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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Castiel walked into Aerobus's dorm, probably about to do the stupidest thing ever. He found the god asleep on the couch so he tried to plunge the knife into his neck, only to be grabbed on the wrist. Aerobus turned over. "Bad mistake." He smiled without emotion and pulled a knife from under a pillow and stabbing Cas. The archangel fell to the ground. "How....how can you hurt me?" He asked. Aerobus tilted his head. "I temporarily erase the time period in which you gained omnipotence, so I can hurt you." He sat back down on the couch as Cas grabbed his wound.
"as far as i know she just broke up with me..." i sat up. "im Marth Flames. glad to meet you. and if she did not, mind telling her i have fresh human blood here for her?" i yawned. "OH and what ways do you mean?" i questioned
(I'm free now if anyone needs someone to interact with uvu)
"Nice to meet you Marth I might just tell her that" William sighed "What do you mean by that I'm her slave she uses me for whatever she wants........Mainly blood....."
"well thats my job now. and what ways of touching her do you mean?" i inquired. "your to scrawny to hurt me. by scrawny i mean in fighting skills and overall strength. you would do well against other humans though."

Angel screamed and busted into the room and tackled Aerobus and began punching him "why are you hurting him i thought you guys were friends" she yelled as she punched him.
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Han nodded. "Yeah, you're right." He pulled out his phone and texted Ansom to hurry back to the dorm. "He should be here any minute." He smiled.
Elizabeth smiles. "Good, we'll start when he gets here!" She says. She was in a good mood today, which had been a rather rare thing for her lately.
"I did indeed grow up here." Roman said as he walked with Moriko. "The park is just right thid way." He said pointing east. "Just a few more feet is all." Roman added.

@Nonalaka laka
William laughed "By harming her or any other means" *Wink Wink* William created an Icicle bigger than the boys body "That's how I can harm you" He broke the Icicle "But we should be good for now" He laughed
Sweetone said:
Angel screamed and busted into the room and tackled Aerobus and began punching him "why are you hurting him i thought you guys were friends" she yelled as she punched him.
Aerobus disappeared and reappeared behind the girl. "Friends? Do not make me laugh." He removed gravity underneath the girl, causing her to slam into the ceiling.
William smiled as the presence of the Dragon God inside of Al could be felt William laughed "If you kill me you have to face that" The presence vanished "WHAT DO YOU MEAN PREGNANT!!!" William got angry "Not for a long while huh that means that you are not saying never!"

(Anyone wanna join my friends Attack on Titan RP?)
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Aerobus disappeared and reappeared behind the girl. "Friends? Do not make me laugh." He removed gravity underneath the girl, causing her to slam into the ceiling.
She growled at him and made her wings come out, "why are you being so mean you jerk" she said and used her power to make him drown on his own water thats in his body.
"oh trust me. we will outlive you. so we can take our time." i laughed again. "if we felt like it we could do it now and never tell ya. or on your deathbed announce she's expecting." i laughed hysterically "i think im gonna have to move outta this place and use it as a retreat. i look like a hobo here. cant look shitty when you got a girlfriend!"
"That's nice ~, have you travelled to other countries much?" Just as she said that they arrived at the park, it was lit up beautifully, a big smile crossed the young girls face, her hair flowers glowing a bright pink. "Ah, this place is so pretty!!" She said as she walked ahead, almost skipping, as she looked all around her.

Roman jogged after Moriko, "I did travel a bit, Europe, Haiwaii. Places like that, mainly for my dad's work." He explained as he ran behind Moriko. "Have you ever traveled?" He asked her. Roman was enjoying himself, he was glad he had made a friend. One that is normal atleast.

AsongOfIceandFire said:
"Yeah." Ansom moved closer to Ciella. "I am super okay with it." He chuckled and moved so close that their shoulders were pressed against each other. "What is your name?" He asked.
*Ciella then started to blush a bit and she leaned a little away from Ansom so their shoulders were a centimeter apart*

''my name is ciella...''
"Ah, Hawaii sounds amazing! ~ so peaceful and whatnot" she twirl led on her heal a bit. She then stopped and turned to him shaking her head "Never" she chuckled a little "its unfortunate, but hopefully when I'm older, I'll travel loads of places!"

Perhaps this was a mistake. Leon sighed as he stepped out of the taxi. He was glad to leave the sanitarium, but was this the way? He tried avoiding predicting the future and strode forward. No use avoiding destiny, he thought.
AsongOfIceandFire said:
"Ciella huh?" Ansom chuckled. "Interesting. So, are you into girls...or boys....or both?" He asked leaning closer. "If you were into boys, well..." He winked.
Aerobus snapped his fingers, causing the water in his body to disappear and be replaced with fresh water. He took a deep breath. "Mind your own business, bitch. I don't need some harlot bothering me." He said with a snarl.

*As Ansom leaned closer she then started to lean away from him still keeping their shoulders in 2 centimeters distance to the point she had to put one arm on couch to stop her from falling over*

''i-im in to both...th-thats why i saw Serenity as a good target...''
"kid? im much older then you! and yea i am. i hope she stops by again. the blood wont be fresh soon." i felt awsome messing with the kid. it was fun joking around for once.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*As Ansom leaned closer she then started to lean away from him still keeping their shoulders in 2 centimeters distance to the point she had to put one arm on couch to stop her from falling over*
''i-im in to both...th-thats why i saw Serenity as a good target...''

"Very interesting. Very interesting indeed." Ansom smiled and stood up from the couch, moving away from the girl. "Well then....Ciella. My sister isn't into girls....at least as far as I know." He looked over at Serenity, whom nodded her head. "See? You wouldn't get anywhere with her." He smiled and stood directly in front of Ciella, leaning down.
Falim walked away from the girl she was hungry for blood she tracked the scent of William and walked over to him she saw the boy Falim spoke "Hi there" She said plainly
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