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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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AriaTheWatcher said:
The Watcher smiles, putting his hand on Tasuke's shoulder. "No, you can't, because I'm going to kill that person, bye!" He says cheerfully, sending Tasuke to purgatory.
Tasuke jerks his shoulder away, "So I can't talk to him before he dies? Shame." Tasuke teleports and appears on the other side of the door, dusting himself off as he walks towards the dude sitting in the chair.
...♅Akira's grin slowly faded as he watched Tasuke teleporting into the room. He spoke as he observed The Watcher♅...

“ That was a bad idea. He's probably going to end you now. ”
"Uh sure, why not" she smiled or at least tried to smile she is terrified of the flying thing.
The Watcher frowns. "The hell?" He mumbles, shrugging. "Screw it, fourth ring of Hell here I come!" He says to himself, appearing outside of the throne room of the fourth ring of hell. "HELLO?!" He yells.
Tasuke walks up to the guy on the throne, his two guards walk up to Tasuke and he raises his hands, "I'm here to help you. I'm sure you know what happened to the first ring." The Guards backed away as the Ruler commanded and as he stood from his chair a hole appeared in his head, where he'd been shot. Blood spurted from it and he collapsed into his chair, blood leaked from his mouth and his head was ripped from the inside out suddenly, a red crystal crown forming from it.

"How Suitable." The Guards looked at Tasuke and went to attack him, but as their spears came to pierce his torso he jumped into the air and landed on the shaft of their weapons. Using it as a Platform he jumped off the spears and over their heads, shooting Ice spikes from his hands into their skulls as he passed over. He landed and walked over to the Rule placing his hand on the red crystal and began absorbing it back into his crystal heart.
He goes down fast towards the cave.

He then stopped right by the entrance.

There is a giant bolder in front of the cave, he moves it.

"Um well there is a small maze in there so follow closely" He goes back to human.

He walks in and the walls shine with florescence, the path in front seams to wined around and go deep in.

"Don't worry its easy to get out again."

Then walks in.
Ansom sighed after no one answered the door. "I guess no one is home." He shrugged and began to walk away.

Han approached the gates to the throne room. "Damn, how am I supposed to get in there. I am too weak to shadow travel." He sighed and sat down. "I guess I could ask Castiel to help me." He nodded and stood up, pulling his dagger from his belt. He ran the blade across his palm and used the blood to draw a pair of angel wings surrounded by a circle. He prepared to chant the words.
AriaTheWatcher said:
The Watcher sighs, tapping his foot angrily. "Come on, hurry the hell up..."
(Ha. The 'hell'.)

Tasuke threw the body off the throne and sat on it, relaxing, "Well this is nice." He created an Ice clone, "Go to the Third Ring. You know what to do." The Ice Clone nodded and disappeared to the Third Ring of Hell. Tasuke then slipped off the Throne onto the floor where he clapped his hands together and focused.
Han recited the angelic words which caused Castiel to appear in front of him, arms crossed. "What is it, dead boy." Castiel said, his voice void of all emotions. "Hey AriaTheWatcher, should I revive him?" The archangel asked, breaking the fourth wall in the process. Han's brow furrowed in confusion.
*is currently sleeping in Kuroh's dorm room while Add, Ciella, Emiko, and Shiroh are somewhere around the school*
The Watcher sighs angrily. "Are you the ruler of the fourth ring of hell?" He asks, seeming quite pissed off. (Wait wha? Me?...Uhh..._
Castiel rolled his eyes. "Yes, you Aria. Did I stutter?" He smiled before quickly returning to his blank face. Han clutched his head. "Who the hell are you talking to?" The demon asked. Castiel shook his head. "Hurry and answer."

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"And all it's entirety. Yes." She said. Esh snapped her fingers and a piece of paper appeared and glowed. "So you're the Watcher huh? Must be another name for voyeur."
"Uhm okay"

Moriko follows close behind trying not to trip on any cave rubble

"So, you live here?"
Tasuke appeared in the Throne room of the Third Ring straight away, passed the doors, there were a lot more Guards this time. But they are easily dealt with. The first couple came at him with swords, one of the guards fell to the Ice spikes from the ground whereas the other fell to Tasuke's reflex, dodging the sword and making a fatal blow with his Ice Blade. The Next Couple of Guards took Ice spikes to their chest. The next set at least had some kind of skill, defending against a barrage of spikes and attacks with the sword, but he eventually made them impale each other with their spears. Tasuke faced the Ruler of this sector and bowed,

"The Apocalypse is Nigh." He raised his gaze to meet the Ruler's and his eyes flashed, the same happened to him that happened to the other, a red crystal crown formed from within his head. Which Tasuke Absorbed.
"well yes, but for me that is the way I like it. Its a nice place for a dragon." He takes a few right turns and a left. "just around here"

A massive pile of silver, gold, ruby's, emeralds, swords, cups made from platinum and engraved with silver necklace of pure beauty that of witch you had never seen. Three pillars of pure marble stood in the back and the walls were draped with beautiful banners.

There were rows of book cases lining the walls and hundreds of books every were.
Kiyoshi looked around the school yard with an aggravated sigh. "It's so empty..." He sighed and rubbed his neck again, looking around with orange irises dulled in irritation.
The Watcher sighs. "Good, I have a few questions to ask you before I finish destroying hell." A clipboard appears in The Watcher's hand. "I would like you to answer them quickly and concisely, otherwise you die a quick and painful death." He says calmly. (Wh-uh-I DON'T KNOW!!!)
Castiel sighed. "Of course you don't." He shrugged and opened a portal. "Since she did not answer, I shall not help you. Try and get Esh to help you. I doubt she will because of your history, but you are the father of her daughter so maybe she will help you." He waved and left. Han sat, his mouth wide open. "Who the hell is Aria?" Han mumbled before standing up. "ESH!" He called out.
(( My post are stupid slow today, sorry ))

Han was dragged to the marry go round. "Are you serious, even kids hate this thing. I think, I can't really relate to them." He sat on a horse frowning. "This sucks."

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