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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom frowned. "What are these....video games?" Ansom asked, having never heard of such a thing. "Do they taste good? Do they make you, as you sy, drunk?"
Elizabeth shakes her head. "No, they are games, just virtual instead of physical. And they definitely do not taste good."
(Oh, okay ;u; Hmm, last thing I remember is that ansom left?, and moriko just sat there drinking her soda and waiting for his return. Or something.... do you want to continue?)

AriaTheWatcher said:
Elizabeth shakes her head. "No, they are games, just virtual instead of physical. And they definitely do not taste good."
Ansom nodded. "Hmmm..." He chuckled. "So they are games in which you do not physically do anything and they do not taste good, nor do they make you drunk." He shook his head in disappointment. "They do not seem very fun."
Nonalaka said:
(Oh, okay ;u; Hmm, last thing I remember is that ansom left?, and moriko just sat there drinking her soda and waiting for his return. Or something.... do you want to continue?)
(Elizabeth came to the door, so Ansom needed to talk to her. He'll be back in a minute)
Blue kisses Daniel " lets go get some grub ! coffee stand near the library sound good ?" she said geting up winking at him and got dressed, her long chocolaty brown hair was in soft curs from being done up the night before

@AsongOfIceandFire )
AriaTheWatcher said:
Elizabeth sighs. "Well, technically you are physically doing something, it's hard to explain."
Ansom shrugged. "Okay...." He still did not understand. "Anyways...we can hang out later, I have company. Unless you want to come inside." He opened the door.
Ansom nodded and walked inside, closing the door behind him. "Moriko, this is Elizabeth. Elizabeth, Moriko." He nodded and sat on the couch.

"Its nice to meet you too Elizabeth!" she gave a small wave and a friendly smile to the girl.
Ansom watched the two in silence as they interacted. Maybe I can them both to join TeamKaos. He pondered to himself.
Draco, Wakes up and walks out of his cave in dragon form. He looks over the land and in the distance he sees a huge building. This is the school Draco goes to along with others of supernatural origin.

He raises his wings high into the air and takes of, going at breathtaking speed travels hundreds of miles in no time. When he got to school he went into his human from and walked comely towards school. He was hopping to bump into someone he knew.
"Ah, yes" she wasn't sure if that was the right answer, she didn't know him all that well... what if he got offended because he doesn't think they are friends? She pondered the thought in her head for a bit, then shrugging it off, she was sure he'd correct her if he thought different.
Ansom raised an eyebrow at Moriko's answer, but he stayed quiet. He drank the rest of the soda, the can disappearing. Friends everywhere I go. Great.
Elizabeth smiles, noticing Ansom's silence and being a bit confused by it, not letting it show. "So, do you go to this school?"
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