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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Sorry I made you think about it..." Slaxt says while looking down
Elizabeth smiles, remembering the exact path they had originally taken to get to her house and she led Han back to exactly where they had arrived the first time in FalconReach.
Han smiled. "Nice memory." He began to look around. "I'm going to get something to eat while you shop. Sound good?" He began to walk towards the food vendors, not waiting for Elizabeth's answer.
''I know I'm not..."she huffed then sat on the ground like a large dog as she glared slightly while looking around the courtyard ''Why do you come out here anyway....?"
Elizabeth shrugs and starts walking toward potion and weapon venders, checking out what they were selling and trying to decide what to buy. Haiiro starts stumbling around in the darkness, looking for the light switch.
Han ordered a pizza and sat down at a table. People waved as they passed by and Han gave the children different sweets and treats. He smiled and began to eat his pizza. A Dr Pepper appeared on the table and he began to guzzle it down.
Danny made his way into the darkness and found a good hiding spot, he to noticed the switch was near her on the other side of the room. He made a shadow hand turn it on and continued hiding.
Haiiro sighed angrily, tripping over a trapdoor which opened, leading to a staircase. "Finally!" She says angrily, walking down the pitch black staircase. For some reson the light from the warehouse didnt affect the light in the stairway. Elizabeth sighs, she hadn't found anything she wanted to buy. She starts walking around, looking for Han.
"Well you want to do something to get our mind off of this" Slaxt said getting up
Han finished his pizza and began to talk to a family of four. He listened to their wishes and he even granted a few of the smaller ones. They thanked Han and headed back to their house. Han waved and leaned back in his chair.
Elizabeth eventually found Han and smiled, walking over to him. "I didn't find anything I wanted to buy. I was kinda interested in the potions, but I didn't have any idea what they did." She says calmly, seeming a bit tired.
"Meh. I don't like to kick people out" Slaxt said getting a muffin
Han laughed and stood up. "They sell many weird items." He hooked his arm with Elizabeth's. "Do you want to go back to the house or what?" He asked.
Elizabeth shrugged. "I dont have much to do, so yeah. Oh, and by the way, I still owe you since you beat me in that drinking contest."
Han shrugged and they appeared on the couch, scaring Michael in the process. "I know but I don't know what to make you do." He smiled and put his feet up on the table. His wings folded up on his back.
Han rolled his eyes. "What I meant to say, Mrs. Chuckles, is that I do not wish to embarrass you." He smiled. "So, you better stop laughing before I strap you to the flag pole outside with no clothes on." He began to stroke Michael.
Elizabeth quickly stops laughing, not wanting Han to do that. She decided to put her plan into play. "Hey Han, why don't we play truth or dare?" She asks, hoping he agrees to play truth or dare with her. She had two reasons, one was so that she could get one question that was important answered, and the second reson is because she wanted to see what would happen.
Han shrugged. "Sure. I suck at the game but whatever." He laughed. Raphael trotted in from another room and settled on Han's lap. "Ah, my Archangel Fox! When did you get here?" He picked Raphael up and rubbed their noses together before setting him back down.
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