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“Fuck you that’s what, maybe if you hadn’t gone against yo daddy I wouldn’t be all bony” abigor said telepathicly
Abigor gets up and starts throwing boxes like a toddler “MAYBE IF THEY HADNT BETRAYED ME I WOULDNT HAVE GOTTEN SO ANGRY!”
Jack looks to razor “I’ll die but I think he said he’ll bring me back to life then send me to hell basically, I want really listening to him after he started yelling at me” he looks to abigor “hey it’s alright man shit happens, you didn’t mean to do it, that’s why we’re working on your anger it’s getting better” he puts his hands on his shoulders

Gabriel117 Gabriel117
Abigor punches jack in the dick “ Oops sorry” he puts his hands on his hips and gets a dumb sounding voice “ DiDnT mEaN tO dO tHaT eItHeR” and hobbles off
Jack falls to his knees “damit abigor ... thought we talked about this” after a minute jack gets up “sorry about that razor, he gets very emotional when I bring that up”

AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983
Yup, I heard nothing but his jaw moving against his cheekbone and his teeth connecting”, Razor is still thinking about Abigor not being fully dead.

The twins pull out white boards “we could amplify his movements with high speed hydrolics and jet propelled wings for quicker transportation but considering he has no brain or nerves the necromancer would have no power over him, considering his previous reaction time, the suit would amplify that also making him almost as fast as razor with minimal power” drawing all the plans on the white board” we could use his old power to amplify the suit further putting him back to 95% power, but with lasers.”
“Huh will I guess that would make sense with some of the looks I get from people “ jack said and turns to the twins watching them write everything on the white board “I love it get to work on it and when crows done with the watch see if he wants to help you guys”

Gabriel117 Gabriel117 AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983
The twins look at each other “it’s already done, we felt bad for abigor so we already made the suit”
The twins look to razor “yes we already equipped it at the helm” turning to jack “we used imobiuses boat to go get the supplies and the suit is anchored next to the city of glass also previously known as ‘New York’

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