Fantasy Vs. Science Fiction

It can actually be pinpointed to "anything which lacks a connection with basic scientific beliefs or any scientific basis". 

So is "Star Wars" fantasy because of The Force?
At the end of the scientific aspects are simply means used by the ones in power to do their job and it's sci-fi for most of them. But to us who follow the main driving force that is the Jedi and Sith. We know they are an order of 'magical space Knights'.

Their light sabers came later. They are what u think would happen given enough time were to pass in a fantasy world.

hope that's clearer. Tbh though I'm deprecating scifi and fantasy on much the same criteria as is followed on this site and any other.

sci-fi - grounded in the limits of science and something that 'tries'(may fail) to explain itself.

fantasy - magical, explained on further magic terms.

you can argue me on this @Captain Gensokyo as is your right but I'm pretty sure you know why fantasy and scifi books have their own sections. xD  

whoever is reading can reply to @Idea last point of discussion
@The Departure Same thing as Capt. G. applies to you dude.

Topic : in modern times 

I think if you mean which is better received by the people I'd say it'd have to be as if this date sc-fi.

case and point 'Stranger things' a new tv show, marvel and dc with space travel to alien worlds.

Nothing off late has hit the screens with the same impact of Harry Potter.

I'm considering the first leg (1st six months) of 2016 as my sample set.

New topic : portrayal of social issues (pertinent example would be nice)
Fantasy, I mean, I don't recall scifi having any of those...

new category: in modern times

I do know of one franchise.

The Mandalorians do have a right of passage called the Verd'goten.'goten
Probably Science Fiction. There're way more time travel stories in that genre, anyway. 

New Topic: Reality Warpers
Science fiction because there's a better explanation.

Topic: Intakilling
@KAmber Please provide actual reasons beyond nothing and 

Science fiction because there's a better explanation.

Or I'm going to assume you're doing this with intent to annoy. I've clearly stated in the rules already that even if someone does not counter you, the justification has to be there.

Your previous answer I therefore ignore.

@Captain Gensokyo If we consider things that can bend the fabric of reality it's usually Fantasy with god-like elements or you can find the existence of things that literally break the laws of physics thereby meeting the requirement of reality warping.

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