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Fantasy Fantasy realism/steampunk industrial revolution era rp

[SIZE= 16px]Early ideas[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Hello RPN. I have begun mentally constructing an idea for a role-play on a fantasy world. This roleplay would be based around an empirical, colonial age civilization that is globalizing and working through the middle of their own industrial revolution. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Steam and coal power are taking off, electricity has been discovered, but not much has been done with it, and a recent discovery of a strange, other worldly electrical technology has developed a new breed of soldier, the technomancer. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]This world would likely have maximum of three races, it would be very class stratified and full of old monarchies, new money oligarchies, and the masses being exploited across the landscape. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Think of the middle 1700's and early 1800's. An age where the world was getting bigger every day, exciting new discoveries are the talk everywhere in the civilized world. New, mysterious landscapes are being discovered, along with new peoples and new cultures. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Trade is booming and the ancient ways of governing are starting to fall apart. A new, civilized breed of people is emerging under an age of enlightening ideas and social progression. Revolutions are happening all across the world, people are fighting for their rights under charismatic new leadership, while old regimes attempt to solidify their power and stick to the old ways of living.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Also consider Europe just before WWI, international relations were a web of subterfuge and secret alliances, every international conflict threatened to teeter the balance of power and drag most of the world into armed conflict.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]How I want players to contribute[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]I want players to be able to fill out the world, sure, I will be creating the map and the initial kingdoms, but the world is a big place, many small and large duchies, republics, democracies, city-states, and nations dot the landscape. The players will be able to create ideas for submission to me, then we will work together to make it fit the world and then become part of the canon lore. I am still in decision as to whether this will be a macro or micro scale rp. That is, will the players be world leaders, making decisions for their nations, or will we do separate chapters of narratives about small groups in certain parts of the world? Input is appreciated, tell me what you like if you're interested.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Narrative and combat exp based leveling?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The GM (me) would keep track of well written and true-to-character roleplaying experiences, as well as successful dice actions or combat scenarios and tally up the experience of each character on a separate note document. When a character reaches an unknown amount of EXP, they will be allowed to choose from three (or more) perks that the GM creates personally for that character. This could be an additional skill, a chance to reroll a dice of a certain skill, new equipment proficiency, etc.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]A narrative dice system?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]So balance is key in any roleplay. I like roleplays without dice, don't get me wrong, but I also recognize the balance dice can bring, as well as the ability to force players (and characters) out of their comfort zone. I don't want to create a whole cumbersome system for deciding dice rolling, however. My idea is a GM controlled subjective dice system. For instance, you may want to perform some action in the roleplay. Based on your character's description, experience, latent abilities, and the abilities of the person you're trying to perform the action on, the GM will decide what the requirement for success will be, as well as any bonuses your character would receive to performing an action. For example:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Big tough warrior goon wants to sneak by veteran patrolman I. Because veteran patrolman I is a veteran, the difficulty of the roll is a 13/20 or higher. Because the person sneaking is a big tough warrior goon, he suffers a -3 to his sneak roll.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The GM will control NPC actions, unless otherwise stated. I would also give certain NPC's rolls. If npc mercenary I is attacking a player made thief, I would consider the npc's skill level, and the dodge chance of the player character, then make the difficulty of the roll and associated bonuses/penalties from there.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]This is basically the GM using their knowledge of the universe and the characters involved to determine how likely the success chance would be, then the dice add an element of balance and randomness to actions. This is not mean to be overbearing, or to favor certain players over others, it's just meant to make sure nobody always succeeds in what they set out to do.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Micro ideas (tbc)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The players are part of a revolutionary group in one of the more unstable, but traditionally powerful countries. They have recently received the backing of certain affluent nobles that will fund their cause, on the condition that they do not remove that noble or their aristocrat friends from power once they take over. The group is still a small revolutionary cell, but their boldness and success in the recent past has made them well known and well feared across the nation. The group struggles with the idea of overthrowing a government, only to allow many of the people that were in power, perpetuating the system in the first place, to continue to operate unhindered. Is it okay to associate with an evil for a prevailing good? The cell will likely have a small group of charismatic leaders who are also expert spies/military leaders. The leaders will be largely group minded in decision making, but there will be one or two very influential people who are also the face of the revolution. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The players are an elite group of field agents for one nation that are performing reconnaissance in another kingdom/republic. they frequently send encoded reports back to their home nation via carrier pigeon. They receive orders from local agents using changing dead drops. The group gets new tasks from the government every so often that include, recon, sabotage, assassination (legendary difficulty), and even participating in estate auctions. The group acts as a jack-of-all trades agency to perform whatever sneaky deed their government needs doing.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Lore[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]If this rp gains interest, I plan on doing full lore on every nation, including history, culture, geography, and economy, as well as what people from other countries would know, or think about each nation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Nation ideas (tbc)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Merchant republic[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]A merchant controlled nation that arises from the ashes of a dictatorship. Essentially the wealthy people of this nation weren't kept happy by the dictator, so they funded the poor to overthrow him, then took power for themselves. They rule like to board of directors for a company, except one qualified noble per year is selected by lottery to be the 'ceo' of the nation, the face of the company and final decision maker if you will. Because the country's power is so determined by wealth, even the CEO would be limited to decision approved by other powerful nobles, influence is everything in this nation. The middle class would consists of foremen, burghers, management, and highly skilled craftsmen. Because this system is slightly meritocratic, women have the chance to be as powerful as men, though the idea is still new and it isn't a social norm for women to have property or to be independent from men. the majority of people would be poor laborers or simple craftspeople. Though this wouldn't be an overly large part of the population, it would still be the majority, as education is mostly reserved for those with money, and the economic system is established to benefit the rich and keep the poor in poverty. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]New World Tribes[/SIZE]
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Depending on how detailed this is, and how frequently posts are expected, I might be able to squeeze this into my RP schedule.  Maybe.
Let me know what the races are when you have a solid idea, I'm hyped to start creating
I am interested, but I might not be replying as frequent the following days. Is there still a spot and would that be fine?
There are still like a billion slots and yeah I probably won't make this for awhile. I need rp'ers in order to have motivation to work on it. So one idea for a race besides humans is the kobold. I'm trying to think of industrious, exploitable races that can act as oppressed minorities. Because we all know the industrial revolution was pro oppression for $$. Kobolds would be highly resilient, generally low intelligence, cunning, sneaky, crude creatures. Some of them could attain higher intelligence, but with their status that is highly unlikely. They'd be used as manual laborers, miners, dock workers, or farmers.

If you know about the fallen london website, they had clay men (like golem) to fill in that role. They don't speak that much (in my impression) and live in their secret quarter. People hire them for labour. Thought that was interesting.

Also, a race that obtain high status and secretive would be fun as well. If you wish to add diversity. 
Typically golems are perceived as controlled by a mage, or created by some sort of psuedo magic technology, I'd prefer to keep those connotations out of this world, as I want it to stick to realistic progression as much as possible. No magic, alternate timeline; steam tech maybe, and the very rare, very new and unstable technomancers which I'm still deciding on.
I'm not exactly interested , seeing as how I'm a Star Wars sort of person and barely know anything about steampunk. Sorry , mate. 

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