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Fantasy Fantasy pirates is dead

"No, I'm good. I have something tae ask of ye, actually. I was wondering if ye could uh, grab a couple things from the bottom of the ocean. One's a blade, the other's a hilt"
Elinnor yawned and walked up to the top deck stretching. She saw the bodies of her crew everywhere and all the new people and froze "well fuck. What the hell did i miss out on?" She shrugged and walked through the middle stepping over limbs to get to the kitchen and have something to eat.
Ranger walks over to Elinnor and attempts to explain everything using hand signals

“I didn’t know you were dating someone. If I did I wouldn’t have done this. I’ve ruined relationships before and it isn’t good.” Joan states

“I’ll make sure to do so”, Skylar grins
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Elinnor puts her hands on her hips and trys to decipher what he was saying "Ok. Um. New people, death, Barber family dead? Well shit. We are apart of their crew now? I mean i'll go wherever. Im not fussed but holy fuck. I guess I did miss alot." She shrugged and walked to the kitchen, she looks behind her at Ranger "you can come with if you want. I'll make you some Soup"
Hailey gets up and looks Joan in the eyes “hey you won’t ruin this one, he knows I like women, and he knows I can’t control myself when they get naked in front of me, you don’t have to worry about ruining our relationship”

“Ok just so I don’t do anything stupid you better not need anything sexual, I’m a taken man” jack stated
Ranger follows, he wasn’t used to getting food directly from the cook. His maid usually gave it to him. He never really thought about where it came from. He shrugs and sits down in the kitchen.

Joan sighs, “even if you don’t think I will get in the way, I will. Trust me. If it’s not from you, it will be him.”

“Aww, that’s too bad”, Skylar says with a frown, “Are there any other single guys besides my brother?”, she looks to Razor who is still stabbing
She walks into the kitchen and looks around. She flicks her hand and some cupboard open up and ingredients come out. she Hums and starts making soup. As shes letting the soup boil and cook together she pours herself a big glass of rum and sits next to Ranger. "Can you eat it yourself or do you need a straw or something?"
Hailey looks sad “but I really like you, I know we just met but ...” Hailey stoped talking because she knew it wouldn’t work

Jack thinks for a moment “nope sorry no men, but we do have a very horny vampire female if your interested”
Ranger’s eyes opened wide, he didn’t think there were any magic users on the ship. She must not have shown anyone before. He points at the things flaying across the room.

“I’m sorry”, she puts her hand on Hailey’s shoulder. She walks away and grabs some clothes from the pile she stole, “why are there so may of them with wing holes???”

“Sorry, but I want to be a mother before I get too old. I’m already getting really close to the limit.”, Skylar smirks
Elinnor laughed "oh yeah. I hadnt actually done this around people before." she pointed to her horns looking at rangers startled expression "i thought it was obvious i wasnt human"
Hailey walks over to Joan “can you take me to my clothes, please” she said still sad

“If your feeeling old, I may ha e something for That but it’s a far trip from here, if your up for it we can go” jack said
“That sounds like a good idea”, Skylar stops, “so um, quick question, which ship are we gonna use?”

“They are in the same spot that they were in when I tried to give them to you earlier.”, Joan pointed to them

Ranger shrugs. He winces as he slowly removes his mask
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Elinnor smiles sweetly at Ranger and looks at his disfigured jaw, she turned around and got him some soup in a cup and gently blew on it cooling it down just enough so it wouldnt burn him. "so how do you wanna do this? do you want me to just pour it in your mouth or do you want a straw?"
Ranger holds his hand out to accept the cup, normally he could eat liquid foods on his own. Solid foods were the hard part
She gives him the cup smiling and sits down on the table next to him and drinks some rum looking at the kitchen door. "i wonder who those new people are.." she mumbled to herself.
Ranger shrugs, he tried to keep out of the situation the best that he could after doing what he was supposed to do
she laughed looking at him "has anyone spoken to you? or did you just kill them and walk away?" she starts to kick her feet under the table fidgiting in her spot.
She nods finishing her rum. She stretches and hops of the table "welp! i hope you enjoyed your soup, i know i enjoyed my rum. But I must be off to go do some other shit." she smiles and waves good bye to ranger "it was nice chatting with you. If you want any more soup its just in the pot" she left the room and went to go wander the ship in search of something to do.
MacToff slowly walks away from Abigor. "Think on it, tell me later" he walks over to Hailey. "Ready tae get back to a stable ship?"
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“My old one before the other one was made” jack says

“I don’t know this ship very well can you take me” hailey looks at mactoff and smiles and hugs him “your not half a person anymore”

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