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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Ivan appears above The Watcher and his eyes widen. "MORE PRINCESSES!" Ivan begins to frolic amongst the crowd of Watchers. "Hi, how ya doing, I'm Ivan, nice to meet ya." He said as he went through the crowd.
Moriko finally arrived back to the school courtyard just in time, she wanted back before dark. "Huh for a school with so many people in it, the courtyard always seems to be empty" she thought to her self shrugging and kicking along a pebble on the ground, hands in her pockets. She wandered around checking on the tree she had healed earlier, it was now blooming with many white flowers, a sort of signature of her work almost, anything she used magic on seemed to grow these on them. "Nice and strong again aren't we~" she said patting the tree. She decided to take a rest sitting down on the grass half relaxing half looking around to see if something interesting was going on.
...♅Akira continued observing The Watcher, soon sighing out of boredom♅...

“ Now it's just boring.. ”
After a long slumber Draco felt like doing something that no one in the school ever seemed to ever do and went to class.

He went to History, a subject he was quite good in, seeing how he lived through a lot of it.

He found a seat close to the front and took out a note book and scribbled in it
Han sighed and glanced at Dylan. "Why would you regret telling me your weakness. Its not like we'd ever fight." He took out his phone and texted Daniel: Hey are you with Blue right now?

@Daniel reaver

Dylan smirked " cause i have a sick and twisted sense of humor" she said to him and and hopped on the ceramic horse " come on" she said patting the horse next to him
Sixxx said:
Blue is waiting for ansom to come(back on line ) and dylan is with Han at the merry go round
(( I'm just waiting for a reply from Dylan. :l ))


RomanTheFireGod said:
(( I'm just waiting for a reply from Dylan. :l ))
Walked over to the horse beside Dylan and hopped on slouching as he sat. "This is horribly uncomfortable. Why did I agree to this?" Han muttered as he repositioned himself multiple times. He then looked at Daniel's text and simply slipped his phone back into his pocket.
Vex shrugged and watched Mahiro as he followed behind him, his hands stuffed into his pants pockets as he looked around the store curiously. Amber hued optics scanned the contents Mahiro had placed into the basket curiously, before he directed his attention back to the random people they passed,"what's so great about this stuff that so many people have to have?" @LonelyAssassin
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Kaname was silent. Who was this Zero? Why was he after him? With a now raised brow and a still burning state of mind , Kaname merely huffed when his "father" was killed. He didnt care. Not after what his last words were to him. He hated him, despised him. With a shrug of his shoulders, Kaname turned his gaze to Mio. She had to witness something he never intended to do, to reveal. Growling under his breath in sheer disappointment and disbelief, Kaname rubbed at the back of his neck with his left hand. "Mio...you should probably stay away from me....before you end up like my mother. Hurt." Kaname then took her hand with the one of which he had soon dropped from his neck, to teleport both himself and Mio back into the courtyard, himself refusing to speak any further.

(Here it is.)
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](Here it is.)

Thanks ;.; ))

"You're crazy," Mio said, staring up at him with an unreadable expression. "You're mad....if you think witnessing that would cause me to leave. I do feel sorry for your mother, and I hope she feels better, but if I wasn't prepared to be hurt I wouldn't be standing here with you."
Han was still slouching looked at Dylan. He then stood up and grabbed Dylan's arm. "Lets go somewhere else, this place is killing my mood." He said as he ran.
...♆Kuroh soon woke up and went into a shower. Half an hour past and he exited the shower. He dried himself off and left the estate, walking through the barrier and into the forest. He was lost in a deep train of thought. He spoke, soon gritting his teeth afterwards♆...

“ I'm essentially all alone now.. ”

Dylan smiled " ok ok where are we going coffee boy" she said hooking her arm through his smiling up at him

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I walked into a cafe and sat down at a window seat as looked out the window as the waitress walked up "how may I help you today" she said with a smile "can I have a coffee" I said back while not looking at her as she walked away to get the coffee
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