark purple blood, staining her hair. "Once we deal with this let's stop at a river or a bathhouse." Eli laughed as she followed him into the cave. She unleashed her whips, gripping them tightly with a grin.
Bart grinned. Both sounded terrific. He dragged his hunk of raw steel into the cave and used it to clobber a bunch of purple little monsters.

The fights went very well. The idiot goblins tried fighting with weapons bigger than them and were hilariously ill prepared for the assault. Bart took a couple light hits and a sickle to the back.

Once the cave was clear he hunched over, bleeding with the sickle inside him. “Pull it out, please!” He begged.
"Oh my god. Okay uh- let me- um-" She helped him to his knees as she stood over him.
Elide wrapped her hands around the handle, holding him still with her leg. "This is going to hurt- I'm sorry in advance."
In one quick yank, the sickle was free. Elide gently pressed a hand to his back, trying to use her magic to numb the pain he was experiencing.
Bart grunted sharply and trembled. He fought like hell not to let it effect him . Her magical healing was a big help. He rose and looked into the cave.
There-ugh, should be a chest with prizes inside somewhere. Goblins love to hide gold and valuables. Also, we ought to collect the tools and return them to the farmers.”

He started groping around the cave for hidden treasure. He looked for loose dirt or piles of rocks they could hide things under.
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She joined him in the cave, prodding several spots with her feet. It would've greatly helped if goblins were the least bit organized. Elide sighed and continued her search.
Elide felt a soft patch of dirt while she was searching. It was in the wall, near a dwarf-sized statue made of dried mud. He had seashells in his eyes and a smile made of pine needles. He wore a leafy patchwork cloak around himself. The statue, unlike the farm, was not defiled in any way.

Pushing harder, Eli would feel the soft earth cave in, revealing a tunnel big enough for herself unarmed. Her armor might get in the way too, but she knew she'd fit if she wasn't wearing it.

Bart pulled a small locket box out of the ground. Inside he found a few purple jewels and a silver locket. He slipped it into his pocket without saying anything.
"Hey- I found something." Elide called while kneeling to examine the hole.
"I think I might be able to fit, that is without my armor." She glanced into the dark hole
Bart turned and nodded. Among the farmer tools was a shovel. "You wannna dig your way in? Or I could do it and get us both in."

"I don't know how many goblins are outside, or when they will return. You'll have to hold them off until I finish digging."

Elide had two immediate options. Unequip armor and go in or dig your way in. The option with a touch of danger would ensure they both get through the tunnel.
"I'll give 'em hell" She chuckled as she removed her armor.
She felt a little exposed but quickly ducked into the tunnel. She slowly began to move forward through the darkness.
Without armor, she wore wool coveralls. It was the best way to eliminate rashes and sores from wearing armor. The tunnel was fairly trivial, pushing straight ahead and emerging on a hard stone floor.

The stones formed a half circle around a pool of crystal-colored water. On an altar sat a short sword. The blade had a vein of azure crystals running around the base and up the sides.

The waters flowed through a deeper cave devoid of light. The air was cool and still.

"Young Lady... do you hear me?" A feminine voice spoke to Eli. It was coming from the altar. Suddenly, a phantom behind the altar appeared! It gripped the sword in its right hand and phased through the column of sandstone.

"What is darker than night?" the phantom asked as it drifted closer towards Eli.
She stared in amazement at the large columns, a bit of panic flashing through her at the sight of the phantom. The question confused her.
"Darker than night? I don't believe I understand,"

She screamed, her connection to the aether whipping out in answer to her fear. Darkness shrouded the cave as a figure the color of blood arose from Eli's limp body. The figure howled at the phantom.
(A large humanoid figure that will traditionally shape itself to the victim's worst fears. I found an image that kind of captures the idea I was going for-)jBmGq9u.jpg
The phantom was immune to fear, but the apparition that Eli conjured could attack the phantom. Its fearsome maw opened up and claimed the phantom's throat. The phantom dropped the sword on the ground and started grappling with the bloody figure.

"What is darker than night?" The sword landed a foot from her and seemed to be speaking to her directly.

"Ellie, are you alright! Gods, they came in full force!" Bart roared and swung his sword, battling many goblins at once.

"Man rises with the sun. What is darker than night?"
Elide forced herself to her feet, her arms twitching as the figure fought against the phantom. She wrapped her hand around the blade, before lunging at the phantom.
The metal did not connect with the phantom, but the vein of azure did, and started glowing brightly as it passed through. The phantom cried in a pained howl and dissipated. While it became steam the face of it took shape, and resembled a friendly, motherly expression.

The ghost vanished, as did the bloody figure once the battle ended.

"Wrong. Try again, dear. The answer is a lot simpler than you think." The voice sounded calm, but was heckling her slightly.

The sounds of violence through the walls continued. An inhuman roar came from Bart,followed by smashing and goblin screams. After, the air was quiet enough to hear water dripping.
She let out a whimper and collapsed to the ground, blood trickling from her mouth.
"I-I don't know what you want from me" She yelped
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as the bloodied figure slowly appeared once again. It leaped towards the nearest goblin, nearly tearing it in half, roaring a cry of victory.

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