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Fantasy Fantasy pirates is dead

Jack sees razor cut him and Martin “Well fuck kill your own father I’m out of here” jack walks over to Skylar “hey I need my bong back”
MacToff stops and turns around. He lets out a scream of hatred and rage and rushes Thomas, barking and growling like a madman
Razor reapeatedly stabs Martin even though Martin is already dead.

Joan takes Hailey to the midst of the battle and they start making out

Thomas swings the back of his staff forward hitting MacToff to the side, “I’ve dealt with much worse, Bitch”

Skylar looks to Abigor, “I got sick of the Captain- my father’s shit.”, she’s tosses the pouch to Jack, “good luck putting it back together.

Onyx looks to Primrose, “why won’t you speak?”

Ebony tries to hide behind Jack

EvelynX31 EvelynX31
Abigor picks up a knife and silently walks up behind Thomas and stabs him in the back of the knee severing the Achilles’ tendon and twisting popping the knee cap out “there we go” and walks off
Skylar gets up, “Razor? Is that what Samuel goes by now?”

Thomas screams

Ebony hugs Jack close

The girls continue doing even kinkier stuff
MacToff gets back up with a gash across his face. He spits "So have I" he grabs the scythe and starts battling with Thomas for it
Thomas headbutts Mactoff and knees him in the balls. He then stands using one leg feeling excoriating pain from the other.

“What’s the question?”, Skylar brushes herself off

Razor’s picks up his fathers sword and starts slicing him with it
MacToff howls and falls over briefly, then gets back up and proceeds to battle Thomas for the scythe. He kicks the good leg out from under him
Thomas pulls himself and hangs from the sythe and pitifully tries to punch MacToff.

“Promise me that you won’t hurt the rest of my family either.” She turns to Thomas, “except him, he is struggling to survive at this point.”
Thomas falls to the ground on his bum leg. He gets paralyzed by pain.

“My brother Ranger, and my sister Joan”, she points to the two, “and while you are at it, it would probably be a good idea to spare the other crew members while you are at it. While I was on your ship I noticed that there’s weren’t very many people. Most of the rooms were empty.”
Thomas dies

Joan looks to MacToff, “So, Who isn’t that guy?”

Razor’s stabs get slower. His breathing more heavy.
Hailey looks over “oh that’s my boyfriend”

Jack nods “there all welcome to on my ship, and none of them will get hurt by my order or me”
Thomas’s soul starts poking MacToff, “Hey Asshole! Why am I still here and what the Fuck are you doing!?!”

Joan gets up, “Nope!”

Skylar smiles, “Thank you Jack”
Abigor pulls the chest cavity out from under mactoff and takes a bite of the ribs bones and all and looks at Thomas’s soul“MMMMMM RIBS”
MacToff shouts one final time and slowly gets up out of the puddle that was Thomas. He looks at Abigor. "The fuck?"

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