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Nation Building Fantasy of Gods

AliceB said:
<~> I must have forgot to ask for the gods blessing and such, like crime and unemployment and everything bad was going down and the GDP was going up so it was really annoying to be murdered when things were looking so up. Next time I will call Zeus.
That's why I play Smite instead.
Hunnyhelp said:
I new that Greece is impossible to fix!
Smite :

Where you could have Zeus, Ra, Odin, Kali, and Hou Yi fighting Ah Puch, Anubis, Thanatos, Neith, and Vulcan.
AliceB said:
Oh i am sorry <~>
^~^ lets make a game of thrones roleplay nation building thing
I don't watch GoT. I prefer LoTR. But GoT will be fandom not nation building...
I had an idea for a dragon nation RP. Where everyone's a dragon giving birth and having children and each time you eat a human you gain points to hatch an egg and have more baby dragons.
Nation building is anything that involves nation building. Nation is a large group of people, any RP where you control a group of people is nation building.
Hunnyhelp said:
Oh ok.
The thing is this is more like a fantasy between gods than a nationbuilding
Technically it is Nation Building, considering we're shaping the world if we want, and considering the Lore RP.
Well this thread is dead.

[QUOTE="Dark Severus]Well this thread is dead.

But I will be able to type a response don't kill it yet...
Hunnyhelp said:
But I will be able to type a response don't kill it yet...
Kill it ?




ROTFLSHMSFOAIDMT = Rolling on the floor laughing so hard my sombrero falls off and I drop my taco.
[QUOTE="Guilded Clover]I'm still here though. I just wont be on as often as I was during my summer break.

My arm's gone.
It's been more than one month since anybody actually used this thread...

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