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Fantasy Fantasy story (no more to join... For now but I don't mind spectators)


Rift had been on the road for the better part of the day when she came across the old fort. Not only did she find two others there, but as night was falling, she had spent the night. She couldn't even remember the names of the two, but they have been welcoming enough.

Now, as morning crested the horizon, Rift awoke, shivering in the cold atmosphere of morning. She had laid out a small camp for herself, consisting of a blanket to lie on, and her supplies surrounding her. She noticed that the other human was awake, so she sat and rubbed her eyes. "G'morning," she mumbled.

Koalacorn Koalacorn
Ikasia is a female human, standing 1,72 meters in height. Her build is sporty and slender. Ikasia has pale skin and her shoulder-long hair is pure white as well. It is straight, not the slightest curl shows. It covers her right eye and has a red ribbon on the left side. Her left eye is of strong green color. Nobody has ever seen her right eye. It is red, literally crimson. Ikasia can usually found wearing a white kimono. It is reaching to her knees and covering to her elbows. It further has a red rose drawn on the back. She wears cloth shoes, that cover up to her ankles. Ikasia has a big burn mark on her left wrist, that, with a little fantasy, looks like a tarantula.

Ikasia carries two swords. One on her hip and one on her back. The one on her hip is carried on the right side, so she can easily draw it with her left hand. The one on the back is carried parrallel to her spine, straight downwards.

I will start with Masayoshi, the sword she carries on her hip. Masayoshi is a straightsword of 80cm blade length. It is 100cm in complete length. Only one side of the blade is a cutting edge. Masayoshiยดs blade, crossguard and handle are black and without decoration, but the cutting edge is strongly green. Masayoshi is purposed for one-handed use.

The second blade, on her back, is a straightsword. It is named Fukushu. There are no reported cases where Fukushu has been used by Ikasia yet. Fukushu has a blade length of 90cm. Itยดs complete length is 105cm. The handle is wrapped in black leather and is decorated with a black skull with red eyes for a knob. The crossguard is slightly bend, forming like a wave. Both ends of it are round, with a red spider engraved into the black metal. The blade itself is red. It is double-edged, meaning both sides of the blade are sharp enough to cut. The end is the typical pointy end of a straightsword. On both sides of the blade, runic engravements form a word. The language however is unknown.
The sheath of Fukushu is just as crimson as its blade. It has black outlines and the same black runes on it, just like the blade.
Revenge.png (yes i drew that myself and those actually spell a word in a language i made up,)
Ikasia had not slept at all. She was sitting in a corner, staring at the plain grassland before her. She heard the other two getting up. But she ignored them, for now. When one of them wished a good morning, Ikasia turned around to give the girl a nod.
Rift began to tie her things together, rummaging in a small pack and bringing out a small, hard fruit. She took a bite of it, then wiped off the juice that dripped down her chin. "Sorry if I missed proper introductions last night." She stood, then bowed from the waist. "I'm Rift. Pleasure."

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof

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