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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han looked at Haiiro. "I would love to go back, but I don't think I can take us." Han couldn't have even taken one of them, let alone both of them. "I don't have any power left."

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Nenma smiled. "You had me at fighter!" He said and rushed in with a round house aimed at his opponents head. (Let's see how he reacts to this attack.") Nenma thought to himself.
Haiiro smiles. "Just use my power, I'll be fine." She says calmly.

[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Nenma smiled. "You had me at fighter!" He said and rushed in with a round house aimed at his opponents head. (Let's see how he reacts to this attack.") Nenma thought to himself.

The Watcher fades away and two of him appear behind Nenma, pushing him. "Too easy." They say in unison.

Samus said:
Tao sees Jax. "Hey!" She runs up and hugs and kisses him.
Jax smiles, a little surprised but still glad to see Tao. "I missed you Tao." He says before kissing her.
As Slaxt walks in he sees 3 other people on the roof... 2 of them looks exactly alike so he thinks they're twins bullying a defenseless guy
Slaxt watches in amusement on how the blond guy is fighting.
"Ok..." Han grabs Haiiro's shoulder and concentrates. "Alright let's go." The cave around then began to fade and the school courtyard came into view. "Thanks. I can already feel my power coming back." He punches a column and cracks appear around the area he punched. "Oh yea, this feels much better."
Slaxt walks away to courtyard as the two people on the roof are fighting
"It's been a while since I last seen you. You, Elizabeth, and the Watcher." She shrugs. "I haven't been out of the house lately so..."
"Everyone. Our time is now. I understand you guys are... skeptical... and I understand. We all might die here, but... we can't go back. We have made it too far, and... I just.... we need to do this. I may be betraying my family, not you guys... but the ones at the town... but... I put too much effort into this. We have our air support back... so that's good. Remember the mission. Eliminate all. No prisoners. No demons alive. None." John walks along a flat plain, away from the town. His small group of soldiers by his side, and several fighters with a ribbon insignia on the tail. Several vehicles could be seen nearby.

Mobius one was over the skies, scouting. He felt... strange... so this is what we fought for... "I'm diving down now." His plane starts to dip, heading toward he ground at a fast pace.
As Slaxt walks into the courtyard he is amazed on how bright and beautiful earth is he turns around and sees a guy and a girl so he walks over to greet them. "Hi! I'm Slaxt nice to meet you what's your name?"
(It's fine, just wanted to make sure.) Haiiro turns around to face Slaxt, not having expected anyone to pay them any attention. "Hello, my name is Haiiro, and I am the goddess of destruction, chaos, and insanity. It is nice to meet you Slaxt."
"This is for all our friends and comrades who died!!! The first attack was a mistake... but he had... killed them... we..." He wipes tears from his eyes, and looks back up, determined. "We have to make them remember us!!!" He approaches the watchers base, and charges along with his soldiers, jets flying overhead.
The Watcher pulls out a phone, pressing a few buttons and in the blink of an eye his base is gone, as if it never even existed. "Almost forgot...if anyone found that place it would end badly..." He mutters to himself.
"G-g-goddes?!?" Slaxt was stunned... He then quickly recovers from it and kneels down "sorry for the disrespect please don't hurt me I'll give you muffins" Slaxt then pulls out a muffin
Han looked at the man. "Umm...hello." He looks back at Haiiro. "Look, I gotta go. I'll see you later."
Haiiro sighs, thinking to herself what a typical response that was. "Oh stop grovelin' already. I don't care about whether people respect me or not, although that muffin does look good...Just great, another person who fears me because of what I am..." Haiiro turns to Han and says, "Alright, but be careful, if you get hurt I'll find you...somehow...that came out wrong..."
It suddenly disappears, John yelling in frustration. "Lets find him then... we will slaughter him... Mobius... go to the city, and-" He stops there reconsidering his decisions, sighing. "Go with your squad, and-and start to attack the city. This time, no causalities. Just lure him out. We will meet you there."

"What... the..." He stares awkwardly at the signal John had sent, and takes a minute to process it. "He wants us to..."
"Wait sir!" *grabs his arm* "I need "to ask you a question!"
Han looks at where the kid grabbed him. "What is it?" He was refraining himself from lunging at the boy. "Quickly now."
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